Perhaps you could also try making a CFA/ZRS riot suit mod? But instead of replacing an arm with the helmet, you could try the bandana... I know it's asking a lot, but I would be happy if you followed my request.
You can make the model located on the route: chunk0/Assets/tpp/pack/mission2/common/mis_com_mafr.fpk> pfs no load their textures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- puedes hacer el modelo ubicado en la ruta: chunk0/Assets/tpp/pack/mission2/common/mis_com_mafr.fpk > pfs no carga sus texturas.
48 comments!DAESGQTB!_V0IoNatm7HWXXvnSEvJZcovx9Arpc6rGRf2ynn4YZc
Makes it easier for new people to crush the enemies of the motherland!
no load their textures.
puedes hacer el modelo ubicado en la ruta: chunk0/Assets/tpp/pack/mission2/common/mis_com_mafr.fpk > pfs
no carga sus texturas.