These are "topographic" variations. They're labeled with "Tpg" in downloads section. It's brighter on higher elevation and darker on lower. And it's got a slight outlines going around terrain which is not very noticeable at this size. You can always check more screenshots on steam workshop if you're curious.
Like GH6CTG's post made over a year ago, I was disappointed to find there is no roads version with without zone outlines. I like the vanilla map, but continue to use this mod just for the road visibility.
After viewing the images and reading the descriptions of each file, I'm still confused about which files describe which maps. It would be greatly helpful if the images were labelled to prevent uncertainty.
Then the files that AREN'T labeled topographic are actually the ones WITH the topographic features. the...topography.
Am i missing something?
It's brighter on higher elevation and darker on lower. And it's got a slight outlines going around terrain which is not very noticeable at this size.
You can always check more screenshots on steam workshop if you're curious.
Here they are on image hoster:
You can also preview full maps without booting game by opening .dds file
Here they are in this post:
The hi-def looking ones or the washed out paper map like one?
Would be nice if the images were labeled...