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About this mod

A small that changes the texture of the Elemental Encoder Keyblade. Comes with 3 variants.

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DarkOdin Creations:
Elemental Encoder Retexture Pack

Mod by: DarkOdin

The mod makes changes to Elemental Encoder's textures. To give them a few variations of other color palettes. The first is themed after the amazon pre-order version "Dawn Till Dusk". The second a Gold/Black combination. Lastly a Auburn/Rogue color combination. All of these retextured variants come with their attack trail being changed as well.
Only one can be installed at a time.

How to Install:
After downloading, extract the .pak file to your KH3 Pak folder. Usually it's found at:
\Program Files\Epic Games\Kh_3\KINGDOM HEARTS III\Content\Paks\~mods\

How to Uninstall:
Simply remove the .pak file from your \~mods\ folder.