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Vanilla Spice Homlalocephale "Nemegt Natural"
This is the first released mod I've ever made and I couldn't do it without Davianortis'
model work and putting up with my perfectionism <3, I hope you all like this. This is not
intended to be 100% paleo, rather than a living artistic "sculpture" based on Homalocephale.
I chose to make Homalo my first because of it's lack of any paleo edits or mods in general.
The color was inspired initially inspired by Jack Wood on @thewoodparable's fantastic art.
I went off the rails with stripes, patterns, and such. I wanted complete control over the
generated skins, BUT, I instead went with injecting over 400 FGMs across JWE's dinosaur
line-up, got some great results! This is "Negemnt Natural" and so the 4 skins here are
"Alpha's and Elderly". I wanted the males and females to contrast heavily, with their
distracting stripes and small size, it was perfect for a small, pretty defenseless herbivore.
Hope you all like it!

Special thanks to Mecha for his JPOG Homalo sound mod. I absolutely adore it!

P.S I absolutely encourage user uploaded pictures!!! I didn't have time to really do the best there.
Data key
homalocephale_variant_01 = Jungle
homalocephale_variant_02 = Rainforest
homalocephale_variant_03 = Steppe
homalocephale_variant_04 = Wetland
homalocephale_variant_05 = Alpine
Hatchery Order
Alpine -------> "Elder Female"
Rainforest --> "Alpha Male"
Jungle -------> "Female"
Steppe ------> "Alpha Female"
Wetland ----> "Elder Male"
Order of FGM data 01,02,03, etc.
Jungle (01) -------> "Female"
Rainforest (02) --> "Alpha Male"
Steppe (03) -------> "Alpha Female"
Wetland (04) -----> "Old Male
Alpine(05) --------> "Old Female"
FGM data used
"Nemegt Natural"
1 - velo (male) 03 "Female"
2 - homalo (default) 01 "Alpha Male"
3 - homalo (3) 05 "Alpha Female"
4 - cerato 03 "Old Male"
5 - nasuto 03 "Old Female"