I'm having an issue with Bastila losing health in a new area and this started happening after I installed the mod. Great mod though
Having trouble. Tried all the above and have it set to appear in the under city but doesn't appear on the sith trooper. What do I need to do to fix?
the only way to make the items appear in the undercity is reload the VERY FIRST AUTO SAVE upon going to the undercity for the FIRST time, the save where you're immediately ambushed by the leeches trying to make you pay a toll
when i first downloaded this mod, i was already in the undercity and had just recruited mission (darth talon in my case), so i reloaded the auto save and that made the items spawn on the dead guy -
Cara eu fiz oq vc fez agora e mesmo assim n foi sabe
Don't know why, even after I've followed all your steps, when I go to the sith trooper corpse in the undercity, Revan's items aren't there X(
Until now, I was sooo happy with this mod, but after the mission in the environmental suit on Manaan, I'm stuck in that Revan outfit, and can't take it out... I tried everything, getting naked, putting other outfits, guetting back to the environmental suit. Nothing seems to work. Any idea how to fix this ?
I had the same problem, and I found out why (I think) it happens, and I have a fix. This mod, as signified by the uploader in a previous comment, uses a " Disguise " feature. That means that when you equip Revan's robes, it changes your character's model to that of Revan with his mask on. When you go into the environment suit, the Revan model is stored as your character's model, and when you get out of the suit, the game makes Revan's model your default model. You can fix this by using the KSE and resetting your character's appearance setting to what it was before. Hope I helped!
what is the KSE?
KSE is the Kotor save editor just look it up in google :)
I'm having the same issue, also looking at this solution and I have questions. From what little I've gathered here (and from using KSE), doesn't this "fix" manually set the Appearance of the player character to another, static value? Instead of "returning" the dynamic appearance capabilities (i.e. changing armor no longer changes appearance as it should).
And does the "disguise model" get reset every time the player character puts on an enviro-suit? So that folks going from Manaan to The Leviathan wouldn't need to use KSE as long as they changed their armor between locations?
love the mod just would perfer to have his purple saber
so, clicking on either lightsaber in a workbench causes my game to freeze and crash on switch
i don't know if it's because i can't use sabers yet or if it's something in the code -
do u need dark side for this
I managed to find the data pad on Nemo's remains but the robes and the lightsaber is nowhere to be found, can someone help me with this?
You CAN NOT use this mod if you simply place the .rar file directly into the override folder.
if you do not have a extraction tool on your computer you MUST download one.
I used WinRAR here's the link: https://www.win-rar.com/start.html?&L=0
here's the steps to install:
1. download WinRAR (or whatever you use)
2. use it to open the .rar file
3. Locate the "OVERRIDE" section of the .RAR file
4. select ALL in that location
5. right click and it'll ask you where to send the exctraction
6. send the extraction to your KOTOR OVERRIDE folder
7. done. enjoy. you dont need to delete the original .rar file but i'm assuming you can if you want.
Hope this helps! because i was really confused for a while before i figured this out.
note: this will work with console commands mentioned in the mod description. if you want to "find" this mod in the game (like off a dead body) you have to extract the files like i mentioned but send them to a different specified location.
deleted turns out the belt fix mod fixed the force power error somehow