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"Passive Healthy Wildlife" Morrowind Mod
V 2.0

Tired of getting attacked by anything that breathes??
This mod changes the attack setting of MOST non-diseased animals into a
much more PASSIVE state in which they DO NOT attack unless attacked first or "bothered."

This mod is different from other animal pacifying mods in that the healthy animals WILL
attack if you "bother" them. In other words - come up to them for too long and they will attack you.

This mod also lets you see if a Kwama Worker, Kwama Forager or Kwama Warrior is
diseased or Blighted by reading its pop-up. You could not do this originaly.

To balance it out a bit, "ALL" diseased animals will attack you on sight. This includes
diseased Scrib and Kwama Workers (the latter being still somewhat docile in compariason). Diseased Scrib
and diseased Kwama Workers did not attack on sight originaly which made them kind of redundant.
In general, Blighted animals are MUCH more prone to attack than animals with a common disease.

The following species remain UNchanged from the original:

* All monsters

* All Netch

* Large Slaughter Fish

* Kwama Foragers (this is because the egg miners tell you they are very aggressive so I
didn't want any inconsistencies with the game dialogue.)
* Kwama Warriors

* Any UNIQUE animal that was specially made for the game's quests or a specific location.

Changes from 1st version:

*Fixed the zip file to include only one .esp file. (The last one had a file named "Passive Healthy Animals."
This file was redundant... it was the same but had the "old"

*Small Slauterfish will *really* leave you alone now.


Put into the Mororwind Datafiles folder and overwrite the old file. REMOVE "Passive Healthy Animals" file
if you put it in.
Version 2.0 will work and is compatible with save games from version 1.

The plugin works with any NEW game you start.
As for saved games, make sure you use a CLEAN save in order for the setting changes to
take full effect.
To do this you will need to load up your game like normal and save in an INTERIOR cell
(like a house without any animals) and then exit the game. Launch
your Morrowind icon again but instead of choosing Play, choose Data Files. UNCHECK
ANY plugin files you were using and click the OK button. Now load up your save game again, you will
most likely receive error messages but click YES on each one until your save game is
loaded up. Once your game is loaded up just Save it again and Exit the game. Now launch the
Morrowind icon again and again go to Data Files, and put the check back on Passive Healthy Wildlife
and click the OK button. Now load up your save game again and you should be all set. WARNING:
You will lose any changes that your other plugins have provided so far in your game!

If you do not clean your save any area of Vvardenfell you have already visited will still have the
old settings for the animals saved in that area.

If you prefer not to lose your other plugins changes then you will have to
kill the animals in the areas you have already visited in order for them to respawn later with the new
settings... Or just go visit a place you haven't been to before =).

none except for the "saved game" issue.

This mod may not work well with other plugins that change animal settings.
I have tested it with Besthesda Dev. GT Noonan's "Morrowind Advanced" plugin and
have encountered a some inconsistencies.

Marty V.
a.k.a. The Puma Man
[email protected]