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  1. r1i2c3o4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this mod compatible with MEUITM? If so, should i install it along with MEUITM, or after?
  2. BlueJay9
    • supporter
    • 27 kudos
    Have a LE version coming soon, been working on these for weeks with new improvements and fixing details to make this the best version yet. Should be out sometime this week :)
  3. Randomfart
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just making sure.. This doesnt work with legendary edition, right?
    1. UltraByt3
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Unfortunately, no this will need to be ported into LE :(
  4. Vergil65
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    Quick question: can the DDS file be extracted into regular texture files? I've tried, but for some reason the files are all transparent, and not like textured faces or anything.
  5. balearadu
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Will this be ported to LE ? Amazing mod.
  6. Kyumarumotto
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hello,Thanks for this wonderful mod!

    I have a funny little problem, when I talk to samara in the Normandy and I go on a mission, Samara keeps a shining effect in her eyes!

    The problem would go away after reinstalling the mod
  7. theludd
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    Some of the best textures I've seen for any game. Amazing work.

    For those having trouble installing with ALOT.. before you hit the "install" button on the ALOT installer, drag and drop the files from this mod onto the interface, then click the icon in the pop-up for ME2 (you should see the files at the bottom under "User Supplied Files". Proceed with the installation.
    1. BlueJay9
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Thanks, that means a lot :)
    2. WolfyYeh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, sorry to bother... but all those downloads seem to be crack and I can't unzip them....
    3. BlueJay9
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      I just tested it and was able to unzip them. Might be something on your end? Not sure
  8. moonknight1993
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
  9. balearadu
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Hello,so do I have to get the Samara Remastered file and the Maryse file ?
  10. LeelooMinai
    • premium
    • 109 kudos
    So I am totally at a loss. I install ALOT, then I install your Asari, Samara and Liara TPF files with ALOT(just user files ticked). But still they don't show up. Is it just possible to install them with the main ALOT installation? I thought I can add textures afterwards? I would be so grateful for some advice or help. <3

    solved in the ALOT discord <3
    1. BlueJay9
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hi, once ALOT is installed, open ALOT. At the bottom it says "settings". Click that and once there choose "Game Utilities". Then choose MEM vXXX. Where X is whatever version you have installed.

      Once thats open, select whichever ME game you want to install textures for on the top. ME1, 2 or 3. (In this case, it would be ME2) Then click "Texture Manager"

      Next, click MODs on the top. And then "convert .tpf to .mem"

      Unzip the file you downloaded from Nexus and then point the search to where you extracted those files.

      Then it will ask where to save the .mem file you're creating. Save and wait for it to convert.

      Once thats done, click MODs on the top and then select the .mem file you just made. Right click on it, then choose Apply mods. Once its done, it will be installed in your game.

      Hope this helps, let me know if you have questions :)