About this mod
Become a Smooth Criminal with Smooth Camera for Mafia II
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Mafia II is a Gold game but it has its share of issues & it's default camera system in particular is absolutely atrocious to play with. It was just ridiculously configured despite proper names and settings for each parameters. Mafia II Smooth Camera Mod brings proper camera system as what you would expect from a modern third-person shooter game in Mafia II similar to GTA V and RDR.
This Mod re-defines all the aspects of Camera System from vanilla configuration & configures each parameters precisely with much improved code & doesn't overly exaggerate FOV or modifies distance values that could potentially cause clipping or pop-in issues, so that you can experience streamlined movement & control over the character while viewing your surroundings effortlessly.
Interior Aim BEFORE

Interior Aim AFTER

Vanilla SPRINT Camera


Improved Machine Gun Camera

Improved Cover Camera

Improved Car Camera

- Re-defined On foot, Aim, Aim down sight camera & Mouse Control in Exteriors
- Re-defined On foot, Aim, Aim down sight camera & Mouse Control in Interiors
- New Sprint Cam Zoom effect in Interiors & Subtle effect in Exteriors
- Improved Cover system while Standing, Crouch & Peek shooting in Exteriors & Interiors
- Improved Melee Combat & Action Camera
- Improved Heavy Machine Gun Camera
- Improved Car Lookback Camera
- Smooth Car Camera Auto-center with Improved duration
- Smooth Overall feel between different Camera transitions & speeds
Mod is made & tested exclusively for Mafia II Classic Steam version with all dlcs. Definitive Edition is untested.
Any Mod modifying the camera files in tables.sds is incompatible.
Known Issues
Rarely during Interior to Exterior transitions or in closed space mouse turns, camera collision detection is delayed. Simply press any button to refresh it. It happens in vanilla game as well.
SDS Explorer Gibbed Illusion Tools

"Unleash Chaos & Become the Smooth Mafioso with Smooth Camera Mod"

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