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  1. Sunegami
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    Believe it or not, I kind of like the janky old Cerberus outfits, I think they're kind of charming. If I remove the Cerberus files from this mod and only use the Alliance changes, will that mess anything else up? (I did make note of your Compatibility list)
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      Nope, you'll be fine. Just right click on the mod in mod manager, open moddesc.ini, and under the [CUSTOMDLC] section, replace the lines above the big altdlc section with this:

      sourcedirs = DLC_MOD_AUC_LE2
      destdirs = DLC_MOD_AUC_LE2
      DLC_MOD_AUC_LE2 = Alliance Uniform Consistency LE2
    2. Sunegami
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      Fantastic! Thank you so much! :D
    3. Joel79
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah and I wish somebody would make reverse mod for me3 cerberus uniforms.
    4. Joel79
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This didnt work for me. I tried to reinstall it too? Does it have to be fresh game or what? 
    5. Joel79
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I got it work but mod manager is not able to load mod anymore and i think it made my game crashing. Could you please just add an install option? 
  2. TyrantJaeger
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Any chance we can get the opposite for ME3? Where the Cerberus characters are wearing the vanilla uniform from ME2?
    1. Joel79
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      That would be cool!
  3. Joel79
    • member
    • 1 kudos
  4. CaminJamin96
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This looks like a pretty neat mod but im curious about something. Does this mod change Kaiden and Ashley's armor or does it stay the same? Its not a deal breaker, just curious
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      It does not, no. If you're looking for LE3 consistency for them, I'd suggest this mod
    2. CaminJamin96
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Wow, i didnt know i wanted this. Thanks!
  5. Cullenite
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    Hi!! Love this mod, can't stand the catsuit that Miranda is wearing. But would it be possible to add a patch for Armored Squad? When it was active, she was in her catsuit in the intro with TIM, but when disabled, she was in this casual option like usual.
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      That mod mounts above this one and is already handling patches, so if there's any issues then pass them onto the author of that mod.
    2. Cullenite
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      alright, thank you
  6. arospace
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    would you ever consider doing a patch for a lot of videos w this mod? this is an essential for me as is alov but its sad that this mod doesn't appear in the videos :(
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      It’s not possible. The intro cutscenes are pre-rendered and we don’t have access to the source files used to make them.
    2. arospace
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      ah okay then! sorry for the confusion aha i got a lil bit confused after i read the alov desc offering mod authors help in adding it. thanks for replying so quickly!
    3. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      ALOV is also my mod haha. But the ME2 prologue videos are unfortunately the one major character-based pre-rendered cutscene that cannot be changed.
  7. AyamePasse
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    It looks like the Unofficial LE2 Patch was updated just a couple days after this mod. Will this still work okay with it?
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      Yes, that was just a hotfix. This mod is still up to date with the patch.
    2. AyamePasse
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Thank you! 
  8. EvilCowNinja
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I get a black screen when starting a new game during the scene when Shepard wakes up. If you can make your way to the gear locker to grab the pistol, the screen returns to normal but the mission won't progress because I can press any keys as they won't perform the action (i.e. trying to take cover). I have several mods installed but after trial and error of enabling one at a time, the problem stopped when this mod was disabled. I'll leave a diagnostics log in case you wish to see it.
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      That log isn't very helpful because you have a lot of your mods disabled. Please reenable all your install mods and send it again.
    2. EvilCowNinja
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Will do. I am currently reinstalling the game without the texture mods so I can try and fix this issue before installing them. Also, I noticed the problem was replicated after re enabling the other mods so I figure that its a few mods causing it. This mod was just the first one I came across. Once I'm done reinstalling the mods, I'll post a diagnostic link again. Thank you for the quick reply btw!
    3. EvilCowNinja
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Here is the log:

      I also noticed that I have 8 skill points at the start of the prologue but after the mods install, it reads that I have 0. I don't know if that's tied in and I understand if you don't have time to investigate this issue but I wanted to relay it to you in case it was tied in somehow. Thanks for all the work you do!
    4. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      Miranda Hair Replacer is not currently compatible with the prologue framework. You can get around this for now by disabling it until you reach Freedom's Progress
    5. EvilCowNinja
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you!
  9. BemusedManatee
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi.While I love all your consistency mods, and understand why you would want to update to the Prologue Framework for compatibility reasons, is there any chance of keeping a GIDUM-compatible version of your mods around (Even if it's just not hiding the old pre-Prologue Framework versions)? Prologue Framework isn't compatible with GIDUM at present, and I'd really rather not lose GIDUM from my modlist if at all possible.
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      Sure thing. I've put v2.5.1 under Old Files so you can continue to use that while waiting for a GIDUM update. Just be aware that 2.5.1 is not compatible with ESA's armoured epilogue option as ESA will override and restore the uniforms to vanilla without 3.0's install bools.
    2. BemusedManatee
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks. As I said, I think long-term a compatability framework is definitely the right call, I'm just not ready to be an early adopter yet. :)
  10. jurassiccritter
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Hi Audemus, thank you for all your wonderful mods. Respectfully, I'd like to say that having all the "consistency" mods for ME2 require LE2 Prologue Framework, from now on is way more of a headache than it's worth (for me, anyway). The list of mods that are incompatible with LE2 Prologue Framework is double the number of the compatible mods. I don't doubt mod authors have a really good reason for adding this new requirement, but that's waaaay above my head so I think I'll just keep using the un-updated consistency mods for as long as they will work.

    PS Sorry for venting -- I don't mean to aim my frustration at any one in particular.
    1. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      Feel free to, by all means. Though keep in mind that the prologue framework was released literally a couple of hours ago so that list of incompatible mods should hopefully go down soon.
    2. jurassiccritter
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you for replying. To be fair, most of the (currently) incompatible mods aren't mods I use or have even heard of. ...But naturally, I'm right in the middle of a ME2 playthrough, and when I read this warning on the LE2 Prologue Framework page, I overreacted. 
      "...Using prologue mods built built for this framework and mods which were not at the same time will not work and will break your game. The changes the framework makes to the way files are loaded and what they contain are very invasive. Using incompatible mods won't just override or break things, they have a good chance of landing you in a softlock."
    3. Audemus
      • Moderator
      • 299 kudos
      That warning only applies if you're starting a new game, pretty much. If you're past the prologue then you won't run into any issues.