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Ever wished you didn't have to switch over to D-Dog when Mom comes in? Well, now you don't have to!
New overhaul version replaces:
Cutscenes => KHAKI
(11.07.22) Complete overhaul of the mod with FMDL Studio v2. (19.01.17) 0.8.4 support was hard to add back then, okay
(04.12.17) So, there goes the unbadification of my number two most endorsed mod on the MGSV Nexus. Added better textures, the Desert Fox variant, UI icons, text and the long awaited cutscene support. I mean, it might have been awaited by someone I don't know.
(06.01.18) Finally fixed the accidental switch up between QuietReceivesPersecution and QuietInterrogation. Still no clue on the arms issue in A Quiet Exit.
Old pre-overhaul version replaces: Default Naked - Olive Drab Silver Naked - Tiger Stripe Gold Naked - Golden Tiger Blood Naked - Desert Fox Cutscenes - Olive Drab (Gray XOF in Cloaked in Silence)
Thanks to JimLafleur for fixing some clipping issues with the harness in the overhauled update! Special thanks to all these wonderful people for their generous donations for all these years!