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  1. iambusy123
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey just want to know what handler face mod you used in picture1, thank you!
  2. CaramelFrappe
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    While the DLC is no longer free (it's $2.99), it was worth the price to get this mod working. I absolutely love it, thank you.
  3. romulo19693
    • member
    • 0 kudos

  4. weihang999
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    im new to mod , is there any way for me to obtain this hairstyle ? i searched for the internet and it says it only available during the summer event which is the time when mh world is yet to released on pc yet , i love this hair and i really want to try it , thanks in advance !
    1. UberGrainy
      • supporter
      • 1,737 kudos
      The player "Handler hair" is available from the Steam DLC page for free. The way they set up the DLC on PC is really confusing and vague.
      This mod replaces that player Handler hair.
  5. Riddik7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    tried using the hair model for my handler but the back ended up popping way up making her look like a peacock..... any suggestions on why it would render like that?
    1. Riddik7
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    2. UberGrainy
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      • 1,737 kudos
      Sorry for the late reply. You need to replace the CTC and CCL files, they contain the physics.
  6. LooneyLuny
    • premium
    • 963 kudos
    Trying to change this to replace hair 104, but the textures don't work. I changed the numbers from 112 to 104, and the folder name from 112 to 104. The model works now but the textures don't. Any suggestion on how to get the textures working?

    My main reason for this is that I love this hairstyle, but I don't want other players seeing me with the handler's default hair all the time.
    1. LooneyLuny
      • premium
      • 963 kudos
      And literally the next thing I try works. lol If anyone else wants to know, I left the folder named hair112, but renamed the files inside from 112 to 104. Then I went back and made a copy of the hair112 folder, and renamed it to hair104. So I had two folders, hair112 and hair104, both containing the exact same files. I didn't really expect it to work, but when I tried it, ta-da! The side part hairstyle had replaced the 104 hairstyle instead of the handler's, and the textures were working great! I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but hey, it works. XD
    2. UberGrainy
      • supporter
      • 1,737 kudos
      Oh, that's because the mrl3 file looks for textures in the hair112 folder. You can just look inside the mrl3 to see where it's looking for textures. Or use a hex editor like HxD and change the location if you want.
  7. deleted24602544
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I've got a problem with this mod.
    I've extracted the content of the Handler Side part Alternate.zip in this path:
    Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World\NativePC\
    the path to the mod's files is:
    Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World\NativePC\pl\hair\hair112\mod\

    I've also extracted the handler Side Part - Alternate (for Handler Pareo Swimsuit).zip in this path:
    Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World\NativePC\
    the path to the mod's file is:
    Steam\steamapps\common\Monster Hunter World\NativePC\npc\npc002\mod\npc002_050\

    the Handler doesn't change appearance :(
    what's wrong? Any Idea?

    PS: I've already downloaded all the Free DLC available.
    1. UberGrainy
      • supporter
      • 1,737 kudos
      Normally you'd need to purchase the Handler Pareo Swimsuit (which isn't possible right now because it's not on sale).
      If you want to use the side part alternate for other outfits, you'd need to rename them to the other Handler outfits (ie. remove _050 or change _050 to other numbers) and then move them to the matching folder for those outfits.

      I don't recommend using it with the default outfit because it clips through the shirt collar really badly.
    2. deleted24602544
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      That explains a lot of things!
      I'll buy the pareo costume as soon it will be available and mod it :D
  8. xantao7409
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there any plans to fix the hair clipping through helmets, or is it just the pukei alpha helmet that has that problem. anyway thanks this is a awesome mods :)
    1. UberGrainy
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      I think it's unfixable because I noticed other hairstyles have many extra bones, and I think those bones are used to "reshape" the hairstyle to fit helms. Since this is an NPC hair, it doesn't have those bones, and we can't add extra bones yet.
  9. TewiTakis
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Does this work online? Other players can see it?
    1. UberGrainy
      • supporter
      • 1,737 kudos
      Only if they have it. Otherwise no.
  10. CharleStone
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    How do you edit the files for hair, I can get them to blender but not sure how to go about replacing the correct files in game?
    1. UberGrainy
      • supporter
      • 1,737 kudos
      Unpack all the files with worldchunktool and then you can see what all the folders and filenames are.
      Alternatively, look for a mod that replaces the files you want to replace, so that you know what those are and should be.

      In Blender you just export back to MOD3 with force LOD1 ticked (make sure you keep an all LOD version backup) and put it where the game looks for the original file under nativePC, with the same name. Just copy what mods do.