About this mod
A small Armour set for my personal faction in my Game. just some stat and description changes as I don't know how to make custom models.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
The set takes a Level IV research bench to unlock and some extra materials.
(as a side I do have Lore for personal faction I use the set on, will add if requested just need to write it all down.)
as requested, the lore shale be written. I will do this in parts as its easier for me.
- less then humble origins -
The Soldiers started as a small group of unknown merchants, practiced thieves and new members of the Traders Guild; Once farmers now their home in ruins. After long travel the soldiers found themselves in horror that the United Cities they once held up in high regard as the only nation that may stop The Holy Nations madness. not only conscripting its soldiers but also openly practiced slavery, the group realized that the Empire was just as bad as the Holy Nation.
Knowing that they were an small unarmed, unskilled group they knew nothing the could do would actually make an impact. so they decided that staying in the Empire and joining the Shinobi, learning from and using what they offer to would allow them to cause enough nuisance to the Empire and maybe weaken it. A small thing but it made them feel better about themselves, thinking that maybe they were helping the larger rebel factions stop the Empire.