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About this mod
Playable Miles Morales adds Miles Morales as an extra playable Spider-Man in your game!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Adds Animations from Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales to Marvel's Spider-Man: Remastered.
Requires Overstrike By Tkachov.

Key Features:
- Suit-Specific Options: Enable separate animations for both Peter Parker and Miles Morales suits.
- Combat Compatibility: Choose between Miles' or Peter's combat animations for mod compatibility.
- Advanced Modules: Customize with Miles Morales UI textures, trick swings, and Venom Finisher animations.
Important - Choose Your Setup:
Suit Setup:
For Vanilla Suits (Original Game Suits):
- Module: "3 - Vanilla Suits - Miles Morales Animations"
- Add "Suit Specific Animations.modular" in Overstrike.
- Right-click > "Edit Modules" to customize vanilla suits with Miles' animations.
- Module: "2 - Custom Suits - Miles Morales Animations"
- Drag your .suit file onto ChangeSuitToMilesMorales.exe to convert it.
- Add and place the generated .stage files AFTER the suits in Overstrike's load order.
- 💡 Pro Tip: You can use both setups together!
Animation Installation Instructions:
- Download Overstrike by Tkachov.
- Add this mod to Overstrike by clicking the green + icon at the top right of the UI and searching for "Miles Morales Animations."
- Right-click the mod name > "Edit Modules..." to set up your selected configuration.
- Save your preferences and click "Install Mods" in Overstrike.
Usage Notes:
- Reverse Swing: Partially functional; reverse fall not supported.
- Tricks and Finishers: Compatible with other trick mods. Load my mods first to apply as a base layer if desired.
Use this mod as a foundation to layer other animation mods like combat or finishers over Miles' animations.

Credits & Thanks:
- ASCtheWhiteWolf: Suit tool creation and ongoing support.
- Avernix: For his advanced suit in the Playable Peter Parker Mod for Miles Morales (image above).
- Tkachov: For Overstrike.
- tiff: Assistance with animation imports.
- Spidey SansGoku: Community support.
- Derk, RynxWasTaken, SpaceDasher, l Moonperson l, EliKajiwara, Golden Age Archangel: Collaboration, feedback, and inspiration.
Testers and Community: Thanks to all who provided feedback.
Enjoy playing as Miles Morales in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered!