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ElgarL and SCARaw

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  1. Vareli
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    This mod fixed my finances and saved my marriage!

    Thanks Scar!

    On a more serious note...

    This mod combined with his PSO mod (particle system) reduced load times and made changing areas much smoother. Less lag from particles as well.

    Highly recommend both.
  2. adolf1942
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for the great mod. I accidentally did the mesh update twice, will that be okay?
    1. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      No problem
      all off mine bat script-based mods ware designed to be accidentally (or not) used multiple times in any order you want
      one time is okey, additional usage will not increase performance, it will also not break anything (mesh will be found, version will be seen and not changed if its up to date)
  3. CrazykingX
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I have no idea what kind of program this is, but it’s pure magic!

    I modded Kenshi quite heavily, which made loading times painfully long, though my PC managed to handle it — barely.

    But things went south when I needed to import my saves. The game just refused to cooperate, crashing to the desktop with error messages every time.

    This program fixed everything. I don’t know how or why, but it’s an absolute lifesaver.
    Author, you’re a wizard. Wishing you all the health and happiness in the world!
  4. Negary
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I’m using your PSO and performance mod, and it worked well with the GOG version. However, I encountered an error with the following message for this mod:
    Could not find the Kenshi executable. Please ensure the Updater is placed inside the Kenshi installation directory.

    Could you advise on how to resolve this? Thank you!

    Nvm, I created a subfolder inside the kenshi folder and ran the .bat there and it works perfectly
    1. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      Mesh updater should come with the folder for itself
      to keep it clean and easy to manage for people

      • i wasn't comfortable with placing 10 files right next to kenshi.exe for players

  5. CrunkAintDead
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Hey Scar fellow modder here, been trying to track down a source of a crash for a while. It seems my game crashes whenever it loads either position.mesh or rotate.mesh.

    14:53:50: Mesh: Loading position.mesh.
    14:53:50: Mesh: Loading rotate.mesh.

    checked my entire mod folder and I have no other mod which touches these.
    1. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      you can try restore original files and redo the mod
      or try without redoing the mod to see if situation will repeat if you suspect this mod
      for me it does not crash, however that does not sound like solution to your problem xD
    2. CrunkAintDead
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      revalidated my game files and did a fresh install of pso, performance fix, and this. will let you know if it happens again.
  6. rapotaku
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    ty as always! One thing I realized, I had a long run save with tons of mods I gave up a while ago due to constant crashing. But when I use your mesh updater on both vanilla and steam files, it stops crashing! Stops crashing for the next 10 reloads or so, then it starts crashing again, use your updater, it stops again for a while...on loop basically. Would you know what might be happening? But I can finally play with my old save thx to this!
    1. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      i think steam updates your mods with the broken versions never tested or adapted by mod authors?
      im not sure why you agree to it
      all you need to do is to be ultra selective with your modlist and use the mods in /mods folder for new things bcs that way you can at least fix them permanently and control what is inside with FCS and update when you want to

      This mod can't deinstall your steam and teach you to run kenshi from exe to prevent it from updating your mods....
      i believe i can't be blamed for it tho xD
      i didn't had updating mods issue on steam with it, but i used mostly my own mods and they ware mesh updated before upload

      • i hate turning mod users into beta testers so i always do best i can to make s#*! as good as i can/know how

    2. rapotaku
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      your updater fixes something that is broken in the steam mods to begin with.
      But steam downloads the broken part again in the background, since I start playing by clicking play on steam menu
      >causing steam to download the broken part again which your updater fixed initially.
      this is what I had on loop.

      to prevent this I have to use your updater which fixes whatever is broken
      and after that, use only the exe to start the game outside of steam, so steam stops verifying its modlist and doesn't replace the fixed part again with the broken one.
      Am I getting that right?^^;;
    3. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      you see if you start the game from the Exe

      • your mods from steam will not load at all
      there is a way to make them load:

      • you have to download the mod
      • find it in steam/workshop/content/238868?/mod id
      • move it to kenshi/mods
      • rename it to make folder name match the mod name
      • check if its displayed in kenshi.exe launcher
      • REPEAT until all your mods are there xD
      its a solution, but quite hard one
      i made this guide not so long ago that describe just that
    4. rapotaku
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      ok thx... I guess I do that for my next play through to have a more stable and controllable environment, since right now on my mod heavy play through I have like 100+ mods active. . But as I said I can play the save now thx to your mod, so all I have to do is reapply your updater every few days or so when it starts crashing again^^
  7. Avanairn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After installing this mod I can't launch my save. In Kenshi.log, the final error is always the same - 17:44:13: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Couldn't read 16 bit header value from input stream. (unit_sphere.mesh) in Serializer::determineEndianness at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreSerializer.cpp (line 76)
    1. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      maybe the sphere mesh was damaged?
      also unit sphrere is vanilla mesh and it works for me

      imo best solution i see:
      Validate File integrity and let it restore sphere
      Run the engine mesh updater again
      play the game

      Eventually use PerformanceFix instead, you still need to verify files beforehand
      but it does have slowdown script in place to prevent this type of damage (to some extend, i can't stop users from using pc or running things in background)
  8. cliuto
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, how can i uninstall this?
    1. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      verify integrity of files for steam version or GoG galaxy
    2. cliuto
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you I was just having lots of crashes lately and had to reinstall and remove some mods.  
    3. KodiSky
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Animation mods are often the biggest culprit of crashes from experience, there is a mod to make fix that though, for the most part.
  9. Alkaris1313
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    May I inquire if this updater could be a reason for steam to deload other affected mods or deloading is an ordinary issue there and it was a coincidence?

    I don't want to manually relocate and rename hundreds of mods ever again...
    I made a backup of the whole mod folder, but unpacking around 25gb every launch may be a bit inconvenient.
    1. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      i got no idea what you talking about
      also why you need 25gb of mods for???
      most of people i knew who tested the mod don't cross 1GB
  10. Uv3nemsis
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Did a fresh install of the game but the updatemesh.bat wont run. any clues why?

    It says its not finding the Kenshi.exe
    "Could not find the kenshi executable, make sure to place Updater inside Kenshi location
    something fucked"
    1. SCARaw
      • premium
      • 237 kudos
      ahh yes, my amazing error code
      something fucked

      So you need to place entire folder on top of kenshi.exe
      New Version is all about clean folder management
      so you will have all resources for mesh updater in 1 folder instead of weirdly spread around kenshi.exe
    2. Uv3nemsis
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      That worked.
      Ran the program form the folder within Kenshi :-)
  11. cheytac07
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Man I love you so much. I downloaded your mods and installed pretty easily thanks to you and now my game runs soo much better. Thank you for your work. Really.