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  1. BobbertModdert
    • premium
    • 110 kudos
    -Read the description :)

    -There will sometimes be duplicate variants that show up because of multiple default loadouts for a variant. This is not a bug.

    -For other mods that add new Mechs or variants, this mod will only pick them up if the have the Unit.Usage.InstantAction tag in the Attributes section of the Unit Card

    Basic Troubleshooting:
    -Game version must match what's in the description
    -Make sure you're running the latest mod version
    -Disable other mods and see if it works with vanilla, testing with a fresh career save is better
    -Verify game files

    -If a menu crashes on initial load/opening, try cleaning out your inventory or making a new save. If it still crashes after both of those try disabling mods that add extra items, mechs or variants depending on what menu is crashing.
    -If there is crashing or lagging on items/mechs being added try cleaning out your inventory.
  2. aragos32727
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Not sure what happened but this mod has stopped working for me. I haven't changed my previous mods but I think an update to another mod might have caused this one to stop working. I'm using vanilla mods so not running YAML or anything like that. Mostly visuals, classic clan mechs, von biomes. 
  3. TheBackOfDark
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Mod works well, but fair warning for people who buy too many items. Buying a lot of items in base MW5 is already a problem since it'll eventually lag every time you buy equipment. Getting more than a dozen or so items from the delivery screen will cause a massive memory leak and crash your game, so be careful.
  4. eflores984
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So I got the glitch where the Mech Order list is completely empty. Has anyone figured out what causes this? I tried selling every Mech I had; but still no list.
  5. Littch
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a list somewhere that shows what mechs unlock at each rep level?

    if not, i mostly just want to know when does the king crab unlock, the ones with guass potential
    1. Itrystrad
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Sarna has one at "wiki/MechWarrior_5:_Mercenaries/BattleMechs".

      The King Crab has three variants that support the Large slot Ballistic weapon, Gauss Rifle.

      All three of those unlock in the year 3015 (start of the campaign).

      Good luck.
  6. firebat2120
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why when I order a mech, the weapons and equipment are striped??? That is the worst thing ever!!! Remove that part of this mod.
    1. BobbertModdert
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      There is already an option to turn off the stripped mechs feature, download and check mod options. I'll also update the description accordingly as I thought I had added it. Additionally, your comment demanding I remove that part of this mod is not okay and comes off as entitled. Please be mindful as this is voluntary work given away freely.
    2. dragonalumni
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Bobbert, the internet is full of silly loons like this too dumb to check options and willing to make such demands, laugh it off, your work is appreciated by thousands of people.
    3. BobbertModdert
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Haha, thanks.
  7. ORCACommander
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Feature Suggestion: YAML Alt version for unified UI with YAML
    1. mirddes
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      this must surely be the mostly highly sought after feature for many people.

      i would absolutely love for a yaml enhanced version, it sure gets messy with all the stuff yaml adds with no yaml tabs to sort it all.
  8. Ormy1
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Feature request: when you need a certain item or mech to fulfill a cantina mission, that item has a green box around it when you are in the normal equipment market or mech market.  Could these green boxes be added to the delivery market window too?

    Love this mod.
    1. BobbertModdert
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      I believe I had this feature at one point but it was causing lag and slowdown on initial load because it has to check every mech variant in the game so I disabled it. 
  9. Schinaider5
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi! Could be possible to change option of buying at any date to enable buying thing that the intro date is 1 january 9999? Some mods, for some reason, introduce things a the intro date is about 9000 to 9999 year. OR maybe someone could point me how to change it myself.
  10. shimrra102
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    would it be possible to have the quirks showed on the side?
  11. Schinaider5
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    First great mod! I ever used to hate hopping in between every industrial zone for things and your mod solved it.

    And i noticed that your mod allow buying very rare mech with LosTech based on "Intro Date". So basicly any SLDF mech that were crated before 3015 can be bought like they were easily available. While i love this, because love use the best variants early instead of  bet on my luck to find  them, would be interesting to have an option to ban mechs with LosTech or maybe have an slide to increase the price of mech that have these things. I'm only saying this because other mods that create mech variant, including clan mechs can be very strict on intro dates and it breaks the immersion when i see an Locust IIC or an Conjurer 1 in the shop in 3015, because they were create by the clanners in 2856.

    Anyway your mod rocks!