I have a bit of a question first for the Jab combo after the first jab if i try to do another jab it always leads into the triple jab tried even quickstepping then jabbing to try and do the other finishers but its always Jab -> Triple jab then repeat instead of the Jab -> Jab > step Jab then into straight combo or the todoroki rush I just dont know why it keeps doing triple jab after the first. Second is why doesnt it seem that the EX boxer todoroki rush not changed. Third none of the Guard + attacks not working and one last thing how do u even do the dempsey roll
Ever since i used this mod a while back and uninstalled it, my vanilla boxer style has been permanently bugged, its uninstalled but still uses a few of the moves but in a buggier way. like say I wanna do a normal hook with circle, it'll do a kick. is there any way to fix this?...
Love the moveset changes, but god damn, the slowdown on some of the moves are too frequent and too intrusive. I know this isn't being worked on anymore but itd be awesome if they could be removed.
(thats all sry for yapping all these questions)