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About this mod

The sword mod, finally made usable.

Permissions and credits
Solid Rising v4 (Light)

A sword mod featuring three new staff members:
-Chi(Parasite Ninja Chico)
-Gray Fox(roughly based on his Portable Ops appearance)

To access the new uniques and their respective sword combat, you must assign them to your combat unit first. Find them as S++ combat staff member at the top of Combat Suitability.

These 'new' staff members are replacements of 'Golden Fox', 'The Eye' and 'The Finger'. Sword gameplay is restricted to using these staff members.

Each staff member has their own custom speed and combat animations.
To pick between Raiden's visor options, use LB+Left/Right (or Q for KbM).
To pick between Raiden's sheath options, use LB+Up/Down. (Q for KbM).

V4.0 Notes:
 / Major and minor bug fixes
  // Every known issue related to the camera has been fixed
  // The mod no longer affects the game negatively when just having the mod installed and not using it
 / Major restructuring that lead to dubbing it the "Light" version
  // Characters no longer hold the swords outside of attacks.
 // Many sword attacks have temporarily been removed and replaced with CQC again until more modding research is done on MGS5's script/animation
 // Raiden is back to having only a single outfit slot
 // All main playable male staff characters are now muted
 / Motion speeds have been adjusted and finetuned
 / Super-Sprint is now implemented (hold Sprint for super fast sprinting)
 / Gray Fox's Null model has been improved and face rigged
 / Gray Fox's Cyborg Ninja outfit has been added
 / Raiden has been face rigged (skin wrapped against Snake's face rigging)
*The face will currently only be animated in cutscenes, not gameplay
 / Raiden can change between hip sheath and back sheath
 / Raiden can change between no visor and visor on
 / The uniques now have super health excluding the Null outfit. (not extensively tested)


Shigu - Animation/Script/Model work
CapLag (RLC) - Model work (creator of Parasite Chico model)
HeartlessSeph - Model work (creator of Cyborg Ninja model)
James Wyntehr - Model work (creator of Null's mask)
Cuba - Sound work (creator of optional Raiden voice)
Hugest thanks to every researcher in the Modder's Heaven discord for creating the tools and knowledge bases we get to make these mods with.