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About this mod

Overhauls the appearance of NPCs, both major and minor ones. Additionally, this mod also completely fixes a bad lighting glitch.

Permissions and credits
Kingdom Come 2 NPC Overhaul

What’s This Mod About?
You might know me from my nude mod. Now, I’m tackling something new: an NPC overhaul, I've always loved those huge overhauls for Skyrim, so I figured I'd finally give it a shot myself. 

Current Features
  • 6 fully overhauled NPCs, retouched by yours truly. Katherine is included, but needs a little more work.
  • Fixed lighting issues on all female NPC face textures—no more glowing eyelids or mouths. 

This is just the start. I’m working on overhauling every single young and adult NPC (and key older ones) in the game. Next update will tackle the men’s faces, gotta fix their lighting too. 

Grab the file below and pop it into your game with Vortex or your favorite mod manager. If you’re going manual, drop the 'npc_overhaul' folder here:
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2\Mods
It should look like this:
- Kingdom Come Deliverance 2\Mods\npc_overhaul\data\npc_overhaul.pak

Not seeing the changes? Check your kcd.log file in the game’s root folder. Search for 'npc_overhaul'. If it says it loaded, you’re golden. If not, double-check your folder setup.

Incompatibilities and Comparisons
Designed to be paired with my nude mod, but works fine on its own. Also includes the 4k skin textures from the nude mod, just without all the optional adult content, as this is a SFW mod. Incompatible with any mods that edit heads. However, my mod is seamless with the vanilla textures, so you could likely merge my mod with others out there. 

Enjoy the mod, and let me know what you think!