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About this mod

This mod replaces the default Player On-Foot camera as well as the vehicle bonnet and look back (optional) camera with a first person camera.
The mod uses the in game camera system and comes with several immersive and realistic camera effects as part of the On-Foot camera like recoil or shake effects when shooting with a gun or similar.

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About the Mod:

This mod replaces the default Player On-Foot camera as well as the vehicle bonnet and look back (optional) camera with a first person camera.
The mod uses the in game camera system and comes with several immersive and realistic camera effects as part of the On-Foot camera like recoil or shake effects when shooting with a gun or similar.
But unlike first person mods from previous or later Mafia game releases, this one doesn't use memory injection or scripts, making it very limited in the attempt of avoiding clipping issues or keeping the player with the camera direction.
You can choose between a On-Foot First Person camera only or including a vehicle driver side camera with/without vehicle look back camera in the download. Weapons in the game now feature different recoil effects depending on the weapons you use.
The Mac version of the game is now also officially supported.


  • First Person for On-Foot camera
  • First Person for cars and boats camera
  • Middle Lookback Camera for cars and boats
  • Immersive recoil and shake effects for Players On-Foot weapon cameras
  • Realistic neck limit while crouching
  • User mod configuration support
  • Mac version of the game support

On-Foot & Vehicle Camera

Look Back Camera

How to Install?

  • Make a Backup of your "tables.sds" file in "Mafia III/sds_retail/tables". For Steam users: "D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Mafia III/sds_retail/tables"
  • Choose your camera mod version you like to use in the download file.
  • Replace the modded "tables.sds" file from the folder of your chosen version in the Download with the original Mafia III/sds_retail/tables/tables.sds file (If you're running a Steam version, drag it to your "D:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Mafia III/sds_retail/tables" location)
  • Continue with "Yes" if your OS is asking for replacing the file.
  • Start the game and/or get in a car>Switch to hood camera
  • Have fun!

Future plans:
-Maybe adding FPS mode for cover
-Maybe some Bug fixing
-More camera improvements
-Maybe a better first person approach if possible
-Maybe makeing the camera mode added instead of replace

Known bugs:

-Players body clipping sometimes into cameras view.
-First Person for both cars and boats don't fit for some vehicles as the game engine doesn't allow me to attach the camera directly to the head (AFAIK)
-Rain comes inside in first person view

#Changelog from 1.2 to 1.5
-First Person for On-Foot added including support for several different weapons and player scenarios.
-Removed Vehicle middle camera option (Tell me if there is still desire for it).
-Disabled Depth-of-Field effects for the players camera to fit with the first person.
-Improved Vehicle First Person camera. Now you can properly move your head around to see cars coming and the camera was little bit adjusted.
-Weapons in the game now feature different recoil and shake effects depending on the weapons you use.
-Added First Person camera for boats with including the additional lookback camera option.
-Added support for Mac users.
-Adjusted readme file.


Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas! ❤️