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  1. damn this s#*! ass make a new mod
  2. s125073523
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does someone still got the Dank Engine BGM? The origin one is dead
  3. Tweekify
    • member
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    I would Pray for a Reworked Zinogre Mod for iceborne the monster literally sounds like a steam train anyways <3 love the work man was a blast seeing thomas in my game lmao
  4. Doman23
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Aw damn, the sound mod is not compatible and has been hidden. Anyone got a replacement?
  5. Raphi95metal
    • member
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    What is that beautiful preset for your character in the video? Can you share it? ;)
    1. UberGrainy
      • supporter
      • 1,737 kudos

      It's the pink haired girl, I just changed her hair to white and maybe changed her eye color a bit.
  6. KuniedaX
    • member
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    Make another 1 for Barroth or Diablo. Add the cho cho train sound when their about to charge at you.
    1. UberGrainy
      • supporter
      • 1,737 kudos
      If I ever get around to it, I may replace other monsters with other trains by the modeler of this Thomas model. He made a ton of great looking ones.

      Not sure about sound, as the only experience I've had with sound replacement was with the Canine Palico mod and that was a massive pain and didn't even work properly.
  7. Unvadoes
    • member
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    if you don't mind me asking, how did you know which "em" folders are for which monsters? i am new to modding and i would like to know so i can replace models aswell. thanks!
    1. UberGrainy
      • supporter
      • 1,737 kudos
      I just checked monster mods on Nexus to see what files they were replacing. You can see the file list without downloading the file.
      I don't have a list otherwise. I do know Behemoth is em121 though. I think Deviljho is em043.
  8. Cayle24
    • member
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    its like, every game that can be modded will someday have thomas in it. I ain't even mad
  9. CarlZerX99
    • member
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    what else? some people wants skyrim n mhw to have crossovers n they get this legendary beast from oldrim
  10. GandiTitan
    • member
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    This is one small step for mods....

    And one giant leap for meme-kind