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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Lyan - PoppeGodSend

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Safe to use

About this mod

This mod makes it easier to pickpocket drunk and sleeping NPCs by reducing the chance of waking them up, as it should be.

Permissions and credits
The original mod by Marxis95 had an error in wich the chance of getting caught was doubled and was never fixed, hence why i'm uploading this mod. If he ends up fixing it himself i will delete this mod.

This mod reduces the possibility of getting caught while you are pickpocketing a sleeping/drunk person by half. It also increases the pickpocketing range a bit to make it easier. It doesn't change anything else so it should be considered as a QOL instead of a cheating mod.

How to install the mod?

  • Using an archive program such as WinRAR or 7-Zip, extract the mod.
  • Open the root folder of Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Example: steamapps/common/KingdomComeDeliverance).
  • Go to the ‘Mods’ folder (or create it by hand if it doesn't exist).
  • Copy and paste the extracted .rar folder into the Mods folder.
  • To make sure that the folder contains the necessary files, we check that inside the folder there are two files, a folder called
    ‘Data’ and a file called ‘mod.manifest’.

In case it is not working or there is a file called ‘mod_order.txt’ in your Mods folder, change the folder containing the mod to ‘BetterPickpocket’ and then open/create the ‘mod_order.txt’ file and add the folder name.

How do I uninstall it?
To uninstall it, just delete the folder containing the mod and if you are using the ‘mod_order.txt’ file you need to remove the name from the list.