I've heard people said the same thing, But has someone made a patch about this topic?
If so can someone share?
Immortal mercenary.
Problem: Mercenary Stands still doesn't do anything and doesn't attack enemies even if he gets attacked himself.
Note: The merc is not using a bow that time. I gave him a shortsword and arm braces to test out.
I even tried moving the mod order to see If it would work. Doesn't seem like it work.
I heard there was a patch, the patch only mentions horses teleport far from you and you won't wait for them so you skip time.
Other than that I haven't researched enough, Did someone already made another patch about this?
Epic games Version: 1.9.6-404-504czj3
dang.... ive got 38 mods in my folder rn and my games fine
Where do you play kcd from? steam or epic?
While Finding out what I should do with the follower, He's just a backpack at the moment, but a really annoying one,
He can die but whenever I let him tped to me, He's full health. It's probably a bug. -
Looking through old posts, Yeah, the mod is abandoned. Sadly I wish to play more but I'd have to download old versions of kcd just to play this mod, Might not worth the effort.
If people can fix this mod's AI movement script. It can be revived, is not playable for a lot of people.
Pros: Does not move, Standalone backpack, Can tank so you can run.
cons: I wish they can fight back :D, I got killed on a horse by the mod once while chasing ulrich for the first time :D, If you put items on IM Follower and try to sell it at some point game thinks the item is stolen and you cannot trade it to merchants (other than the miller).
Hope to see someone fix this mod.
I have tried this mod in various situations and there are multiple problems with it, and understanding them can be very useful, but not knowing them can be devastating, so I would like to share information.
1: If you give him a bow he will shoot at first and switch weapons when he gets into melee combat, but if he gets a move warp or position reset, etc., he will stop working and start working again when you take the bow from the eventry and do a heal. On the other hand, if I give him only a melee weapon without the bow, I played for 12 hours straight and had no problem at all.
2: The following points are quite critical and important. When fast-traveling through a town, you may be stopped at night by the torchlight, or by the guards if they don't trust you enough to inspect your belongings. If you let your followers have melee weapons at this time, they will have a high probability of killing or attacking the guards after they have finished loading. This can lead to fines or worse, incarceration, without you knowing it.
You can avoid this by removing the follower's main weapon when fast-traveling through town if you think this is going to be a problem. Fortunately, the game pauses during the follower's equipment operation screen, so even if you are suddenly attacked, you can safely equip the follower with the weapon you have in your eventory and there will be no problem. However, please do not put the bow in the eventry, even if it is not equipped in this state. It will be very troublesome because it will not work and the equipment transfer function from the follower will not be paused.
I am Japanese and can only speak simple English, but I hope you can understand me. -
followers are fucking useless they just stand there in combat doing f*#@ all, they will get hit and just fucking do nothing
dogshit mod-
Yeah, my guy also stands there a lot of the time while I'm getting attacked or something. Except once in a while he'll finally attack someone. Literally have had people attack him and he just stands there taking the hits for a bit.
Sounds like user error. Did you equip a bow for your knight? They tend to bug them out.
I'm having the same problem, they just stand there and don't follow me anymore nor fight.
Mine fight great! I can let them do the fighting for me or join in.
Yeah brothers idk why yall having problems... for days now after work ive jumped on and got straight into a big ol modded battle between my 19 hospitaller knights and a buncha cumans and bandits thru the cheat mod. no crashes and its super entertaining to watch lmao
Any chance you'll take your genius work over to KCD II? :D would love to enjoy a good gang leader / merc leader roleplay again
-- Don't bother with this mod is a broken mess and it needs an update --
im playing with this mod with 19 full-clad knights fighting with me, plus some qol edits to the lua i found in a post on the patch attached to this file's requirements, + some other bs / performance mods, an economy mod, better combat mod, and a Henry head replacer and my games fine brother :D
Working great for me too.
do to kcd IIpls
The mod is not working or I can't run it, please help.
Any chance you'll take your genius work over to KCD II? :D would love to enjoy a good gang leader / merc leader roleplay again
This mod is amazing can you make one with a female follower too like a sword sister or amazon
you sure did a magnificent work creating this. something nobody could.
and i'm sorry for saying this but so many bugs you listed on description, now i don't want to download this!