Main files
based on kirby3021's 128mm Realistic Weapon Velocities
Optional files
Faster Bullets but removes changes to weapons specifically tagged for vehicles to improve compatibility
*** IMPORTANT *** - You must set GlobalProjectileVelocityMultiplier(float) to 1.3 in YetAnotherWeapon's config .ini in order to get the velocities described!
Basically just Faster Bullets, but removes changes to LBX/UAC and uses YAW's global modifier -
based on kirby3021's 203mm Realistic Weapon Velocities
*** IMPORTANT *** - You must set GlobalProjectileVelocityMultiplier(float) to 1.2 in YetAnotherWeapon's config .ini in order to get the velocities described!
Mediumer Bullets, but for YAW compatibility - uses global mod from YAW set to 1.2 -
Uses MWO velocities except for missiles since they were too slow