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About this mod

An import of the first game's Ice Lizard enemy. Many of this enemy's assets were included in the second game, but the monster itself was not implemented. This mod adds the Ice Lizard in for your use when creating custom dungeons, and also adds a variant that is weak to fire.

Permissions and credits
This mod imports the Ice Lizard enemy from the first Legend of Grimrock game. Many of the enemy's assets were included in Legend of Grimrock 2, but the monster itself was not implemented. This mod allows you to use the enemy when creating custom dungeons.

Additionally, this mod adds a variant of the Ice Lizard that is weak to fire (called "ice_lizard_wf" in the editor), as is in keeping with the Ice Guardian enemy of Legend of Grimrock 2.

  • Once you have downloaded the .zip archive, extract it into any folder.
  • If you extracted it somewhere else, copy the entire "import_iceLizard" folder into the "mod_assets" folder for the dungeon you want to use this mod in.
  • Go into your "mod_assets/scripts" folder and load "init.lua".
  • Add the following line of code at the end of the file:
    import "mod_assets/import_iceLizard/init.lua"
  • The next time you load your dungeon in the editor, you should see "ice_lizard" and "ice_lizard_wf" under the monsters tab.

Note: if you have your dungeon loaded while you add the files, you may need to reload the dungeon for the enemy to appear.