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Lucky Coins
By Danae

Version: 1.0

1. Description
2. Requirements
3. Permissions
4. Installation
5. Removal
6. Incompatibilities
7. Known Issues or Bugs
8. Changelog
9. Contact
10. Credits

This mod adds very rare coins that will grant you minor buffs so long as you have them in your inventory.

There are 90 different coins with a total of 45 effects.

The coins have a very small chance to be found in containers where you would normally have a random amount of gold.

The lucky coins have their own texture.

The buffs come in 2 flavours, minor and major, but are kept small so that the game remains balanced.

Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon

Need permission to modify my mod

Unzip the content of this zipped archive in your Data Files folder

... or let your favourite mod installer do it!

Delete the following files/folders:
Lucky Coins.esp in Morrowind\Data Files
LuckyCoin.nif in Data Files\Meshes\_Dan
LuckyCoin2.nif in Data Files\Meshes\_Dan
coin.dds in Data Files\Icons\_Dan
coin2.dds in Data Files\Icons\_Dan
The folder coins in Data Files\Textures\__dan

... or let your favourite mod installer do it!

This mod does not modify any cell.
It uses the random_gold leveled item so be sure to merge your leveled lists with the programme of your choice (tes3cmd, Wrye mash, testool...)

Known Issues or Bugs

1.0 Initial release for Morrowind May Modathon 2016

Danae123 over at the Nexus, Bethesda Forums, Great House Fliggerty and Wolflore

Thanks to Bethesda Softworks for developing Morrowind and the Construction Set.

Thanks to Brucoms for developing the TES3 Readme Generator this readme was made with.

True Gold - Gold coin retexture by FrostByte