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Activity logs
This page was last updated on 16 March 2024, 11:40PM
- Changelogs
Version 7.0.4
- Fixed TOI Files to support the DLC6 changes
- Modified Drop Preparation Widget to support Latest updates
Version 7.0.3
- Feature: Added Final pilot Adder into the GTE Campaign
- Feature: Mod option to scale Training timeframes
- Bug Fix: Resolved condition where GTE campaign could be considered completed before finishing all GTE Pilot Missions
- Bug Fix: Fixed some audio captions for Creep.
- Bug Fix: Resolved Failed to pull Pilot Penalty points message.
- Bug Fix: Community pilots will no longer show up in random gen.
- Bug Fix: Repackaged Mist Audio files so people can hear the pilot.
- Bug Fix: Elite Pilots won't be incorrectly labeled as 80, but have 60 skills.
- Bug Fix: Wicked audio files are no longer mixed up with Bubba's.
- Bug Fix: fixed potential to get "Damage Pierced through Structure," without actually taking structure damage.
- Change: We made all new high-res GTE Pilot Portraits.
- Change: Normalized Bulwark's audio files so he can be heard better.
- Change: Normalized Mist's audio files so he can be heard better.
- Change: Normalized Kelpie's audio files so he can be heard better.
- Change: Normalized Raider's audio files so he can be heard better.
- Change: Modified Barracks display to show Callsign next to the picture.
- Change: Rewrote/changed GTE campaign pilots story and rewards to improve campaign flow and balance.
Version 7.0.1
- Change: updated to support the latest Comp Pak release v3.9
- Bug Fix: fixed settings save issue due to Comp Pak version mismatch.
- Bug Fix: Change a few recommended reputations for GTE missions
- Bug Fix: Fixed a mission location for Preacher
- Bug Fix: Altered some text for Kelpie mission
- Bug Fix: Corrected Kelpie Mission Arc to trigger properly.
Version 7.0
- Change: Modifications to enable compatibility with DLC4 and the free update
- Feature: Added 26 Mech Commander 2 Voiced pilots
- Feature: Added Community voiced Pilot - HAIL
- Feature: Added Community voiced Pilot - SNOWSHOE
- Feature: Added Community voiced Pilot - BULWARK
- Feature: Added Community voiced Pilot - PREACHER
- Feature: Added Community voiced Pilot - RAIDER
- Feature: Added Community voiced Pilot - MIST
- Feature: Added Community voiced Pilot - CHAINSAW
- Feature: Added Community voiced Pilot - KELPIE
- Feature: Added Community voiced Pilot - SOBEK
- Feature: Added 65 AI up-resolution Portraits from MCG and MC2
- Feature: Added 221 mini video clips for MCG and MC2 pilots in combat.
- Feature: Improved the Pilot Voice Selection menu to show gender, and add and add end buttons for jumping the list.
- Feature: Improved the Pilot Portrait selection menu to add first and last page buttons for jumping the list.
- Feature: Added mod option to enable / disable MCG, MC2, and Community voices in edit menu.
- Bug Fix: Resolve naming issues and conflicts with Goblin and Baron
- Bug Fix: Corrected function of Hire Pilots btn on HomeTab in market systems.
- Bug Fix: Removed Duplicate Voices titled "AI PILOT" in Voice selection.
- Bug Fix: Corrected spelling on post-mission incapacitation.
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue where Female voice for Blaze complained about armor when killing an enemy.
- Bug FIx: A bunch more fixes that I forgot to write down. Sorry fam.
Version 6.9
- Feature: Added various MIA timeline events: Pilot MIA, Pilot Rescued, Pilot Killed, Pilot Ransom expired
- Feature: Added Timeline events for PO Injury statuses: Resting, Training, Bruised, and Impaired pilots
- Feature: Added Mod Option for enabling Debug to log. Can be found in Saved Data folder.
- Feature: Added Mod Option for Head injury calculations. Structure only or Armor + Structure
- Feature: Added controller support for navigating all 3 barracks tabs
- Feature: Added Mod Option to let the player scale Random Demand amount
- Feature: Added Mod Option to let the player scale chance of pilot going MIA.
- Feature: MIA Pilots can now return on their own.
- Feature: MIA Pilots will be ransomed if not rescued.
- Change: Added button to barracks for manually organizing MIA Recovery missions.
- Change: Added button to barracks to locate MIA Recovery missions on the star map.
- Change: Modified MIA missions to be more dynamic, any mission type and use previous factions.
- Change: Added MIA Mission specific Icon (PGI ejection icon) and special mission label to star map.
- Change: Initiating MIA missions will now tell you where the mission is located and who it is for.
- Change: % chance of ejected pilot going missing based on skill 12% - 99% chance.
- Change: Modified Pilot Barracks to use PGI's latest audio fixes.
- Change: Modified Mech Selection widget to use PGI’s DLC icon per mech.
- Change: Modified Mech Selection Widget to use PGI’s scrolling text widget.
- Change: Modified Deployment Pilot Widget to use modified version of PGI’s scrolling text widget.
- Bug Fix: Checks to prevent un-initialized pilots improperly calculating chance for injury and penalties.
- Bug Fix: Resolved issue permitting pilots without damage to get injuries due to high fatigue. (wellness)
- Bug Fix: Checks to prevent multiple triggers from separate events on delayed start notifications.
- Bug Fix: Updated several screens where text could extend beyond designated bounding box.
- Bug Fix: Fixed scenario where pilots could get 1 more quirk than their maximum.
- Bug Fix: Fixed scenario where pilots could receive more quirks than maximum available in the game. (level 110 bug as some called it.)
- Bug Fix: Fixed some scenarios where un-initialized pilots could have broken skill level.
- Bug Fix: Resolved some instances where co-op displays incorrect or error information for clients.
- Bug Fix: Resolved some issues where Dead Pilots did not show up in Pilot Records.
- Bug Fix: Resolved some issues where Dead pilots became zombies.
Version 6.7
- Feature: Added Missing in Action Missions and story elements. Pilots may eject behind enemy lines on random chance.
- Feature: Added option to change pilot Gender in pilot edit menus to make pronouns sensible in new story elements.
- Change: Modified the PO logging to clean the log on each load, and reduce the number of duplicate writes.
- BugFix: Modified death tracking to prevent ghost pilots
- BugFix: Modified Barracks pilot updates for Roster and Records tabs to be more efficient.
- BugFix: Resolved issue where some missions would not have pilot penalties or bonuses applied in MT version
Version 6.6
- Feature: Added Historical records tab in Barracks (updated MT version) to show non-active pilots
- Change: Created new non-active pilot statuses including: Killed, Dismissed, Retired, Disabled, and Missing in Action
- Change: Created new hooks to track MIA, Retired, and Disabled statuses (still need to actually make use of them)
- Change: Updated Dismiss Pilot action to track various data.
- Change: Modified Pilot Stats structures to store original pilot data for comparison purposes.
- Change: Now tracking number of times a pilot is incapacitated, impaired, bruised, and trained.
- Compatibility Fix: added check for YAML, if enabled fixes MechSelectListItem's Tonnage display.
- Compatibility Fix: added check for MercTech, if enabled fixes MechSelectListItem's Tonnage display
Version 6.5.43
- Feature: Mech affinity visual added to Mech Selection
- BugFix: Mech Affinity visual now properly updates on Merctech Version
Version 6.5.42
- Feature: Added Visual to show Mech Affinity when selecting pilots
- Change: reworked the Mech Affinity visual to show the rank and the size of the mech as well as improve the design.
Version 6.5.5
- Change: Begun tracking Mech Variant, Type and Class in Mech Records.
- Feature: Mech Affinity is now scaled by Variant, Type, and Class allowing pilots to be more versatile
- Feature: Added 12 new Mech affinity quirks for Mech classes. (implemented but no pilot application .... yet)
- Change: Updated tooltip visuals to reflect the new affinity changes
Version 6.5.4
- BugFix: Corrected some minor visuals for depicting Mech Affinity.
Version 6.5.3
- BugFix: Connected missing pin on positive Quirks logic in MT version which cause major havoc.
- BugFIx: Added catches for "0" values when calculating salaries to resolve some salary bugs that people are experiencing.
Version 6.5.1
- Change: Very slightly randomized training costs to improve immersion, but not enable menu spam cheating.
- Change: Renamed mod options to organize them on the options screen. *delete the PilotOverhaulSettings.json file in the App data's saved directory to see changes*
- BugFix: Check to prevent "0 days" for motivational trainings.
- BugFix: resolved issue where motivating a pilot from 6 to 7 or 13 to 14 could set the pilot to the wrong quirk cap.
Version 6.5
- Feature: Added Chevron visual to deployment screen stats page 1 so players can quickly see Mech affinity
- Feature: Black markets now have hire-able pilots, but less than industrial worlds
- Feature: Pilots found in Black markets are slightly better than pilots found in industrial worlds.
- Change: Mod option defaults for hire-able pilots are min =1 and max = 6 for balancing black market addition.
- Change: Modified Quirk distribution weights to consider newer pilot rankings.
- Change: Modified weight scale for applying negative quirks to injured pilots for newer pilot rankings.
- Change: Enabled wage modifier option to scale hiring costs as well as salary.
- Change: Enabled Pilot salary by rank system to affect hiring costs just like it does salary. (pilots will be more slightly expensive)
- Change: Converted PO Salary, hiring costs, quirks and ranks over to new Hiring hall method.
- Change: Updated iconography used when modifying pilots to better represent the fields.
- Change: re-wrote some functions to improve performance reducing delays during pilot generation.
- BugFix: Corrected some scenarios that could lead to additional quirk being applied when not expected.
- BugFix: Added missing Skill weight to quirk cap for highest tier pilots. should correct cap generation.
- BugFix: Restored NegativeQuirkCap Maximum mod option. was mistakenly set to Positive cap. Sorry Fam!
- BugFix: Prevent rare scenario where high tier pilots may get worse quirks than low tier pilots on injury.
- BugFix: Found all locations where "Incapacitated" was spelled incorrectly and finally fixed them.
- BugFIx: Added buffer to injury status boxes to prevent words from looking odd.
- BugFix: Rebel voice was showing in Male lists for generation. now being used properly in generation.
Version 6.4
- Change: added additional "ROOKIE" Tier for pilots to appropriately display the ranks and match option settings
- Change: updated all visuals for all the Pilot quality Ranks and calculations
- BugFix: XP related mod options now appropriately apply
- BugFix: negative Quirks now cannot reduce past 1 to avoid various bugs in calculations
- BugFix: Base quality pilot option now setup pilots correctly
Version 6.1
- Feature: Added 14 more Gaultesian Portraits 7-male 7-female
- Feature: Added 18 more Female Portraits by Sankarasamsara
- Feature: Added Wage Modifier option to the option menu
- Feature: Added Minimum Hirable Pilots modifier to option menu
- Feature: Added Maximum Hirable Pilots modifier to option menu
- Feature: Added Base Pilot Quality system selection in option menu
- Feature: Added Option to scale XP amount received when pilots are rewarded
- Feature: Added Option to scale difficulty for pilots to receive awards XP
- Feature: Added Option to scale required missions for Mech Affinity tiers
- Feature: Added Option to scale maximum potential Positive quirks
- Feature: Added Option to scale maximum potential Negative quirks
- Feature: Added Option to determine if Quirk cap settings affect Pilot Generation
- Feature: Added Option to scale training volume
- Change: Modified the Mech Affinity Visual to reflect the mission requirements chosen by the mod option menu
- Change: Updated Skill curves to reach level 30. In case players increase with mod options.
- Change: Modified Visual iconography of pilot customization to help people distinguish various fields
- Change: modified internal mechanics to allow players to maximize quirks
- BugFix: Corrected status text visual in barracks pilot list item and scaled appropriately
- BugFix: Mech Affinity for Mastery status "MASTERED" was not showing properly
- BugFix: Pilot Wellness stats no longer show error on new hires
Version 6.0
- Feature: Added Pilot Stats tracking system
- Feature: Added Pilot-Mech Stats tracking system
- Feature: Added Pilot stats and Pilot-Mech stats Display for deployment
- Feature: Added Pilot stats visual in Vanilla Barracks Pilot Info - updated MT version with new stats
- Feature: Pilot Audio used during selection for deployment
- Feature: Randomized pilot audio use while on hiring / barrack screens
- Feature: Added Named selection of voices
- Feature: Added random selection of voice lines for voice selection
- Feature: Added 30 new pilot voices. Heavily customized version of the original Mech Commander Gold audio files
- Feature: Added visual to highlight selection of Portraits
- Feature: streamlined Barracks pilot info screen to improve readability, added various tool tips
- Feature: Added Mech Affinity Mechanics
- Feature: Added Wellness Mechanics
- Feature: Added Pilot Quality / Rank mechanics
- Feature: Added mod options for InjuryLength, Fatigue system
- Feature: Added wage tooltip to BarracksPilotInfo
- Feature: Added Improved Wage Mechanics
- Feature: Added Rank Modifier for Wage Mechanics
- Change: included dependency on Compatibility Pak
- Change: Update tooltip description for Performance modifier (penalty points) in BarracksPilotInfo
- Change: New process to track Deployment slots changes outside of player actions
- Change: Added performance penalty visual to Post Drop Pilot Status
- Change: Added pilot Quality visual to Post Drop Pilot Status
- Change: Added wage tooltip visual to Post Drop Status
- Change: Misc. cleanup changes on Post Drop Status
- Change: Added performance penalty visual to PilotSelectListItem
- Change: Added pilot Quality visual to PilotSelectListItem
- Change: Misc. cleanup changes on PilotSelectListItem
- Change: Added pilot Quality visual to BarracksPilotListItem
- Change: Added wage tooltip visual to BarracksPilotListItem
- Change: Misc. cleanup changes on BarracksPilotListItem
- Change: Added performance penalty visual to DeploymentPilotWidget
- Change: Added pilot Quality visual to DeploymentPilotWidget
- Change: Added wage tooltip visual to DeploymentPilotWidget
- Change: Misc. cleanup changes on DeploymentPilotWidget
- BugFix: Improved Commander Persona detection
- BugFix: Resolved Bio truncation issue
- BugFix: Improved visual feedback on pilot injuries. I.e. reasons as tooltips and days to recover
- BugFix: Training status now immediately reflected in barracks.
- BugFix: Re-worked entire fatigue and injury system to be streamlined and more accurate
- BugFix: fixed duplicate on death issue
- BugFix: Tonnage limit compairson on deploymentScreen for MT version
- BugFix: Reporting injuries correctly when equal to previous injuries on subsequent deployments
- BugFix: Detects scenarios with no Injuries, in case players deactivate fatigue
- BugFix: post drop deployment spelling of incapacitated
- BugFix: Deployment slot updates on Persona saves
- BugFix: Spelling "desserts" on Desert Dweller quirk changed to "Desert"
- BugFix: Properly show and hide training system at appropriate times
- BugFix: Proper visual alignment of items when others are hidden
Version 5.4
- Addition: Now you can change pilot's voices!
- BugFix: wrong color selection for some text items and highlights.
Version 5.3 HotFixB
- Minor change to properly detect pilot status change between multi-missions and consecutive missions without visits to the barracks or time change.
Version 5.3 HotFixA
- Minor change to properly distinguish typical injuries from PO injuries.
Version 5.3
- BugFix: Cleaned up various typos.
- BugFix: Pilots now return to their previous deployment slot after missions (Hooray!)
- BugFix: Dead pilots now disappear properly from Barracks Roster after missions.
- BugFix: Eliminated duplicate health state checks and duplicate recovery events after post mission.
- BugFix: Previous injuries now result in proper injury days after being deployed but not taking worse injuries. The messaging is corrected to be more clear.
- BugFix: Post mission Screen now shows quirk updates correctly. They are colored Red for negative and Green for positive if a new one was obtained.
- BugFix: Aborting missions no longer crashes the game with the new DLC
- BugFix: Warning for unspent negotiation points restored.
- BugFix: Quirks in Barracks Roster and Hire tabs are no longer cut off if too many are posessed.
- QOL: Added Scroll bar to quirks when not all are visible to indicate the ability to scroll through additional quirks in the list.
- QOL: First time entering Barracks will open to the tab Roster Tab (since you visit this most) and subsequently reopen to the last visited tab, on returns to the barracks.
- QOL: Moved Hiring cost to same level as Salary cost to improve readability and continuity of Barracks Pilot Info layout.
- QOL: Enabled audio on selection of any pilot in hire or roster screens of the barracks, except commander.
Version 5.2
- BugFix for health and injury Calculation after mission
- Bug Fix for Health and injury if deploying the same pilot in the same slot 2 or more times consecutively
- Updated to Include support for the new Kestrel Lancers DLC
Version 5.1
- Addition: Enabled "upgrading" previous quirks to higher tier. (replaces the lower tier version to make room for other quirks)
- Addition: Changed tooltip in post mission to show if pilots continue old injuries or take new ones
- BugFix: fixed logic to prevent negative quirks from being applied without injury.
Version 5.0
- Addition: New persistent data system
- Addition: New Pilot Status tracking system
- Addition: New Training Features (Advanced, Rehabilitation, and Motivation)
- Addition: Callsigns are now modifiable (except commander)
- Addition: Pilots can deploy while not yet fully recovered.
- Addition: Death reasons now show like Injury reasons do after a mission on tooltip
- Addition: New visual to show penalty percentage in Barracks.
- Addition: New tooltip visual to show penalty percentage in Deployment.
- Addition: 9 more Female portraits by Gaultesian
- Addition: 9 more Male portraits by Gaultesian
- Balance: Injured Pilots have a chance to die after combat (bled out to injuries) - only occurs if deployed with injuries.
- Balance: Structural damage now causes chance of negative quirks like other injuries. - can be rehabilitated
- Bugfix: Pilot Deployment warnings now say pilot unavailable instead of injured ( could be training)
- Bugfix: Bio text maximum extended to 2000 to cover longer bios
- Bugfix: Bio 2 and Bio 3 blanked to prevent Roleplayers from having extra text
- Bugfix: Repetitous new Quirks notifications on post mission resolved
- Bugfix: Improved search logic for Original Commander pilot
- Bugfix: Pilot Edit button in Barracks now more obviously interactive
Version 4.6
- 330's Commander Unchained v1.3 - Bug Fix for New Nick's Cavaliers Campaign where commander was not re-deployable
- 330's Pilot Pictures v2.0 - Gaultesian cleaned up various portraits making them look even better! Also added a new Female portrait.
Version 4.5
- 330's Fake ID Plus v1.4 - Pilot Customization window now spawns a new portrait selector window. Shows 25 large portraits at a time for maximum convenience
Version 4.4
- 330's Pilot Quirks v1.2 - Added High stats visual for Post Mission Screen, Deployment screen, and various barrack screens
- 330's Pilot Quirks v1.2 - Added ToolTip on deployment screen to show which quirks are applied to a pilot. *warning, must select pilot picture to change pilots now*
- 330's Pilot Fatigue v2.33 - Changed Injury logic for Headshots to only consider structural damage instead of external armor *still requires testing for balance*
Version 4.3
- 330's Pilot Pictures v2.0 - Added 71 more portraits provided by Gaultesian for additional variety
Version 4.2.1
- 330's Pilot Quirks v1.14 update to detect new quirks after a mission and highlight the changes.
- 330's Pilot Quirks v1.14 update to enable tool tip showing new quirks gained when mouse over quirks on post mission screen
Version 4.2
- Bug Fix for Commander Injuries - aggressively checks for health state errors on pilots and corrects them
- Bug Fix for Hireable Pilots disappearing when changing screens
- Updated FAKE ID Plus customizable menu to select whichever portrait you are looking at
Version 4.1
- Bug Fix for Commander Injuries - prevents new injuries
- Updated FAKE ID Plus's customizable menu to allow biography editing and show larger portraits as well as add room for the future goodies :)
Version 4.0
- Added modified version of FAKE ID - PILOT CUSTOMIZATION by Diji
Version 3.2
- Minor bug fix to re-enable hire-able pilot data
Version 3.1
- Improved mod compatibility by removing use of ProgressionFunctionLib. Load other mods with conflicts after for full functionality of both
- Changed Injury calculations to consider pilot skill level. Higher level pilots less likely to take injury than low level pilots
Version 3.0
- Included 3030's Commander Unchained
Version 2.0
- Included 330's Pilot Pictures
Version 1.0
- Included Pilot Quirks 1.0
- Included Pilot Fatigue 2.31
- Included Pilot XP Plus 2.0
- Optionally Included Everyone Loves a Merc
- Author's activity
March 2024
16 Mar 2024, 11:40PM | Action by: nofear001
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 7.0.4'
16 Mar 2024, 11:39PM | Action by: nofear001
File added
'330s_PilotOverhaul - DLC6 Compatible hotfix [version 7.0.4]'
February 2023
11 Feb 2023, 3:49PM | Action by: nofear001
File added
'330s_PilotOverhaul - DLC4 Compatible [version 7.0.4]'
11 Feb 2023, 3:01PM | Action by: nofear001
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 7.0.3'
11 Feb 2023, 2:58PM | Action by: nofear001
File added
'330s_PilotOverhaul - DLC4 Compatible [version 7.0.3]'
January 2023
30 Jan 2023, 4:32PM | Action by: nofear001
Attribute change
'File \'330s_PilotOverhaul - DLC4 Compatible\' description changed.'
30 Jan 2023, 4:30PM | Action by: nofear001
Attribute change
'File \'330s_PilotOverhaul - DLC4 Compatible\' description changed.'
30 Jan 2023, 4:29PM | Action by: nofear001
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
29 Jan 2023, 11:12PM | Action by: nofear001
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 7.0.1'
29 Jan 2023, 11:07PM | Action by: nofear001
File added
'330s_PilotOverhaul - DLC4 Compatible [version 7.0.1]'
29 Jan 2023, 11:02PM | Action by: nofear001
File added
'330s_PilotOverhaul - DLC4 Compatible [version 7.0.1]'
29 Jan 2023, 9:18PM | Action by: nofear001
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 7.0'
29 Jan 2023, 9:13PM | Action by: nofear001
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 7.0'
29 Jan 2023, 9:09PM | Action by: nofear001
Attribute change
'File \'330s_PilotOverhaul - DLC Compatible MERCTECH Compatible\' changed to \'330s_PilotOverhaul - MERCTECH Compatible (PRE-DLC3)\'.'
29 Jan 2023, 9:08PM | Action by: nofear001
File added
'330s_PilotOverhaul - DLC Compatible4 [version 7.0]'
29 Jan 2023, 8:47PM | Action by: nofear001
Attribute change
'Summary changed.
Description changed.
Mod version changed to 7.0.'
29 Jan 2023, 2:59PM | Action by: nofear001
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
29 Jan 2023, 2:59PM | Action by: nofear001
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
27 Jan 2023, 3:35AM | Action by: nofear001
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
27 Jan 2023, 3:34AM | Action by: nofear001
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
- Mod page activity
December 2024
26 Dec 2024, 7:15AM | Action by: ElohssaRepus
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
25 Dec 2024, 8:59PM | Action by: Targish
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
25 Dec 2024, 7:12AM | Action by: CheopisIV
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
24 Dec 2024, 9:46PM | Action by: FireSwordsman
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
24 Dec 2024, 8:19AM | Action by: Koh9349
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
24 Dec 2024, 5:56AM | Action by: Lokian88
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
24 Dec 2024, 4:21AM | Action by: maelz1
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
23 Dec 2024, 8:10PM | Action by: Morgan5121
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
23 Dec 2024, 7:32PM | Action by: WinstonStarseeker
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
22 Dec 2024, 4:25PM | Action by: johndarrien
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
22 Dec 2024, 3:15AM | Action by: Cedrick
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
22 Dec 2024, 12:44AM | Action by: Lancel0t131
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
21 Dec 2024, 12:48PM | Action by: Nealis57
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
20 Dec 2024, 4:10PM | Action by: mopszilla
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
20 Dec 2024, 3:20PM | Action by: M1a2af
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
20 Dec 2024, 3:57AM | Action by: squallalex
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
19 Dec 2024, 11:11PM | Action by: xXBalthorXx
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
19 Dec 2024, 11:07PM | Action by: xXBalthorXx
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
18 Dec 2024, 6:53PM | Action by: Kete
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'
18 Dec 2024, 4:34AM | Action by: xanthiad
'330\'s Pilot Overhaul'