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About this mod

Displays percentage damage and current DPS (~5 sec average) in an overlay. True damage is hidden during hunts but displayed after hunts.

Permissions and credits
This mod displays the damage breakdown and DPS of your current team.

During hunts, this mod displays the percent of total team damage done and the exponential moving average of DPS for each player. After hunts, this mod displays the damage, percent of total team damage, and the overall DPS for each player.

Run Monster Hunter: World then run the mod (mhw_dps_wpf.exe.exe). The mod will automatically exit when MH:W closes. The overlay will not be visible in fullscreen so use borderless windowed or windowed.

Original mod by hqvrrsc4. Modified with permission.

This mod - Team damage % and DPS during hunts
Damage and DPS tool - Raw damage, team damage %, and DPS during hunts
MHW Damage Meter - Team damage % during hunts
Player Damage Data (While Hunting) - Raw damage and team damage %during hunts

This project is available on GitHub. Contributions and forks are welcome.