About this mod
RE_Kenshi adds improvements to Kenshi that can't be achieved through traditional mod tools.
Current features: force save on game crash, custom game speed controls (set game speed to any value), fix bugs in Kenshi's RNG, change num. attack slots in-game, heightmap compression (significantly reduces load time on HDDs)
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
No import required.
All mods should be compatible. If you find a compatibility issue, report it to me as a bug so I can sort it out.
Only supports Kenshi 1.0.65 + 1.0.68 (Steam) and 1.0.65 + 1.0.68 (GOG)
Current features:
More info on the Wiki
For players:
Force the game to save when a crash occurs
Changes the behavior of the "game speed x2' and "game speed x5" buttons in Kenshi, allowing users to set Kenshi's game speed to any value.
Fix Kenshi's random number generator bug (the randomly generated recruit in The Hub will actually be random instead of always being a cook named Molly).
Change num. attack slots in-game.
Double max. camera height
Compress Kenshi's heightmap, significantly reducing load times on HDDs.
Cache precompiled shaders, reducing load time to main menu + in-game.
For modders:
Consult the Wiki
Enable modding of files with hard-coded paths (e.g. the heightmap) (documentation on GitHub)
Enable soundbank modding (add new sounds, replace existing sounds) (WIP documentation on GitHub)
The mod requires modifying Kenshi's executable and/or config files, which is done through an automated installer. The installer does a lot of error checking, so probably won't break your Kenshi install.
Install instructions:
Download + extract anywhere.
Run the installer and follow it's instructions.
Once installed, run the game normally, and the mod should automatically get loaded.
If the mod has installed correctly, the version text in Kenshi's main menu should read:
RE_Kenshi vx.x.x - Kenshi 1.0.x - x64 (Newland)
Settings can be changed through the mod's in-game UI.Game speeds don't have to be integers, e.g. you can have a speed of 0.5 or 0.1 for slow motion, or 3.5, etc. Negative values crash the game.
To reopen the mod menu:
(in-game) esc -> OPTIONS -> MODS -> RE_KENSHI SETTINGS
Common issues
"DLL not found" during installation
The two most common causes of this are a) not extracting all the files in the archive to the same folder, or b) not having the VC++ redistributable installed (download here or find the latest version on this page)
Unable to talk to recruits
In the RE_Kenshi settings menu, double-check the max. squad size/faction size/factions sliders are set to an appropriate value. If you drag the slider all the way down to 0, it should default back to the game's default, or whichever value your mods have set it to.
Take a look at the 2nd screenshot I have on nexus "How to access the settings menu and send bug
reports" if you need help finding it.
Uninstall instructions:
Run the installer
Use the dialogue to find your Kenshi install dir
Hit uninstall
If the uninstaller has issues:
Open `Plugins_x64.cfg` in your Kenshi install dir and delete the line `Plugin=RE_Kenshi` to forcibly disable loading of the mod.
Let me know if anyone has any concerns, issues, or ideas for improvements.
I'm also currently looking for testers.
Prerelease builds can be found on the
channel on the Genesis Modding Guild discordThanks to my translators:
Thanks to those who have helped with testing:
The Genesis Modding Guild community
Special thanks to Atlas and Boron for being an endless source of help and support throughout the project!