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Replace Kirin α & γ armour,make character slim, bigger chest and twisted the shape of armour
替换下位麒麟α & γ,瘦腿,瘦身,隆胸和调整了衣服形状

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Replace Kirin α & γ armour,make character slim, bigger chest  and twisted the shape of armour
替换下位麒麟α & γ,瘦腿,瘦身,隆胸和调整了衣服形状
Shrinked all the fur size except for body armour.
The hair would now show the face curve better. The overall size of hair is now smaller so that it would make the head looks big.
The fur on the body armour would now tip down a little bit. The cloth that cover the breast is now way smaller. Twisted the cloth to fit the body better
Shrinked the hand armour a bit to fit the body better.
Make the body slimmer. Bigger breast smaller chest bone, slimer waist, slimer legs and longer legs (optional effect)

LSB: 长小腿版骨骼。此版本相对于LLB而言小腿长度更长同时动作也是相对最自然的版本。只要使用此版本的胸甲后,装备其它腿甲也会令角色腿部更长,但本版本由于小腿长度增量较大,部分腿甲会配合LSB胸甲后会显得不自然
LLB: 近似等比缩放版本长腿骨骼,与之前本人上传的长腿胸甲MOD骨骼相同,有非常高的通用性,胸甲和腿甲可以任意搭配。只要使用此版本的胸甲后,装备其它腿甲也会令角色腿部更长
ORB: 保持原版的腿长
PS :如果你动手能力强,想同时拥有LLB和LSB骨骼的优点或者觉得小腿太长了不喜欢可以将LLB的胸甲和和LSB的腿甲配合在一起使用(其余部位在这三个版本的文件都是一摸一样的)。这样做的后果是会令小腿变短,也可能有人更喜欢这个比例。

Leg lenght version:
LSB: This version have the greatest support on character movement. Bear in mind that once you are equiped with this type of body armour would make the character's leg longer no matter what leg armour you are wearing. Due to this type of armour would make the shin way too long, you may find it unature to use some other leg armour along with the LSB body armour.
LLB: Pretty much like keeping the shin & thigh scale while making the legs longer.  Bear in mind that once you are equiped with this type of body armour would make the character's leg longer no matter what leg armour you are wearing. Compared to the LSB version this one won't make any other leg look unature.
Note: Both LLB and LSB looks exactly the same when the character straight up her legs. LSB version would looks more nature when the character bend her kness. If you are not sure about which one is more suitable, LLB version is highly recommended. To see the differemce on the 4th and 5th picture
ORB: Keep the origional leg length
Tips: If you want to have the advantage of both LLB and LSB or maybe you would like to have shorter shin, you can download both LSB and LLB and use the body armour from LLB and the leg armour from LSB (others part is totally the same in this three version). The only consequence is, by doing this you will also make the shin shorter, some people may like it better though. Feel free to try that yourself.
Installation:Download and Unpack any version. Put nativePC folder in to where you install your Monster Hunter World. Or by using tools( I have never used them so I don't know how)
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