See: AKA: modifications are allowed, but have to be GPL and open source as well !
File credits
Thanks to DSC-173, I didn't take anything directly from his transmog mod, but its source code saved me a fair amount of work researching the weapon handling code !
Donation Points system
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Version 0.1.3
Fix bug with reset all button
Version 0.1.2
Fix using ids 0, and 100XX
Fix secondary weapon
Added debug options to disable or reset every weapon
Version 0.1.1
Fix ID 100000 not working
This is a very simple script that will allow you to set-up a layered model for specific weapons on your save file. This is persistent for each specific weapon, which means you can have two artian weapons with two different layered models ! The UI is currently extremely simple, you can set the id of your currently equipped weapon, and that's it. You can also see the initial model id of your current weapon for reference. You'll have to reequip the weapon to see the changes.
WARNING: this uses what I think is an unused field in weapon save data, but I might have missed something, report any unusual behavior you find please !