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  1. mishyoona
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you! It works nicely. It's lovely to have my favorite unhinged quarian tangibly contributing to the war.
  2. matthewmurray
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this mod in the LE3 Community Patch as yet?
    1. columnFive
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      Not as far as I know, no.
    2. Dovanado
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      it's been a while this mod  still isnt included?
    3. CluckenDip
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      For those wondering, there is currently no mention of restoring Xen's war asset in the LE3 Community Patch notes. I imagine this should be included but we'll wait and see.
  3. It's a must have if you want things to make sense. I did a f*#@ up playthrough and Tali tragically died killing the baby Reaper so having this mod was particularly urgent. Kudos to you for doing it!. At the same time.. Come on Bioware!! f*#@ing hell 
  4. Uberjammer
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    You had me at "Cl".  Whenever I see a capital W and an l following it, I immediately complete it as Claudia Black, regardless of what actually follows.
  5. Zucca101
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    As a longtime Claudia Black fan, I approve!
  6. Szowek
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it included in EGM?
    1. columnFive
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      As far as I know, EGM doesn't include/restore the Admiral Daro'xen war asset. ADR is compatible with EGM, though.
  7. szaumoor
    • premium
    • 124 kudos
    Is this not included in LE3 Community Patch?
    1. columnFive
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      Not as far as I know.
  8. Thank you so much! Between this and the Kirrahe mod my next ME3 playthrough is looking great. Is there, by any chance, an Aralakh Company mod in the works? 
    1. columnFive
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      I don't plan to do anything with the Aralakh company war asset, no. I'm pretty sure the increased penalty from saving the Queen/Breeder in LE is a bugfix, intended to zero out the asset's base value *and* the bonuses from having Grunt alive and loyal. The description is pretty unambiguous about Aralakh's fate... D:

      I do plan on restoring the assets from the mobile game, though, as a reward for completing Priority: Horizon.
    2. Sure, the description is pretty unambiguous that the original Aralakh Company gets wiped out, but we can read about Grunt forming a new Aralahk Company on Liara's Shadow Broker terminal. 

      Maybe sacrificing Aralakh Company to save the Queen shouldn't leave it still worth 50 EMS like in the OT, but showing it as completely wiped from existence when we can see in-lore it's not is a bit disappointing. Even just having the penalty for sacrificing them go from -75 to -50 would make more sense. 

      Thanks for the other mods anyway! Excited to see your future content. 
    3. columnFive
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      Huh, I didn't remember that message. Do you happen to know when that message is sent? Is it after a specific mission?
    4. In Liara's Shadow Broker terminal, sometime after Attican Traverse: Krogan Team, if you sacrifice Aralakh Company but Grunt lives. Have a screenshot of it here.

      This plus the fact that Grunt talks about "a couple of squadmates" breaking him out of the hospital in the Citadel DLC. Makes sense that those squadmates would either be the old Aralakh Company (if they survived) or the new recruits we see him address. 

      Edit: Some people argue that the "Grunt addresses new Aralakh Company recruits" message is from the founding of Aralakh Company prior to ME3, but given that everything else in the Shadow Broker terminal is real-time I don't see why this would be the exception. 
    5. deleted60483576
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      I can confirm to his statement about that, and there's the part in the Citadel DLC (If Grunt is still alive) that "a couple of squadmates" break him out of the hospital and even have shenanigan in the Presidium


      At 1:35 minute mark, and they all clad in dark armor that Aralakh Company use. I think it doesn't really hurt to modify the value of this war asset, especially since people can choose not to use it if they didn't like, but at the same time you can also decrease the value (If you choose to save the Rahni Queen), like I think it's a safe bet to assume Grunt forming a new company out of surviving members and new recruits but it was never at full strength (unless you choose to save them instead of the Rahni)
    6. ShepN7B0rk
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Uh, I think that message is meant to be Grunt addressing the new recruits at the time of Aralakh v1.0's formation. He was put in charge of the company either from its inception or when Wrex reactivates it, depending on your interpretation.
    7. ShepN7B0rk
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You also don't learn that Grunt is in command until you see him and he tells you, so it could have been in real-time but delayed in being viewable by Shepard. Since you can't view the terminal during the mission
    8. columnFive
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      This is also how I interpreted that Broker Terminal entry. It only makes sense if it takes place prior to the events of Attican Traverse: Krogan Team. Grunt has no need to prove himself after the events on Utukku - his survival, service record, and scars speak for themselves.

      While his dialogue indicates that Aralakh Company is being reconstituted after that mission, there's no indication of a timetable on if/when that happens; Grunt himself is in recovery on the Citadel right up until the Citadel DLC. In the absence of more information indicating that a reconstituted Aralakh Company can be spotted in-game after that point, I'm hesitant to alter the EMS deduction from saving the Rachni Queen (given the plausible explanation for why it's higher than in the original game).
  9. Mike15
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, is this mod compatible with LE3 Community Patch (or planned to be)?
    1. columnFive
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      ADR doesn't overwrite or otherwise interfere with any files included in either the LE3 Community Patch or Framework. I'm keeping an eye on it as I play through the game with the community patch installed, but I don't anticipate this mod needing any kind of update to be compatible with the patch.
    2. Mike15
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Nice, thanks for the info! :)
  10. Enomeg
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Claudia Black voiced Aethyta?! I knew she was Admiral Xen, but... wow, it makes so much sense now that I think about it, but I never realized that. That is some range she's got, how she's two completely different voices in the same game and I never noticed.