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About this mod

Replaces in-game map textures with HD replacements.

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This mod replaces the in-game map textures with upscaled HD replacements.
These new textures stay true to the original art style while also breathing new and unique AI assisted life into the UI.

Most original map textures ranged between 256x256 up to 512x512.
This mod takes those textures and intelligently upscales them adding new detail never seen before.

Most textures in the pack are 2048x2048. Any higher was overkill due to how small the in-game map really is, as well as the fact that AI can only take a texture so far before it starts breaking.


1. First, locate the "override" folder. You'll be placing the mod files in here.
The folder is usually located in one of these places, (depending on where you bought the game):

Steam:C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Jade Empire\override
GOG.com:C:\GOG Games\Jade Empire\override
Origin:C:\Program Files\Origin Games\Jade Empire\override

Paste all files from Jade Empire HD Map Pack.rar into the"override"  folder.

3. Inside that folder, BACKUP! After you've done that delete all of the relevnt "ui_A*******.txb" files.
("ui_A010_Town.txb" is the first map file to be deleted and "ui_A701_Palace.txb" is the last.
Sort the override folder by name to make sure you delete them correctly.
If any "ui_A*******.txb" map files remain, they will override the new .tga modded files.

Alternatively you can skip step 3 and then use the "Auto remove and backup TXB files" software provided by Dunde


1. I would like to revisit this pack one day with a skilled artist who could redesign them from scratch, hopefully with the upscaling being used as a guide.
2. If someone finds a way to repackage .tga files back into a .txb container that the game can understand, let me know in the comments of this download.