Main files
the main city/world map and resorce pack to go with it
did some work around the nosgoth city area and some work on the kcrn rail network
hopefully fixed some crashing do to bad chunks made by bad dev programming map shoud be about 5gb in ziped format rember to report bugs to the bug tracker area
worked on fising up the i-1 and 305 interchangew and started city of eugene north of kamelot on i-22 and started work on blocksantos east of eugene on i-71/i-72
been about a year sense last update lots of work done in the world including the extension of the i-305 to the 40k south blocks out
map now supports mc 1.16.3 as always report bugs to me for issues with the map map shoud be 7gb zipped and 21gb unzipped -
updated map with new work done now 1.19.2+ pls report any map glitches to me if seen moved Newport city to were greenfield was and reset the city removed aileron do to map chunk reset bugs and merged katzhouse and Portland together metro city removed
made the map compatable with 1.20.6 and worked a bet on the newport city area spawn shoude also be frixed hopfuly as ushly extract and have fun exploreing and dont for get to give it a like and report any bugs