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  1. GreenComfyTea
    • premium
    • 74 kudos
    This mod is solely intended to empower players with means of self-improvement. Please don't use the information provided by this tool
    to make hurtful comments and actions toward other players.


    Buy Me a Tea

    If you like my mods, please consider making a small donation! That would be very helpful for me to maintain existing mods and create new ones in the future!
  2. GreenComfyTea
    • premium
    • 74 kudos
    Check out my other mod that improves matchmaking experience, removes timeout error and region lock:
    Better Matchmaking!
  3. turtloid
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Works on Steam Deck (OLED). Great performance as well if you turn off the dynamic overlays. I just set mine to only show highlighted large monsters, because that's all I needed really. REFramework and REFramework D2D both work, just extract then put the files into the MH Rise program folder as instructed, then add "winedlloverrides="dinput8.dll=n,b" %command%" in the Steam launch options. 

    Additional tip: bind a button (I used the back L4 button) to the keyboard "Insert" button so opening REFramework in-game is as easy as one button push. Makes toggling and experimenting with different overlay settings a breeze. 

    Edit: I don't have the Sunbreak DLC, if that matters. Will edit this comment if I do get it someday and update if this still works great by then. 
  4. Keelanrelyt
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Downloaded the mod but the debug window shows that it can't access any of the data, and it doesn't populate any ui.
    1. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      Send screenshot
    2. dxo1a
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same problem, screenshot:
      Latest REFrameworks. If it's important, the following mods are installed: Better Matchmaking, UI Scaler, Weakness Icon Indicator, NoKillCam, RiseTweaks, 4K HUD.
    3. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      The majority of reports are from pre save load, so they are irrelevant. The only interesting report there is for master_player data. What save slot are you playing on? Is the game version up to date?
      Also try reloading scripts during quests to see if it fixes the issue, and if it doesn't - to get more relevant reports.
    4. dxo1a
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I don't know how to check the slot number. Originally it is the main slot and everything worked fine on it in the summer. There are 3 slots in total. The error with master_player occurs even when I'm in the main menu.
      Version of the game Steam.
      Logs: Google Drive

      UPD: After a million restarts I found out that the mod doesn't work because of your second mod Better Matchmaking. Is there any way to fix this so that both mods work together?
    5. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      they should work together just fine, thou this is not the first time I hear about it. Weird. The config file for Better Matchmaking is corrupted, delete E:\MonsterHunterRise\reframework\data\Better Matchmaking\config.json. This is probably not the reason of the issue, but we can start there. After deleting it, launch the game and send me the log file again.
    6. dxo1a
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Unfortunately won't have access to a PC anytime soon. I saw that they wrote that the mod does not work with your second mod, but since it is repeatedly written about it, then maybe something is wrong?
      I don't know much about MHR modding, but as a programmer I understand that the error is due to authentication/creating a player instance or something like that. That is, with the network part that your second mod touches. (no toxicity or negativity)
    7. TEEclipse
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Have the exact same issue. Trying around I found that disabling Global Settings > Renderer > Use Direct2D if available shows the UI as intended.

      I played yesterday and everything worked fine, today I had the issue and I didn't change anything in between. While trying to fix it I reinstalled both Reframework and Reframework D2D which didn't fix it. I also completely deleted this mod and reinstalled it (including config), only way atm to let the UI show up is disabling said D2D option.
      It does not however fix the error reports in Debug (Failed to Access Data: master_player)
    8. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      There are quite a few people who started complaining about mhr overlay and better matchmaking incompatibility recently. Perhaps, I should
      investigate this. Can you all please send me config files too?
      E:\Games\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterRise\reframework\data\Better Matchmaking\config.json
      E:\Games\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterRise\reframework\data\MHR Overlay\

      PS. these are not error messages, just debug messages, thats why the whole tab is called Debug and not Errors.
    9. Diogenes0
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey man, thanks a LOT for the post, I tried that and I was finally able to get the overlay to show up. Before that I checked off the "read-only" property of a bunch of folders and giving full access via folder permissions but nothing worked, indeed it just kept returning "failed to access" on the logs (on the REFramework UI).
      Thanks again buddy. 
      For other people Googling (which is how I got here):
      - How to make MHR overlay show up
      - MHR overlay does not show up
      - MHR overlay failed to access
      - MHR overlay invisible
      - MHR overlay missing
      Disabling Global Settings > Renderer > Use Direct2D if available shows the UI as intended.
    10. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      What d2d version are you using? If newer ones, try to go baaack to v0.4.0 with the use direct2d setting on.
    11. Ningyoplug
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      TEEclipse just saved me! I'm on Steam Deck and was so confused as to why nothing was showing up despite the mod being installed correctly. Disabling "use Direct2D if available" made the UI finally appear! Whatever is causing this, I hope the next update of the mod will fix it.
  5. neovendik
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a way to show everything all at once so I can position and customize as my leisure? Things like body parts end up fading from my screen after a few seconds so I can't get them position/styled to where I would like them before they disappear. If nothing else id rather see breakable/cutable parts on screen at all times instead of fading in and out.
    1. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      There is no design mode, but you can disable part disappearance by changing Large Monster UI -> * -> Body Parts -> Settings -> Time Limit to 0 and uchecking Hide Undamaged Parts.
  6. terrybyja
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    gran mod, gracias por compartir aunque sean años desde que fue hecho, actualmente es que puedo jugar al juego.. xDD y este mod esta buenardo. gracias, soy de habla hispana y aunque esta en ingles lo use por varias semanas y le saque una pequeña traduccion, por si algun cristiano que le guste en español aca dejo el link de archivo json.
    solo deben agregarlo en la siguiente ruta y cambiarlo dentro del juego::  donde tenga su juego instalado, 
    Monster Hunter Rise\reframework\data\MHR Overlay\languages

    Gracias por el Mod..
    1. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos

      Nice! I will add it to the mod, thank you!
  7. nevermorelesse
    • member
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    Hello! I've used this mod for months now and it used to work perfectly. Since I've returned to the game recently and installed the latest version however, the highlighted monster UI refuses to show up even when enabled. I had accepted that was my fate and maybe the mod didn't have that anymore, but during one specific hunt (Utushi's first follower hunt with a ZInogre), it suddenly appeared and could be configured just fine! After the hunt ended though it's back to being gone. I checked FaQ but didn't see this anywhere. Any ideas?

    Edit: Remembered an important detail. The highlighted UI DOES show up when I'm mounted on a monster, but then goes away again once I'm thrown off.
  8. SeraphimAngels
    • member
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    Anyone know how to get the damage meter ui to move down instead of up when people join the game and get added to it? I have it anchored in the top left and when people join, the ui expands upwards and covers stuff like my health and stamina ui.

    Also anyone know if it's possible to see elemental vs raw damage separately?
    1. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      1. Set MHR Overlay -> Damage Meter UI -> Spacing -> Y to a positive number
      2. No
    2. SeraphimAngels
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! And thanks for making this mod and still responding to peoples questions!
    3. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      ur welcome <3
  9. Johnson0427
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    May I ask why my monster name and character name are both displayed as "???"? I am using the latest version mod and the latest version d2d.
    1. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      ??? means d2d is not working properly, reinstall it. Also make sure that MHR Overlay -> Global Settings -> Renderer -> Use Direct2D if available is ticked.
  10. GAMEKNIGHT36900
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I got the mod installed, but I cant get it to display any of the values whenever I enable them and fight a monster.
    Using the newest downloads for all the mods an have D2D
    1. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      send me the log file and the configs
      E:\Games\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterRise\reframework\data\MHR Overlay\config.json
      E:\Games\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterRise\reframework\data\MHR Overlay\configs\
  11. MaxeeGG
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having trouble getting Direct2D to work on Steam Deck but sharing that this mod seem to work without it. 

    Currently using latest Reframework (build 654bac (Nightly 939)) at the time of posting.

    Thanks for the awesome mod!
  12. 300spartans1loss
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey I installed Framework and the overlay (without D2D) and everything shows up fine but it doesnt track the player damage. Have I missed a setting or something? It tracks monster health and everything else just fine.
    1. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      Show me a screenshot and send the log: \MonsterHunterRise\re2_framework_log.txt
    2. 300spartans1loss
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      Im not totally sure how to send the log, I'm a bit new to this part of this site :p
    3. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      Grab the file, upload it to google drive, allow access with link, and send the link here

      P.S. the screenshot is not useful as you didn't deal any damage, all monsters are full hp. Make a new one >.<
      P.P.S. the overlay was made for 1080p screen, not 768p :D If you want you can scale the whole overlay down in Global Settings -> Modifiers -> Global Scale Modifier. The value of 0.713 is the one you want.
    4. 300spartans1loss
      • member
      • 0 kudos

    5. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      really weird, no errors in the logs. Can you, please, share your config file?
      E:\Games\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterRise\reframework\data\MHR Overlay\config.json
      and all files in E:\Games\steamapps\common\MonsterHunterRise\reframework\data\MHR Overlay\configs\ folder
    6. 300spartans1loss
      • member
      • 0 kudos

    7. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      You don't track any monsters, ofc the damage will be 0

    8. 300spartans1loss
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      FUCKING HELL Lmao. Thank you
  13. cjw7761
    • member
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    몬스터를 사용하는 경우 모든 글이 ???로 표시 이유를 모르겠습니다.
    1. GreenComfyTea
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      설명을 읽고 REFramework Direct2D를 설치하세요