All suggestions for new fixes or restorations not covered in 2.2.4 yet are here. DO NOT POST original game bugs in the bugs section.
Summary of known bugs w possible fixes: Lorik Qui'in's eyes (mesh) Citadel: Quasar out of map glitch. [cannot be replicated] Feros: The shot where the energy field shuts down cuts off too early, interrupting dialogue. Noveria: Mira - medical equipment does nothing UNC Solcrum: During the final part of the mission, on Solcrum, the map marker for the mission only has an icon but no text label. Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint - Audio for Xeltans reply "Farewell, Human" will be cut-off at "Farewell, Hu..." Citadel: The camera placement when you're asking Executor Pallin about Garrus
Cannot be fixed: - Ashley’s “screw that!” line during the choice scene has no radio modulation and it sounds like she's standing next to you (No way to edit audio currently) - Jenkins is missing shadowing on his face when he is activated after his death. This is again present in the PC version, but not Xbox. (dynamic lighting cannot recreate) - Any Audio that needs replacing, game systems like inventory or combat, weapons, user interfaces (like armor choosers or Liara's overload bug).
Notes on restored content: - the complete set of Cerberus skunkworks items (Armors and weapons) will be given when you find Adm. Kahoku's body. Post the completion of the Cerberus mission thread the armors can be purchased from the Normandy Requisition officer (if in stock). - Ashley will appear in Heavy armor on Eden Prime, same as the videos shown on the Normandy. If you switch her out of it she will not be able to put it on again until you have unlocked her Heavy armor ability.
In version 1.5 is a store in the lower wards that supplies the iconic armors for the squad, upgraded to the player's level of course. These are the armors that either they wear on the Normandy (for aliens) or are heavily featured in marketing, cutscenes and later games.
The player can then buy armors to keep them in a standard outfit, without having to struggle to find the latest level. These are the list of iconic armors (in my view), of course this doesn't prevent you using any other armor you want.
Shepard: N7 Onyx (Human H/M/L)
Wrex: Ariake Mercenary (Red) (Krogan H)
Garrus: Aldrin Agent (CSEC blue) (Turian M)
Ashley: Sirta Phoenix (White and Pink as per Eden Prime & ME2 Horizon) (Human H)
Tali: Quarian Onyx (Same as on-board) (Quarian L)
Kaidan: Onyx (Grey as per Eden Prime) or Bastion Armor (Based on ME2 Horizon. Available once a major mission is complete.) (Human L)
Bastion new unique armor for Kaidan is based on his armor seen in ME2 on Horizon. Available once one major mission is completed, and assuming Kaidan is alive.
Liara: Hoplite (per ME2 intro - after Cerberus has been defeated) (Human L)
I had to use the Console Codes for Cerberus and Virmire too, thanks for providing them.
I see an other issue in my log: The Fan is not marked complete after the final dialog (Renegade option). Not sure if that is only a journal bug or will mess with the follow up on Illium in ME2 - I plan to use this save as import file. Would there be a console command to close the assignment in the log?
I happened to stumble upon this mod's page, and it brought back memories of the OT experience. Good old days.
As a suggestion, it is probably best to remove the reference to the ME recalibrated article from the description, as the other two mods are not here anymore. Also, in order to avoid confusion of the newcomers, it is best to refer to PV for ME2 instead of MERe2 in the description of the Conrad Verner bug fix.
amazing work. but dude whats up with the exe install? this is one of the only mods out there that doesn't at least have an option to just give the files. I know how to place files to overwrite the game, and I'd like to do so my self so I know that some of my custom ini changes aren't getting overwritten. I understand the exe is there for convenience but can't you just upload the files as an option to extract ourselves?
OKAY IM SORRY. PLEASE LET THIS BE A WARNING. DO NOT EVER DOUBT THE AMAZING COMMUNITY OF WORK. Just download me3tweaks, and install as recommended. I'm sorry for being a straight up dumb ass. After random crashes, stuff not working and much frustration (caused by me trying to be my own mod manager) me3tweaks made all the mods work. please accept this apology from this now humbled gamer.
Found two bugs in game that were not addressed yet. Kaidan Referring to a soldier Shepard as if he had a L3 implant (biotic) and the Lorik Qui'in glitch (infinite paragon renegade points).
Здравствуйте автор. Возникла проблема, не хочу модификация менять большинство реплик на английский язык, так как я им не владею. Помогите пожалуйста вырезать часть изменяющую диалоги из мода
does the conrad verner save import bug fix still work even though the original me2 recalibrated mod and all its extras got removed and replaced with project variety me2?
Hi! I made a little edit to the Grissom Academy picture for the galaxy map, to make it more in-line with the rest of those pictures in terms of coloration, background, and glare. Would you consider updating it for the mod? Please let me know.
So I've tried everything I possibly can, and I'm turning to you for help. I installed ME1RE with a vanilla ME, along with these mods -Faster Elevators -Same Gender Romances -Vignette Remover -Alternate Casual Outfit -Casual Hubs
I played for a while, discovered that the casual outfit I was using was a HORRIBLY low quality texture compared to the other ones from MEUITM, so I needed to change it to something from the base game. Restored game to its back up vanilla, re-installed everything making sure MEUITM was last, and now no matter what I do, it will not load the saves. I will see the error "Downloadable content missing. Module(s) in question: ME1: Recalibrated." I've uninstalled to start from fresh, looked at all my .inis to make sure they're consistent with the ones I used during the saves, and still, it will not recognize ME1RE. Is there something I'm missing? Because I can't even start new games if ME1RE isn't working. I don't want to deal with bugs.
EDIT: RESOLVED For anyone else who is equally as scatter-brained and unaware as I am, when re-installing everything to change a mod's settings, in order to properly reload your saves, you must install the Save-Lock option. Whether you originally used 2.1+ or not, it'll need that to be able to read your saves.
Summary of known bugs w possible fixes:
Lorik Qui'in's eyes (mesh)
Citadel: Quasar out of map glitch. [cannot be replicated]
Feros: The shot where the energy field shuts down cuts off too early, interrupting dialogue.
Noveria: Mira - medical equipment does nothing
UNC Solcrum: During the final part of the mission, on Solcrum, the map marker for the mission only has an icon but no text label.Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint - Audio for Xeltans reply "Farewell, Human" will be cut-off at "Farewell, Hu..."Citadel: The camera placement when you're asking Executor Pallin about GarrusCannot be fixed:
- Ashley’s “screw that!” line during the choice scene has no radio modulation and it sounds like she's standing next to you (No way to edit audio currently)
- Jenkins is missing shadowing on his face when he is activated after his death. This is again present in the PC version, but not Xbox. (dynamic lighting cannot recreate)
- Any Audio that needs replacing, game systems like inventory or combat, weapons, user interfaces (like armor choosers or Liara's overload bug).
Notes on restored content:
- the complete set of Cerberus skunkworks items (Armors and weapons) will be given when you find Adm. Kahoku's body. Post the completion of the Cerberus mission thread the armors can be purchased from the Normandy Requisition officer (if in stock).
- Ashley will appear in Heavy armor on Eden Prime, same as the videos shown on the Normandy. If you switch her out of it she will not be able to put it on again until you have unlocked her Heavy armor ability.
In version 1.5 is a store in the lower wards that supplies the iconic armors for the squad, upgraded to the player's level of course. These are the armors that either they wear on the Normandy (for aliens) or are heavily featured in marketing, cutscenes and later games.
The player can then buy armors to keep them in a standard outfit, without having to struggle to find the latest level. These are the list of iconic armors (in my view), of course this doesn't prevent you using any other armor you want.
Shepard: N7 Onyx (Human H/M/L)
Wrex: Ariake Mercenary (Red) (Krogan H)
Garrus: Aldrin Agent (CSEC blue) (Turian M)
Ashley: Sirta Phoenix (White and Pink as per Eden Prime & ME2 Horizon) (Human H)
Tali: Quarian Onyx (Same as on-board) (Quarian L)
Kaidan: Onyx (Grey as per Eden Prime) or Bastion Armor (Based on ME2 Horizon. Available once a major mission is complete.) (Human L)
Bastion new unique armor for Kaidan is based on his armor seen in ME2 on Horizon. Available once one major mission is completed, and assuming Kaidan is alive.
Liara: Hoplite (per ME2 intro - after Cerberus has been defeated) (Human L)
I see an other issue in my log: The Fan is not marked complete after the final dialog (Renegade option). Not sure if that is only a journal bug or will mess with the follow up on Illium in ME2 - I plan to use this save as import file. Would there be a console command to close the assignment in the log?
As a suggestion, it is probably best to remove the reference to the ME recalibrated article from the description, as the other two mods are not here anymore. Also, in order to avoid confusion of the newcomers, it is best to refer to PV for ME2 instead of MERe2 in the description of the Conrad Verner bug fix.
imgur gallery
-Faster Elevators
-Same Gender Romances
-Vignette Remover
-Alternate Casual Outfit
-Casual Hubs
I played for a while, discovered that the casual outfit I was using was a HORRIBLY low quality texture compared to the other ones from MEUITM, so I needed to change it to something from the base game. Restored game to its back up vanilla, re-installed everything making sure MEUITM was last, and now no matter what I do, it will not load the saves. I will see the error "Downloadable content missing. Module(s) in question: ME1: Recalibrated." I've uninstalled to start from fresh, looked at all my .inis to make sure they're consistent with the ones I used during the saves, and still, it will not recognize ME1RE. Is there something I'm missing? Because I can't even start new games if ME1RE isn't working. I don't want to deal with bugs.
For anyone else who is equally as scatter-brained and unaware as I am, when re-installing everything to change a mod's settings, in order to properly reload your saves, you must install the Save-Lock option. Whether you originally used 2.1+ or not, it'll need that to be able to read your saves.