2B ver.Kaine Retouching
Action Taimanin - Shiranui Mizuki
Aki Rosenthal Model Sound and NPC Mod - Hololive
Alice and Cielo UHPN Armors
enable physic for all armors, must install first |
Alice Armor Retouching
Almudron Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Almudron Monster Girl Armor - TU5 Compatable
Almudron Type S
Amatsu Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Anjanath Armor Retouching
Armour Mesh Edits.
Needed for Physics to work. Make sure it's installed before my mods. |
Azure Armor Retouching
Azure Armor Ver.R
to enable physics for every armor piece |
Barbania and Dignified Armor Ver.R
to enable physics for every armor piece |
Barbania Armor Retouching
Barioth - Grada's Paradise Series
To enable the custom physics |
Base Commander and Royal Artillery Corps Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Bazelgeuse Monster Girl Armor - TU5 Compatable
Better Male Body
Must be installed first |
Better Male Body Bikini Dual Color
Must be installed first |
Black Belt Armor Ver.R
BloodMalice Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
BMB Fitted Sexy Male Arc Armor Set
Must be installed first |
BMB Fitted Sexy Male Barbania Armor Set
Must be installed first |
BMB Fitted Sexy Male Chaotic Gore Armor Set
Must be installed first |
BMB Fitted Sexy Male Clockwork Armor Set
Must be installed first |
BMB Fitted Sexy Male Espinas Armor Set
Must be installed first |
BMB Fitted Sexy Male Shell-Studded Armor Set
Must be installed first |
BMB Fitted Sexy Male Utsushi Visible Armor Set
Must be installed first |
Bnahabra Armor Retouching
Body Piercing Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Boots02 - Witch Legwear
Chaotic Gore Armor Retouching
Chaotic Gore Magala Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Cielo Armor Retouching
Clockwork Armor Retouching
Crimson Glow Valstrax - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Dead or Alive 5 - Mai Shiranui
Diver Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Divine Ire Armor Retouching
Dusk Armor Retouching
Edel Armor Retouching
Elgado Bunny Armor Retouching
Elgado set Adjusted
Now needed since update 11 broke the prefab files |
Espinas Armor Retouching
Female Buff Body Alpha - Sunbreak Compatible (With Modder's Resource)
The physics enabler must be activated first. |
Fiorayne Malzeno Monster Girl - TU5 Compatable
Flaming Espinas - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Flaming Espinas Armor Retouching
Formal Dragon - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Fugen Utsushi Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Gaismagorm Armor Ver.R
Garangolm Armor Ver.R
to enable physics for every armor piece |
GHN's EBB Mod Pack
for body physics |
Good Topology Nude mod (TU4 Update)
MUST BE INSTALLED BEFORE THIS! Otherwise you will have to reinstall this mod to have physics. |
Gore Magala - Vanilla Like - Up to 56 Options to chose from - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Gore Magala Armor Ver.R
Goss Harag - Vanilla Like - Up to 28 Options to chose from - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Goss Harag X Armor Retouching
Grada's Paradise MHRise Edition - All in One - Sunbreak Update
Required for physics to work |
Grand God's Peer Armor Retouching
Grand gods peer Type S
HighPolyNude(HPN) Body MHR Sunbreak Edition
Houshou Marine Model Sound and NPC Mod - Hololive
HPN - DoA Cowgirl Bikini (Converted)
Must have this for physic to work |
HPN - DoA Jewel Lapis Lazuli
Must have this for physic to work |
HPN - DoA Martini (Converted)
Must have this for physic to work |
HPN - DoA Tina Bodysuit (Converted)
Must have this for physic to work |
HPN - Lady Hellbender Armour
Must have this for physic to work |
HPN - The Sheriff of Piltover
Must have this for physic to work |
HPN Gris Swimsuit
Physics |
HPN NPCs - Luchika is the Sheriff of Piltover
Must have this for physic to work |
Inner Armor - Grada's Paradise Series - SUNBREAK UPDATE
Required for physics |
Innerwear Armor Retouching
Kamura and Kamurai Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Kamura Armor - Up to 26 Options - Grada's Paradise Series - SUNBREAK UPDATE
Required for physics to work |
Kamura Armor Retouching
Kamura Cloak Armor Retouching
Kamurai Armor Retouching
Khezu MR UHPN Armor
enable physic for all armors, must install first |
Knight Heavy and Knight Squire Armor Ver.R
to enable physics for every armor piece |
Lagombi Armor Retouching
Lambent Armor Retouching
Lenigan Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Lennigan Armor Retouching
Lien Armor Retouching
Lolita Costume
Latest version to enable physics |
Luchika Bazelgeuse Monster Girl - TU5 Compatable
Lunagaron Armor Retouching
Lunagaron Armor Ver.R
to enable physics for every armor piece |
Malzeno and Primordial Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Malzeno Armor Retouching
Malzeno Monster Girl Armor - TU5 Compatable
Marine Armor Retouching
Medium and Channeler Armor Ver.R
to enable physics for every armor piece |
Mega Busty Tetranadon (TU4 Update)
Melahoa Armor Retouching
MHW 3D Pubes for HPN Body
MHW 3D Pubes for U-HPN Origin Body
MHW Azure - Crimson - Onyx Starlord Female
This MOD is required to get physical effects (please install it before all clothing class mods). |
MiniSkirt Outfit
Mizutsune - Grada's Paradise Series
To enable the custom physics |
Mizutsune Armor Ver.R
to enable physics for every armor piece |
Mizutsune Monster Girl Mod - TU5 Compatable
Nargacuga - Vanilla Like - Up to 27 Options to chose from - Grada's Paradise Series - Sunbreak Update
Required for physics to work |
Narwa's Armor Retouching
Nitara - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Nude Male Buff Gamma For Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Olga Discordia's Set
Omega Thicc Dusk
Omega Thicc Followers
Onmyo Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Ouro Kronii Model Sound and NPC Mod - Hololive
Primal Malzeno Monster Girl Armor
Prudence Armor Retouching
Pyre Kadaki Armor Retouching
Rakna Kadaki X Armor Retouching
Rakna-Kadaki MR and Pyre - Vanilla Like - Up to 26 Options to chose from - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Rathian Monster Girl Mod - TU5 Compatable
Reflet Armor Retouching
Relunea Skirt Adjusted
Riggified 4031
Riggified Arcana
Riggified Asgard
Riggified Assassin Harness
Riggified Audumbla
Riggified Aurgelmir
Riggified Bitfrost
Riggified Bunny
Riggified Chat Noir
Riggified Choi Ji Yoon
Riggified Code Rouge
Riggified Crimson Punk
Riggified Cute Devil
Riggified Dealer
Riggified Dream Chaser
Riggified Elli
Riggified Evil Rose
Riggified Freyna
Riggified Frigg
Riggified Garam
Riggified Ginnungagap
Riggified Gust Mashup
Riggified Hailey
Riggified Hel
Riggified Jormungandr
Riggified Labyrinth
Riggified Leifang Halloween
Riggified Lisa Halloween
Riggified Lucky Chloe
Riggified Maid
Riggified Margaret Moonlight
Riggified Newcomer
Riggified Nidhogg
Riggified Nightwalker
Riggified Ninja
Riggified Nyotengu Halloween
Riggified Ocean Sunfish
Riggified Open Your Heart
Riggified Phase 4 Halloween
Riggified Place Your Bet
Riggified Raise The Sail
Riggified Rider
Riggified Saehrimnir
Riggified Santa's Helper
Riggified Sawamura Devil
Riggified Scathach Assassin
Riggified Silverfox
Riggified Succubus
Riggified Succubus Queen
Riggified Undertaker
Riggified Urban Walker
Riggified Vili
Riggified Xmas Kamael
Riggified Xmas Pyran
Riggified Xmas Ribbons
Riggified Yuki Kozukata
Riggified Zipline
Rimeguard Armor Retouching
Rimeguard UHPN Armor
enable physic for all armors, must install first |
Sailor Armor Retouching
Sailor Marine Armor Ver.R
to enable physics for every armor piece |
SBB - Armors - Alloy (pl004)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Arzuros (pl224)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Baggi (pl223)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Black Belt and S (pl280-433)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Bone (pl003)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Chainmail (pl014)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Chaos (pl243)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Hunter (pl002)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Inners (pl501-504-505-506)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Izuchi (pl211)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Kamura (pl200)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Lagombi (pl225)
Required |
SBB - Armors - Leather (pl001)
Required |
Scholar Armor Retouching
Seething Bazelguese - Grada's Paradise Series
To enable the custom physics |
Shagaru Magala - Up to 43 Options to chose from - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Shapely Almudron
Required file must be enabled before the main file. |
Shapely Buff Alpha
The physics enabler must be activated first. |
Shapely Lunagaron
Shapely Remobra
The physics enabler must be activated first. |
Shapely Spio Armor
The physics enabler must be activated first. |
Shapely type 1 innerwear
Required for version 3.0. |
Shapely Uroktor - Sunbreak Compatible
Required for version 2.0. |
Shui Armor Retouching
Shui Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Silver Sol Armor Retouching
Sinister Grudge and Bloodmalice UHPN Armors
enable physic for all armors, must install first |
Sinister Grudge Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Sinister Seal - Vanilla Like - Up to 22 Options to chose from - Grada's Paradise Series - SUNBREAK UPDATE
Required for physics to work |
Sinister Seal Armor Retouching
Sinister(Magnamalo) Armor Ver.R
Skimpy Azure Armor TU2 update
you nee this for jiggle |
Skimpy Barioth Armor TU2 Update
you nee this for jiggle |
Skimpy Bnahabra Armor
Necessary for jiggle physics, install before this mod |
Skimpy MIzutsune Armor TU2 update
you need this to jiggle |
Skimpy Nargacuga Armor TU2 Update
you nee this for jiggle |
Skimpy Spio Armor -- Sunbreak Compatible
Necessary for jiggle physics, install before this mod, not required for Sunbreak |
Skimpy Storge Armor TU2 Update
you nee this for jiggle |
Somnacanth - Vanilla Like - Up to 80 Options to chose from - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Sonic Wear Armor Retouching
Summer Armor Retouching
Swallow Armor Retouching
Swallow Set Adjusted
Tetranadon Armor Retouching
Three Elders HR UHPN Armors
enable physic for all armors, must install first |
Three Elders MR UHPN Armors
enable physic for all armors, must install first |
Three Elders Risen UHPN Armors
enable physic for all armors, must install first |
Tight Female Underwear Type 3
you need this to activate version 2.0 tits jiggle physics. |
Tights Costume
Latest version to enable physics |
Top04 - Witch Top
Top05 - Lace Top
U-HPN - The Sheriff of Piltover
Must have this for physic to work |
U-HPN - Bowsette
Must have this for physic to work |
U-HPN - DoA Jewel Lapis Lazuli
Must have this for physic to work |
U-HPN and U-HPN natural Body with Inners and Bikinis
to enable physics |
U-HPN Bladedancer Mercenary
U-HPN BOWSETTE - Player Head Replacer (with facial animations)
Must have this for physic to work |
Ultra and Omega Thicc Artillery Corps
Ultra and Omega Thicc Azure Layered
Ultra and Omega Thicc Black Leather Heels
Ultra and Omega Thicc Brigade
Ultra and Omega Thicc Clothing Type 01
Ultra and Omega Thicc Clothing Type 02
Ultra and Omega Thicc Clothing Type 03
Ultra and Omega Thicc Clothing Type 04
Ultra and Omega Thicc Commission
Ultra and Omega Thicc Diver layered
Ultra and Omega Thicc Lien layered
Ultra and Omega Thicc Pyre-Kadaki
Ultra and Omega Thicc Rakna
Ultra and Omega Thicc Sailor
Ultra and Omega Thicc Scholar
Ultra and Omega Thicc Shell Studded
Ultra and Omega Thicc Sonic
Umamusume-Mihono Bourbon
Umamusume-NPC Pack
Unrealistic Proportions HighPolyNude Body (UPHPN) - MHR Sunbreak Edition
UPHPN - Custom Secret Class
Physics |
UPHPN - DoA Cowgirl Bikini
UPHPN - Gris Swimsuit
Physics |
UPHPN - Innocence Lingerie
UPHPN - Martini
Physics |
UPHPN - Milk Apron
Must install |
UPHPN - Venus Valkyrie
Physics |
UPHPN H Body - Design Contest Costume
Physics |
UPHPN H Body - DoA Tina Body Suit
UPHPN MM - Bladedancer Mercenary
Physics |
Usada Pekora Model Sound and NPC Mod - Hololive (MHR)
Vaik Armor Retouching
Valstrax Armor Ver.R
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Valstrax Monster Girl Mod - TU5 Compatable
Velociprey - Up to 50 Options to chose from - Grada's Paradise Series
Required for physics to work |
Ver.R NPC Arlow(femalized)
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Ver.R NPC Fiorayne
to enable physics for every armor piece |
Ver.R NPC Galleus (femalized)
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Ver.R NPC Hinoa Minoto
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Ver.R NPC Jae (femalized)
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Ver.R NPC Luchika
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Ver.R NPC Rondine
to enable physics for every armor piece |
Ver.R NPC Utsushi
latest, to enable physics for every armor piece |
Violet Mizutsune Monster Girl Mod
Yukumo Sky and Five Element UHPN Armors
enable physic for all armors, must install first |
Zinogre X Armor Retouching