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Hello there! we are proud to present out 3.5 Update! Hope you enjoy it and all it contents!
to see the credits for the people who help make this mod possible watch the video to the end
on YT. donations will be vary appreciated! 😃

PS to get that bonus content you'll have to visit the modding den! 😉

{Explanation on what each Pak file do}

This has All the custom Decals and is easy to install! [to see what decals have gotten replaced check the "change log"]

This gives you custom Bill Boards on solaris and its easy to install this as well!

This gives you All the MW4 Style UI's including the ones for In-game and it is easy to install

This changes the hardpoint colors for weapons, energy is red/ballistic is golden yellow/missiles is green, installing this is easy if you used my previous MechLab colors mods before.

This Gives you those awesome weapon effects like the gauss rings and so on, installing this is easy.

This gives you those custom loading screens and the spinner, This has also received some changes to check the "change log" to see them all 😉

This gives you MW4 style fonts!


This Goes in the Game folder.

This Goes in the Game folder.

This Goes in the Game folder.

This Goes in the Game folder. [This will require a patch everytime They add a new mech/variant, to keep this file up to date come to the modding den on discord.]

This Goes in the Game folder.

This Goes In the Game folder.

This Goes In the Game folder.

{MechWarrior Online/Game}

If have the game installed on Steam.
{Steam/Steamapps/common/MechWarrior Online/Game}

Modding Den Discord Server Link: