This page was last updated on 17 August 2022, 6:43AM
Version 1.450
Fixes top level file detection to work better with MHRise mods
Version 1.410
Added a small change that displays the path the file is/will be installed to on the file info output area.
Version 1.400
New mod loadout feature that saves the state of your currently installed mods that can be reloaded at a later date for your convenience
Hopefully fixes windows defenders issues with the program thanks to contributions by UncleClapton. This works by embedding the libraries so you can safely delete the old dlls EXCEPT the 7z.dll, if the program fails to clean them automatically
Added automatic empty directory cleaning after uninstalling mods
Fixed small bug with mod installation if for whatever reason a file isnt found within the archive it doesnt completely fail
Changed it so that all mod archives are reloaded before re-scanning the installations
Added a small change so that if the program folder was moved or the mod archives recognized it should still be able to find them and update them with their new paths
Probably a few other small things
Version 1.300
Added an automatic update checker that should tell you if there's a new version of the mod manager available.
An open source repo for the project has been created and is managed by UncleClapton!
Fixed weird bug on some machines that resulted in trying to load assemblies from what was technically a network path, which is unsupported normally.
Fixed up some problematic unnecessary code in the sevenzip library that may have causes issues sometimes.
Added support for windows aero snap functionality and what not. the program window should behave like a normal Windows window now.
Version 1.200
Reworked install path method to be more robust
No longer requires nativePC folder at the root
Multiple nativePC folders should play nice with this
All files should now always ne correctly placed directly within nativePC folder other than files that dont contain the full path they should belong to.
Added a more clear warning when you try to install a mod but its archive isnt found.
Version 1.125
added mod list context menu item to reload archive which reloads the file hierarchy from the archive on disk. useful for if you manually have changed it or something.
added version num in title of app and a link to the downloads page if you want to check for updates.
Version 1.1
added date created to the mod list details view that you can sort by
added open location option to mod list context menu
added "remove missing archives" button, will delete archives that cant be found on disk.
Version 1.05
Fixed a bug where non 7zip archives wouldnt extract when the folders for the files didnt already exist
added message to message box on successful or unsuccessful installation (including error output on failure)