Overhaul of Jade Empire's GUI. It become more consistent and optimized for wide screen.
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Version 1.07
Some adjustments and redesigning options screens.
Version 1.06.2
HOT FIX : Fix weird option sub menus if the option 's called from Main Menu
Version 1.06.1
Fix the text collision between style tab's title and style name on style info/upgrade page.
Cleaner Target's Health bar
Version 1.06
Brighter top of screens, disabling in game menu tab, only darken the tab now, instead of all parts of top screeens.
Redesign some screens. v1.06 is overhaul of UI Overhaul Mods.
Make health bar cleaner.
Version 1.05
New Load Games and Save Game screens.
Realign of all screens to make them more consistent of dimensions and positions of the images and texts in them.
Retouch the ornament background to remove hard edges.
Version 1.04.3
Updating Jade Master page
Realign some pages
Version 1.04.2
Polished some screen's components: Henchmen selection, Style Upgrade screen, Main game screen, map, etc.
New LoadScreens are updated up to Tien Landing (Chapter 3)
Version 1.04.1
The no edge minigame 's now officially included into the mods
Starting to add some loadscreens.
Version 1.04
- Officially now, Mind is back to yellow, so I deleted the optional file that did it before for 1.03 - Adding very unpopular death screen.