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Created by
SCARawUploaded by
SCARawVirus scan
About this mod
Have you ever noticed that whenever you have a guard, patron or anybody idle, they just stand like total brick 40 hours, and they don't even so much as scratch their own nose? This is because most animations have 1 frame and nothing going on within. My mod aims to change this up. Please consider checking the mod out.
- Requirements
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes Equinox Overhaul and Immersive Non-Combat Animation Patch Load this mod first Robotics Limb Base Skeletons and Immersive Non-Combat Animations patch Load this mod second, then the patch - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
- Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
Animations by SCARaw
licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
You should have received a copy of the license along with this
work. If not, see <>.
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
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Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit with link to Author profile, provide the license file, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licencor endorses you or your use.
You may not offer or impose any additional or different terms or conditions on, or apply any Effective Technological Measures to, Adapted Material that restrict exercise of the rights granted under the Adapter's License You apply.
File credits
Huge Thanks to BaronGorax for his patience and all the advises tips and time to help me with my blender adventures.
Thanks to Azazellz for linking me couple of useful tutorials for blender and advises
Thanks to Syvanna the Buccaneer for guiding me thru setup blender and all the plugins with her patience
Giant Thanks to my sitting consultants for all the advice's, cheers, photos and images to made this animation and pose great.
Thanks to Smol Tholothian for all nice screenshots i added here to present my mod.
Thanks to Hugo the Dwarf for small blender advice's (was great help in updating my animation and saved me a lot of nerves and prob hour of animating)
Thanks to Atlas for advice about mod re-branding - changing name for all files and descriptions efficiently.
Thanks to Jannifer for help in cleaning my wording and punctuation in the description, i appreciate it a lot!
Thanks to Kenshi Community for all the support and cheers when going thru this nightmare, it was hell, but easier with you :).
Donation Points system
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- Mirrors
- Changelogs
Version 2.7.3
- user "Bison" mentioned the issue where queens of hive ware unable to sit on thrones
- i get there not that long ago to make PSO playtests
- and queen greeted me standing - i decided to shrug it off as sign of respect, i was causing troubles around south hive so she prob stand up for combat position
- anyway issue was related to hive queens having signed male skeletons and game getting a bit confused with my new animations
- Now queen chair exclusively use regular sitting animations :)
- also on funny note: 'Bison" nickname (he used pictograms) completely broke nexus submission and left me in insane panic for what the hell update don't update xD
Version 2.7.2
- Quality insurance update 2.7.2 :)
- This version provide missing animation files to Cannibal Scavs, fogmans and HIVE QUEEN among other previously left out races...
- update provide even distribution of animation sets across all in-game accessible races excluding duplicated alpha fishman (its not used for now by the game)
- However evenly not used for now by vanilla game Cannibals scavs got their animation set!
- its quite complicated, all you need to know is that 2.7.2 apply some minor logic to ensure correct positions for races with big, long or quirky heads
- it also put most skeletons to lie on their back, questionable but scarry for screamers, maybe effective visual over logic of robotic paranoia?
- Anyway i tried to provide quality update to inca and ensure immersion stay in the mod even if players start digging deeper or get funky races you are not supposed to have
- have fun playing the game and thanks!
Version 2.7.1
- During the final pre-release tests
- Greenlander i chose to test animations had 50/50 to sit on Throne - non bugged or sit on Chair - bugged
- he rolled the throne - sneaking itself past the playtests
- Bar didn't had any actively sitting on chair greenlanders or shek to notice the bug
- i was unaware of the error XD because i didn't do almst anything to fix it (blender file looks identical)
- it was more of an Export error, but i just exported the project again into kenshi format
- tested it to ensure it works
- Good thing about my Optimized compatibility structure is that i can TEST 1 single part at the time to ensure its good
- and i don't have to rework entire Set when something is broken :)
Version 2.6
- for start i found interesting bug: basically a lot of animation data is copy-paste of itself with little adaptation to the engine itself
- This time i fiixed the reverse loop problem of sleeping animations which will improve movement flow for all sleeping characters
- i also increased sleeping animation speed barely so any leg movement will look more energy-efficient
- both of the changes together make sleeping animations more charming and less jagged which calms my soul :)
- Mod reverse Set diversification of the animation sets that are in the mod
- that change was made to fool people into thinking inner societies of Shek/holy nation use diverse poses for sitting/sleeping
- it wasn't optimal solution, but would not fool anybody looking closely and people who did not care much, didn't care for it change xD
- i have my own prototype for individualization of characters in plan that if i finally made it to work, could be much better alternative
- Mod also introduce Normalization of multi-platform release Steam/Nexus so all the nexus junk is on steam release and all the steam junk is on nexus release
- Major change in it: if you visit the Steam page: you can see Steam have the Image logo of my Girl Sarah Sitting comfy on a pillow
- now Nexus version of the mod will have it too (this is why mod is 300kb heavier - sorry)
- this is pretty much it
Version 2.5
- Added new animation fix for female characters
- Both Animation set got the same fix
- instead of trusting themselves thru the chest, character will now gently place their hand under the left breast, lifting the boob a little
- Animation should be seen clearly in comparition screenshot (final pose) or in video
- This fix took me quite sometime to make, but i believe you should like it
- i m proud of the results!
- on top of that, mod have clean exports making it faster than 2.4 (honestly there is nothing i can gain, this files was already crazy optimized)
- Walking animation really got me stuck, Kenshi models don't have enough bones to support my animations and i lack experience to make up for it, i will try my best to progress!
- Thanks for giving my mod a chance!
Version 2.4
- Female animation Set 2 created and completed, more humble in style, but very charming
- changes made: culturally diverse animation selector - small idea to improve immersion within same faction by mixing their styles
- Improved sitting idle animation for both genders in set 2, now it has 311 frames (270 in past) and change-up movement is also balanced now
- Brand new Sitting chair animation for woman in Set 2 (130 frames, balanced, charming movement in believable pace)
- Sleeping and Sitting throne animation adapted from Male sets to add immersion without making this update in next half year xD
- Mod contain all the improvements made on previous versions
Version 2.2b
- Hotfix for crashing upon loading heavy interiors (i personally never had them in both kenshi instance, sorry for inconveniences)
- there was a bug where game Closed itself to desktop when loading too many people in passive animations
- Slightly improved application method to make it load faster and better for the engine
- any crashes related to IN-CA should be gone for good!
- thanks for trying my mod
Version 2.2
- Fix for male set 2 sleeping animation
- entire animation was redo and re-positioned, arm is no longer twisted and will present itself more naturally
- movement changed (it is sleeping animation so don't expect anything crazy) to make more bodyparts change position
- sleeping position and location changed as well as overall presence of sleeping character
- Fix for Hand2Head female and both male
- Fixed the name index of animation to make it playable
- fixed the animation itself to make sure it will have contact with heads, but will not clip thru them
- there will be screenshot for better visualization, this part was major time waster in the project
- Removed "morpheus", there was no reason to make people load it since it is impossible to add tools to sleeping
- for now it will rest in "backups and resources" waiting for new discoveries, but most likely collecting dust
- Optimization for loading animations and merging them with character
- Optimization for resources and workflow of the project
- i switched every single mesh in default mod for real in-game meshes of scorchlanders and greenlanders
- most animations never do that that's why they always have multiple things off (specially hands)
- i had to rename every single animation in the project (20 per set for now, even if ready to use are sadly less)
Version 2.1
- Added new Animation Hand2Head for Female and both male sets
- animation is played when character is wounded in the head
- in vanilla characters made megafacepalm or slam their hand deep inside their own skulls
- My animation made it lie on forehead
- Added new animation for Male set 1: sitting chair to make it different than set 2
- New animation have 105 frames and is very timid in movement to make it look immersive
- Character sit with foot flat on the floor and do just basic movement sometimes switching pose to be more forward and relaxed
- Fix for sleeping bed Set 2:
- added more frames to make full loop
- Behind the scenes optimizations and changes:
- Added (wip) object de-linked in the game called "Morpheus"
- This thing once done should make your character have covered (closed) eyes when they sleep
- for now i m stuck at making it work, but i m in good faith
- Changed the name of animation files and skeleton files to make them easier to recognize and work on them
- Optimized process of transferring animations between the sets
- Shaved Skeleton files a little bit more to make them even faster to load
- Changed FCS description to make it smaller and not clog your entire screen when you bring mouse on it!
- Thank you for trying my mod!
Version 2.0b
- Fixed the error where shopkeeper stance was selectable by the player
- sorry for 2 hot fixes from release XDD
- i will try to crunch myself less for release and just release when ready
Version 2.0a
- Hotfix for female sitting throne
- leg now rest on the throne with slightly bend feet
- this should lower clipping and make all the races sit nicely with it
- pose is more elegant compared to thuggish one, but better overall
- arm movement was optimized to avoid clipping and fit to new pose
Version 2.0
- UPDATES for existing animations:
- Female sitting:
- leg finally rest on the floor
- Animation extended to 100 frames and movement is more fluid
- position of both hands is improved
- movement of hip, foreleg, feet and toes is slightly improved
- Head movement and leg position is slightly improved
- All sleeping animations: playspeed increased by 1000% - now animations should be barely noticeable without watching people sleep for hours
- sitting floor - no changes what so ever xD - honestly they ware good enough
- Male sitting;
- number of frames increased to 105
- left arm pulled back should no longer clip with other arm
- better positions for arms
- IN-CA set 1
- Idle stance for shop keepers - 200 frames of dynamic movement
- Sitting throne - 200 frames of timid movement
- In-CA set 2
- New Animations mainly for most skeletons (excluding basic model and screamers - they imitate humans)
- own unique sitting throne animation
- own unique sitting pillow animation
- own unique sleeping animation
- due to lack of good ideas i had to cut corner on unique sitting and used one from 1st set (it was better than alternatives and i wasn't happy with publishing bad animations)
- Optimizations for version 1.7 cause all compatibility patches to work with 2.0
- Have fun playing and thanks for trying my mod!
Version 1.7
- in this version i focused mostly on technical improvements outside the game
- Animation package was redone to make it easier for custom patches to work/be implemented
- better and more standardized method of key-registering was used (probably will not make difference, but technically it's better that way)
- Changes inside the mod:
- Sitting animation is 40% more dynamic, this should make characters less robotic and movement more believable
- Sitting animation for female:
- Better setup for left arm, easy to spot if you look close, but hard to note from distance
- better setup and movement for legs and toes - i would never believe myself that i will be editing sitting animation for believable toes movement using barely functional kenshi bones...
- Sitting position overall should look slightly better
- Male sitting animation:
- should be 40% more dynamic and less robotic as well
- i m not 100% sure how kenshi handle frames transition with increased speed (there is very small change in arm position to avoid clipping and what worked in slower moveset might not always be ideal for characters with long arms in current version)
- i consider making both animations longer and more calm in movement (add idle spots where character just sit tight and wait for couple of seconds or take a break from regular animation to switch moveset)
- Thanks for checking my mod and have fun
Version 1.6
- Sitting animation:
- Female
- better position on chair
- better leg movement
- now with small toes movement - i feel embarrassed when mentioning it xD
- Male:
- Fixed HEAD position all bones are connected so when i was fixing everything in prev version i oversight it by couple degrees
- better feet movement when idle on chair,
- Sleeping animation:
- better location and less clunkyness when waking up (we are still in kenshi engine so i can't do miracles, its just feel less junk)
- Sitting pillow:
- no changes
- Added support for 6 playable hive races:
- Skeletons will receive their own animations in future with special "human-like" for our favorite impostors xD
- Honestly rn i m doing tons of testing and re-making all animations to make sure nothing will bug out when i add more of them so i can't show a lot
- Have fun playing - i have more fun using my mod than working on it to be honest xD
Version 1.5
- i was working on it over entire past week everyday to make it happen:
- Technical merge all poses into 1 file
- Whole mod is like 15x lighter! will load faster, work smother and be better
- Sitting pillow animation FIX! no more melting into the floor!
- i was pixel perfect working nights and after work day after day to finally be happy with results
- Female animation:
- Realistic head movement
- better legs movement
- toes move better
- arms lies perfectly one of the surface of the furniture other one on leg with no clipping
- leg was rotated to look more natural
- frames counter increased to 60 to achieve it (close to male 65 frames)
- Sleeping animation extended to full 60 frames and improved to be make moves more lazy like for a sleeping person
- head and neck was made to fit perfectly with arm to make it look more like sleeping or at least resting
- Sleeping animation applied to all races
- Male stting:
- locations of hands improved to fit better
- posture improved
Version 1.4
- i placed all animations in "resources" folder for convenience
- i keep sleeping animation as they ware, i have plans to improve them, but it will require some efforts in areas i m yet to gain more skills
- Male animation was improved a lot:
- increased number of regular loops to make scratching occur more occasionally and natural
- fixed male sitting spot to sit more in central/front side of the chairs and objects
- number of frames was increased to 65 (they are not frames like gameplay fpses, don't worry, its 65 "poses" made 1 after another to imitate movement)
- Male sitting animation are basically tri sub-sequences of movements playing one on another (it should be pretty well describe on one of the screens)
- Female Animation was changed too:
- legs cross better - it was hard to do without breaking anything on causing clipping thru the chair, but blender skills getting better :)
- 1 arm rest on the top leg and other closer to body
- posture was slightly improved to look less stiff
- number of frames was doubled and i basically added two layouts of movement on top of basic one that was presented
- i wanted to made head movement more lively, but i prob overdid it and might need another update there, just was too busy fighting procrastination and spotted it in-game when was too late xD
- good update overall and hope you will enjoy it
Version 1.3
- I promised you changelog and now i have to deliver:
- This is big package that contain all my work nicely packed for your comfort and because i wanna make my mod look more professionally made.
- Main file will be always named 1.X (1.3 for current version) and optional files for people who just like specific animations 1.3.0/1.3.1/1.3.2...
- Current build contain:
- Shek sleeping animation for males and females, nicely put together to reduce loading times when you start the game.
- Sitting animation with unique movement for:
- Shek, Greenlanders and Scorchlanders
- Unique for each gender and created with carefully crafted loop
- Female Animation was based on my Friend sitting style with her approval at the end (i don't have stamp, but might hunt for old messages or ask for new one)
- Male Animation was based on usual person, sitting somewhere with realistic movement for person who just trying to chill or wait.
- mentioned animations was also packed together to reduce loading times to minimum.
- Hivers don't have feets or fingers to play with during sitting and Skeletons have no reason to do "fleshy waste of energy", but will see if there will be good idea for them and demand from community.
- Thanks for reading about my mod and i hope you will give it a try, have fun playing!
Version 1.2.1
- This mod change sleeping position for males and females shek
- Horns don't go thru bed which was my major issue with vanilla pose
- 1 frame pose was changed with 50 frames of finesse movement with vanilla breathing animation on top of that
- Female pose is nearly total perfection!
- Male with 100 stats is not that great, but its nearly perfect
- You have a lot of screenshots to judge by yourself
- please enjoy my mods and have fun in kenshi!
Version 1.2
- Fixed head position and movement to be more natural
- Fixed neck for characters with long and short necks pose should be more natural
- yes...i had to fix neck again because what you see in blender is not what you get in kenshi!
Version 1.1
- Fixed neck
- elevated right leg
- reduced clipping for right arm
- turn left arm into resting position
- changed shoulders to look more realistic
- improved animation overall
- fixed clipping for left arm
- greatly reduced clipping for legs
- fixed head movement
Version 1.0
- Compatibility patches
They Require IN-CA in version 1.7 or newer (invisible technical change inside the mod to improve stability and comfort with custom patches)
my support for custom races might be limited, but i do like them and wanna give you something
- Compatibility patches
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
- combat animations,
- military craft,
- AGO's more idles animations
- Bouncing boobs - friend tested
- application method allows my mod to work with races, and not override skeleton which would cause conflicts
To make sure my animation works with other animations you must make sure to load it right under them. Mod does not require import right away if you keep it under big mods, but you should set my mod in load order correctly right before import.
Be careful when using this pose. might lure the simps!


- I'm bad in up to date descriptions and everything, but trying xD
- Mod will change name in the future, for now please accept it all as it is or suggest a name for immersive non-combat animations - ohh this one sounds nice xD
- Sorry if you see progress of my work as slow, it's difficult rn to do anything, but i m trying.
I might not be able to provide patch for every modded race ever made, but my mod is relatively simple to implement once you have it.
1: Open FCS
2: Activate Race mod and than Activate IN-CA
3: Create new mod "race and in-ca compatibility patch" and enter to load them all
4: In race menu do this:

All my mods for Kenshi are available here.