But is there a way to activate and deactivate "taking cover" with a keystroke ?
It does get annoying and confusing when you want to do something specific but Ryders body takes cover automatically as soon as you get close to something. I'd prefer if there was a designated key just for this. Also is it possible to introduce a "crouch" keystroke ?
hm, sort of toggling cover with a key might be possible, but would require some edits to the base soldier and player definitions and likely would not take affect immediately. Personally i find the cover mechanics in this game quite good most of the time, so i don't see the benefit for this. ( I also would probably break something when trying to do this. Completely removing cover instead would be pretty easy, i think )
I actually tried to get Ryder to crouch on command, but didn't have any success so far. I think wavebend did something like that for the first person mod. But doing that might be completely incompatible with anything else altering the state machine. :/
There is only one of the MP consumable buttons left not yet reassigned by this mod, so i'd rather use that one on crouching or something else than on the deactivating cover mechanic. But actually i'm mostly fine with the current state of this mod, i don't think i'll try to do anything else with it - at least not this year.
I have been waiting for this mod since the launch of this game. This is amazing!! Do you know if its also possible to make a keybind for unreadying weapons?
You mean like lowering the weapon -pointing at the ground, not holstering, right? If so I have no idea. That simple thing would also be extremely difficult to implement correctly, I'd imagine. >_<
Version 2.0a got uploaded, which is partially based on the MEA Fixpack by Nightwolf. Just let this mod override the fixpack and get the functionality of both. It also fixes a bug with resetting the banter trigger. All the textfiles in the new version are exactly the same as before, you don't need to override or reimport those.
I uploaded the enhanced hotkeys mod again, because of changes in the included spanish text mod, provided by Treyker. Other than the spanish texts, the mod files exactly the same as before, so you don't need to download again if you use any other text language.
I am new this frosty mods, light mod have 2 files i installed 1file and mod not working. 2nd file not installing in frosty mod manager i get error "file is not a valid frosty mod" what to do??? is that file important??? if not why mod is not working???
I can see that you downloaded the quest tracker version - that one is for controllers, if you use keyboard and mouse you are probably better of with the other main file (labeled just 'Lightswitch'). You do not need any of the older files.
The downloaded zip archive contains 2 files, one is the .fbproject, which is the editor project, for when you want to edit the mods yourself. The other is the .fbmod file, which is the actual mod. You can import that .fbmod file into the mod manager, or just drag&drop the entire zip archive onto the manager (does not work with 7z archives).
If you use the quest tracker version, then idk what button toggles the lights other than a controller's start button. If you use the main version, then its the 'Cobra RPG (MP)' button assignment that you can freely rebind in the controls.
If no mods are working for you, you probably need to use frostyFix or the datapathFix plugin (one or the other, not both), which can be found via a quick websearch - both should be their respective first result from github.
Awesome mod but here's a request for a possible improvement.
Is it possible to make this mod unbind the squad function for "up" on controllers?
Using left and right on the d-pad does the same as up to make your squad move anyway and holding up for regrouping is fine. Every time I switch the flashlight I hear "GOT IT" and I get this blue big arrow on screen which is pretty immersion breaking. Sacrificing this shortcut which is basically left and right at the same time for an even higher quality version of this mod is very well worth it in my opinion, of course it has to be possible to do, all I do is talk about it haha.
I can remove the binding for squad orders for some or all controller schemes - but that also removes the regroup function. At least I think so, there is only one input identifier for that, which action it triggered is mapped somewhere else based on how long you press the button. So that is not really a good option either
I guess I could also try to remove or rebind other controller buttons. But controllers seem so limited.... (yeah, m/k person speaking )
(If any one is interested in this: Squad orders are ConceptIdentifier 2131068072, found in <SoldierInputConcepts_and_Variants>.InputActionMaps.Actions[100] )
Thanks for the quick response and yeah controllers are definitely limited when it comes to diversity in button options, no denying that, but then again I am a 'couch gaming' defender :P
Now how about holding left AND/OR right for regrouping and individual positioning and then dedicate up only to the flashlight? I am throwing suggestions out and I wish I could be more helpful in actual modding haha. The thing is I use the flashlight way more often than this tactical thing so it would be a priority for me personally but for the next person it would totally destroy there game play maybe, then again more optional files wont hurt right? I also have no clue in how easy this is to configure and make, I only modded no mans sky on a very simple personal level and did a reshade mod once.
This might be a very late reply, but might be useful if anyone else happens to has the same issue.
There's a workaround for that without using any third party software: using Big Picture on Steam.
First, if your game is not from Steam, add its shortcut to Steam (it's pretty straightfoward, just look for a tutorial if you don't know how to do so. Important: you must add the Frostbyte Manager shortcut, instead of the MEA one, since you have to launch it at all times when using mods), then, enable Big Picture, and enable Controller Configuration. From there, you just have to bind the control to whatever you feel like. The mod's original control binds the flashlight to "Up" on a d-pad, or "4" on the keyboard. What I did was to bind the "4" key (which is what the mod uses) to the RS press, I sacrificed changing shoulder for that, which I wasn't using that much. Just keep in mind that Big Picture must be always active for this to work. This works on pretty much any game.
I made a version where the orders for both squadmates (up on the dpad) are removed and it only toggles the flashlight. If anyone's interested in it, send me a PM. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, KrrKs.
EDIT: If anyone is still interested in a better binding for gamepads, I found out that using "Intent_QuestTracker" is the best choice as it makes holding the start button toggle the flashlight on/off. The game doesn't use that for anything and pressing start still brings up the menu without any issues.
It's too bad their isn't a face light mod that uses but changes the flashlight to be about half as powerful . It sucks that the games lighting casts horrible shadows and distorts the whole look of your character , to the point that it only lucks good during cutsenes .
No Idea if this is really what you wanted, but i've made a small 'Dim Flashlight' mod available on my changes pack mod site. A description of what I changed is available in there as well, so if you want a different intensity you can also make the changes yourself very easily.
i think this person complained about vanilla settings (with what i agree because in ME 2 and ME 3 was the same problem - shadows in non-cinematic scenes made characters ugly as hell), so it has nothing against your mod thank you for fixing one of many vanilla game problems
Thanks, Even stays on during cutscenes. Wonder if it possible to make the No Restriction version activate with holding the Start Button For more than 3 sec.
not both
But is there a way to activate and deactivate "taking cover" with a keystroke ?
It does get annoying and confusing when you want to do something specific but Ryders body takes cover automatically as soon as you get close to something. I'd prefer if there was a designated key just for this. Also is it possible to introduce a "crouch" keystroke ?
Anyway thanks.
I actually tried to get Ryder to crouch on command, but didn't have any success so far. I think wavebend did something like that for the first person mod. But doing that might be completely incompatible with anything else altering the state machine. :/
There is only one of the MP consumable buttons left not yet reassigned by this mod, so i'd rather use that one on crouching or something else than on the deactivating cover mechanic.
But actually i'm mostly fine with the current state of this mod, i don't think i'll try to do anything else with it - at least not this year.
If so I have no idea.
That simple thing would also be extremely difficult to implement correctly, I'd imagine. >_<
All the textfiles in the new version are exactly the same as before, you don't need to override or reimport those.
Other than the spanish texts, the mod files exactly the same as before, so you don't need to download again if you use any other text language.
what to do??? is that file important??? if not why mod is not working???
The downloaded zip archive contains 2 files, one is the .fbproject, which is the editor project, for when you want to edit the mods yourself. The other is the .fbmod file, which is the actual mod. You can import that .fbmod file into the mod manager, or just drag&drop the entire zip archive onto the manager (does not work with 7z archives).
If you use the quest tracker version, then idk what button toggles the lights other than a controller's start button.
If you use the main version, then its the 'Cobra RPG (MP)' button assignment that you can freely rebind in the controls.
If no mods are working for you, you probably need to use frostyFix or the datapathFix plugin (one or the other, not both), which can be found via a quick websearch - both should be their respective first result from github.
Is it possible to make this mod unbind the squad function for "up" on controllers?
Using left and right on the d-pad does the same as up to make your squad move anyway and holding up for regrouping is fine. Every time I switch the flashlight I hear "GOT IT" and I get this blue big arrow on screen which is pretty immersion breaking. Sacrificing this shortcut which is basically left and right at the same time for an even higher quality version of this mod is very well worth it in my opinion, of course it has to be possible to do, all I do is talk about it haha.
Again, awesome mod! <3
At least I think so, there is only one input identifier for that, which action it triggered is mapped somewhere else based on how long you press the button.
So that is not really a good option either
I guess I could also try to remove or rebind other controller buttons. But controllers seem so limited.... (yeah, m/k person speaking )
(If any one is interested in this: Squad orders are ConceptIdentifier 2131068072, found in <SoldierInputConcepts_and_Variants>.InputActionMaps.Actions[100] )
Now how about holding left AND/OR right for regrouping and individual positioning and then dedicate up only to the flashlight? I am throwing suggestions out and I wish I could be more helpful in actual modding haha. The thing is I use the flashlight way more often than this tactical thing so it would be a priority for me personally but for the next person it would totally destroy there game play maybe, then again more optional files wont hurt right? I also have no clue in how easy this is to configure and make, I only modded no mans sky on a very simple personal level and did a reshade mod once.
There's a workaround for that without using any third party software: using Big Picture on Steam.
First, if your game is not from Steam, add its shortcut to Steam (it's pretty straightfoward, just look for a tutorial if you don't know how to do so. Important: you must add the Frostbyte Manager shortcut, instead of the MEA one, since you have to launch it at all times when using mods), then, enable Big Picture, and enable Controller Configuration. From there, you just have to bind the control to whatever you feel like. The mod's original control binds the flashlight to "Up" on a d-pad, or "4" on the keyboard. What I did was to bind the "4" key (which is what the mod uses) to the RS press, I sacrificed changing shoulder for that, which I wasn't using that much. Just keep in mind that Big Picture must be always active for this to work. This works on pretty much any game.
EDIT: If anyone is still interested in a better binding for gamepads, I found out that using "Intent_QuestTracker" is the best choice as it makes holding the start button toggle the flashlight on/off. The game doesn't use that for anything and pressing start still brings up the menu without any issues.
A description of what I changed is available in there as well, so if you want a different intensity you can also make the changes yourself very easily.
thank you for fixing one of many vanilla game problems
Wonder if it possible to make the No Restriction version activate with holding the Start Button For more than 3 sec.