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Patch for Purists - Base Patch
By Half11

Version: 4.0.2

Patch for Purists v4.0.2 patch notes [July 3rd, 2020]

PfP Fixes

- Milyn Faram's Odirniran topic is fixed... again.
- Fixed some Bosmer crime related voiced greetings.

BUG In the quest House Redoran: Armor Repair Debts (HR_BillCollect), once you get the gold from Giras Indaram, you can keep talking to him over and over again and he keeps giving you 2000g.
FIX Corrected.

Patch for Purists v4.0.1 patch notes [June 28th, 2020]

PfP Fixes

- The patch date should no longer conflict with the games .esm files.
- Cleaned the patch some more.
- Added Imperial female weather greetings I overlooked.
- Fixed Buckmoth Fort and Pelagiad signs formatting I missed.
- Resolved some changes not taken over to the optionl modules.
- Removed the previously added "LegionUniform" script from the Imperial Dragonscale Cuirass and Imperial Newtscale Cuirass. There's not really anything in the game to indicate that it is used or intended as a Legion Uniform, they have Imperial in the name because that's just the style, like Nordic Ringmail.

BUG The "Blessings of the Fourth Corner" spell from the statue of Sheogorath in Ald Daedroth grants Fortify Willpower for 14400 seconds instead of 1440 seconds (like it does for the other 3 stats).
FIX Corrected.

BUG "SadriFight" script does not work as intended because NPCs will not equip arrows that are added to their inventory if they currently have a bow equipped with no arrows. Therefore, if Golena Sadri fires the one PoisonGrip Arrow she spawns with and it does not paralyze the player, she will be stuck firing a bow with no arrows equipped forever. She will not switch to her melee weapon because she will have arrows in her inventory that are not equipped.
FIX Tweaked the script.

Topic=Kogoruhn: |southwest| ==> |southeast|

Patch for Purists v4.0.0 patch notes [June 11th, 2020]

This update I have taken a good look at the dialogue system and fixed hundreds of bugs in its filtering. A large number of text and voiced dialogue were blocked due to faulty filtering and never actually seen in game. I also tweaked some things like healers no longer suggesting to find a healer; House Telvanni and Mages Guild members will no longer use intolerant Voiced Hello Greetings towards vampires for the sake of lore (and ingame NPC behaviour) consistency; Male Sleepers will now approaching you at night with voice lines that were previously unavailable; implemented "creature attack" lines (CrAtk_) that were simply missing for most races. Not all these fixes were documented given the scale of this undertaking. I will look into creating a comparison sheet where changes can easily be compared to the vanilla game data.

I implemented some unused voice lines to fill gaps in the voice lists (e.g. when Bethesda used the same sound file twice):

PfP Fixes

- Yagrum Bagarn should no longer have ugly looking behaviour caused by a previous fix (giving him Wander AI package so that he plays his Idles).
- The scripts responsible for handling cursed items have been optimized and implemented in such a way that they do not edit the original items anymore.
- Made the fix for Foeburner use burning touch_en enchantment instead of cruel firebloom_en. A melee weapons with area effect enchantment was not a good idea as it also hit friendly NPC. The new enchantment (which is also used by Last Rites and Fireblade) seems like the ideal enchantment for Foeburner. It needed a strong enchantment because of its low base stats. Now the damage output is at a similar level as the regular Dwarven Claymore.
- Tweaked the fixed viatrix_petilia script so that the journal will now only update to stage 130 on her death when the quest is active and not yet finished.
- The UMP re-filtered Edd Theman's "chores" dialogue so you needed to be a Master in House Telvanni before he'll do chores for you, but you hire him as a Wizard. This is perhaps to prevent him from doing chores before he becomes your Mouth. You should be able to send him chores as soon as he becomes your Mouth, which you could originally do. The dialogue is now filtered for the journal entry HT_RecruitEddie and not rank.
- Feather Shield, Shield of Light and Velothi's Shield now have correct bodypart models.
- Every unofficial Morrowind patch up till now made the "I could kill that guar. Those boots are ruined." line show up 30% of the time for female Dunmer and 20% for male Dunmer. I choose to make the line show up 10% of the time for both (making sure the slave line will not occurring more often). I think that's the best way fix both Bethesda's incorrect filtering and the high frequency of these lines in fan made patches.
- Replaced the previous fixes for corpses with fly sounds attached underwater with a fix that edits the Sound_Flies script. I used to replace the corpses with ones with no sound, but the script will no use a Tribunal script function to check whenever it is underwater and should play sounds or not. This way I don have to edit cells anymore. This would potentially also catch any mods that add fly corpses underwater as well.
- Giras Indaram should no longer give the player infinite amount of gold.
- Updated Galbedir script so that her moving back to her original position is no longer linked to any quest progression.
- The female appearance for Steel Cuirass should work correctly now.
- Eltonbrand should be obtainable again. The "blueScript" was also optimized.
- Removed unnecessary script syntax error fixes introduced in version 3.2.0.
- Redid and removed some unnecessary stuff from the UMP patch base.
- Improved the Almalexia's dialogue in the topic "missing Hand" topic by putting the choices in correct order, and removing the option for protection against paralysis (which should have never been introduced by the patch).
- The change to the Flamemirror Robe (4380 ==> 438 gold) was removed from the optional module since its enchantments are significantly stronger than its Frostmirror, Poisonmirror, and Shockmirror Robe counterparts.

General Fixes

BUG Unlike the other items on Imperial Cult altars, the gold in the bowls is not always owned.
FIX Fixed the cases in Fort Buckmoth, Fort Darius, Fort Moonmoth, and Fort Pelagiad.

BUG The two Fighters Guild guards in Ebonheart, East Empire South Warehouse should have their AI Alarm set to 90 (just like the North Warehouse). In addition, the DoorMarker should be moved so you can no longer get stuck in the stool.
FIX Corrected.

BUG There two cases of NPC in robes standing next to Imperial Cult Altars without being assigned to the Imperial Cult faction.
FIX Assigned both Vala Catraso the priestess and Letreius Muco the healer to the Imperial Cult faction.

BUG The hammock in Sethan's Tradehouse in Tel Branora was missing its Global Variable making it illegal to sleep in even after renting the room.
FIX Added Rent_TelBran_Sethan.

BUG Several of books and a pile of gold are lacking ownership in Baladas's main room in Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Temple shrines are free for members of the rank of Initiate or higher, but there is still a dialogue box popping up if you are willing to pay 0 gold.
FIX Made the script skip over this question when there is no need to pay.

BUG There is a weird head BUG going on when turning into a werewolf using Hircine's Ring while being a vampire.
FIX Removed the ability to turn into a werewolf-vampire hybrid as Bloodmoon official patch notes state: "Turning into a vampire and werewolf at the same time using Hircine's Ring [...] is not possible now."

BUG Some of the containers in Bols Indalen's room (Dunmer smith in Mournhold, Craftsmen's Hall) are owned by the unrelated Alusaron (Redguard smith in Vivec, Foreign Quarter Plaza).
FIX Gave Bols Indalen ownership to the Small Chest, Basket and Drawers. Some of these containers could potentially spawn weapons which could make Alusaron think you stole them from him, preventing the player to sell the item in question.

BUG One of the responses for the "mace of molag bal" topic has the condition "item mace of molag bal_unique >= 0" that is always true.
FIX |item mace of molag bal_unique >= 0| ==> |item mace of molag bal_unique >= 1|

BUG One of the responses for the "barilzar's mazed band" topic has the condition "item mazed_band >= 0" that is always true.
FIX |item mazed_band >= 0| ==> |item mazed_band > 0|

BUG If you happen upon Nels Llendo on the road before you visit Pelagiad he will be placed too close to another NPC when you first arrive in the Halfway Tavern. Apart from looking awkward, it makes selecting him a pain.
FIX Moved him to the corner.

BUG A banner in Molag Mar, Redoran Stronghold has ownership, resulting in a crime when activated.
FIX Removed the ownership.

BUG Bloodmoon has an unorthodox way of using ammo leveled lists within some leveled lists, resulting in random loot often containing exactly one arrow or bolt.
FIX Removed "l_n_wpn_missle" from the "bm_chest_loot_01" and "bm_random_nordictomb" leveled lists and added "l_n_wpn_missle" separate to the four containers that use these leveled lists (bm_dungeonloot_barrel, bm_dungeonloot_chest, bm_nordictomb_01, bm_nordictomb_02) in stacks of 15 like similar containers on Vvardenfell do (e.g. de_r_chest_01_gav, crate_01_guardtower).

BUG There is a corpse (contain_corpse10_silent) located in Vivec, Hlaalu Underworks and it contains a key which opens a nearby chest. That's all well and good, but Bethesda in their infinite wisdom decided, rather than creating new corpses, to copy/paste this same one repeatedly in other locations throughout the game. This means that the player will randomly find corpses carrying a key to a chest halfway across the world and have no idea what it's for, probably spending hours searching for a hidden chest and never finding one.
FIX Attached a simple script (PfP_contain_corpse10_silent_Fix) to the corpse that removes the key when not in Vivec, Hlaalu Underworks.

BUG Arrille claims to sell various potions and Scrolls of Divine Intervention, but he doesn't.
FIX Gave him two restocking ones for each variant.

BUG There are several places in Suran (Desele's House of Earthly Delights, Ranosa Gilvayn: Outfitter, and Suran Tradehouse) where attacking someone and stealing is not a crime.
FIX Gave the curators proper Alarm AI.

BUG Saruse Hloran, a Redoran warrior in Vivec, carries 20 Chitin Short Bows and 1 Chitin Arrow.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Urshamusa Rapli, Wise Woman of the Ahemmusa Camp, is supposed to stay under the shell instead of going way around wherever.
FIX Set her weird Wander AI Distance: 2000 to 0.

BUG Some Barbarians don't equip their assigned light armor.
FIX Adjusted their skills so that they will actually wear it.

Quest Fixes

BUG During the "Yagrum Bagarn and Wraithguard" (CX_BackPath) quest, Yagrum does not actually take Kagrenac's Journal and Planbook from you when he says "I'll take them and study them" during the Yagrum Bagarn and Wraithguard quest. The journal also states this.
FIX Made him take the books by removing them from the players inventory and adding them to Yagrum's.

BUG Yagrum Bagarn's responses for the "Kagrenac's Journals" ("I don't know where the journals might be.") and "Kagrenac's Planbook" ("I don't know where the planbook might be.") should not be shown after bringing them to him.
FIX Corrected.

BUG If your reputation is 30 or higher, Yagrum Bagarn's dialogue skips to the point where he agrees to help, thanks to a missing "choice" condition.
FIX Corrected.

BUG After finishing Anhassi's hit on Daren Adryn in Gnaar Mok during the "Ahnassi, a Special Friend" (Journal Romance_Ahnassi) quest, it was possible to skip her extravagant shirt and pants reward by selecting "share a care" before "share a gift". You were also not able to get the dialogue/journal entry regarding the Redoran Treasury key in this scenario.
FIX Corrected by making Anhassi's dialogue that start of the search for J'Dhannar check for Romance_Ahnassi >= 50 instead of Romance_Ahnassi >= 45. This also enables her to say "Ahnassi thanks you again and again." after taking care of Daren Adryn. Previously, this dialogue was not visible because it was overruled by the wrong dialogue filter.

BUG There are some problems with the "Tul's Escape" (MV_FakeSlave) quest. First, Tul never actually starts attacking Sterdecan when you decide to walk away from the situation. Secondly, quest stage 110 is never met because of a missing journal update for the scenario in which Sterdecan is already dead.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The journal entries for the "Silent Pilgrimage" (TT_SanctusShrine) quest refer to the Sanctus Shrine being in Dagon Fel but Sanctus Shrine is not in Dagon Fel.
FIX |in Dagon Fel| ==> |west of Dagon Fel|
|waters of Dagon Fel| ==> |waters of Sheogorad|

BUG "The Drunken Bounty Hunter" (MV_BountyHunter) quest. Dranas Sarathram talks about mentioning Haj-Ei's name even when he hasn't .
FIX Corrected.

BUG When you have finished the "Gateway Ghost" (town_Sadrith) quest, you can keep boosting the disposition of House Telvanni members in town indefinitely (until 70 or higher) by keep mentioning the Gateway haunting topic.
FIX Filtered the topic for 50 disposition.

BUG The B6_HlaaluBook quest is named "Hlaalu Hortator" but has little to do with the actual "Hlaalu Hortator" quest.
FIX Removed the quest name so the quest no longer shows up in the journal (they now just act like regular journal notes).

BUG Non-House Redoran players get stuck in the "Delyna Mandas in Tel Fyr" (HR_RansomMandas) quest after being told to get to Delyna's father Arethan Mandas through Athyn Sarethi. Athyn Sarethi only suggests to speak with Arethan's father, Llerar Mandas in Ebonheart in the House Redoran part of the quest (this quest is actually two quests combined into one). Even if you did find Llerar Mandas on your own, he won't talk about the "Delyna Mandas" topic. Since Llerar Mandas is the one who rewards you for rescuing his granddaughter and finishes this quest, this quest would be stuck in your journal forever.
FIX Copied Athyn Sarethi's dialogue about suggesting to speak with Llerar Mandas in Ebonheart for the non-Redoran part of this quest and made it enable the "Delyna Mandas" topic. Made Arethan Mandas dialogue for returning the locket ("My daughter. Where...bear to know!") check for Journal HR_MadMilk >=10 to prevent non-Redoran players picking up on the House Redoran: The Mad Lord of Milk (HR_MadMilk) quest out of nowhere. Removed the "House Redoran" part from the Delyna Mandas in Tel Fyr (HR_RansomMandas) quest name.

BUG If you complete the "Manwe's Dues" (Mages Guild) quest by killing Manwe, the journal says Ranis still took the money from you but in reality she doesn't.
FIX Made Ranis take the money from the player.

BUG In the "Bad Actor" (EB_Actor) quest, if you accept the quest from Miun-Gei, and then talk to someone about latest rumors and get the 'Crassius Curio is the only one putting on a new play' rumor (EB_Actor = 50) before talking to Marcel Maurard, he'll have no dialogue about it.
FIX Filtering Marcel's greeting for EB_actor <= 50.

BUG You will not be able to start the miscellaneous quest Estate Sale after completing the A Show of Power quest and before completing The Mad God (i.e. while there are ash storms in Mournhold) as Geon Auline's greeting will be replaced with a generic one regarding the ash storm.
FIX Added "Not ID Geon Auline = 1" check to the generic ash storms greetings.

BUG In the quest "New Clothes" (HT_TheranaClothes), Felisa Ulessen promises you 1000 gold for delivering the skirt to Therana. But when you finish the quest, she only pays you 500 and says she owes you 500, not 1000.
FIX Changed her initial promises to 500 gold, simply because it required the fewest edits.

BUG During the "Juicedaw Ring" (FG_DebtOrc) quest Lorbumol gro-Aglakh's initial dialogue upon selecting "orders" tells you to go talk to Ranes Ienith. He does eventually give you the correct target when you select the "Juicedaw Feather Ring" topic, but it's an obvious error to have him tell you at first to go talk to Ranes Ienith (who hostile from the moment you encounter him).
FIX Change Lorbumol's incorrect instructions to direct you to Lar gro-Shagramph right away as the journal suggests.

BUG It is possible to unlock the "False Incarnate" topic by progressing through the main quest, but this is also a topic that starts of the "False Incarnate" (TT_FalseIncarnate) quest given by Tuls Valen in the Ald'ruhn Temple without extra checks. He's clearly supposed to give you the "False Incarnate" quest after you ask him about "duties" once you've done the "Compassion" quest. This is when his "False Incarnate" topic is supposed to unlock.
FIX Made the dialogue check for "TT_Compassion >= 100".

BUG "Rescue Joncis Dalomax" (IL_RescueKnight) quest. If you are not with the Imperial Legion when you break into Ashurnibibi, Joncis Dalomax will not give you any clue about what to do to close the quest.
FIX Made a new journal index 60 (direct copy of 50) for non-Legion members that ends the quest after freeing Joncis Dalomax of his captors. However, you will still be able to turn in the quest at Imsin the Dreamer both as legionary and as non-Legion member.

BUG "Rescue Joncis Dalomax" (IL_RescueKnight) quest. If you are not a member of the Imperial Legion, and happen to kill Dalomax (or get him killed), Imsin the Dreamer will "kick you out" of the faction you don't actually belong to if you talk to her about the "Joncis Dalomax" topic. Her dialogue will always be in venting-about-Dalomax mode after that.
FIX Filtered her dialogue correctly for "Journal IL_RescueKnight >= 10".

BUG In the Imperial Cult quest "The Haunting" (IC16_Haunting) Kaye says he's given you 200 drakes to buy a enchanted weapon or spell but you aren't given the money.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Nerile Andaren will give infinite Potions of Cure Common Disease if you get the "Cure Disease potion" topic in the later stages of the "Crimson Plague" (MS_CrimsonPlague) quest.
FIX Filtered her response correctly for "MS_CrimsonPlague < 20"

BUG "Crimson Plague" (MS_CrimsonPlague) quest. The intent of the script �PlagueAthelyn� is disable that NPC after you inform Nerile Andaren. But that never happens.
FIX Corrected.

BUG "Crimson Plague" (MS_CrimsonPlague) quest. The High Ordinator script intent is to disable him after you've informed Shunari Eye-Fly that you successfully killed Gedna Relvel. That never happens.
FIX Corrected.

BUG "The Museum" (MS_Museum) quest never finishes, even if you bring Torasa all the artifacts on the list.
FIX Removed the quest name journal check so the index behaves like a regular journal comment.

BUG If you free Jon Hawker in Nammu, even if you never joined the Imperial Cult, the quest "Ring in Darkness" (IC25_JonHawker_free ) will be updated.
FIX Unticked the Quest Name of the side quest IC25_JonHawker_free to avoid updates in the "Ring in Darkness" Quest.

BUG Even if you never joined the Imperial Cult, when freeing Ama Nin in Berandas Underground, the quest "Boots of the Apostle" will be updated.
FIX Unticked the the Quest Name of the side quest IC26_AmaNin_free.

BUG Even if you never joined the Imperial Cult, when freeing Adusamsi Assurnarairan in Rotheran Arena, the quest "Ice Blade of the Monarch" (IC27_Oracle_A) will be updated.
FIX Unticked the Quest Name of the side quest IC27_Oracle_A.

BUG The "Mehra Milo and the Lost Prophecies" (A2_4_MiloGone) quest has some "side quests" journal updates which make it impossible to finish, leaving the quest stuck in the player�s journal.
FIX Unticked the the Quest Name of the side quests A2_4_Milo_hola_go, A2_4_MiloCaiusGone, A2_4_MiloGone_books, A2_4_MiloPrisonSafe.

BUG After failing �The Ristaag� (BM_BearHunt1) or completing �Disrupt the Skaal Hunt� (BM_BearHunt2), you can get a update when getting the �Heart of the Spirit Bear� from the corpse, even if you are doing the Werewolf version of the Quest.
FIX Now the bearheartScript requires The Ristaag has started and not failed.

BUG After rescuing J'Saddha, the Khajiit will stand on the harbor forever.
FIX Made "jsaddhaScript" disable J'Saddha after reporting to Ilmeni Dren the success of the quest.

BUG The Redoran quest "Duel of Honor" (HR_CowardDisgrace) put Rothis Nethan and Brethas Deras fighting in the Vivec Arena. If you never met Brethas Deras before the duel starts, his script will begin inactive. In the case of Rothis winning the duel the game will not register unless you reload the save or reenter the Arena.
FIX Simplified the quest since the player must have met Rothis to even get to this point. Deleted "brerasScript" since it's the unreliable one and did it all from "rothisScript".

BUG Vanilla game allows anyone to "Rescue Madura Seran" (IL_RescuePilgrim) but the journal does not give any clue about how to end it. If you close the quest with General Darius all his previous quests will be skipped.
FIX Now the quest is Imperial Legion only. Made the "MaduraFollow" script disable Madura Seran until the player receive the orders from Darius. The topic �Ald Velothi� for the cell �Ald Velothi� ("It's been quiet...to rescue her.") only shows when the quest starts.

BUG When you enter the Underground Stream inside the Gnisis Mine you'll find the Ghost of Mansilamat Vabdas. He can't talk to you until you get the Widow Vabdas' Deed (IL_WidowLand) quest.
FIX Rewrote the script �vabdasGhostScript� to disable the ghost before the quest starts and after the quest is finished.

BUG Even if you decided not to help Lucan Ostorius deliver his shipment during the Weapon Delivery (MV_ThiefTrader) quest, he will attack you as soon as you leave Ald'ruhn and return.
FIX If you refuse the quest the "lucan_ostorius" script will stop itself.

BUG There's no official quest names for the two sanguine items Eno Hlaalu asks for directly, Belt of Sanguine Fleetness (MT_S_Fleetness) and Ring of Sanguine Sublime Wisdom (MT_S_Sublime), and their journal entries cannot be found in the journal's quest list.
FIX Added quest names (Morag Tong: Belt of Sanguine Fleetness & Morag Tong: Ring of Sanguine Sublime Wisdom) and checked Finished state for the 100 Indexes.

BUG When Reeh-Jah dies during the "The Runaway" (MV_RunawaySlave) quest, the journal doesn't update even though a journal entry and script exist for this scenario.
FIX Rewrote the "reeh_jahScript" script to function properly. Also made sure the journal won't longer update on Reeh-Jah's dead when you refused to help him.

BUG During the "Huleen's Hut" (MG_Apprentice) quest when you talk to Listien Bierles, after killing the Scamp, the journal should only update when you are a member of the Mages Guild.
FIX Made his greeting check for "Journal MG_Apprentice >= 10".

BUG "balyn omavel-DEAD" should have no script attached because it could update the journal to Mephala's Quest (DA_Mephala) index 55 ("While trying to get into Balyn Omavel's house, he spotted me. The Morag Tong will not be pleased.").
FIX Corrected.

BUG The player could get the Recovering Cloudcleaver (MV_AbusedHealer) quest log with no actual journal entries attached to it because Hlormar Wine-Sot's greeting will
put you at put you at Journal "MV_AbusedHealer" 1 (which is never defined).
FIX Corrected.

BUG Imare, Nalcarya of White Haven, and Tyermaillin should only use their unique response to the "South Wall" topic during the Master of Security (TG_BalmoraDefenses) quest.
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly for "TG_BalmoraDefenses >= 10" and "TG_BalmoraDefenses < 50".

BUG If you kill the scamp and then talk to Edwinna about "Huleen's hut" (MG_Apprentice) before completing the quest "A Potion from Skink-in-Tree's-Shade" (MG_Potion), Edwinna will next ask you to Return Chimarvamidium (even though you never stole it), and Skink-in-Tree's Shade's quests will never be available to you, as he will always tell you he cannot give you duties until he finishes making the potion for Edwinna.
FIX Filtered two of Edwinna's responses for "Journal MG_StealBook >= 100".

BUG In "The Death of Ralen Hlaalo" (HH_Retaliation) quest the player is rewarded by Nileno Dorvayn for killing either Nine-Toes or Thanelen Velas, even before anyone can draw any logical connection between them and Hlaalo's murder.
FIX Made the dialogue check for both associated rumors. "30 >= HH_Retaliation" for Nine-Toes and "50 >= HH_Retaliation" for Thanelen Velas.

BUG If you complete the "Mudan-Mul Egg Mine" (HT_MineCure) quest before the "Cure Blight" (HT_CureBlight) quest, Andil won't give the correct response for the "Cure Blight" topic, making the quest unfinishable.
FIX Filtered one of the responses ("Now that the...need for my potions.") for "Journal HT_CureBlight != 10" and "Journal HT_CureBlight != 40" to make sure it won't block the active quest.

BUG An Invisible Son (EB_Invisible) quest. The journal is never updated to stage 130 from Cassius Olcinius' greetings. Lucretinaus Olcinius response for the "debt money topic" ("Cassius did what...will do sometimes.") is missing a "Journal EB_Invisible >= 60" filter (the only scenario in which he can know his son had commissioned a spell).
FIX Corrected. Filtered Cassius' other greeting accordingly. Made journal stage 130 to 120 to prevent that the father from giving endless rewards. Made a copy of the new stage 120 (125) so that Lucretinaus Olcinius can distinguish whether you have paid his sons debt out of your own pocket or not, and base his reward on that. This was probably why Bethesda removed the journal stage 130 update. This way you can complete the quest without intervention from the father, but you can still get his reward afterwards.

Creature Fixes

BUG There are three creatures in the game (Ascended Sleepers, Hunger, Vivec) that don't have unique sounds assigned to them. This causes them to either use Alit sounds or Werewolf ones, when Bloodmoon is installed.
FIX Ascended Sleepers are assigned their own unique sounds which existed in the game files. Vivec is assigned one of his unused sounds (viv_hit1.mp3). There was no better solution for Hunger then to assign them Alit sounds because they don't have their own sounds. This should at least ensure them to not use Werewolf sounds anymore.

BUG Three unique Ascended Sleepers (Dagoth Reler, Uvil, and Ulen) were meant to engage in a dialogue with the player (ForceGreeting in Result box) but never did because of their AI settings.
FIX Prevented them from being immediately hostile by setting their Fight to 50 and their Hello to 100 (like Dagoth Reler already had). This way they will actually greet you. Since they each had two unique greetings, I chose to make them hostile the second time you speak to them. Except for Dagoth Uvil, because his second greeting specifically states that you should make the first move ("I'm a sportsman. I'll give you a fighting chance. Go ahead. Make the first move.").

BUG So here is an interesting one. Skeleton Archers drop 60 Iron Arrows and 50 magical arrows (l_m_wpn_missle_arrow) on death. Quorn (MPP curator) changed this to 50 non-magical arrows from another levelled list and removed the magical arrows altogether. This results in a big nerf to the Skeleton Archers attacking power. My understanding is that actual problem here is that the concerning leveled list (l_m_wpn_missle_arrow) is missing results for when the player character is level 1. All other levelled lists for magical weaponry seems to follow this pattern of a non-magical (Chitin) version for when the player is level 1. The 60 non-magical Iron Arrows are possibly a workaround after Bethesda realised Skeleton Archers were not able to attack a level 1 player. This is especially problematic for several NPC who were assigned this leveled list and do not have melee weapons.
FIX Instead of adding Iron Arrows directly to the Skeleton Archers' inventory (and the above-mentioned NPC), I decided to solve the problem in its core. I added Iron Arrows as the level 1 result from the l_m_wpn_missle_arrow levelled list. Although one could make the argument of adding Chitin Arrows instead, I see no good enough reason for deviating from the choice Bethesda made.

BUG Skeleton Champion (skeleton champion, skeleton_relvel) and Greater Skeleton Champion (bm_sk_champ_bloodskal01, bm_sk_champ_bloodskal02) can spawn with no weapon because the "random_silver_weapon" leveled list is missing results for when the player character is level 1.
FIX Made the Silver Dagger appear on level 1 (instead of 2).

BUG Several named Dagoths have wrongly assigned (non-functional) Services functions. They act as a merchants after you cast Calm on them. They have no dialogue, no goods to sell (except for their 6th House Amulet and heart which they are supposed to drop on death) and no gold with which to buy anything. Only their repair services can be taken advantage of. Some Dagoths are also missing AI Packages (Dagoth Gares, Dagoth Tureynul, Dagoth Uthol) causing them to stand in one place with no idle animations whatsoever.
FIX Removed the Services functions and added Wander AI Packages with 0 Distance to the ones missing an AI Packages.

BUG Some Ash Ghouls (ash_ghoul, dagoth girer, dagoth delnus, dagoth baler, dagoth ralas, dagoth fervas) talk about Dagoth Gares' death in their greetings ("For our fallen brother, we claim our revenge.") even when he is still alive.
FIX Since these Ash Ghouls have but only two Greetings (first being filtered for "Talked to PC = 0"), filtering the second one for "Dead dagoth gares = 1" would result in strange behavior when attempting to talk to them for a second time, while Dagoth Gares is still alive (they would technically have no greeting available). To maintain vanilla behavior (in the case you did kill Dagoth Gares before attempting to speak to an Ash Ghoul), I decided to make a copy of the first greeting ("What? What use...must be destroyed.") and put this between the existing ones and filter this one for "Dead dagoth gares = 0".

BUG Two "h2o_all_lev+2" spawns in Sheogorad Region (6,23) 50682, -191875, 1602 spawn slaughterfish and dreugh on land.
FIX Replaced the spawns with two "ex_shore_cliffracer_lev+2" (common spawn for this area) on the exact same position.

BUG There is a "h2o_slaughterfish" spawn in Ald Sotha (6,-9) 55032, -68268, -566 spawning a slaughterfish underground.
FIX Removed the spawn to prevent combat music from playing. I could have chosen to move him into the water but here is already a slaughterfish there.

Magic and Enchantment Fixes

BUG Both Bound Battle Axe and Bound Cuirass use Restoration sound effects.
FIX Assigned Conjuration sound effects.

BUG Summon Bonewolf is labelled as Alteration spell and uses a deviant particle texture.
FIX Made it Conjuration and assigned the regular Summon particle texture.

BUG "Strong Heal Companion" spell is set to work on Self instead of Touch (healing others).
FIX Corrected.

BUG Fire Shield has a red icon despite it being an Alteration (purple) effect.
FIX Made a purple variant of the icon.

Item Fixes

BUG Bloodmoon introduced new sets of gloves that are all simply named "Right Glove" and "Left Glove". Most bracers/gauntlets/gloves follow the "<Material> <Left/Right> <Bracer/Gauntlet/Glove>" convention. An advantage of this convention is that in the inventory window left and right variations of the same material/style are next to each other.
FIX BM_Nordic01_gloveL: |Left Glove| ==> |Nordic Left Glove|
BM_Nordic01_gloveR: |Right Glove| ==> |Nordic Right Glove|
BM_Nordic02_gloveL: |Left Glove| ==> |Nordic Left Glove|
BM_Nordic02_gloveR: |Right Glove| ==> |Nordic Right Glove|
BM_Wool01_gloveL: |Left Glove| ==> |Wool Left Glove|
BM_Wool01_gloveR: |Right Glove| ==> |Wool Right Glove|
BM_Wool02_gloveL: |Left Glove| ==> |Wool Left Glove|
BM_Wool02_gloveR: |Right Glove| ==> |Wool Right Glove|

BUG Helseth's unique robe shares the same name as the generic Frostguard Robe.
FIX Helseth's robe: |Frostguard Robe| ==> |Helseth's Robe|

BUG Spelling error.
FIX zenithar_whispers: |Zenithar Whispers| ==> |Zenithar's Whispers|

BUG Enamor is a Steel Dagger in game, but the CS refers to it as glass_dagger_enamor. Moreover, this blade has the stats of a Glass Dagger and belongs to a Buoyant Armiger, who are known to favor the rich ornaments of Glass.
FIX Made it appear as Glass Dagger.

Text and Dialogue Fixes

BUG The 92 weather specific Voice Greetings were only heard under very specific circumstances ingame, or in certain cases too often ("Think it'll rain?" line said by guards) because of bad dialogue filtering.
FIX Now there is a 5% chance to be met by these greetings when Disposition is 50 or higher. Basically how Bethesda filtered newly added dialogue in the expansions.

BUG The "latest rumor" about Larrius Varro ("Everyone knows the...he can do.") blocks other Balmora rumors because of missing "Journal town_balmora = 0" check.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The "latest rumor" about Larrius Varro ( "The Legion Champion...through the system.") blocks other Balmora rumors because of missing "Journal town_balmora < 5" check.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The "latest rumor" about completing Larrius Varro quest ("They say someone...don't think so.") blocks other Balmora rumors.
FIX Corrected by filtering it for "Global Random100 < 8".

BUG The Balmora "latest rumors" about Orvas Dren ("Everyone knows who...suits Orvas Dren.") should be filtered "Global Random100 < 40" (instead of 30).
FIX Corrected.

BUG The Imperial Legion rumor for Balmora ("I hear there's...to break the law.") should probably be filtered for the nearby Fort Moonmoth since there are no Legion members in Balmora and the NPCs at the fort have just one generic rumor.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The Imperial Legion rumor for Ald'ruhn ("It's the law ...it's the law.") should probably be filtered for the nearby Buckmoth Legion Fort since there are no Legion members in Ald'ruhn and the NPCs at the fort have just one generic rumor.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Seven Vivec rumors specified for Foreign Quarter, Redoran and Hlaalu cantons are never seen (except one) because of their low positioning in the dialogue tree.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The "latest rumor" about the mysterious killings ("What could kill...just the same way?") blocks other Vivec rumors because of missing Journal town_Vivec = 0 check.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The "latest rumor" about the mysterious killings ("Have you heard?...NEED special help.") blocks other Vivec rumors because of missing "Journal town_Vivec < 5" check.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The rumor about Balen Andrano ("I've heard that...lot of business.") is blocking other Vivec, Foreign Quarter rumors because of a missing "Journal EB_Bone 10" update.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The rumors about Miun-Gei ("I've heard that...earn a drake." & "I've heard that...earn a drake.") are blocking other Vivec rumors because of missing "Journal EB_Actor 10" update.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The generic rumor for Ebonheart ("With all the ...protect the Emperor.") is blocking the ones specified for the Imperial Legion and Imperial Cult about the Twin Lamps ("I hear there's...break the law.").
FIX Filtered the former so that it won't be said by Legion or Cult members.

BUG The generic rumors for Pelagiad are blocking the one specified for the Imperial Legion ("It's the law...it's the law.").
FIX Corrected.

BUG The Caldera rumor about Odral Helvi ("Odral Helvi was...mainland, awaiting trial.") should be filtered for "Random100 <= 33" instead of "Random100 <= 90", otherwise it will overrule the rumor about House Redoran ("House Redoran is...you mark my words.").
FIX Corrected.

BUG One of the Caldera greetings ("People like you...out of Caldera?") is incorrectly filtered for "Random100 < 60" instead of "Random100 < 50", causing there to a 10% seeing this message, regardless of your disposition.
FIX Corrected. Now it will only be shown when the NPC disposition is below 20.

BUG Seyda Neen has little advice ("You can read...stands to reason.", "Where to start...perks are worthwhile.") filtered for Trader class while the only trader in town (Arrille) is actually of the Trader Service class.
FIX Removed the class filter since Arrille has his own little advice. Filtered the former for no specific class and the latter for Commoner class. Seyda Neen's little advice dialogue tree seems to alternate between Commoner class and no class entries. Also added the missing PCLevel <2 to the latter that was mentioned in Bethesda's comments.

BUG The second Maar Gan little advice ("Visit the Tower...against a Daedra?") is never shown because it is filtered for "Random100 <30" instead of "Random100 <75".
FIX Corrected.

BUG The second Gnaar Mok little advice ("A fellow looking...trouble in town, anyway.") is never shown because the the foregoing one is filtered for "Random100 <75" instead of "Random100 <30".
FIX Corrected.

BUG The Dark Elf little advice about how Telvanni BUG musk makes even an Orc charming ("If all it...an Orc charming.") is filtered for "Not Race Orc = 1". However, this filter is meant for NPC, not the player race. It should therefore filter for "Global PCRace != 8".
FIX Corrected.

BUG Only one of the four little secrets for Fort Frostmoth was ever shown because they all lacked any proper filtering.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The Erabenimsun Camp Ashlanders little secret about Nchuleftingth ("Do the old...filled with wonders.") is missing ShowMap Nchuleftingth results like other Ashlanders little secrets have.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The Dark Elf female little secret about the most dangerous places in Morrowind ("What are the...pretty bad, too.") is never shown because the foregoing one is filtered for "Random100 <50" instead of "Random100 <30".
FIX Corrected.

BUG There is a dialogue block of four entries under the little secret topic (starting with "You're an outlander...are dangerous places.") that have filters that make little sense and block themself and other responses because of this.
FIX |Global Random100 <50| ==> |Global Random100 <30| (3x)
|Sex: Female| ==> |Sex: Male| (for the cited one)

BUG The Dark Elf female "little secret" about vampires ("In Morrowind, we...They're too dangerous.") should be filtered for "Random100 <10" instead of "Random100 <20". Otherwise, it would block the Dark Elf female little secret below it.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The Thieves Guild "little advice" ("Keep a good...no one is around.") should be filtered for "Random100 <55" instead of "Random100 <50".
FIX Corrected.

BUG The "little secret" about Larrius Varro in Balmora ("Somebody said Larrius Varro...know what about.") blocked the other Balmora little secret bout Ordinators burning down a camp of Nerevarine cult worshippers would be blocked until after finishing Larrius Varro's quest.
FIX Made the dialogue check for "Journal town_balmora < 10" instead of "Journal town_balmora < 30".

BUG There's a "little advice" that Estirdalin at the Balmora Mages Guild is good to talk to about the mage trade, but she doesn't appear to have any dialogue about it because the magic school topics are filtered for Mages Guild Savants (there aren't any Savants in the Mages Guild).
FIX Bounds all magic school topics (including unarmored) to Mage Service class. Also removed the odd "NotRace Dark Elf" filters.

BUG The my trade topic for Herders should only be said by Ashlanders but is also said by several non-Ashlander NPC.
FIX Filtered the topic for Ashlanders only (others will use the generic response for this topic now).

BUG Darius shouldn't refer to himself in the Knights' little advice about Dumbuk gro-Bolak ("My notion of...trade, and Vvardenfell.")
FIX Corrected.

BUG Arille in Seyda Neen mentions having several potions for sale in dialogue but doesn't actually sell them.
FIX Added Bargain (the cheapest kind) versions of the potions to his inventory.

BUG Anja Swift-Sailer in Dagon Fel has a key (Anja's Key) which does not unlock her house (which no other key will do either). Since there are no (locked) chests in her home it is save to assume the key was meant for the door to her house.
FIX Made the key functional.

BUG Imperial Guards in Ebonheart have weird background responses like "I am Guard, Guard and Spearman of the Imperial Legion.", because of their unique IDs.
FIX Copied the regular background dialogue for Imperial Guards and filtered it for Class: Guard, Faction: Imperial Legion, Cell: Ebonheart.

BUG Some shopkeepers allow you to steal all of their stock without getting a bounty except some verbal abuse bacause of 0 Alarm AI setting.
FIX Gave the following NPC Alarm 30: Mossanon, Mevel Fererus, Tervur Braven, Ferele Athram, Heifnir, Rathal Barus, Alarvyne Indalas, Dunel Saryon, Orns Omaren, Dranas Sarathram, Ranosa, Gilvayn.

BUG Thirteen out of eighteen named Ash Ghouls are missing dialogue. This is strange because even the generic Ash Ghouls (ash_ghoul) spawned from levelled lists share their dialogue.
FIX Corrected. Also filtered their Dagoth Ur topic ("He will not...show you mercy.") for "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" so it will no longer come up after having dealt with Dagoth Ur.

BUG The Reflect part of the The Ring of Equity enchantment is ignored because it is always overridden by the 100% Spell Absorption.
FIX Reversed the order of the enchantment.

BUG Two gondoliers in Vivec have the wrong list of destinations in dialogue. Talsi Uvayn lists Fendryn Delvi's list of destinations and vice-versa. Talsi's placement is also slightly off in regards to the other Gondoliers throughout Vivec. Most of them are placed directly next to their respective docks on the right side. Talsi stands a fair distance away from her dock and is almost facing the wall, which looks quite strange for an NPC that never moves.
FIX Switched their destinations dialogue and fixed Talsi Uvayn's position.

BUG Helviane Desele and Ashumanu Eraishah sell Moon Sugar and Skooma but will refuse to deal with you if you have any.
FIX Added exceptions for them to the Service Refusal dialogue.

BUG Vatollia Apo will hand over the Gnisis Egg Mine Key even if you have been expelled from the Legion.
FIX Made his dialogue check for "PC Expelled = 0". Also filtered his other Eggmine topic dialogue correctly for Legion members because previously he would talk to you as if you were not a member.

BUG Legion NPCs still ask why you are out of uniform after you�ve been expelled ("You're out of...when you're serious."). The same goes for one of the reponses for the Imperial Legion topics ("For the glory...in its service.").
FIX Made the text Greeting check for "PC Expelled = 0".

BUG Some Temple dialogue entries for the Almalexia, Buoyant Armigers, Ministry of Truth, Sotha Sil, Temple, Tribunal, Tribunal Temple and Vivec topics are missing a "Not Local NoLore = 0" filter.
FIX Corrected.

BUG "You do not know? %Name was sure..." should have the Race: Khajiit condition (there's another entry below this one for non-Khajiit).
FIX Corrected.

BUG The early Imperial Legion quest, in which you try to get the land deed from Widow Vabdas, also unlocked a "land deed" topic for Dondos Driler and Baren Alen which is only meant for the Hlaalu Stronghold quest.
FIX Added corrected filtering.

BUG You can ask various NPCs about "disturbing dreams" before actually having them.
FIX Filtered the topic correctly for "A1_Dreams >= 1".

BUG Ajira shouldn't talk about herself in the "bet with Galbedir" topic ("They've been...thieves than Bosmer." & "It doesn't surprise me.")
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly for "Not ID ajira = 1".

BUG The Ald'ruhn rumor about people getting mad because of abandoning the Temple ("Madness is a...greed and wickedness.") should only be said by Dunmer.
FIX Corrected.

BUG A little advice response for Mages refers to Estirdalin, the Altmer mage lady in Balmora's Guild, as a he.
FIX Corrected.

BUG If you've done "The Silver Bowl" quest you'll notice that Ygfa's greeting always asks you to join the Imperial Cult even after you've already joined. This was caused by her correct greeting being far down the list.
FIX Moved the greeting and removed the "Journal MS_Piernette >= 100" and "PC Rank Layman" filters.

BUG Lalatia Varian should not talk about herself in the Imperial Cult "little adice" topic ("The services required...powerful, well-equipped adventurers.").
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly for "Not ID Lalatia Varian".

BUG The "my trade" topic for monks ("I am a monk...others in my skills.") should not be said by Odral Helvi.
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly for "Not ID odral helvi = 1".

BUG The Khuul "latest rumors" ("Some strange men...Tight-lipped, suspicious bunch.") should probably not be said by NPC inside Thongar's Tradehouse.
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly for "Not Cell Khull, Thongar's Tradehouse != 1".

BUG The Caldera "latest rumors" ("House Redoran is...mark my words.") should probably not be said by NPC inside Caldera, Governor's Hall.
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly for "Not Cell Caldera, Governor's Hall != 1".

BUG The Balmora "latest rumors" about guards being concerned ("They say someone...don't think so.") should not be said by the guards themself.
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly for "Not Class Guard = 1".

BUG The Pelagiad "Imperial cult" topic ("Pelagiad's Imperial cult...sells cure potions.") should not be said by Ygfa.
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly for "Not ID ygfa = 1".

BUG There are some mistakes in the Summon Magic Effect descriptions. The ones for Skeletal and Greater Bonewalker mistakely state that they are summoned "from Oblivion" instead of "from the Outer Realms" (like other undead). In case of Centurion Sphere the "from Oblivion" part should be completely removed (like the summons Verminous Fabricant discription). The Verminous Fabricant description should be lowercased for the sake of uniformity.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Two responses for the "bad people" ("If the bad...be the Smith.") and "price on your head" ("If there's a...for a price.") topics were missing "Not Local NoLore = 0" dialogue filter.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Rararyn Radarys' unique response to the "latest rumors" topic ("The Hlaalu and...Odirniran for years.") is shown, even when he is "possessed" as a Sleeper at night.
FIX Filtered the dialogue to only show beteen 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. (basically when sleeperScript doesn't kick in).

Activator:ID=act_black_load00:Name=Dark crevice |Dark crevice| ==> |Dark Crevice|
Book:ID=bk_AuraneFrernis1:Aurane Frernis' Recipes: |Recipies| ==> |Recipes|
Book:ID=bk_AuraneFrernis2:Aurane Frernis' Recipes: |Recipies| ==> |Recipes|
Book:ID=bk_AuraneFrernis3:Aurane Frernis' Recipes: |Recipies| ==> |Recipes|
Journal:HT_SlaveRebellion (10): | rebellion the| ==> |rebellion in the|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Balmora:Random100<40: |%PCName?| ==> |%PCName.|
Journal:MV_TraderAbandoned (10): |Balmora| ==> |Caldera|
Journal:MV_RecoverWidowmaker (20): |Bal Ur| ==> |Tel Aruhn|
Topic=Abolitionists:Race=Dark Elf:Faction=Hlaalu:Rank=Retainer: |the Dunmer to retain their| ==> |us to retain our|
Topic=arrange a meeting:ID=kaushad:MG_WiseWoman>=10:MG_WiseWoman<10: |out village| ==> |our village|
Topic=Balmora:Cell=Balmora: |north| ==> |west| & |south| ==> |east|
Topic=Balmora:Class=Scout:Cell=Ald Velothi:Random100<50: | Ald'ruhn | ==> | Ald'ruhn and Caldera| & |Caldera| ==> |Pelagiad|
Topic=Balmora:Class=Scout:Cell=Balmora:Random100<50: | Ald'ruhn | ==> | Ald'ruhn and Caldera| & |Caldera| ==> |Pelagiad|
Topic=Balmora:Class=Scout:Cell=Gnisis:Random100<50: | Ald'ruhn | ==> | Ald'ruhn and Caldera| & |Caldera| ==> |Pelagiad|
Topic=Balmora:Class=Savant: | Ald'ruhn | ==> | Ald'ruhn and Caldera| & |Caldera| ==> | Pelagiad|
Topic=dwarven limeware:ID=Alarvyne Indalas: |Bolryn| ==> |Bolrin|
Topic=Erabenimsun camp:Class=Scout:Cell=Ald-ruhn: |Molag Maar| ==> |Molag Mar|
Topic=Erabenimsun camp:Class=Scout:Cell=Sadrith Mora: |Molag Maar| ==> |Molag Mar|
Topic=Erabenimsun camp:Class=Scout:Cell=Vivec: |Molag Maar| ==> |Molag Mar|
Topic=Erabenimsun camp:Class=Scout:Cell=Balmora: |Molag Maar| ==> |Molag Mar|
Topic=Her profession:Disp=50: |thief?.| ==> |thief?|
Topic=House Telvanni:Faction=Telvanni: |other| ==> |others|
Topic=little advice:Cell:Ald-rhun:Disp=30:Random100<75: |weapons and arms| ==> |arms and armor|
Topic=little advice:Class=Mage:NotID estirdalin=1:Random100<90: |He's| ==> |She's|
Topic=Mistress Therana:ID=aryon: |which on| ==> |which is on|
Topic=my trade:Class=Miner: |eggminer| ==> |egg miner|
Topic=Nerevarine prophecies:ID=sharn gra-muzgob:Journal A1_4_Muzgoblnformant>=15: |"One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star".| ==> |"One-Clan-Under-Moon-and-Star"?|
Topic=Ordinators:ID=Sinnammu Mirpal: |Molag Maar| ==> |Molag Mar|
Topic=Reavers:Random100>50: |Its|==> |It's|
Topic=S'Bakha:PCRace=6: |no different| ==> |no difference|
Topic=specific place:Cell=Caldera: |Hla Oad| ==> |Gnaar Mok|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Vivec, Redoran: |her| ==> |here|
Topic=Staff of the Silver Dawn:ID=arara uvulas:HT_SloadSoap>=100: |here is| ==> |here in|
Topic=steam centurion:ID=galar rothan:Disp=30: |isaggressive| ==> |is aggressive|
Topic=unsanctioned training:ID=onlyhestandsthere:Disp=50:Choice 2: |But I perhaps you| == |But perhaps you|
Topic=vampires:ID=artisa arelas: |ash vampire|==>|ash vampires|
Topic=vampires:Race=Dark Elf:Class=Pauper |ash vampire|==>|ash vampires|
Topic=vampires:Race=Dark Elf:Class=Commoner |ash vampire|==>|ash vampires|


BUG Morrowind.esm *** door_cavern_doors00 Adanumuran 145, 2358, 108 "gate opens the wrong way and doesn't close".
FIX Rotated. Also floored floating light_de_lantern_06 nearby.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** misc_com_basket_01 Ald-ruhn, Gildan's House 323, 76, -119 "clipping".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Ex_barnacles_02 Ascadian Isles Region (0,-5) 7726, -39587, -331 "floating".
FIX Rotated. Also fixes kollop_02_pearl [2X] and kollop_03_pearl nearby.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Terrain_rocks_AI_04 Ascadian Isles Region (-1,-8) -2988, -57586, 1054 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Ex_barnacles_02 Ascadian Isles Region (2,-5) 24566, -39018, -151 "floating".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Ex_barnacles_01 Ascadian Isles Region (3,-5) 29689, -38041, -514 "floating".
FIX Rotated. Also Ex_barnacles_02 [2x] and Ex_barnacles_03 [2x] nearby.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_t_rock_coastal_03 Azura's Coast Region (15,-10) 128123, -79744, -57 "floating".
FIX Replaced with the correct ex_t_rock_coastal_02 that should have been used in the first place.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_hlaalu_buttress_05 Balmora (-3,-2) -22490, -13184, 621 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** misc_com_bottle_02 Bitter Coast Region (-5,-7) -39574, -56287, 19 "floater".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_bc_18 Bitter Coast Region (-8,-4) -58633, -31195, 132 "floating".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_c_pillar_wood Caldera, Shenk's Shovel 384, -120, 384 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_bush_01 Dren Plantation (2,-7) 22826, -53771, 838 "clipping".
FIX Raised (4x).

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_guarcart00 Dren Plantation (2,-7) 21414, -52914, 785 "floating".
FIX Rotated and lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_velothismall_ndoor_01 Drinith Ancestral Tomb 460, -6048, 2464 "gap".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** light_com_lantern_02_128 Ebonheart (2,-13) 17713, -101079, 575 "floater".
FIX Moved [2x].

BUG Morrowind.esm *** imperial shield Ebonheart, Imperial Commission -968, 392, -55 "clipping".
FIX Rotated and lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Ex_barnacles_01 Fields of Kummu (1,-5) 13856, -39555, -510 "floating".
FIX Rotated. Also fixed Ex_barnacles_02 nearby.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_wg_14 Khuul (-9,16) -65745, 136626, 756 "floating".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Ex_barnacles_02 [3x] Molag Amur Region (4,-2) 34402, -14606, -390 "floating".
FIX Moved. Also fixed Ex_barnacles_03 [2x] nearby.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Ex_barnacles_02 [2x] Molag Amur Region (5,-2) 41665, -15695, -998 "floating".
FIX Rotated and moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Ex_barnacles_02 [2x] Molag Amur Region (5,-3) 46611, -19385, -327 "floating".
FIX Rotated. Also fixed Ex_barnacles_03 nearby.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_tree_wg_02 Moonmoth Legion Fort (-1,-3) -5245, -16505, 2498 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_header00 Nchuleft -897, -2108, 383 "sticks out through the wall on the other side".
FIX Moved ex_dwrv_header00 and the accompanying meshes.

BUG Tribunal.esm *** in_py_rock_27 Norenen-dur 723, 4111, -67 "floating".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_v_l_int_stairs_03 Othrelas Ancestral Tomb -256, 832, 250 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Set scale of ex_vivec_w_e_01 [2x] to 1.10 and moved them.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_grass_03 Pelagiad (0,-8) 2015, -58693, 1239 "floating".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Player can get stuck while entering the Ashlander yurts (Salit Camp, Zalit's Yurt & Zelay's Yurt, Yakaridan Camp, Kitbael's Yurt).
FIX Moved the Door Marker a bit.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_v_s_int_entrance_01 Saren Ancestral Tomb 224, 2592, 1600 "gap between wall pieces".
FIX Replaced in_v_s_int_entrance_01 and in_vs_pitmw_b_01 with the correct in_v_s_wall_column_01 that should have been used in the first place.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** netch_leather_boiled_helm Serano Ancestral Tomb -1634, -513, 1220 "clipping".
FIX Rotated and raised.

BUG In Sulipund there's a pathgrid error, pointing from one floor to the other without an accessible connection.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** bk_LivesOfTheSaints Suran, Suran Tradehouse -57, 237, 360 "clipping".
FIX Moved bk_LivesOfTheSaints and accompanying bk_SaryonisSermons

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ingred_comberry_01 Tharys Ancestral Tomb -510, 298, -280 "clipping".
FIX Raised ingred_comberry_01 and nearby ingred_emerald_01.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_corkbulb West Gash Region (-4,-3) -27232, -23465, 589 "clipping".
FIX Moved.

Patch for Purists v3.2.1 patch notes [December 2nd, 2019]

PfP Fixes

- Odirniran (quest) can be complete optimally again.

New Fixes

BUG Temple shrines are free for members of the rank of Initiate or higher, but there is still a dialogue box popping up asking if you are willing to pay 0 gold.
FIX Made the script skip over this question when there is no need to pay (credits to abot for the fixes scripts).

BUG It takes two seconds before Bonelords become lootable.
FIX Fixed the fault in the animations (credits to rotouns).

Patch for Purists v3.2.0 patch notes [November 1st, 2019]

PfP Fixes

- Assigned a model the Velothi's Shield that I missed before, after fixing this shield.
- Removed a dirty edit (Hlaalu guard background topic).
- Reverted the Hla Oad little advice topic change (|and they'll none of them be missed|==>|and none of them will be missed|).
- Journal Index 60 in HT_Odirniran quest should work again.
- Lloros Sarano's duties topic correctly checks for both "Journal HR_FindGiladren >=100" and ADD "Journal HR_FindTharen >=100" again.
- "barenAlenScript" script should work again.
- R-Zero made a better model for the W_miner_pick.NIF fix.
- Added a fixed model for to prevent the Iron Tanto from glowing in dark dark environments, possibly this was the reason why Bethesda made the Iron Tanto uses the Steel Tanto model by default.
- Reviewed and redid all changes made by "Clean MR ingredients dialogue" more in line with the vanilla game.
- Updated the vampire script fixes (Vampire_Aundae, Vampire_Berne, Vampire_Quarra).
- Cleaned up a dirty edit from Punammu (an underwater light_tikitoch00).
- Removed an unnecessary texture from the (tx_dwrv_wall40.dds).
- Updated the fixes for Telvanni doors so that they no longer conflict with texture replacers.

General Fixes

BUG Many voice greetings are never heard ingame because they are blocked by bad dialogue filtering.
FIX Corrected filtering for all Idle voice greetings. The Faction and rank acknowledging voice greetings that came with the Tribunal expansion are made availble on Vvardenfell. Fixed some Hello voice greetings (these will be expanded on in a later update).

BUG Faction and rank acknowledging voice greetings are not available on Vvardenfell (these came with Tribunal expansion).
FIX Corrected.

BUG "random_imp_armor" Item Levelled List contains a subrecord for an "imperial cuirass" object but this object doesn't exist.
FIX Changed the armor object to "imperial cuirass_armor", which does exist. A Body Part with an ID of "imperial cuirass" exists so I assume that was mistakenly used for the offending object subrecord.

Item Fixes

BUG Foeburner seems consistent with the other named Dwemer weapons for it to have an enchantment, but it doesn't.
FIX Gave it the unnused cruel firebloom_en enchantment (5-8 Fire Damage with an area of 20) since the name kind of implies a fire enchantment.

Creature Fixes

BUG Staada (the Golden Saint) is set as a Creature instead of a Daedra.
FIX Corrected.

Quest Fixes

BUG A Man and His Guar (MV_RichTrader) quest. Journal entry 20 and Teris Raledran's introducing dialogue should mention 200 septims instead of 100. Not only does this contradict entries 100 and 105; it is also what Teris Raledran actually pays you after successfully escorting him and Rollie to Vivec.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Non-Redoran characters could get the Find Beden Giladren quest by going straight to the Mila-Nipal camp but cannot turn in the quest or clear the journal entry.
FIX The quest is now exclusive to Redoran members since the journal entries don't indicate a non-Redoran completion ("I should report back to Lloros Sarano in Ald'ruhn"). The unused journal index 50 was also restored. A new script disables Beden Giladren before Lloros Sarano give his orders and after freeing him. The two rumors about the kidnap are now filtered for this quest.

BUG Hircine's Hunt (BM_WildHunt) quest isn't advancing to index 40 when meeting Carius, blocking getting entry 55 when reaching the gate as a result.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Morag Tong: Grandmaster quest. Journal entry 100 is skipped when you chose to become Grandmaster of the Morag Tong by killing Eno Hlaalu.
FIX Added proper journal updates to Eno Hlaalu's script.

BUG Shashev's Key (VA_Shashev) quest. The topic info "someone killed#2811024839205246927" has three conditions with one that is never true; "Item key_shashev < 0". The response should be triggered if the player returns to Sirilonwe after killing Shashev but without the key that should be taken off Shashev's corpse.
FIX Changes the condition to "Item key_shashev = 0".

BUG Shashev's Key (VA_Shashev) quest. Shashev's body can disappear with his key making the quest impossible to finish.
FIX Made Shashev's corpse persist.

BUG The duties response from Lloros Sarano ("Several Redoran soldiers...happened in Andasreth.") checks for "Journal HR_FindGiladren >= 100" instead of "Journal HR_FindTharen >= 100".
FIX |Journal HR_FindGiladren >= 100|==>|Journal HR_FindTharen >= 100|

BUG If you speak to Nuleno Tedas about the Urshilaku Camp prior to being on the Meet Sul-Matuul quest, it will advance Caius' dialogue past initiation.
FIX Added a "Journal A2_1_MeetSulMatuul >= 1" check to Nuleno Tedas' dialogue.

BUG Divayth Fyr's "Dwemer piece" topic choices have wrong checks which can cause a dialogue loop when the PC carries more than one Dwemer Coherer.
FIX |Item misc_dwrv_artifact50 = 1| ==> |Item misc_dwrv_artifact50 >= 1|

BUG Journal "MS_Warlords" contains a duplicate subrecord with an index of "0".
FIX Removed the incorrect subrecord.

BUG A Friend in Deed (EB_Deed) quest. Alusaron's second Greeting 5 ("Welcome to my...competition these days.") should check "Journal EB_Deed <= 10" instead of "Journal EB_Deed = 0".
FIX Corrected.

BUG Hircine's Hunt quest (BM_WildHunt) isn't advancing to index 40 when meeting Carius, blocking getting entry 55 when reaching the gate as a result.
FIX Corrected.

Text Fixes

BUG The background topic on the Imperial Archers reads: "I am Imperial Archer, Archer."
FIX Gave them a dedicated one based on the Imperial guard one: "I am an Imperial archer."

BUG Mirisa's response for topic info "service refusal#23295123702187725686" is empty.
FIX Gave her an appropriate response made up from vanilla service refusal dialogue ("I am sorry, %PCName. There's nothing I can do for you now."). New dialogue was required given this stage of the "The Missing Missionary" quest.

BUG The "House Redoran has... might do better." latest rumor response should not be said by Redoran members.
FIX Filtered the dialogue (Not Faction Redoran = 1).

BUG After completing the Gateway Ghost quest, Angaredhel responds to topic "gateway haunting" with "Angaredhel mentioned your handling of the Gateway haunting affair..."
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly "Not ID angaredhel = 1"

BUG Falasmaryon stronghold does spell out Falagmaryon in Daedric on the propylon portal.
FIX Added a fixed texture (tx_portal_falagmaryon.dds).

BUG Seyda Neen little advice topic about disposition ("It pays to...for a favor.").
FIX |They let you know if you don't like them|==>|They let you know if they don't like you|

BUG After you get Fast Eddie to mouth for you, and tell Aryon about it, the journal says Aryon promoted you to Master. Although Aryon gives you the choose to become Master, this does not happen immediately.
FIX |Master Aryon promoted me to Master in House Telvanni.| ==> |Master Aryon promised me the rank of Master in House Telvanni.|

BUG Several trader banners in Sadrith Mora have "Dunmer" in their name, even though the traders themselves are not Dumner. These names look like placeholders.
FIX |Dunmer Trader| ==> |Ancola: Trader|
|Dunmer Trader| ==> |Elegal: Trader|
|Dunmer Alchemy| ==> |Arangaer: Alchemist|
|Dunmer Weapons/Armor| ==> |Anruin: Armorer|
|Dunmer Weapons/Armor| ==> |Manicky: Armorer|

BUG Typo in Big Helende's "Felen Maryon's staff" topic dialogue.
FIX |If you there's| ==> |If there's|

BUG Suran Services topic talks about "our local tradesmen and trainers". However, non of the traders mentioned offer trainings services.
FIX Removed the "and trainers" part.

BUG Vivec, Foreign Quarter latest rumors treats Lesley as female.
FIX |she's moved her| ==> |he's moved his|

BUG NoLore NPC in Ald'Ruhn shouldn't talk about the Aengoth the Jeweler topic.
FIX Added "Not Local NoLore = 0" checks to two responses.*

BUG NoLore NPC start talking about the Almalexia topic when Tribunal is installed.
FIX Added "Not Local NoLore = 0" checks to six overlooked responses.

BUG Caius Cosades' "Blades Trainers" topic says Sjorvar Horse-Mouth can be found "west of Ald'ruhn" (in the "Sjorvar Horse-Mouth" topic Caius replies correctly that he can be found "west of Caldera").
FIX |west of Ald'ruhn| ==> |west of Caldera|

BUG Priest, Priest Service, Monk & Healer topic Almalexia ("Blessed Almalexia the Warden is one of the three Immortals God-Kings of Morrowind...").
FIX |Immortals| ==> |Immortal|

Journal:MS_BarbarianBook_B (100): |'financially embarrassed| ==> |'financially embarrassed'|
Topic=Bitter Coast:Class=Scout:Cell=Gnaar Mok:Not Local NoLore=0 and Random100<66: |Bitter Coast| ==> |the Bitter Coast|
Topic=Bitter Coast:Class=Scout:Cell=Seyda Neen:Not Local NoLore=0 and Random100<66: |Bitter Coast| ==> |the Bitter Coast|
Topic=work:ID=daynes redothril:Disp=30: |an raw ebony stone| ==> |a raw ebony stone|


BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_bc_fern_02 Bitter Coast Region (-8,2) -60267, 20937, 85 "floater".
FIX Rotated and moved. Also removed underground flora_bc_mushroom_03 nearby.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_t_root_spikes_01 Tel Aruhn (15,5) 123928, 43666, 369 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_t_root_spikes_01 Tel Aruhn (15,5) 124325, 41231, 82 "clipping".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_ship_plank Azura's Coast Region (15,4) 122981, 40887, 96 "floater".
FIX Rotated and lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_stronghold_window00 [2x] Hlormaren (-6,-1) -42296, -4124, 2685 "texture overlapping".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_imp_towerb_dark_01 Wolverine Hall (18,3) 149696, 29312, 544 "texture overlapping and doubled statics".
FIX Removed. Also removed the doubled ex_imp_towerb_base_01 nearby.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** misc_com_bucket_01 Molag Mar, Armigers Stronghold 3985, 2692, 15761 "clipping".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_tree_wg_04 West Gash Region (-8,13) -65067, 108315, 1409 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** bk_AlchemistsFormulary Sadrith Mora, Gateway Inn 4182, 4616, 592 "floater".
FIX Rotated and lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dae_malacath_attack Valenvaryon (-1,18) -3692, 152857, 2654 "floater".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** barrel_01_Ingredients Ascadian Isles Region (5,-7) 45139, -51608, 484 "floater".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_enter00 Molag Amur Region (9,2) 77925, 20047, 2158 ""floater and static exposes its edges".
FIX Lowered and moved ex_dwrv_enter00. Moved nearby ex_dwrv_ruin_tower00, ex_dwrv_ruin50, ex_dwrv_block20, door_dwrv_load00 and DoorMarker. Also fixed floating ex_dwrv_ruin00 nearby by rotating.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_header00 Mzanchend 1115, 2313, 96 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** de_p_chest_02_gold_50 Molag Amur Region (7,2) 64057, 22806, 2805 "floater".
FIX Rotated and lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_ruin50 Odrosal (3,7) 26782, 61692, 12612 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_ruin50 Dagoth Ur (2,8) 19882, 71636, 13224 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Lowered the entire structure.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Furn_De_Bar_01 Tel Branora, Sethan's Tradehouse 929, -432, 160 "the bar is floating"
FIX Lowered the bar and associated objects. Also fixed floating bk_Anticipations and in_t_s_plain_door nearby.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_grazelands_lev+2 Grazelands Region (8,15) 69442, 123611, 774 "underground creature spawn"
FIX Raised.

Script Fixes

BUG During the Fake Soul Gem (MG_Sabotage) quest for Ajira, if you engage Galbedir in conversation or go through a door while she is walking back to her desk, she stays put forever. This can be a problem in that if she stops in the middle of the hallway and you can't get around her.
FIX Edited the script (galbedirScript) so that Galbedir will no longer stop to greet the player during the quest, and starts walking back again to her desk after changing cells. Also made sure she no longer walks into Marayn Dren by changing some coordinates.

BUG The script on Bolvyn Venim makes you advance to the rank of Archmaster when defeating him in the duel. Yet, the journal states you should speak with Athyn Sarethi before you can be named the Archmaster of House Redoran.
FIX Corrected the script (bolvynScript) so it doesn't advance you to Archmaster.

BUG shrineTemple script won't charge non-members for Vivec's Mystery and Almsivi Restoration (script checks 25, when target should be 35).
FIX Corrected.

BUG There is a glitch associated with Golena's body causing it to spawn an infinite amount Poison Grip Arrows.
FIX Corrected SadriFight script by adding a journal check.

Script=DaedraBoethiah: |Player->AddTopic "sculptor"| ==> |AddTopic "sculptor"|
Script=avSlavehunter: |Set counter to -1| ==> |Set timer to -1|
Script=Pub_RavenRock: relocks door at original lock level of 30 instead of 20
Script=shrineMaarGan: added "GetJournalIndex TT_MaarGan < 60" condition and removed unnecessary "Journal TT_MaarGan 20".
Script=UleniDead: |disable "Gateway_haunt"| ==> |"Gateway_haunt"->Disable|

Patch for Purists v3.1.0 patch notes [July 5th, 2019]

General Fixes

BUG Bloodmoon accidentally removed most contents from Com_Chest_11_k01. There are 55 instances of this chest in the vanilla game, and the single instance in Bloodmoon broke ALL of them.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Container tramaroot_06 is missing an Organic flag (Graphic Herbalism didn't recognize it) and levelled list.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Container Bloatspore and Kwama Egg Sack are missing the Respawn flags.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Raw Ebony containers rock_ebony_01_colony, rock_ebony_02_colony, rock_ebony_05_colony, rock_ebony_06_colony and rock_ebony_07_colony missing an Organic flag.
FIX Corrected.

BUG All but one Raw Adamantium container (rock_adam_pyXXm rock_adam_moldXX) missing an Organic flag.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The book "Provinces of Tamriel" was supposed to show an image of the provinces but doesn't because of a wrong filename.
FIX |theempire.tga| ==> |theempire_377_253.tga|

BUG Scroll of Elemental Burst:Frost font size is way to big.
FIX |SIZE="12"| ==> |SIZE="2"|

BUG Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire has writ information written in it.

BUG Elone says Arrille has a copy of Guide to Vvardenfell ("...get a copy of 'Guide to Vvardenfell' from Arrille...") but he doesn't.
FIX Arrille now sells a copy of Guide to Vvardenfell.

BUG The PC couldn't rest in Abandoned Shipwreck, Upper Level.
FIX Removed "Illegal To Sleep Here" flag.

BUG common_shirt_02_h is brown but has a blue icon.
FIX Made a new icon (Adjusting the textures of the shirt itself instead, would conflict with both clothing and icon replacers).

BUG The room in Andus Tradehouse in Maar Gan is only locked AFTER the PC rented it once.
FIX Added a 20 lock to the door (just like its rent script does).

BUG Three Holly Berry bushes in the Skaal village are not harvestable because they were set as static and not container.
FIX Replaced them with identical Flora_BM_holly_06 in the exact same positions.

BUG Mornsu Omalor carries 12 random bows and one random arrow.
FIX Gave her one random bow and 12 random arrows.

BUG There are two versions of Dumbuk gro-Bolak. He can be found at both the Imperial Legion strongholds of Gnisis and Wolverine Hall. The "little advice" topic ("My notion of...and Vvardenfell.") tells the PC he can be found near the barracks in Gnisis.
FIX Removed the clone near Wolverine Hall.

BUG Player can get stuck in Urn when leaving Balmora, Itan's House.
FIX Moved the doormarker a bit.

BUG Suran Temple exterior door is Hlaalu instead of Velothi (like the rest of Suran). Aside from obvious reasons, the Hlaalu door doesn't fit into the Temple mesh.
FIX Replaced the door with a Velothi one. Also fixed the floating temple.

BUG NPC Brallion is supposed to stand on the platform next to the slaves in Sadrith Mora. But he has a Follow AI package on Telvanni guard causing him following them wherever he goes.
FIX Removed the Follow AI package.

BUG Ajira mentions she has Telvanni Bug musk, Mazte, Flin and Sujamma for sale, but doesn't offer any of them.
FIX Added one of each to her inventory.

BUG There's a door to "Queen's Lair" in Sarimisun-Assa Egg Mine. When you go through it, you'll spawn on the other side in the air, about a meter above ground.
FIX Moved the Door Marker a bit.

BUG A chest in Dralas Ancestral Tomb does nothing when activated and doesn't shown on tooltip, because it's locked with "lock 0".
FIX Replaced by lock 10 (like similar tomb chests).

BUG Undead creature (in_tomb_all_lev+0) in Andas Ancestral Tomb 802, 794, -942 will be stuck inside the pillar and unable to move or attack because the spawn is to close to a pillar.
FIX Moved the spawn point.

BUG For some mysterious reason, all items and containers (even statics like walls, stairs, lava and sound generators) in Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility, Lower Facility & Outer Facility are owned, which means taking anything there will mark it as stolen. Dagoth Ur, Lower Facility & Outer Facility items are owned by Bodean, a hostile NPC outside a Daedric ruin. Dagoth Ur, Inner Facility items are owned by Asha-Ammu Kutebani, an NPC in Gnisis.
FIX Removed the unnecessary ownership (apart from the statics).

Creature Fixes

BUG Plague Bear and Plague Wolf diseases don't work because they were added as spell instead as per script. Also, their Resist Paralysis was given as spell by mistake, instead of an ability (they don't have enough magicka to cast these spells anyway).
FIX Gave them a Resist Paralysis 50 pts ability and correct disease scripts.

BUG Some blighted Kwama variants are named incorrectly.
FIX |Kwama Forager| ==> |Blighted Kwama Forager|
|Kwama Warrior| ==> |Blighted Kwama Warrior|
|Kwama Worker| ==> |Blighted Kwama Worker|

BUG "h2o_all_lev-2" spawn in Ascadian Isle Region (4,-15) 37227, -114760, 376 spawns slaughterfish and dreugh on land.
FIX Replaced the spawn with an "ex_shore_mudcrab" on the exact same position.

BUG There's a Sixth House levelled list spawn underwater in Bitter Coast Region (-5,-8) 39046, -65406, -219.
FIX Replaced with the usual h2o_all_lev+2 levelled list.

BUG Water creatures spawn (ex_shore_all_lev+0) on land in Red Mountain Region (1,10) 14423, 89003, 11863.
FIX Replaced with the usual ex_RedMtn_all_lev+0 levelled list.

BUG Some creatures missed their correct soundgen.
FIX dagoth endus, soundgen ash_ghoul
BM_bear_black_summon, soundgen BM_bear_black
BM_wolf_grey_summon, soundgen BM_wolf_grey

BUG Yagrum Bagarn never plays his Hello and Idle voiceovers ("A visitor! What...Last Living Dwarf?", "Now... if I...MORE complex surfaces...") or his idle animation.
FIX Gave him a Wander AI package and an AI Hello rating of 30.*
*Requires MCP "Creature voiceover enable"

BUG Ascended Sleeper doesn't play its attack and idle sounds.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Draugr were not set as Undead creature type.
FIX Marked BM_draugr01, BM_draugr_bloodskal, draugr, draugr_aesliip, draugr_co_3, draugr_co_3_dead and draugr_valbrandr as Undead.

Magic and Enchantment Fixes

BUG "absorb willpower [ranged]", "absorb intelligence [ranged]" and "absorb luck [ranged]" spells use Agility instead of associated attributes.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Shockball spell has the exact same stats as Greater Shockball (and Greater Fireball and Greater Frostball for that matter). Stats should be like its Fireball and Frostball counterparts.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Enchantments "cruel spark_en" and "dire spark_en" are identical. The latter should have a range of 5-11 like the other "dire" enchantments. The same applies to "cruel shardbolt_en" and "dire shard_en".
FIX Gave "dire spark_en" and "dire shard_en" a range of 5-11.

BUG Demoralize Humanoid is under the magic school of Mysticism, while its casting effects, its icon, and its counterpart (Demoralize Creature) are all under the school of Illusion.
FIX Changed school to Illusion.

BUG Brittlewind is a rather dangerous spell from Bloodmoon, only used by the Ice Witches, Wind Witches and Fryse Hags. Some mods (e.g. Wakim's Game Improvements, Galsiah's Character Development) unintentionally add this spell to the pool of spells available to everybody; causing some NPCs wreaking havoc.
FIX Changed the Brittlewind spell from an autocalced spell to a non-autocalced spell.

BUG Both Bound Battle Axe and Bound Cuirass use Restoration sound effects.
FIX Assigned Conjuration sound effects.

BUG Summon Bonewolf is labelled as Alteration spell and uses a deviant particle texture.
FIX Made it Conjuration and assigned the regular Summon particle texture.

Armor and Weapon Fixes

BUG Tribunal introduces a female appearance for Steel Cuirass, but Bloodmoon overwrites it back to match vanilla Morrowind.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Most Iron weapons have incorrect enchantments ("On Target" instead of "Cast of Stike"). Virtually every other weapon in the game uses "Cast of Stike". The only exception is War Axe of Wounds; which also doesn't match his counterpart the Battleaxe of Wounds (which is "Cast of Stike").
FIX Assigned the correct enchantments to all of them: |..._enu| ==> |..._en| & |wound_enu| ==> |wound_en|

BUG Shockbite Battle Axe, Shockbite Halberd, Shockbite Mace, Shockbite Warhammer and Iron Sparkslayer have incorrect enchantments for no apparent reason ("sparkbolt_en" instead of "spark_en").
FIX Assigned the correct enchantments to them |sparkbolt_en| ==> |spark_en|

BUG Stormkiss has an incorrect enchantment and is missing "Ignore Normal Weapon Resistance" like its counterparts have.
FIX Corrected |lightning bolt_en| ==> |lightning strike_en|

BUG Shockbite Warhammer, BanHammer, Iron Spider Dagger and Imperial Netch Blade are missing "Ignore Normal Weapon Resistance", based on their counterparts.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Velothi's Shield has Chitin Shield (light armor) stats but uses Imperial Shield (heavy armor) as base item.
FIX Changed the model and icon to Chitin Shield. Lorewise does also makes more sense since Veloth was a Chimer afterall.

BUG Feather Shield has Chitin Tower Shield (light armor) stats but uses Imperial Shield (heavy armor) as base item.
FIX Changed the model and icon to Chitin Tower Shield.

BUG Shield of Light has Netch Leather Shield (light armor) stats but uses Imperial Shield (heavy armor) as base item.
FIX Changed the model and icon to Netch Leather Shield.

BUG The Bonebiter Bow is a Chitin Short Bow in the vanilla game, though dialogue states it is a Bonemold Long Bow ("...this bonemold long bow deep in the burial caverns...", "...his spirit guards his bonemold long bow...").
FIX Changed the model and icon to Bonemold Long Bow.

BUG Steel throwing knife uses the wrong model and icon.
FIX Changed to the dedicated vanilla model and icon.

BUG Iron Tanto uses the Steel Tanto model by default.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Weapons "iron flameslayer", "iron shardslayer", "iron sparkslayer" and "iron viperslayer" have the wrong icons that don't match their models.
FIX Changed to w\Tx_Claymore_Iron.tga

Quest Fixes

BUG "Death of a Taxman" quest had several problems.
FIX Journal index 40 and 80 should be labeled as quest finishes and consequently stop every possible progression of the quest. Previously, the quest would remain in the journal indefinitely.
To ensure a normal quest progression, Foryn Gilnith won't talk about anything until journal index 48. Previously, choices didn't have any consequences and the finished states of the quest didn't make any sense, because the PC could simply pick up on the quest again by talking to Gilnith again.
A new journal entry was made to do justice to the scenario in which Foryn gives the PC the ring to return it to Thavere. Previously, the journal stated that the PC took it from his body.

BUG "HR_ArobarKidnap" quest. Both 20 and 45 journal entries are never updated in the vanilla game.
FIX Corrected. Arhyn Sarethis will now also have a response to recognize journal index 34 (previously introduced by UMP).

BUG "Mephala's Quest" quest. Quest stage 20 is never set in the journal. Without it, the PC doesn't know where to find the target. There's a topic "sensitive matters" but it's not available from the journal index.
FIX The text of index 40 ("I have agreed...poison Balyn Omavel.") has been replaced with that of 20 ("Apparently, one of...lives in Balmora."). This seems to be the most sensible fix, since all information from journal index 40 is covered by index 20. Merging these indexes or changing dialogue would be too messy.

BUG "Thelas' Pillows" quest. You'll only be able to get the "pillow shipment" topic from Drarayne if you have her Invoice with you and have told Drarayne what you did for the "Exterminator" quest but turned in the quest in by Eydis yet. This is a highly unlikely scenario.
FIX Removed the mysterious filter from Thelas' dialogue.

BUG �Thieves Guild: Nerano Manor Key� quest. Sovor Trandel's response to the Nerano Manor topic ("That's where I...a bit more.") should only be said when the Nerano Manor Key quest is started already. Otherwise the quest cannot be completed and remains in the journal indefinitely when you're not a Thieves Guild member. Also, Sovor Trandel's response to the Ondres Nerano topic ("Just don't tell...got the key.") shouldn't be said when he didn't give you the key. Trandel's key was also not removed from his inventory when giving it to you.
FIX Added "Journal TG_ManorKey = 10" filter to his Nerano Manor dialogue. Added "Journal TG_ManorKey < 100" filter to his Ondres Nerano dialogue. The key will now correctly be removed from his inventory.

BUG The Vampire "Blood Ties" quest doesn't have a journal quest entry. The name exists but "Quest name" was not checked in the CS.
FIX Checked "Quest name".

BUG "Alms from the Skyrim Mission" quest. Ingokning actually only gives 5 gold if her Disposition is low but it's written 10 gold in the journal.
FIX Made her give 10 gold (like she does in similar quests).

BUG "Rescue Jocien Ancois" quest. During this quest, if the PC speak to Assaba-Bentus after freeing Jocien, he still thinks he's with the outcast.
FIX Added IL_RescueHermit < 50 check to the "Jocien Ancois" topic ("He came to...shirt without help.")

BUG Rovone Arvel still sends the PC to Odral Helvi after the "Rent and Taxes" quests.
FIX Added Journal HH_RentCollector < 100 check to "Go to Odral Helvi..." dialogue.
Added check Journal HH_RentCollector < 65 to "Odral is demanding..." dialogue.

BUG In the "Disease Carrier" quest for the Tribunal Temple, the PC is able to convince Tanusea Veloth to leave without quoting Saryoni's Sermons, but the journal will still say: "I convinced Tanusea Veloth with quotes from the sacred texts of the Temple. She agreed to go to the Corprusarium."
FIX An additional journal entry has been added which says "I convinced Tanusea Veloth to leave the city of Vivec and go to the Corprusarium."

BUG "Auriel's Bow" quest. The journal entry 100 incorrectly states that she gives you 5000 gold to go away. Also, the quest can be done without belonging to House Telvanni if you activate the topic "Auriel's Bow", which the Museum of Artifacts in Mournhold (Tribunal expansion) introduced.
FIX Filtered two diaogue entries for the "Auriel's Bow" topic to Telvanni only
HT_AurielBow 100 |5000| ==> |11,111|

BUG "Larrius Varro Tells a Little Story" quest. The journal would still update Larrius Varro quest trough the "little secret" topic in Balmora ("Somebody said ...know what about."), even when you killed him (say, for the Morag Tong) which would leave the aforementioned quest trapped in the journal.
FIX Added "Dead larrius varro = 0" to the dialogue.

BUG �Temple: Malacath of the House of Troubles� quest. Due to a bug, it is possible to receive this quest by speaking to Saryoni about �bad daedra� and then �four corners� ("The First Corner... House of Troubles.") at any time, even if you aren't a member of the Tribunal Temple.
FIX Added "PC Faction Temple" filter to the dialogue.

BUG "Compassion" quest. Tuls Valen doesn't mark Ald Velothi on the PCs map when pointing the way to Maelkashishi.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Almalexia "task" topic can break quests by getting her responses too early.
FIX Added "TR_Bamz >=100" to prevent this.

BUG The player doesn't actually need to be carrying 100 gold to pay Fjol the Outlaw in Larrius Varro's "MV_Bastard" quest.
FIX Added a "Item Gold_001 >= 100" check to Fjol the Outlaw's dialogue.

BUG Journal entry IL_ScrapMetal refers to the Imperial Legion having a context with the Buoyant Armigers, but Radd Hard-Heart's "scrap metal" dialogue says it's the Ordinators.
FIX Changed Radd Hard-Heart's dialogue to Buoyant Armigers. This seems to make most sense lore-wise since "[Buoyant Armigers] pattern themselves on Vivec's heroic spirit of exploration and adventure" while the Ordinators are "employed by the Temple to guard their sacred sites".

BUG "The Angry Trader" quest. Quest stage 30 is never set ("I've found where Alvur Hleran and Dondir were hiding, and was able to recover the glass."). Additionally, Tinos' Greeting #5 ("Listen up, if...stole all my goods.") should not display the quest starter line after starting the quest.
FIX A new script will trigger journal index 30 when all ten pieces of Raw Glass are in your inventory. Added "Journal MV_AngryTrader < 10" filter to the dialogue.

BUG "Yagrum Bagarn and Wraithguard" quest. The quest can't be continued if the player has health between 200 and 220 because of a wrong dialogue filter (Info ID:311232269721474412041).
FIX Filter health by 200 instead of 220.

BUG HT_DaedraSkin 10 journal entry.
FIX |Mouth Mallam Ryon| ==> |Mouth Galos Mathendis|

BUG "A Contact in the Dark Brotherhood" quest may be mis-reported in the journal as being a Mages Guild quest. Must be Morag Tong.
FIX |Mages Guild| ==> |Morag Tong|

BUG "Writ for Mathyn Bemis" quest. The quest Writ for Mathyn Bemis is related to the Mages Guild in the journal entry instead of the Morag Tong
FIX |Mages Guild| ==> |Morag Tong|

BUG "The Bad Actor" quest. The refusal journal entry refers to Marcel Maurard as an actor, though the PC has not discovered this information yet.
FIX |actor| ==> |vendor|

BUG Ranis states in her initial dialogue for the "Manwe's Dues" quest that that Manwe has failed to pay her dues for several years, and she now owes us over 2000 septims. Journal Entry Index 10 for the quest states that Manwe hasn't paid her dues in three months.
FIX |three months| ==> |three years|

BUG "Beluelle's silver bowl" quest. Ygfa points the PC to "an east-west rope bridge across a lagoon [...] north from the bridge to the Foreign Quarter of Vivec". This is just a normal wooden bridge however.
FIX |rope| ==> |wooden|

BUG When the PC acquires the Odd Dwemer Weapon from Karrod, the journal reports that it's a deadly shortblade, while it's actually classified as long blade.
FIX |deadly shortblade| ==> |deadly long blade|

BUG Aengoth refers to the Darts of Judgment as being arrows ("Eindel has four...don't want them."). The arrow version of the Dart of Judgment can still be seen in the Construction Set but don't appear in the game.
FIX |arrows| ==> |missiles|

BUG Adusamsi Assurnarairan wrongly states that Llaren Terano carries the Rotheran Slave Key (Greeting 5: "Please. Llaren Terano� my ring. Please.") & Journal IC27_Oracle_A (Adusamsi Assurnarairan asked� their slave key.)) Irvsie Othran is the one who carries the Rotheran Slave Key.
FIX |Llaren Terano| ==> |Irvsie Othran|

Script Fixes

BUG Each time the PC prays at a special Shrines (Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces) the PC gets the message "Your journal has been updated" even if they have already prayed at this particular shrine and after completing the Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces quest.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The massage "The crank seems to be stuck." was never shown because of an error in the "nchulfetingthRight" script.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Slaves Yakov and Khinjarsi can never be freed because of missing slaveScript.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Script "viatrix_petilia" doesn't update the journal as it should on Viatrix Petilia's death.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Script "menhirTelNaga"
FIX |GetPCRank "House Telvanni"| ==> |GetPCRank "Telvanni"|

BUG Script "menhirTelUvirith"
FIX |GetPCRank "House Telvanni"| ==> |GetPCRank "Telvanni"|

BUG cattleScript should have "short NoLore"
FIX Corrected.

BUG cattle_kha_f01 uses the wrong script.
FIX |slavescript| ==> |cattlescript|

BUG The Ghostgate Shrine ("shrineGhostgate" script) takes one of every soul gem; while it indicates to take only one ("Would you like to donate a soul gem and ask for a blessing?").
FIX Made the shrine only take one of your cheapest quality soul gems. Made the journal index update only once. Made the script stop processing when in menu mode. The shrine will now also indicate what quality soul gem it will take.

Dialogue / Text Fixes (grammar, inconsistencies, etc)

BUG Shargam gro-Shagdulg in Balmora has a unique rumor about the murder of Ralen Hlaalo. But when you ask him about Ralen Hlaalo topic, he acts as if he doesn't know him ("Who?").
FIX Added "NotID shargam gro-shagdulg = 1" check to the later.

BUG "Greeting 1" "Hello, %PCName. I see you've accomodated Olvyne's wishes. Nicely done. Now, if you could assist us one last time, we'd be most thankful."
FIX |accomodated| ==> |accommodated|

BUG "Greeting 1" "The Rite of the Wolf Giver requires one bunch of ripened belladonna berries. Unripened berries won't do, I'm afraid. You can find ripened belladonna berries on belladonna plants that grow near Solstheim's burial barrows, for they thrive on death. The Spriggan creatures have also been known to possess them, on occassion. When you have one bunch of ripened belladonna berries, return it to me."
FIX |occassion| ==> |occasion|

BUG "Greeting 5" "Are you here to serve the Temple by performing duties, %PCRank? Or have you come for something else" was never shown because it was always overruled by Greetings 5: "What brings you to the Temple, %PCRank? Have you been lax in your duties?" with the same conditions.
FIX Filtered the dialogue for Uvoo Llaren. Not only is this specific entry directly under her dialogue tree, but she is also the most picky about PC rank of all Temple Masters, which reflects in this greeting.

BUG Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Pelagiadn:Disp=40:Random100 < 50: Only 1 of the 5 entries currently fires.
FIX |Random100 < 50 | ==> |Random100 < 10| and the next 3 below in order: |Random100 < 50 | ==> |Random100 < 20|, |Random100 < 50| ==> |Random100 < 30|, |Random100 < 50| ==> |Random100 < 40|.

BUG Voice:Hello:ID=2353436633063728922:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Disp=50:Global PCRace >= 20
FIX |Global PCRace >= 20| ==> |Global Random100 >= 20|

BUG Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Males:Disp=70:Global PCRace >= 0
FIX |Global PCRace >= 0| ==> |Global PCRace >= 1|

BUG "someone in particular" topic for St. Olms ("All sorts of...the Foreign Quarter.") mentions Crassius Curio living there. This is not true.
FIX |Three Hlaalu lords also live here -- Crassius Curio, Yngling Half-Troll, and Dram Bero.| ==> |Two Hlaalu lords also live here -- Yngling Half-Troll and Dram Bero.|

BUG Savile Imayn shouldn't talk about herself in the "recruit some miners" topic ("I do not...one for sale.")
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly "Not ID savile imayn = 1".

BUG Dialogue in 'Orvas Dren' topic should not be said by Orvas Dren.
FIX Added "Not ID Orvas Dren Druglord = 1" to "He's the brother...our rightful homeland".

BUG Imperial Legionaries in Gnisis talk about the eggmine as though they are not Imperial Legion.
FIX Added a "Not Faction Imperial Legion = 1" filter to this "little advice" dialogue ("They've sealed...the river bed.")

BUG Captain Flax Carius shouldn't talk about himself in the "dry fort topic" ("Got nothing else...talk to the Captain").
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly "Not ID flax carius = 1"

BUG Savile Imayn shouldn't talk about herself in the "recruit some miners" ("I do not...one for sale.")
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly "Not ID savile imayn = 1"

BUG Dialogue in 'Dranas Sarathram' topic should not be said by Dranas Sarathram.
FIX Added "Not ID dranas sarathram = 1" to "He's the slave trader in town."

BUG Despite his loyalty to Helseth, if the PC asks Karrod about Helseth, he'll give an oddly unpatriotic response ("He's our new King, I suppose...") and wonder whether Helseth had anything to do with King Llethan's and Talen Vandas' deaths. If the PC asks him about Talen Vandas, he will remark "Now there's a man who could lead our people!". He even thinks that the Royal Guards (presumably including himself) are thugs. These are generic dialogue statements that the PC can get from almost anyone in Mournhold.
FIX Made an exception for Karrod in these dialogues.

BUG Non-Khajiit NPC use a greeting where they refer to themselves in third person ("%PCName! Please...help a friend.").
FIX Filtered the greeting for Khajiit only.

BUG NPC that aren't supposed to have dialogue topics "Telvanni BUG musk", "Solstheim" and "latest rumors" in their dialogue box.
FIX Removed the topics from NoLore NPCs by adding an extra condition to the dialogue.

BUG If the disposition of any of the traders associated with the great houses is more than 70, they will be using a Greeting that is supposed to only appear when "hortator quest >= 50" for that respective house ("Hello, %PCName. I...a little secret?").
FIX Added "sarethihortator >= 50" conditionals for these Greetings.

BUG Vedam Dren's "Dunmer" topic ("It will be...must unite us.") speaks of Dagoth Ur and Red Mountain after main quest.
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50"

BUG Drelasa Ramothran's greeting for Thieves Guild members displays "%PCRank" because she is not a member herself ("Welcome, %PCRank %PCName...know what's hot.").
FIX |Welcome, %PCRank %PCName| ==> |Welcome, %PCName|

BUG Yagrum Bagarn's dialogue for "Dwemer boots" topic ("Lord Fyr obtained...sincere apologies.") is missing two commas and the word "to".
FIX Corrected.

BUG sc_radrenesspellbreaker is called "Scroll of Radrene'sSpellBreaker" because there is too little space.
FIX |Scroll of Radrene'sSpellBreaker| ==> |Radrene's Spell Breaker Scroll|

BUG In Telvanni territories there are non-Dunmer stating they are annoyed with abolitionists and they state that outlanders shouldn't meddle with their rights to own slaves ("These outlanders won't...their damn business."). Naturally this makes no sense when the speaker is an outlander themselves and therefore can't have the right to own slaves covered under the Armistice, which covers native born Dunmer exclusive.
FIX Filtered the dialogue for Telvanni territory Dunmer only.

BUG Some NPC are not supposed to have normal speech patterns. Louis Beauchamp and Yakum Hairshashishi can speak perfect normally when asked about generic topics, whereas they're supposed to have a unique way of speaking.
FIX Added a "nolore" script to Louis Beauchamp and Yakum Hairshashishi (as Bethesda did for Ra'Gruzgob and Thrud).

BUG Twin Lamps factions only rank is called "Twin Lamps".
FIX |Twin Lamps| ==> |Abolitionist|

BUG Typo in Journal Entry Index 10 of the Sujamma to Dunirai quest (FG_DuniraiSupply).
FIX |the Dunirai Caverns which| ==> |the Dunirai Caverns, which|

BUG Typo in Imsin the Dreamer's dialogue the Maiden's Token quest for the Imperial Legion (IL_MaidenToken).
FIX |Hurry before| ==> |Hurry, before|

BUG Blades trainers speak about their affiliation even before the PC delivers the package to Caius ("background" and "rules" topic).
FIX Blades trainers will no longer reveal their secret identity; not until the PC joined their faction.

BUG NPC say that Daedric Shrines are grey-green in colour, but they only appear as a vivid pinkish red.
FIX |grey-green| ==> |grey-red|

BUG In Ald'ruhn NPC will mention that Dandera Selaro works IN Ald'ruhn-under-skar in the "little advice" topic ("If you want...be worth a look.").
FIX |in| ==> |in front of|

BUG NPC will say that Meralyn Othan is "toward the west side of the Bazaar", but she is actually at the top of the stairs on the east side.
FIX |west| ==> |east|

BUG Aryon's supposed to have extra dialogue for the PC inviting them to join House Telvanni ("I am Master Aryon...the Mages Guild."), but it has a greyed-out "female" filter, so it never actually appears.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Nine-Toes "latest rumors" topic.
FIX |goods maps| ==> |good maps|

BUG Falanu Indaren says "...the were too much..."
FIX |the| ==> |they|

BUG "Golena Sadri" "Oh, dear. Poor Tadera... Poor Golena! If only there were something more we could've done for her. But I understand, %PCName. You had no choice but to defend yourself. You did the right thing. She was too detatched from reality to recognize you. Or probably anyone, for that matter. Don't feel guilty."
FIX |detatched| ==> |detached|

BUG "stock certificate" "Yes, well, you'll have to actually have the certificate in your posession for me to exchange it."
FIX |posession| ==> |possession|

BUG "BM_Morale" "The soldiers seem willing to take the alcohol in my posession in exchange for information about what has become a dry fort. It seems that a bit of the drink makes them much more disposed to chatting."
FIX |posession| ==> |possession|

BUG "the Udyrfrykte" "I bow before you, my chieftain! You have slain the Udyrfrykte and claimed Thirsk as your own. Only the greatest warrior could kill such a ancient beast!"
FIX |a ancient| ==> |an ancient|

BUG There is a typo in the quest name "The Shirt of His Back".
FIX |of| ==> |off| (This makes sense since Rasha takes off his shirt during this quest)

BUG "Telvanni agents" "You got all four? Good. That'll make some people at Caldera Mining Company very happy. And here's 400 septims. The Caldera Mining Company pays well. And when your ready for more orders, let me know."
FIX |your| ==> |you're|

BUG Caius Cosades dialogue for "House Redoran" and "House Telvanni" topics ("Talk to...retrainer")
FIX |be become| ==> |become|

BUG "Greetings 9" 34072753983316925 ("It's good of...to ask about?")
FIX |We�re| ==> |Were|

BUG Alarvyne Indalas "dwarven limeware" topic ("I would be...get the pieces.")
FIX |I would| ==> |It would|

BUG Gilvas Barelo "lost prophecies" topic ("I have reviewed...told you about.").
FIX |The Seven Vision| ==> |The Seven Visions|

BUG "join the Imperial Cult" topic ("You are now...a lay servant?")
FIX |your| ==> |you|

BUG "recruit some miners" topic
FIX |your| ==> |you|

BUG key_Dareleth_tomb
FIX |Key Dareleth Tomb| ==> |Key to Dareleth Tomb|

BUG Priest, Priest Service, Monk & Healer - topic Almalexia (Blessed Almalexia the Warden is one of the three Immortals God-Kings of Morrowind...).
FIX |Immortals| ==> |Immortal|

Object Fixes (floating, clipping, etc)

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dae_pillar_03 Bal Fell (8,-12) 72626, - 94018, 825 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** misc_com_wood_knife Mat 4176, 6640, 8371 "floats, and so does a misc_com_metal_goblet_01 and misc_com_bottle_13 (2x) nearby".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** tramaroot_02 Ashlands Region (1,13) 9298, 112797, 1270 "floats, and so does terrain_rock_rm_13 nearby".
FIX Lowered and moved tramaroot_02. Moved tramaroot_02 to prevent clipping. Rotated terrain_rock_rm_13.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_bc_18 Bitter Coast Region (-8,2) -60861, 20061, -15 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Guild of Fighters building Balmora (-3,-2) -21642, -13380, 715 "there is a gap in the back".
FIX Lowered the entre building.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** crate_02_random_pos Balmora (-3,-2) "some poorly placed crates; crate_02_random_pos [5x], crate_01_eggs, crate_01_food and crate_01_random_pos."
FIX Floorded crate_02_random_pos [2] and crate_01_eggs. Rotated and lowered crate_02_random_pos [3x], crate_01_food and crate_01_random_pos.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** barrel_01_cheapfood20 Pelagiad, Murberius Harmevus' House -78 134 21 "floats, and so does a Misc_Com_Bottle_14 nearby".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_whickheat_03 Grazelands Region (11,11) 95384, 96359, 1089 "floats, another flora_whickheat_03 nearby".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** urn_05_ingred Ald-ruhn (-2,6) -10785, 56204, 2638 "floats, and so does urn_02_food and com_basket_01_food nearby".
FIX Floored urn_05_ingred and urn_02_food. Lowered and moved com_basket_01_food.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_crate_open_01 Ald-ruhn (-2,7) -10870, 57413, 2626 "some floating around here".
FIX Floored furn_crate_open_01, bonemold_gah-julan_cuirass, bonemold_gah-julan_pauldron_r, bonemold_gah-julan_pauldron_l and bonemold_gah-julan_helm. Moved furn_crate_lid_01.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_dae_rubble_04a West Gash Region (-6,13) -46079, 108708, 730 "floats, and so does a in_dae_rubble_05, in_dae_rubble_06 and in_dae_rubble_07 nearby".
FIX Floored them.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dae_wall_512_08 Molag Amur Region (3,-3) 26239, -18817, 1104 "floats, and so does a ex_dae_wall_512_09 nearby".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** barrel_01_pos Gnisis (-11,11) -86500 90783 1049 "some floating around here".
FIX Floored floating objects (crate_01_random_pos [10x], crate_02_random_pos [4x], barrel_01_pos [4x]).

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_velothi_temple_02 Gnisis (-11,11) -86669 93712 1197 "floats, and so does a furn_de_overhang_06 and crate_01_de_mclothes [2x] nearby".
FIX Floored. Scaled furn_de_overhang_06 to 1.10 to prevent possible cliping with NPC causing a Greeting error.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_de_overhang Gnisis (-11,11) -85007, 92900, 1177 "floats, and so does a crate_01_armor_imp, crate_01_armor_iron, crate_01_armor_fur, crate_01_Armor_Steel [2x], crate_01_random_pos, crate_02_random_pos [2x], furn_crate_lid_01, furn_crate_open_01, com_sack_02_msugar2, misc_de_bowl_orange_green_01, furn_de_ex_table_03, furn_de_overhang_02, furn_de_rug_02, com_chest_02_v_armor07, furn_de_ex_table_02, furn_de_basket_01 and crate_01_de_mclothes [2x] nearby".
FIX Floored. Scaled the furn_de_overhang_02 to 1.03 to prevent possible cliping with NPC causing a Greeting error.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_de_3x_table_01 [2x] Gnisis (-11,11) -84765, 96240, 1602 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** misc_de_muck_shovel_01 Gnisis (-11,11) -88436, 91270, 1096 "floater".
FIX Lowered together with the furn_de_pathspear_01 it was leaning against.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_de_p_stool_01 Gnisis, Abelmawia Hut -44, -45, -229 "stool stuck in furn_com_pm_chair_02".
FIX Remove the stool because it clearly shouldn't be there (enough chairs already).

BUG Morrowind.esm *** bk_reflectionsoncultworship... Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen 3592, 4380, 839 "floats, and so does a bk_PigChildren, bk_BlasphemousRevenants, index_beran, apparatus_m_mortar_01, apparatus_m_mortar_01, apparatus_m_retort_01, apparatus_m_alembic_01, misc_com_metal_plate_05, ingred_kresh_fiber_01, ingred_corkbulb_root_01, ingred_bittergreen_petals_01, ingred_vampire_dust_01 and furn_bone_01 [2x] nearby".
FIX Lowered. Rotated bk_reflectionsoncultworship... just a little.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_de_p_chair_02 [14x] Gnisis, Barracks "floats, and so does furn_de_p_table_01 [4X] and misc_de_goblet_02 [3x] nearby".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_de_p_chair_02 Gnisis, Dinadad Hut "floats, and so does misc_com_redware_bowl, chest_small_02_gold_05, misc_com_redware_bowl_01, active_de_p_bed_10, misc_de_pot_redware_01, light_de_candle_01_64, misc_com_wood_cup_01, furn_de_basket_01 and com_sack_01_saltrice_10 nearby".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** misc_com_tankard_01 [2x] Gnisis, Fort Darius -1438, 335, -193 "floats, and so does com_chest_02_darius_03 and Furn_Uni_Spearholder_01 [3x] nearby".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_com_r_chair_01 [2x] Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse 329, 986, -850 "floats, and so does a de_r_chest_01_darius, misc_de_basket_01, Misc_Com_Pitcher_Metal_01 [3x], chest_small_02_ingredie and misc_com_redware_bowl_01 nearby".
FIX Lowered. Removed a misc_de_foldedcloth00 sticking trough one of the bookshelfs.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** stolen_goods Seyda Neen, Census and Excise Office -63, 202, 220 "floats, and so does misc_com_broom_01 and sc_paper plain nearby".
FIX Lowered. Also fixed furn_com_tapestry_03 clipping into the wall by moving.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** contain_trama_shrub_05 Ashlands Region (6,11) 55304, 93800, 1459 "floats, and so does terrain_ashland_rock_16 neardby".
FIX Lowered contain_trama_shrub_05. Moved and lowered terrain_ashland_rock_16. Rotated and moved the nearby tramaroot_03 to prevent it from clipping. Moved flora_ashtree_03 to prevent it from clipping.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_ashland_rock_16 Ashlands Region (7,10) 59790, 84932, 838 "some floating around here".
FIX Removed terrain_ashland_rock_16 since its position doesn't make any sense. Floored flora_fire_fern_03. Rotated and moved the nearby flora_fire_fern_03 [2x] and tramaroot_03 to prevent clipping.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_t_root_03 Tel Vos (10,14) 87057, 117977, 3897 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Rotated and moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_bittergreen_03 West Gash Region (-13,12) -102796, 98760, 1762 "clipping of Bittergreen Plant arms, and so does flora_kreshweed_02 and flora_kreshweed_03 nearby".
FIX Rotated and moved flora_bittergreen_03. Moved flora_bittergreen_01 and flora_bittergreen_02. Rotated flora_kreshweed_02 and flora_kreshweed_03.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_dae_rubble_06 Azura's Coast Region (16,-9) 131117, -68390, 411 "floater".
FIX Rotated and floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** crate_Bandit_01 [3x] Zainsiplu 656, -2301, -54 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_py_rock_27 Mausur Caverns 12, 617, -816 "static exposes its edges, there is also crate_01_ebony [3x] clipping and floating nearby".
FIX Moved in_py_rock_27 and crate_01_ebony. Floored the other two crate_01_ebony.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** exquisite_belt_01 Endusal, Kagrenac's study -852, -1824, -347 "texture overlapping".
FIX Raised.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_velothi_loaddoor_01 Ascadian Isles Region (-3,-7) -19771, -50240, 401 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Rotated and moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** hlaalu_loaddoor_ 02 Suran (6,-6) 52381, -48960, 925 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Light_Com_Candle_13_77 [3x] Telasera, Upper Level -1230, 3295, -288 "floater".
FIX Floored. One was moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_stronghold_window00 [2x] Falasmaryon (-2,15) -12260, 125881, 1748 "texture overlapping".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_bridge10 Sheogorad Region (8,22) 66477, 181638, 774 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Raised.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_dae_platform_stairs Sheogorad Region (0,21) 1773, 174076, 420 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** crate_02_random_pos [4x] Pelagiad (0,-8) 1427, -57615, 1446 "floats, and so does barrel_01_pos [2x] and crate_01_random_pos nearby".
FIX Rotated and moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_bc_shelffungus_01 Bitter Coast Region (-8,0) -62270, 3219, 188 "floats, and so does flora_bc_shelffungus_04 [2x] nearby".
FIX Rotated and moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** kollop_02_pearl Bal Fell (9,-12) 77278, -92022, -191 "floater".
FIX Rotated and floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** kollop_03_pearl Azura's Coast Region (10,-12) 82260, -96730, -340 "some floating around here".
FIX Floored kollop_03_pearl [2x], Flora_kelp_01, Flora_kelp_03 [3x] and Flora_kelp_04 [6x]. Rotated and floored kollop_02_pearl [2x].

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_bone_01 Andules Ancestral Tomb 1226, 2469, 134 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_impbig_blend_01 Caldera, Governor's Hall -400, 480, 512 "static exposes its edges, and so does in_impsmall_doorjam_01 nearby".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_mud_rock_04 Yakin -349, -1621, -1167 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_lava_rock_19 Aharunartus 375, 3736, 549 "gap, and floating Com_Sack_02_Gold_05 [2x], com_chest_01_misc01, Com_Sack_02_Gold_05 [2x] and com_sack_01_chpfood5 nearby".
FIX Moved in_lava_rock_19. Floored com_chest_01_misc01. Rotated and floored com_sack_01_chpfood5 and Com_Sack_02_Gold_05 [2x].

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_ac_07 Ald Redaynia (-4,21) -25520, 176774, 586 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_black_anther_01 Vivec (5,-10) 44015, -75818, 809 "some floating around here".
FIX Floored flora_willow_flower_01 [2x], flora_willow_flower_02 [2x], flora_black_anther_01 [2x] and flora_black_anther_02 [2x]. Rotated and floored flora_grass_01.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_dae_hall_l_endcap_01 Ashurnibibi, Shrine -288, 1824, -368 "clipping".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_bc_grass_01 Bitter Coast Region (-3,-9) -24016, -70919, 204 "floater".
FIX Rotated and floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Terrain_rocks_WG_04 West Gash Region (-2,1) -9779, 15275, 1344 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_t_doorway_01 Tel Mora (13,14) 108535, 116237, 247 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_hlaalu_wall_gate_02 Suran (6,-7) 56319, -54332, 1233 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_header00 Nchuleft Ruin (8,12) 66618, 104419, 1984 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_wg_18 Khuul (-9,16) -67814, 138614, 331 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_v_l_int_lcolumn_01 Tukushapal, Sepulcher 2990, 4568, 13056 "clipping".
FIX Raised.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_ruin00 Red Mountain Region (-2,10) -10461, 88591, 3972 "floater".
FIX Rotated and moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_ruin00 Odrosal (3,7) 27202, 60153, 11100 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_walker00 Nchuleft Ruin (8,12) 67414, 103023, 2048 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_velothismall_column_01 Drinith Ancestral Tomb 1488, -6360, 2592 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_ac_04 Grazelands Region (11,5) 92801, 48565, 128 "floater".
FIX Rotated. Also rotated flora_saltrice_01 that would otherwise clip with this change.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dae_ruin_stair01_short Ashalmawia, Shrine -1980, 1246, -464 "floater".
FIX Moved and floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_ruin00 Vemynal (0,10) 3608, 87400, 9496 "floater".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_ruin00 Mzuleft Ruin (6,21) 56203, 174272, 641 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_bone_skull_01 Mallapi, -924, -388, 505 "floater".
FIX Rotated and floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_dwrv_hall4_03 Arkngthand, Deep Ore Passage 7455, 800, 1024 "static exposes its edges, and ex_dwrv_ruin00 clipping nearby".
FIX Coverd it up with in_dwrv_corr4_03 [2x] and moved ex_dwrv_block20 and ex_dwrv_block10.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_ruin00 Dagon Fel (7,22) 64467, 186432, 415 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_cave_entrance_ma_lava Ashlands Region (-6,16) -44420, 134510, 1441 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_bc_14 Bitter Coast Region (-8,2) -65178, 23710, 204 "some floating around here".
FIX Rotated and moved terrain_rock_bc_18. Moved and floored flora_marshmerrow_01 [2x]. Rotated flora_bc_grass_01.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_coalpile00 Ald Velothi, Outpost -56, 436, -118 "clipping".
FIX Raised.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_velothismall_hall_04 Heleran Ancestral Tomb 4927 3903 14591 "static exposes its edges, and in_velothismall_ndoor_01 [2x] and in_velothismall_dj_01 [2x] nearby are clipping".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_dae_platform_stairs Ibar-Dad -384, 1855, -1409 "static exposes its edges, and clipping com_chest_Daed_ibardad nearby".
FIX Raised and moved ex_dae_pillar_02. Rotated com_chest_Daed_ibardad.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_lava_rock_25 [2x] Shushishi -1857 1185 343 "see-through".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_dae_platform_stairs Bitter Coast Region (-8,-2) -62005, -10524, 348 "floater".
FIX Mirrored the scene by rotating and moving both in_dae_platform_stairs and terrain_rock_bc_17.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Ex_common_plat_LRG Sud 373, -922, -260 "static exposes its edges, and also floating in_mudcave_doorway00 and out of view in_mud_rock_12 nearby".
FIX Rotated Ex_common_plat_LRG and added another one. Added in_mud_rock_26. Moved gorenea andrano, Wizard_chest_01_evil, urn_02_ingred, urn_03_ingred, urn_04_ingred, active_de_bedroll, light_tikitorch00. Removed in_mud_rock_12. Floored active_de_bedroll. Raised Anirne NPC to prevent her from spawning inside the ground.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_de_pathspear_02 [4x] Ashir-Dan -225, -728, -407 "floater, also furn_de_pathspear_04 clipping nearby".
FIX Raised furn_de_pathspear_02 [2x]. Moved barrel_smuggler_01 [3x]. Added furn_de_pathspear_02 [2x].

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_common_plat_cent Saturan -224, -704, 128 "floater".
FIX Added in_moldboulder00.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_mud_rock_24 Shushan, -3707, 978, 791 "see-through".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_stronghold_wall02 Indoranyon 204, -2577, -27 "static exposes its edges, so does in_mudcave_21_1, also ex_de_shack_steps [2x] clipping."
FIX Moved ex_de_shack_steps [2x], in_mud_rock_02, ex_strongruin_fort05_half, ex_stronghold_wall02 [2x] and furn_firepit00 [2x]. Added in_mud_rock_28.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_lavacave2_s_01 Punabi -1538, 303, 643 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_sewer_union00 Vivec, Puzzle Canal, Level 1 3168, 2160, 320 "clipping".
FIX Removed extra in_sewer_union00.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_sewer_union00 Vivec, Puzzle Canal, Level 2 3616, 2112, 320 "clipping".
FIX Removed extra in_sewer_union00.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_sewer_scorr2_00 Vivec, Puzzle Canal, Level 3 3328, 2112, 320 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Added missing in_sewer_union00. Moved In_Vivec_waterspout_01, in_sewer_pillar00 [2x], ex_vivec_grate_01 and DoorMarker.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_de_docks_steps Abernanit 4877, -3846, -886 "some floating around here".
FIX Moved ex_de_docks_steps. Added in_mold_rock_01 [3x] for floating ex_common_plat_end, ex_common_plat_cent [2x].

BUG Morrowind.esm *** hlaalu_loaddoor_ 02 Balmora (-3,-2) -21590, -14373, 939 "gap at the top".
FIX Raised.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_v_l_int_stairs_03 Hlervi Ancestral Tomb 1024, -800, 666 "exposed backfaces".
FIX Set scale of ex_vivec_w_e_01 [2x] to 1.10 and moved them.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** bonemold_gah-julan_pauldron_r Ald-ruhn, Tuveso Beleth: Smith 443, 387, -67 "floater, and so does bonemold_gah-julan_pauldron_r nearby".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_saltrice_02 Azura's Coast Region (14,8) 119280, 67675, 217 "floating midair above the water".
FIX Deleted.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** light_com_lantern_01_128 Hinnabi 933, 3177, -631 "floating, and so does Gold_005 nearby."
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_rm_14 Red Mountain Region (5,10) 44646, 85869, 8948 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_de_shack_steps Ashinabi, Smuggler Den 3454, 3910, -8 "clipping".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Terrain_rocks_AI_04 Ascadian Isles Region (-1,-6) -5121, -46310, 451 "floater".
FIX Rotated and lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_ash_grass_w_01 Ashlands Region (6,12) 53539, 99395, 2115 "floats, and so does Flora_Ash_Grass_R_01 nearby".
FIX Rotated and lowered flora_ash_grass_w_01. Rotated Flora_Ash_Grass_R_01.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_ashland_rock_13 Ashlands Region (6,15) 55064, 127398, 1000 "floats, and so does terrain_ashland_rock_05 nearby; flora_fire_fern_02 and flora_fire_fern_03 nearby are stuck in stone".
FIX Lowered terrain_ashland_rock_13. Moved and rotated flora_fire_fern_02 and flora_fire_fern_03.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_bone_01 Berandas, Underground -4644, 4841, -99 "some floating around here."
FIX Rotated and lowered furn_bone_01 [4x]. Rotated and lowered furn_bone_skull_01 [2x]. Floored furn_bone_01 [2x]. Rotated furn_bone_01. Floored furn_bone_rib_01. Rotated and lowered furn_bone_rib_01. Floored com_chest_02_l_arm_01.
Also deleted an out of sight flora_root_wg_07.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Terrain_rocks_WG_02 West Gash Region (-3,4) -17511, 35554, 2666 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Terrain_rocks_WG_02 West Gash Region (-3,2) -24088, 23046, 1315 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_wg_18 West Gash Region (-13,8) -102726, 71413, -1053 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_wg_18 [2x] West Gash Region (-15,14) -118710, 119853, -1362 "floater".
FIX Rotated one and lowered the other. Rotated Ex_barnacles_03 accordantly to the first edit.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_cave_door_01 West Gash Region (-13,11) -105985, 94365, -99 "some floating around here".
FIX Rotated one and moved ex_cave_door_01. Rotated and lowered Ex_barnacles_03 [2x]. Removed Ex_barnacles_03 stuck inside rock. Raised Flora_kelp_04.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Flora_kelp_04 West Gash Region (-14,11) -106627, 94281, -78 "some floating around here".
FIX Lowered terrain_rock_wg_17, in_cave_plant00. Raised in_cave_plant00 [2x] and Flora_kelp_01 [3x]. Rotated and raised Ex_barnacles_02.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Terrain_rocks_GL_04 Grazelands Region (9,14) 75332, 120836, 933 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** sc_paper plain Ministery of Truth, Prison Keep -413, -938, -221 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Terrain_rocks_AI_02 Vivec, Hlaalu (2,-11) 17848, -88973, 338 "floater".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_marshmerrow_02 [2x] Azura's Coast Region (14,2) 120524, 22268, 374 "floater".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_marshmerrow_03 Azura's Coast Region (14,3) 121145, 32691, 384 "floater".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_crate_open_01 Zaintirari -880, 896, 135 "object collisions".
FIX Moved and rotated furn_crate_open_01 Zaintirari, furn_crate_lid_01 and misc_com_bottle_05 [6x].

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ingred_raw_ebony_01 Kora-Dur -4876, -11505, 315 "clipping through palte".
FIX Rotated and raised.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_lava_1024 Yanemus Mine -5471, 4703, -1418 "lava clipping through rocks".
FIX Added an extra in_lava_1024.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_de_shack_steps Odibaal -503, 1147, -1319 "strais clipping with platform".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** tramaroot_01 Ashlands Region (-3,5) -19505, 48001, 1177 "floater."
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** feather_shield Tel Mora, Berwen: Trader -42, -245, 250 "clipping in bookshelf".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** Light_tikilamp Hlormaren, Keep Bottom Level 1573, 5696, -567 "floater."
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** terrain_rock_wg_09 West Gash Region (-13,14) "floater."
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_de_pathspear_02 [2x] Ashinabi -1973, -33, -193 "textures clipping".
FIX Lowered furn_de_pathspear_02 [2x].

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_dae_room_l_side_01 Ashunartes, Shrine 2560, 2816, -512 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved moved in_lava_rock_21.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_bone_skull_01 Mawia 291, 1541, -1484 "pile of bones and skull clipping in stone."
FIX Moved the pile.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_dwrv_steamstack00 Mzahnch Ruin (8,-10) 69696, -77556, 793 "some floating around here."
FIX Lowered ex_dwrv_steamstack00. Rotated and lowered ex_dwrv_enter00 and ex_dwrv_enter00. Moved and rotated ex_dwrv_walker20. Rotated ex_dwrv_walker00.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** in_py_rock_07 Norenen-dur, Basilica of Divine Whispers 1430, 6486, 474 "floater".
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_common_entrance_01 Pelagiad (0,-7) 3594, -56786, 1712 "static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved ex_common_entrance_01, ex_common_door_01, furn_com_lantern_hook_02 and light_com_lantern_02_128.

BUG Bloodmoon.esm *** BM wolf boots Skaal Village (-20,25) -157427, 208736, 2933 "some floating around here".
FIX Rotated and floored BM wolf boots and misc_de_bellows10. Floored misc_com_basket_01. Raised hammer_repair. Floored furn_coalpile00 [2x]. Floored misc_com_bucket_01.

BUG Bloodmoon.esm *** Solstheim, Mortrag Glacier: Inner Ring ex_dae_pillar_02 52, -1584, -138 "floater, and in_dae_platform_512_01 exposes its edges nearby".
FIX Floored Inner Ring ex_dae_pillar_02 52. Raised in_dae_platform_512_01.

Patch for Purists v3.0.0 patch notes [December 12th, 2018]

General Fixes

BUG Axes use bow grab/drop sounds.
FIX Implemented axe weapon sounds IDs.*
*Requires MCP "Separate axe inventory sounds"

BUG Blunt weapons use the grab/drop sounds.
FIX Implemented blunt weapon sounds IDs.*
*Requires MCP "Separate axe inventory sounds"

BUG House Hlaalu can be joined even if you are a member of another house. The reason this works is because Vedam Drens dialogue doesn't check to see if you're a house member, only if you're Hortator.
FIX Added an additional filter to Vedam Drens "Camonna Tong" dialogue (PC Faction Hlaalu).

BUG If you enter the Drethan Ancestral Tomb once and then leave, upon your return Marara won't use any of the vampire spells or have glowing eyes.
FIX Edited the script so that this no longer happened.

BUG Killing cattle of other vampire clans will also present you with the journal entry that you killed your own cattle and are no longer welcome.
FIX Punishment will only happen if the killing happended in your own clan.

BUG Several banners in Vivec, Foreign Quarter Canalworks have ownership, resulting in a crime when activated.
FIX Removed the ownership of the following banners: Agrippina Herennia: Clothier, Jeanne: Trader, Simine Fralinie: Bookseller.

BUG Due to poor conditions, Dagoth Ur's grunt sounds where not triggered by the game.
FIX Added conditions for them.

BUG Breton male faces batting their eyes when they speak because of wrong a wrong value in one of the Forward/backward fields for quadratic interpolation.
FIX Value was changed in NifSkope.

Creature Fixes

BUG A great deal of creatures use wrong (or no) sounds, because of missing assigned sounds:
FIX ascended sleeper now plays attack and idle sounds
soundgen shalk scream; dreugh scream->shalk scream
shalk scream; dreugh scream->shalk scream
atronach_frost_BM, soundgen atronach_frost
BM_bear_black_fat, soundgen bm_bear_black
fabricant_verminousDead, soundgen fabricant_verminous
centurion_projectile, soundgen cent sphere scream
centurion_spider_dead, soundgen centurion_spider
BM_ice_troll_sun, soundgen bm_ice_troll
BM_ice_troll_tough, soundgen bm_ice_troll
BM_icetroll_FG_Uni, soundgen bm_ice_troll
BM_spriggan_co1, soundgen bm_spriggan
BM_spriggan_co2, soundgen bm_spriggan
BM_spriggan_co3, soundgen bm_spriggan
BM_spriggan_co4, soundgen bm_spriggan
BM_wolf_grey_lvl_1, soundgen bm_wolf_grey
dagoth gares, soundgen dagoth endus -> ash_ghoul
BM_riekling_boarmaster, soundgen bm_riekling
BM_riekling_Dulk_UNIQUE, soundgen bm_riekling
BM_riekling_Krish_UNIQU, soundgen bm_riekling

BUG According to Dagoth Ur's and the named Ash Vampires' dialogue, it is a House Dagoth custom to let their challenger deliver the first blow ("You are the challenger ... to you goes the courtesy of the first blow." / "You are the challenger. To you goes the first blow." / "You are the challenger ... yours is the first move." / "You're the challenger ... you deliver the first blow."). Despite this, the named Ash Vampires attack you on sight.
FIX Prevented the named Ash Vampires from being immediately hostile. You can now attack first or talk to them. Whether they stay calm depends on the Ash Vampire in question. Dagoth Gilvoth will always be hostile given his dialogue. For others it depends on how you end the conversation (inspired by what Bethesda did with Dagoth Uthol).

BUG Killing Ash Vampires does not weaken Dagoth Ur like it is supposed to (Strength -5 pts, Willpower -5 pts, Speed -5 pts, Health -50 pts, Fatigue -50 pts, Magicka -250 pts). The existing script would only work when you visit the first form of Dagoth Ur before killing the Ash Vampires. Scripts cannot modify stats on NPCs or creatures that have not been loaded in-game.
FIX Now killing Ash Vampires weakens Dagoth Ur as Bethesda originally intended. The second incarnation is not affected.

BUG Winged Twilights do not drop Daedra Hearts in-game dialogue mentions ("The winged twilight are the female-formed Daedric messengers of the Daedra Lord Azura. Daedra hearts have modest magical properties.").
FIX Winged Twilights now drop Daedra Hearts.

Quest Fixes

BUG It is possible to acquire the House Redoran quest �Mudcrab Pests� while not a member of House Redoran, which makes it impossible to finish the quest by reporting back, leaving the quest stuck in the player�s journal. Also, it does not make sense to "report back to Neminda" (HR_MudcrabNest 40) when you have never met her. She can�t even finish the quest when you are not a House Redoran member.
FIX Duplicated the dialogue tree Drulene Falen�s final responses and made it update to Journal HR_MudcrabNest 100 instead of 40 (the one refering to Neminda) for non-House Redoran players. The quest should now be completable for members and non-members House Redoran alike. The fact that Drulene has two separate greetings regarding the hostile mudcrabs (one for people who are sent by House Redoran's Neminda ("Did Neminda send...these hostile mudcrabs?") and a general one ("Some hostile Mudcrabs...one of my guar!")) makes it clear that this was Bethesda�s original intention. Removed the "House Redoran:" part from the questname.

BUG If you bring up the topic of Ald Velothi with Neminda before starting the Deliver Cure Disease Potion quest, it will skip straight to stage 20, meaning that she will believe she has already given you the Cure Disease potion; skipping the first journal entry completely.
FIX Added a check (Journal|HR_Courier|>=|10) to the topic.

BUG If you completed the "An Attack on Mournhold" quest before the Crimson Plague quest, Mehra Helas won�t give you the latest rumor which starts the latter quest.
FIX Added a check (Journal|MS_CrimsonPlague|>=|10) to her latest rumor ("The situation in...was pretty terrible.").

BUG If you turn in the EEC Stock Certificate at its maximum value of 12,000 gold the game tries to add an entry in a journal topic that doesn't exist (Journal CO_Stock 20). This may crash the game.
FIX Corrected: |Journal CO_Stock 20| ==> |set ColonyStock to 2|

BUG When you say you'll listen, Milyn Faram ("Odirniran" quest) may give incorrect dialogue, skipping the scroll reward and also the journal entry that would have made Aryon give the staff and book.
FIX Reordered dialogue in the right way.

BUG Milyn Faram ("Odirniran" quest) gives a -10 disposition decrease when you have not honored his wishes (not killing Vedelea Othril), yet also a disposition when you complete his task according to his wishes. The disposition decrease was clearly meant for when you killed Vedelea Othril.
FIX Changed the -10 disposition decrease to a 10 disposition increase.

BUG The option to buy the Staff of the Silver Dawn from Arielle Phiencel only appears if you have the 300 gold required. If you don't she will use the same dialogue as the rest of the Mages Guild members.
FIX Removed an incorrectly inserted dialogue check (Item|Gold_001|>=|300).

BUG In the House Redoran quest "Rescue Varvur Sarethi" the guards (Ald-ruhn, Venim Manor Right Wing) are supposed to become hostile if they see you escaping with Sarethi. However, on rare occasions they initially become hostile but then put their weapons away and ignore you. This is because the guards will stop attacking when the script makes Varvur stop combat.
FIX Fixed the responsible script (venimGuardScript).

BUG In the House Redoran quest "Rescue Varvur Sarethi" Varvur will attack the guards in the other rooms instead of running.
FIX Added new code to do stop his combat if he attacks the other guards (varvurSarethiScript).

BUG Drulene Falen might not offer to buy Corky ("Rent and Taxes" quest), instead just saying "He's doing fine, %PCName" when you choose the topic Corky in conversation with her.
FIX Corky can now be sold to Druelen Falen.

Script Fixes

BUG Due to scripting errors, Gedna Relvel will not have added bonuses for Magicka and Fatigue based on your level. Instead its Health will be fortified by a total of 800� your character's Level, rather than 100x, as was intended. This makes the lich almost unkillable at higher levels.
FIX Corrected the script.

Dialogue / Text Fixes (grammar, inconsistencies, etc)

FIX The "E-e--e-excuse me..." Nerevarine greeting is badly filtered.
BUG The greetings should now be properly filter to the Pauper class for compatibility with Tamriel Rebuilt.

BUG West and east are switched in the Balmora Services topic (Go to Hlaalu...of the river.).
FIX Corrected.

BUG Mournhold "latest rumors" topic about Plague (�There seems to...we've been seeing.�) should stop after quest is started. It should also update the journal because the designation is focused on the second quest stage.
FIX Added a check (Journal|MS_CrimsonPlague| <| 20) and a result (Journal MS_CrimsonPlague 10).

BUG Mehra Helas still says her greeting (�If you have�help the community.�) and latest rumor (�I've heard there's...offer your help.�) after the "Crimson Plague" quest is finished.
FIX Added a check to both (Journal|MS_CrimsonPlague|<|10).

BUG Bevene Releth, Bivale Teneran, Daynes Redothril, Llether Vari and Tiras Sadus keep greeting the player with the question if you would be interested in a little work, even after you've returned the items from Ienas Sarandas.
FIX Filtered the greetings correclty (Journal|Town_Aldruhn|=|0).

BUG The "Vodunius Nuccius" topic for Darvame Hleran (Oh. Yes. He ... here in Morrowind.) should no longer be available for her after he leaves.
FIX Filtered the dialogue correctly (Journal|MS_Nuccius|<|100). Also changed "...here in Morrowind." to "...here on Vvardenfel." since Vodunius moves to Narsis, which is part of the Morrowind province.

BUG One of the items you are requested to find during the "Redas Tomb" quest is the Redas Chalice. It is referred to as such in dialogue and the journal entries. However, it is actually listed as "Redas Goblet" for the actual item.
FIX Corrected the name of the item.

BUG Teldryn Brenur and Dranas Dradas, two Camonna Tong members located on the rooftop of the Council Club should not speak negatively about the Camonna Tong ("The Camonna Tong...not very nice people.").
FIX Added an extra condition to the dialogue (Not Faction|Camonna Tong|=|1).

BUG Apelles Matius talks about himself in third person (Apelles Matius topic). Since he is no Khajiit he should not be doing this.
FIX Filtered dialogue correctly (Not ID|Apelles Matius|=|1).

BUG Elone in Seyda Neen reveales that she is a member of the Blades before the player has joined this faction (background topic).
FIX Filtered the dialogue correctly (Function|Same Faction|=|1).

BUG The condition on all reputation-based verbal greetings is wrong, and actually checks the reputation of the NPC instead of the reputation of the player when deciding which greeting to use.
FIX NPCs should now greet the player properly, according to the player's reputation.

BUG Male Dunmer verbal greetings are in the wrong order, which means the player will never hear the greetings associated with higher levels of fame.
FIX Male Dunmer should now greet the player properly, according to the player's reputation.

BUG The "Orvas Dren" topic is available for Orvas Dren himself, making him talk about himself in third person.
FIX Added a condition so that this topic is no longer available for Orvas Dren.

BUG "Thank you, Please Come Again."
FIX GMST:sBarterDialog5: |Thank you, Please Come Again.| ==> |Thank you, please come again.|

BUG �Green lichen is a hardy primitive plant with modest magical properties that grows in the Ascadian Isles and Azura's Coast.� Issue: locations are not consistent with this description. Kresh fiber, black anther, black lichen, gold kanet, red lichen, saltrice, stoneflower also have this problem - with varying degrees.
FIX Altered the dialogue to be consistent with where they can be found.

BUG Carnius Magius should not have a Stalhrim Mace, as per the story you are the only person to have Stalhrim.
FIX Replaced the mace with an Ebony Mace.

BUG MS_Nuccius, Index 100 "I bought a cursed ring from Vodunius Nuccius so he would have enough gold to leave Morrowind. I hope I have better luck with the ring, and with my adventures in Morrowind, than he did." Narsis is part of the Morrowind province and Vodunius Nuccius is unhappy in Vvardenfell. He lives in Narsis and want to go there.
FIX |to leave Morrowind| ==> |to leave Vvardenfell|

BUG Drarayne Girith (the Dunmer who runs the Plot and Plaster in Tel Aruhn) incorrectly claims that the Plot and Plaster rents out beds.
FIX |We rent beds, and I have a limited selection of goods for barter.| ==> |We have no rooms available, but downstairs is the opportunity to relax and enjoy a drink. I have a limited selection of goods for barter.|

BUG Ajira tells you that Ashirbadon is west of Bal Fell, even though your target is actually to the east.
FIX |east| ==> |west|

BUG Maurrie incorrectly states that Pelagiad is to the north, when in fact, it is to the south ("jewels" topic).
FIX Corrected.

BUG When you return to speak with Larrius Varo after killing the Camonna Tong to receive your reward members, there's a small spelling mistake if you manage to do so without obtaining a bounty. The bit in question is this: "...You are far more discrete..." Should be discreet in this case, which would mean something is low-key or inconspicuous. Discrete doesn't make sense in this case because it means that something is distinct. It's a very commonly used mistake.
FIX |discrete| ==> |discreet|

BUG "You're got corprus disease, outlander. That's a death sentence. It can't get cured. Get away from me. FAR away."
FIX |You're got| ==> |You've got|

BUG In 19 places a comma is used in a number containing four or more digits. Since it�s a style choice whether you use commas in four-digit numbers it would be better to remove them in these few cases, for the sake of uniformity.
FIX Corrected.

Topic=Hospitality Papers:ID=angaredhel:Journal_Hospitality Papers>=1: |told you must| ==> |told you. You must|
Topic=wild nix hounds:ID=falanu indaren:Journal_MV_MissingCompanion<15: |the were| ==> |there were|
Topic=work:ID=larrius varro:Disp=30: |discrete| ==> |discreet|
Topic=Services:Cell=Sadrith Mora:Not Class Guard=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |at Council Hall| ==> |at the Council Hall|

Object Fixes (floating, clipping, etc)

BUG Floating candles (light_com_candle_07_77) in Dagon Fel, The End of the World. In the same place are two gaps in the first floor (in_c_thatch_room_pside).
Dagon Fel, The End of the World -412, -206, 461
Dagon Fel, The End of the World -252, 537, 463
FIX Corrected.

BUG Table (furn_com_rm_table_05), chair (furn_com_rm_chair_03) and candle (light_de_candle_08_64) stuck in wall.
Vivec, Foreign Quarter, Black Shalk Cornerclub (lower level)
FIX Changed postition position; Y-axis +75. Also grounded the table and candle.

BUG Embedded potion (p_fortify_health_c) in the cabinet behind Orvas Dren Druglord in Dren Plantation, Dren's Villa.
FIX Corrected position by raising.

BUG Floating candle (light_de_candle_02_64) on the table in Morvayn Manor.
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

BUG Three floating crates (crate_01) in the storage of Vivec, Dralor Manor.
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

BUG Two floating potions (p_disease_resistance_q) in the cabinet behind Abelle Chriditte in Valenvaryon, Propylon Chambers.
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

BUG Several floating grass parts (flora_ash_grass_w_01) in Molag Amur Region, 9,-4.
74634, -26371, 1142
FIX Corrected position by moving. Removed two parts that were stuck inside a big rock.

BUG You could look through a slot along a door in Old Mournhold: Temple Catacombs.
-512, -1344, 490
FIX Corrected position by moving.

BUG Two grass sods (flora_ash_grass_w_01) floating in Molag Amur Region 13,1.
107114, 14853, 760
107488, 14466, 700
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

BUG There was a chair (furn_de_p_chair_01) stuck inside a large wooden beam in Minabi, Bandit Lair.
3700, 3824, 12697
FIX Corrected position by moving.

BUG A gap can be seen in Ashunartes, Shrine.
1784, 838, 245
FIX Corrected by adding a rock (in_lave_rock_08) to close the gap.

BUG An unnecessary piece of ceiling (in_lavacave2_s_04) and a misplaced cave formation (in_lava_rock_13) in Assu.
944, -174, 922
1147, 77, 239
FIX Corrected by removing the ceiling piece. Corrected the the cave formation by raising.

BUG An awkward little piece of stone (in_mold_rock_04) protrudes into Halit Mine.
305, 147, 150
FIX Corrected by removing the stone.

BUG Four gaps in that floor in Beran Ancestral Tomb.
64, 8960, -1472
-896, 10592, -1024
-1952, 9728, -1280
-495, 10650, -981
FIX Repositioned three existing stones (in_py_rock_01, in_py_rock_03, in_py_rock_07) and placed one extra stone (in_py_rock_05) to close a gap that could be seen only from above while levitating.

BUG A gap in the lava bridge in Beran Ancestral Tomb.
-800, 7840, -1536
FIX Corrected position by lowering the full bridge slightly.

BUG Floating candle (light_com_candle_04_64) in Old Mournhold: Tears of Amun-Shae.
-4296, 3158, 1058
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

BUG Floating armor (nordic_ringmail_cuirass) in Urshilaku, Fragile Burial.
3961, 865, -224
FIX Corrected position by lowering and moving.

BUG Embedded tankard (misc_de_tankard_01) and bottle (misc_com_bottle_01) in Vivec, Hlaalu Plaza.
647, -1473, 32
FIX Corrected position by lowering and moving.

BUG Most containers in in Vivec, Hlaalu Plaza are embedded for no particular reason.
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

BUG Gap in the snow (BM_IC_sno_mound_01) beneath m'nashi in Solstheim, Isinfier Plains -20,21.
-159017, 175366,621
FIX Corrected position of the large piece of snow by moving.

BUG Rock (in_py_rock_13) exposes its top in Tukushapal, Sepulcher
3754, 4027, 13567
FIX Corrected position by raising.

BUG Gap in rock (in_mudcave_21_1) in Berandas, Underground.
-3785, 4983, 661
FIX Corrected position by moving.

BUG Bars (in_vivec_grate_door_01) are sticking through the ground in Vivec, St. Delyn Underworks.
2049, 174, -109
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

BUG Gap in rock (in_mold_rock_17) in Old Mournhold: Tears of Amun-Shae.
-4312, 3073, 1082
FIX Corrected position by raising.

BUG Gap above a doorway (in_moldcave_doorway00) in Urshilaku, Laterus Burial.
5837, 6137, 478
FIX Corrected by adding a stone (in_moldcave_21_1).

BUG A table (Furn_De_r_Table_09) sticks trough the ceiling in Mournhold, Trader.
-16, -30, -106
FIX Corrected position by raising.

BUG There is no wall near the stairs, which makes it possible to look through the model in Rethan Manor.
-825, -75, 1312
FIX Corrected by adding a wall (in_hlaalu_wall).

BUG Prayer stool (furn_velothi_prayer_stool_01) stuck in chair in Salvel Ancestral Tomb.
1284, -3628, 550
FIX Corrected position by moving.

BUG Floating tree root (flora_root_wg_04) in West Gash Region -13,11.
-103190, 95306, 1231
FIX Corrected position by moving.

BUG Gap in rock (in_mold_rock_04) in Old Mournhold: Temple Shrine.
4358, -2716, -212
FIX Corrected position by raising.

BUG Embedded book (bk_darkestdarkness) on table in Venim Ancetral Tomb.
2396, 2837, 268
FIX Corrected position by moving.

BUG Two floating barrels (barrel_01_pos, barrel_02_Ingred) in Surirulk.
245, 4044, -1204
643, 3987, -1216
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

BUG The inside of models is visible of three improperly placed Dwemer constructions (ex_dwrv_header00) in Molag Armur Region 9,2.
76714, 19908, 2020
FIX Corrected position by moving.

BUG Floating Dwemer pipe (ex_dwrv_pipe00) in Molag Armur Region 9,2.
76407, 21930, 1264
FIX Corrected position by moving.

BUG Floating grass(Flora_Grass_R_01) in Molag Armur Region 9,-3.
78552, -20342, 889
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

BUG Gap in Zergonipal, Shrine.
694, 1788, -832
FIX Moved the existing rock (in_lava_rock_13) to cover the gap.

BUG Gap in the floor in Old Mournhold: Armory Ruins.
1134, -4420, -278
FIX Moved the existing rock (in_mold_rock_01) to cover the gap.

BUG Floating candle (light_de_candle_ivory_64) in Vivec, St. Olms Storage.
1420, -396, -119
FIX Corrected position by lowering.

Fixed floating rocks

Ald Velothi, West Gash Region, -11,15

Ascadian Isles Region, 1,-12

Ascadian Isles Region, 2,-10

Ascadian Isles Region, 2,-14

Ashlands Region, 0,2

Ashlands Region, 0,3

Ashlands Region, 1,3

Ashlands Region, 1,13

Ashlands Region, 3,1

Ashlands Region, 4,1

Ashlands Region, 6,11

Azura's Coast Region, 14,1

Bal Isra

Bitter Coast Region, -11,5

Bitter Coast Region, -5,-4

Bitter Coast Region, -3,-10

Bitter Coast Region, 0,-12

Grazelands Region, 10,5

Grazelands Region, 10,9

Isinfier Plains Region, -18,21

Molag Mar Region, 8, 4

Old Mournhold: Temple Shrine

Red Mountain Region, 1,10


Tukushapal, Sepulcher

West Gash Region, -1,-1

West Gash Region, -10,16

West Gash Region, -11,14

Patch for Purists v2.9 patch notes [January 18th, 2017]

BUG Returning to Tuls Valen with the Cure Blight potion will cause the Compassion quest never to complete, since the dialogue script attempts to update the quest to non-existent stage 110. This means that the full disposition and faction reputation rewards can never be obtained.
FIX Added the correct quest stage to Tuls' dialogue (Journal TT_Compassion 100).

BUG Siding with Sosia and killing Hlormar when he attacks you will result in the Recovering Cloudcleaver quest not being counted as completed in the journal.
FIX The quest can now be completed when you decide to side with Sosia.

BUG If you do not have the recipe in your inventory, each time you ask Big Helende about potion recipe, a new one will be added to the chest in the upper level of Anis' shop (Potion Recipe quest).
FIX Fixed by added a new condition to Big Helende's response to the topic ("We don't usually do..."), and gave her a proper alternative to prevent repetition ("So do you have the potion recipe?").

BUG The 'service' topic in Dagon Fel refers to Hjotra the Peacock as being a 'he'. This is a wrong gender reference.
FIX Changed 'he' to 'she'.

BUG The sign for the Elven Nations Cornerclub, in the Hlaalu Waistworks of Vivec, is for some odd reason owned by "ordinator wander", resulting in a crime when activated.
FIX Removed ownership.

BUG In the vanilla game, the smoke that comes from chimneys is bugged, resulting in white animation textures where he should actually be grey (according to the designated textures). This is especially noticeable during the night.
FIX Fixed the responsible animation files (chimney_smoke_green.nif, chimney_smoke_small.nif, chimney_smoke02.nif).

BUG There is part of a stone (terrain_rock_bc_11) stucking out of a tree in Sedya Neen.
Bitter Coast Region -7400, -70197, 124 [0, 0, 251] (-1, -9)
FIX Removed the stone.

Patch for Purists v2.8 patch notes [November 21th, 2017]

BUG The 'killing and murder' dialogue "According Morag Tong custom..." misses the word 'to'.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The Imperial Cult 'shrines' dialogue are duplicates of the Temple ones ("Temple members and...). "Temple" in Morrowind refers to the Tribunal Temple.
FIX Changed "Temple members..." to "Cult members..." in the Imperial Cult dialogue.

BUG Some dialogue in the 'transport to Mournhold' ("Well, that's what you'll need...") should not be said when after you've been in Mournhold.
FIX Added conditions to the dialogue (Journal TR_DBAttack <60).

BUG Five greeting enteries (in Greeting 4 and 5) have "But %faction won't be pleased..." instead of "But the %faction won't be pleased".
FIX Corrected.

BUG Several enteries in the 'other cults' topic have "cult" spelled without a capital letter, where it would be appropriate ("The Daedric cult worship...", "The Imperial cult are...").
FIX Corrected.

BUG In the 'little advice' topic one enterie misses the word "at" ("Keep a good sense of your surroundings...").
FIX Corrected.

BUG There is a typing error (there're) in one enterie 'little advice' topic enterie ("The further from civilization you go...").
FIX Corrected.

Patch for Purists v2.7 patch notes [October 30th, 2017]

General Fixes

BUG Speaking to Sinnammu Mirpal about Rels Tenim will open the dialog option "cross the water", which will in turn open "accompany you" and allow you to get Mirpal to follow you, expecting to get to Ald Daedroth. If you allow her to follow you, she can be killed, thus possibly disrupting your current status in the Main Quest.
FIX Corrected by adding additional check (B2_AhemmusaSafe>0) to cross the water topic.

Creature Fixes

BUG Levelled creature sometimes gets stuck in wall in Sethan Ancestral Tomb.
Sethan Ancestral Tomb 3107, -2245, 3026
FIX Moved from wall.

BUG A levelled water creature (h2o_all_lev+2) spawns underground in Azura's coast.
Azura's coast Region 129691, 4067, -437 (15,0)
FIX Raised above ground and replaced with ex_shore_all_lev+0.

BUG A levelled water creature (h2o_all_lev+0) spawns on land in Azura's coast.
Azura's coast Region 138455, -4443, -171 (16,-1)
FIX Replaced with ex_shore_all_lev+0.

BUG A levelled water creature (h2o_all_lev+2) spawns on land in Sheogorad.
Sheogorad Region 25848, 142197, 330 (3,17)
FIX Replaced with ex_sheogorad_lev+2.

Quest Fixes

BUG The reward of five Redoran faction reputation points for the Redoran Master Helm quest is a mistake: the increase should have been for the Thieves Guild.
FIX Corrected: ModPCFacRep 5 "Redoran" > ModPCFacRep 5 "Thieves Guild"

BUG Tashpi Ashibael "necromancy" topic journal entry updates too early and breaks choices.
FIX Moved 'Journal MG_KillNecro2 50' from "If Ranis has held..." to "Very well. I'll leave you...". Add '"You cannot escape justice!" 2' to "Necromancy? I am NOT ...".

BUG If you exit Relam Arinith's dialog without activating the "deliver this slave" topic, it will no longer be there.
FIX Added 'AddTopic "deliver this slave"'in the results.

BUG Carnius Magius' topic "messenger" can skip East Empire Company quests ahead if activated early.
FIX Added �Journal CO_8a>=50� the dialogue (�Let me make this clear��).

BUG You can get the assassinate Rufinus quest early if you talk to Lorbumol about "Rufinus Alleius".
FIX Added 'Journal FG_SilenceTaxgirl >= 100' checks to all but the completed dialogue.

BUG Rabinna's Inner Beauty quests doesn't show up as finished in your journal.
FIX Added �Journal MV_SlaveMule!=40� to Relam Arinith's 'deliver this slave' dialogue (�Yeah, got to get��).

BUG Savile's "recruit some miners" dialogue doesn't check if the player actually has the 200 gold to pay for the slave.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Ilasour's "recruit some miners" dialogue wronly checks >= 130 instead of >= 140.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Vorar Helas doesn't take the moon sugar off of you in the "Vorar's moon sugar" topic.
FIX Corrected.

Script Fixes

BUG Several NPCs (Ahnassi, Mehra, Sarandas, Sinnammu) tend to disappear because of bad scripts.
FIX Fixed scripts moveAhnassi, MoveMehra, moveSarandas, MoveSinnammu.

Dialogue / Text Fixes (grammar, inconsistencies, etc)

BUG Korst Wind-Eye mentions the player has been infected when the player has been cured of lycanthropy.
FIX Added 'Journal BM_SkaalAttack=95' to this greeting.

BUG Ajira's "high places" dialogue has bad conditions.
FIX Removed the confitions.

BUG Two dialogues in the "dry fort" topic should not be said by Captain Falx Carius.
FIX Added 'Not ID falx carius = 1' to "Got nothing else to say..." and "It's pretty foul situation...".

BUG Arara Uvulas' "sload soap" topic response does not check if the player has enough sload soap.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Some of Neminda's dialogue refers to the player as Hlaalu when they are in disguise as Redoran.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The "statue book" dialogue "A 'statue' book? Well..." shouldn't be said by Jobasha and displayed after the book is given to Duma.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The "little advice" dialogue "Since you're here..." shouldn't be said by Mehra Drora.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The "little advice" dialogue "If you're looking for work..." shouldn't be said by General Darius.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The death of Im-Kilaya should not block Relam Arinith's "Greeting 5".
FIX Removed this condition.

BUG Sigvatr's "wergild" dialogue shouldn't continue after the quest is complete.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Little advice dialogue for Ald'ruhn ("If you want weapons or arms...") shouldn't be said by Dandera Selaro and Ergnir the Nord.
FIX Corrected.

Object Fixes (floating, clipping, etc)

BUG Player can get stuck in candlelamp when entering Vivec, Redoran Smith.
FIX Moved the doormarker a bit.

BUG Root (tramaroot_01) floating in air.
Ashlands Region -19505, 48002, 1178 (-3,5)
FIX Lowered.

BUG Three bushes (flora_bush01) are floating alongside a house in Dren Plantation.
Dren Plantation 22470, -56031, 1010 (2,-7)
FIX Lowered.

BUG Two rocks (Terrain_BM_ice_03) under the ground in front of Castle Karstaag are not visible.
Solstheim, Castle Karstaag -196018, 214256, 1189 (-24,26)
Solstheim, Castle Karstaag -195305, 214220, 1075 (-24,26)
FIX Removed them for the sake of fps.

BUG There is a gap in a secret door in Tel Vos Southern tower.
FIX Corrected the doors position.

BUG There is a floating log pile in front of Dren's Villa at Dren Plantation.
Dren Plantation 23091, -55476, 932 (2,-7)
FIX Lowered the log pile.

BUG Two torches (light_tikitorch00) are floating in Punammu.
Punammu 51, 4465, -738
Punammu -3391, 1932, 176
FIX Lowered both.

BUG Rock (terrain_rock_bc_18) floating in water in Bitter Coast
Bitter Coast Region -40739, -67260, -453 (-9,-5)
FIX Lowered.

BUG Rock (terrain_rock_bc_15) floating in water in Bitter Coast
Bitter Coast Region -41296, -70375, -283 (-9,-6)
FIX Lowered.

BUG Rock (terrain_rock_bc_18) floating in water in Bitter Coast
Bitter Coast Region -68713, -44482, -523 (-9,-6)
FIX Lowered.

BUG Rock (terrain_rock_bc_18) floating in water in Bitter Coast
Bitter Coast Region -71706, -36123, -873 (-9,-5)
FIX Lowered.

BUG Sevral floating rocks on the slope inside Bal Isra.
terrain_ashland_rock_11; -34612, 78082, 2091 (-5,9)
terrain_ashland_rock_15; -34808, 78064, 2064 (-5,9)
terrain_ashland_rock_14; -34934, 78029, 2056 (-5,9)
terrain_ashland_rock_03; -35147, 78285, 2051 (-5,9)
FIX Lowered them.

BUG Floating chest (chest_01_v_potion_h_04) in Mournhold Infirmary.
Mournhold Temple Infirmary 4097, 4652, 14869
FIX Lowered.

BUG Dwemer lamp floating in the air.
Nchuleftingth, Test of Pattern -1180, -494, 374
FIX Attached to the ceiling.

BUG Floating plant (flora_grass_02) near guard tower in Pelagiad.
Pelagiad 3467, -55870, 1651
FIX Lowered.

BUG Netch helm sunken halfway in table.
Vivec, St. Olms Tanners and Miners Hall
FIX Corrected.

BUG A misplaced root (in_t_housepod_pole_02) not anchored to floor blocks pathgrid.
Tel Branora, Sethan's Tradehouse 569, -49, 293
FIX Deleted root.

BUG Platform coming up through bridge.
Odibaal 416, -1616, -1120
FIX Lowered platform.

BUG Cloth sack (com_sack_02_chpfood3) stuck in a rock.
Odibaal -536, -974, -1088
FIX Placed next to the rock.

BUG Basket (Com_Basket_01_POS) in strais.
Tel Aruhn, Plot and Plaster 121, -134, 168
FIX Moved from stairs.

BUG Lanterns (Light_De_Latern_06A) floating from hook.
Pulk 1588, -1901, -269
Pulk 3374, -3109, -240
FIX Corrected. Move a rock (in_mold_rock_02) slightly to prevent clipping with latern.

BUG Torch (light_sconce10_256) floating in air.
Mamaea, Sanctum of Awakening 8149, 4173, 185
FIX Corrected.

BUG Torch (light_sconce10_256) floating in air.
Mamaea, Sanctum of Black Hope 6200, -279, 228
FIX Corrected.

BUG Torch (light_tikitorch00) floating outside.
Ald Daedroth 96758, 166916, 1661 (11,20)
FIX Grounded.

BUG Arrow (shard arrow) is hanging in stool.
Kogoruhn, Hall of Maki 1393, -566, 98
FIX Placed on the stool.

BUG Barrel(barrel_smuggler_01) floating in air.
Zanabi -2207, 1668, 781
FIX Grounded.

Patch for Purists v2.6 patch notes [October 17th, 2017]

BUG Three floating plants (in_cae_plant00) in the sea near Ald Velothi.
West Gash Region -89113, 145378, -226 (-11,17)
FIX Grounded them.

BUG Cabin key is floating near the ceiling in Abandoned Shipwreck, Lower Level.
Abondoned Shipwreck, Lower Level 4398, 3060, -35
FIX Grounded the key.

BUG Floating Ex_barnacles_03.
Bitter Coast Region -27813, -78277, -127 (-4,-10)
FIX Grounded.

BUG One of the expensive belt icons (tx_belt_expensive03) has extra pixels.
FIX Removed the extra pixels.

Patch for Purists v2.4 patch notes [October 2nd, 2017]

BUG Cursed items will not stack with regular counterparts in your inventory or a container.
FIX Cursed Items are now stackable with their regular counterparts made possible by new scripts.

BUG Floating rock and comberry plant in Vivec region.
Vivec (2,-10) 23997 -76260 378
Vivec (2,-10) 23145 -76924 246
FIX Corrected.

BUG Some barnacles sticking out of the stones on which they are stuck in the water at Vivec.
Ascadian Isles Region (4,-9) 36737 -71077 -27
Ascadian Isles Region (4,-9) 38899 -67705 -9
FIX Moved barnacles ingame to rest in correct positions.

BUG Guards remain hostile when removing your bounty.
FIX Removed SetFight 100 from guards' death warrant greeting and ordinator's armor greetings.

BUG The 'travel together' topic has the potential of jumpstarting the second official Twin Lamps quest before it has been offered. The entries filtered for Hides His Foot under the topic 'go free' suggest this was not Bethesda's intention.
FIX Added an additional filter Journal: HH_TwinLamps3 >= 10.

BUG There are two dialogues about Councilor Sarethi accepting you. Both are set to 30 Disposition causing one not showing up.
FIX Set one of the dialogues to 70 Disposition.

BUG There is a wrong gender reference in the "latest rumors" topic by Mevil Molor ("Mavon Drenim heard...") about Mavon Drenim falsely addresses him as she.
FIX Corrected.

BUG While executing a writ, Bretons in the Telvanni canton tower will greet you with a wrong gender reference to Mavon Drenim ("You're from the...").
FIX Corrected.

BUG Thavere Vedrano talks about Processus Vitellius as if he was not her husband ("I've heard that...", "These Imperial tax...").
FIX Corrected by adding a Not ID to these dialogues.

BUG Two Service Refusal dialogues showing up as if you were a faction member when you're not.
Info ID #786912151253629496
Filter [Race: Bosmer; Faction: Morag Tong; Rank: Brother; Function: Same Faction = 0; Function: Faction Rank Difference < -3]: "No, I'm afraid not, %PCName. My premium services are one of the sweet privileges of rank for the %Faction members."
Filter [Race: Wood Elf; Faction: Hlaalu; Rank: House Cousin; Function: Same Faction = 0; Function: Faction Rank Difference < -3]: "No, I'm afraid not, %PCName. My premium services are one of the sweet privileges of rank for the %Faction members."
FIX Both are filtered for Function: Same Faction = 1. This is clear from the developers' notes in dialog results.

BUG Balyn Omavel's house is named Balyn Omarel's house.
FIX Balyn Omavel was renamed Balyn Omarel (after his house) and dialogue accordingly. This is done because renaming the house cell screws up the progression of Mephala's Quest and caused issues with compatibility.

BUG Rararyn Radarys' house is named Rarayn Radarys' house.
FIX Rararyn Radarys was renamed Rarayn Radarys (after his house).

BUG Certain NPCs will give the player the "Who's there? (Goodbye)" message, as if they do not detect the player.
FIX Filtered the additional greeting for "a shady smuggler" instead of simply deleting it, what could cause a lot of problems due to Morrowind's dialog structure.

BUG There are multiple problems with the Ienas Sarandas quest. Only two of the three options of completing this quest work. Also if disposition is over 60 you only get the "friendly advice" option, regardless of what is in your inventory, but Ienas will give the response as if you quoted from the book Saryoni's Sermons.
FIX Now the quest can be completed with all three options, and Ienas no longer refers to Saryoni's Sermons if you didn't quote from the book.

BUG Borwen, a Bosmer scout NPC, is part of the Ashlander Faction. She will respond to the Dunmer topic as if she were Dunmer but to her race topic she will say she is Bosmer.
FIX Removed Ashlander Faction from Borwen.
BUG A floating wall in Caldera near Buckmoth Legion Fort.
Caldera (-2,2) -10986 21608 1856
FIX Fixed by lowering the complete wall just a little.

BUG There is a room in the first section of Odirniran below the floor that is not connected to any part of the map, and thus inaccessible. It contains two levelled undead but nothing else of note. An interesting side effect of this is that even after you have killed all the accessible hostiles in the tower, there will still be two that show up when you use a Detect Animal effect, and you will not be able to sleep in most of the area, as the game thinks you're still in danger. Probably an overlook by the developers.
FIX Removed the creatures in the basement.

BUG Staff of the Silver Dawn appears as Silver Staff in-game.
FIX Fixed by giving the Staff of the Silver Dawn it's correct name.

BUG If you refuse to help Aurane Frernis the topic will disappear and the Roland's Tear quest will still open forever.
FIX Created a dialogue loop where Aurane asks again for help. When the quest ends the topic "gold kanet flower" will disappear as it should be.

BUG The True Flame sword functions as a torch when drawn. But if you have hotkeyed another weapon and switch to that without sheathing Trueflame, the light it generates will remain.
FIX Now the light will be correctly removed when the weapon is equipped but isn�t drawn.

BUG Two new texture files in the Tribunal and Bloodmoon .bsa archives have the same names as files in the Morrowind archive. These new textures are very different to the originals but unintentionally affect the appearance of some Morrowind meshes.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Tribunal and Bloodmoon together add four new creature summons, but the spell and effect icons do not share the exact style of the original game
FIX Added new icons which no longer look out of place next to the originals.

BUG In-game dialogues describe Nix-Hound as "a rangy quadruped with long, purple feeding spikes", but in the actual game its mandibles appear green.
FIX Corrected this inconstistence by modifying the Nix-Hound mesh.

BUG The Nix-Hound has a buggy knock-out animation.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Grahl have a glow map to make their eyes glow in the dark but the surrounding skin around the eye is also glowing.
FIX Corrected.

BUG When a Hunger is knocked out, it starts to emit a horrible noise.
FIX Corrected by removing the offending instruction from the looped frame.

BUG Static NPC's will slowly drift from their original positions.
FIX Corrected animation.

BUG Wolf armor groins are backwards.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Glass and Templar helms clip with certain heads.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Ebony armor has greenish tinges.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The cabin of the shipwreck 'Prelude' has a level 40 lock on the inside, meaning if you can't pick it, you're stuck.
FIX Changed the lock to the outside.

BUG Redoran Hortator dialogue corresponds to Hlaalu Hortator quest state; Crassius Curio thinks you've finished Redoran Hortator quests when you didn't.
FIX Changed the response to check B5_RedoranHort instead of B6_HlaaluHort.

BUG Bethesda included more specific endgame dialogue, which was not visible because it was badly filtered.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Buoyant Armigers didn't give you a disposition increase.
FIX Corrected.

BUG There is a possibility in the Tribunal Main Quest where Karrod does not respond to the player properly when asked for the "pieces of the blade" after the player beats him in the duel.
FIX Corrected.

BUG There is a dialog glitch where Fast Eddie mistakenly doesn't do chores after the player becomes the Telvanni Archmagister.
FIX Corrected.

BUG In the Ralen Hlaalo murder quest, under certain conditions, it is possible to get an unlimited amount of 1000 Golds reward by Nileno Dorvayn.
FIX Fixed the script properly, so the reward will be only given once.

BUG Dinok will give infinite portions of scrib jelly if you get the "scrib jelly" topic.
FIX Filtered his response correctly.

BUG Edwinna Elbert, in the Ald-ruhn Mages Guild, would not accept a rare book (Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi)and react accordingly in a number of cases, including if you had completed any duties for her, or were the Arch-Mage.
FIX Corrected.

BUG When you kill Fjol first before talking with Varo you get stuck with the active quest.
FIX Change the requirement for getting dialogue (latest rumor) from Varo in Moonmoth.

BUG Geon Auline automatically says goodbye when you try to deliver a potion of cure common disease to him (Crimson Plague), if you refused his previous quest (Estate Sale).
FIX Added a filter to his greeting so he will no longer automatically say goodbye when you try to deliver a potion of cure common disease to him (Journal|MS_CrimsonPlague|!=|20).

BUG During the Tribunal questline (TR_MissingHand), you are offered a choice of enhancements from Almalexia. Under certain circumstances the options you receive would change, however even selecting the new option you would get the same result.
FIX Fixed by altering altering the "missing Hand" topic, so that the available option is selectable and you receive the cooresponding bonus.

BUG If you killed the Wraith of Sul-Senipul without taking the Bonebiter Bow of Sul-Senipul, and his corpse has disappeared or if you lost the bow in some other way, you will be unable to further progress in the Main Quest.
FIX Makes the corpse of Wraith of Sul-Senipul persistent, and gives you a message when you kill it.

BUG If you pick up the Airship Captain's Journal before talking to Louis Beauchamp, he will not acknowledge that you have the book.
FIX Adds the "my airship" topic when you pick up the journal.

BUG If you do the Mazed Band quest before the Journalist (The Common Tongue) quest when you are sent to talk Barenziah she has nothing new to say to you and you miss certain important topics ('whom you may trust' and 'Plitinius Mero'). This is because once you do the Mazed Band Quest, Barenziah stops at the greeting "Good day to you. How may I help you, %PCName?" and never reaches the "I've been wanting to talk to you." greeting.
FIX Added a global variable that doesn't show the "Good Day" until you have seen the other.

BUG You are ordered to wear your uniform in order to be recognised as a Legion Member. Three Imperial armors did not show your membership because they were missing the required script.
FIX Added the missings script to Imperial Dragonscale Cuirass, Imperial Newtscale Cuirass, and Imperial Silver Cuirass.

BUG Imperial Templar pauldrons by Bethesda did not show up in-game.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Ten Pace Boots model does not show up when wearing them because it is not broken up into foot and ankle like boots are meant to be.
FIX Corrected the model.

BUG Two plants in the Andus Tradehouse poke through the stairs.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Fort Pelagiad�s disappears at times.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The floor at the end of Sethan Ancestor Tomb is a bit broken - you can see through gaps.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Bouyant Armigers do not properly mention their faction and rank in dialog.
FIX Corrected.

BUG When you mouse over the "East Empire Company" entry in the Factions section of your character window, it gives weirdness when you get to the top of a Faction.
FIX Corrected.

BUG In Morrowind you are not allowed to rest in towns or cities, however this is not true for Ald Velothi.
FIX Made resting in Ald Velothi illegal.

BUG The fog setting in The Dome of Serlyn room in Sotha Sil can cause a "blank screen" issue on the machines with ATI Radeon cards.
FIX Corrected.

BUG The noise in the "magic sound" (Fx\magic\sound.wav) was left unused for some reason.
FIX The player will hear an actual noise when he's under the effects of the Sound magic. Its volume depends on the total magnitude of the effect.

BUG Vampire spells like Vampire Touch, Porphyric Hemophilia and several others, while added to vampire NPCs on the initial setup, became missing after save and reload, which, among other things, made getting vampire disease from them impossible.
FIX Fixed by adjusting the responsible script.

BUG Daedra Skin is (with only one exception) never found on any actual Daedra. Daedra Skin is not included in any levelled lists, and as such it is very difficult to find.
FIX Fixed several inconsistencies between the game world and the game lore. Daedra Skin is now randomly available on Clannfears, Daedroth, Ogrims, Ogrim Titans, and Hungers. Ghoul Hearts are now randomly available on Ash Ghouls.

BUG Heartwood is not available on Spriggans after level 3, effectively making it unavailable in the game.
FIX Modifies the levelled list <code>random_belladonna_spriggan</code> levelled list to be calculated for all levels instead of only whatever level the PC is at.

BUG The last type of Holly Bush (<code>Flora_BM_holly_06</code>) is not set to be respawning like all others.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Horn Lily (<code>Flora_plant_01</code>) is not set to be respawning, so that it can be gathered without having to buy it.
FIX Corrected.

BUG Staada was not persistent. This could break Azura's quest.
FIX Staada is persistent now.

BUG Dialogue with NPC Satyana falls into an endless loop if one has Agustas' amulet in one's inventory but has NOT taken her quest.
FIX The two greetings in Satyana's "Greeting 5" dialogue that depend on the "choice" variable now depend on "choice" only, and NOT anymore on Journal MS_ArenimTomb >= 50.

BUG Journal IL_Smuggler stage 10: missing "and" in the 2nd sentence.
FIX Added "and". Also, put "return" in quotes for obvious reasons.

BUG NPC "vivec_god"'s dialogue topic "remember being mortal": In the first reply, a dot is missing.
FIX Inserted dot.

BUG If you do not talk to NPC Kurapli before you become Urshilaku Nerevarine, you will not be able to start his quest "Kurapli Seeks Justice" anymore-
FIX Changed Kurapli's first two Greeting 5's in order to include the word "discuss". (This word should then add the topic "discuss", which starts the quest.)

BUG Dialogue topic "arrange a meeting": Minabibi's last response ("Yes, I will speak with Skink-in-Tree's-Shade...") is missing a "to" in the "strong enough fight it" part.
FIX Added "to".

BUG Several interconnected bugs in NPC "Lalatia Varian"'s Greetings 5:
1) There are three greetings beginning with "%Rank %PCName, the healer Urjorad..."; they have identic greeting text and identic results but different conditions. One of them (the second one) is completely enough. The others are of no use, but actually are of harm: They are responsible for the bugs that are triggered when the player visits Rotheran and rescues Adusamsi Assurnarairan too early (i. e., before obtaining the Ice Blade quest from the Oracle). As a result of these bugs, the quest "Imperial Cult: Ice Blade of the Monarch" is never removed from the journal (because the only Finishing stages are in IC27_Oracle, and these stages are never reached); besides, the player misses out on 1-2 rep points and Adusamsi's Ring, as well as on some disposition from the Oracle and on 5 faction reputation. And the next quest (Scroll of Fiercely Roasting) becomes much harder, because the dialogue topic "Ashalmimilkala", which details the path to the ruin, doesn't become blue.
2) These three greetings have an obvious error: %Rank instead of %PCRank.
3) If one has rescued Adusamsi Assurnarairan and talks to Lalatia WITHOUT the Ice Blade in one's inventory, Lalatia thinks the player has not found the Ice Blade, and gives him 1 rep point only (instead of 2 rep points as he would get if he had the Ice Blade with him). This is a problem for everyone who has rescued Adusamsi without obtaining the quest from Lalatia, because there is no way to know one should take the Ice Blade except from this quest.
FIX Out of the three identic greetings, the first one has been defanged (by adding a new condition, which NEVER holds); the third one has been completely replaced by a different one - namely by a "Adusamsi Assurnarairan has told me how you rescued her..." condition that is supposed to catch the case when the player has rescued Adusamsi without embarking on Lalatia's Oracle quest. This should solve 1) and 3). Also, the second greeting has been fixed, solving 2).

BUG Vivyne Andrano will never get the sleeper greetings after the first because the player can never get at sleeperScript distance in that small cell that is St. Delyn Canton.
FIX Lowered the distance in the script needed to trigger the greetings (3000 ? 1024).

BUG Quest MS_BlackDart stage 50 incorrectly gives the location of the Black Dart gangsters.
FIX Replaced location by "ruined sewers".

BUG Quest BM_Sun stage 20 has a grammar mistake ("is" should be "are").
FIX Replaced "is" by "are".

BUG Greeting 1, thormoor_thirsk, ID: 2467914181324123642, �%PCName! I've had some time to rest,�� has, in its result script, a ShowMap instruction with an invalid destination cell.
FIX Changed �ShowMap "Solstheim, Gyldenhul"� to �ShowMap "Solstheim, Gyldenhul Barrow Entrance"�

BUG Greeting 1, thormoor_thirsk, ID: 3187114073240217891, �%PCName! I've had some time to rest,�� has, in its result script, a ShowMap instruction with an invalid destination cell.
FIX Changed �ShowMap "Solstheim, Gyldenhul"� to �ShowMap "Solstheim, Gyldenhul Barrow Entrance"�.

BUG Greeting 1, thormoor_out, ID: 71382752095631387, �%PCName! I've had some time to rest,�� has, in its result script, a ShowMap instruction with an invalid destination cell..
FIX Changed �ShowMap "Solstheim, Gyldenhul"� to �ShowMap "Solstheim, Gyldenhul Barrow Entrance"�.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** ex_dae_ruin_stair01_short Bal Fell (9,-12) 74615 -97390 1586 "floater".
FIX Scaled this stairway to 1.02.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** terrain_rock_wg_18 West Gash Region (-13,11) -106049 93495 -234 "one gets stuck here".
FIX Added collision box.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** shulki ashunbabi00000000 Gnisis (-11,11) -86199 92693 1028 "Her tent is too low - it prevents her from seeing the player, so when one talks to her she answers with 'who's there?'. Not always, but rather often."
FIX Tent scaled to 1.1.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** flora_ashtree_04 Ashlands Region (2,0) 21629 7638 1991 "floater".
FIX Rotated (not for much) + floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** flora_ashtree_07 Ashlands Region (0,2) 7521 19899 2606 "floater (very slight)".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** ex_dae_door_load_oval Grazelands Region (9,16) 78628 135206 508 "This door is slightly misplaced."
FIX Door adjusted.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** ex_ashl_door_02 Grazelands Region (12,11) 103484 92676 785 "This door teleports you to a spot where you are stuck."
FIX Door marker moved in Salit Camp, Zalit's Yurt.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** light_dae_brazier00 Kushtashpi, Shrine -264 8576 -1128 "This floats slightly (look from below)".
FIX Floored. (Well... pillared actually.)

BUG Bloodmoon.esm 7/7/2003 (14:27) *** Terrain_BM_snow_10 Solstheim, Felsaad Coast Region (-21,25) -165299 210442 2929 "floater (look from SW)".
FIX Rotated + floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** ex_dae_ruin_stair01_short Ashalmawia (-10,15) -78092 125858 2401 "Very subtle floater - look from NE"
FIX Stuffed using in_dae_rubble_01c into the space.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** ex_dae_wall_512_04 Bal Fell (8,-12) 72401 -94234 820 "another floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** in_dae_mezzanine_edge Forgotten Vaults of Anudnabia, Forge of Hilbongard 3592 5243 -773 "This static exposes its edges".
FIX Moved.

BUG Levelled creature in_dae_all_lev+0 in Salothan Ancestral Tomb spawns too close to a door, sometimes preventing the door from opening.
FIX Levelled creature in_dae_all_lev+0 is now further from the door, which should make this BUG less likely.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** in_vs_pitfloor_01 Verelnim Ancestral Tomb 2336 2368 -317 "This floor tile doesnt nicely fit the adjacent one".
FIX Adjusted.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** in_dae_rubble_01b Ashlands Region (0,17) 4228 144780 752 "floater".
FIX Floored.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 (10:59) *** ex_drystonewall_c_01 West Gash Region (-3,1) -22160 12720 1616 "caspering".
FIX Lowered the wall.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** in_v_l_int_stairs_03 Sethan Ancestral Tomb 1152 -512 3002 "There is a small space between these stairs and the platform. Also, between the in_vs_pittw_b_01 and the platform to both sides of the stairs".
FIX Moved all of the in_vs_pitfloor_01 statics above the stairs.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 (10:59) *** flora_rm_scathecraw_01 Ashlands Region (3,2) 32338 20846 1407 "floater".
FIX Rotate and floored.

BUG In cave Mat, a furn_de_pathspear_04 is floating at the head of a hammock. (at the end of the lowest tunnel).
FIX Moved this pathspear and a few other statics closeby.

BUG In cave Mat, a misc_com_bottle_15 stuck floating in the bottom of ex_de_shack_steps. (in the first open 'room' upon entering).
FIX Moved the bottle to a slightly more sensible location.

BUG Doors out of Assemanu, Shrine were locked with lock level 0 (i. e., could only be opened with an unlock spell).
FIX Both doors unlocked. This was clearly not intentional.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** ex_imp_mooring_01 Ebonheart (1,-13) 15450 -102058 624 "this floats, and so does the other mooring nearby.
FIX Lowered.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** flora_bc_fern_01 Bitter Coast Region (0,-10) 1640 -75248 589 "floats, and so does a flora_bc_grass_01 nearby".
FIX Earthed.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** flora_bc_fern_03 Hlormaren (-6,-1) -40971 -5198 1670 "floats".
FIX Earthed.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** flora_grass_01 Vivec (2,-10) 20471 -76957 318 "floater".
FIX Earthed.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** terrain_rock_bc_14 Hlormaren (-6,-1) -48629 -1280 1576 "ex_stronghold_pylon00 exposes its bottom here".
FIX Moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm 7/17/2002 *** flora_bc_fern_03 Bitter Coast Region (-7,-3) -52175 -22677 85 "floats".
FIX Earthed (and moved further away from rock).

BUG Morrowind.esm *** ex_imp_arrowslit_01 Tel Vos (10,14) 86403 117025 4018 "floating".
FIX Moved deeper into the wall. Done the same with the adjacent ex_imp_arrowslit_01, which was not floating but exposed its bottom.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** furn_de_pathspear_04 Koal Cave Entrance (-11,9) -85930 78051 695 "floats".
FIX Rotated.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** flora_bc_fern_02 Bitter Coast Region (-8,2) -60268 20938 85 "floats".
FIX Rotated and moved.

BUG Morrowind.esm *** tramaroot_02 Ashlands Region (1,13) 9416 112761 1279 "some floating around here".
FIX Rotated and moved floating objects (flora_bittergreen_05, trama roots) and a slightly bottom-exposing terrain_rock_rm_13).

BUG In the script assabaScript, the variables xPos and yPos were declared "short", which made the "if ( xPos > 84700 )" clause come to nothing (a short cannot be > 84700).
FIX Replaced the variables by floats. Also, optimized the script a little bit.

BUG Script AirshipJournalScript includes ShowMap instructions with incorrect cell name.
FIX Changed �ShowMap "Hrothmund's Bane"� to �ShowMap "Solstheim, Hrothmund's Bane"�. The script has also been simplified (both for the human reader and the engine).

BUG Script ThiefTraderScript refers to a cell "Ald'Ruhn", which doesn't exist ingame.
FIX Changed �if ( GetPCCell "Ald'ruhn" == 1 )� to �if ( GetPCCell "Ald-ruhn" == 1 )�.

BUG patchScript missing from Morrowind only Master File
FIX Added patchScript

BUG GetPCGold script should stop itself
FIX Added �StopScript� statement

BUG Iron Tanto used Steel Tanto mesh
FIX Made it use Iron Tanto mesh

BUG �belt of heartfire� Clothing object has wrong icon
FIX Changed to �tx_belt_heartfire_01.tga�

BUG �artifact_soul_ring� Clothing object has no icon
FIX Changed to �tx_r_soul_01.tga�

BUG book_dwe_pipe00 and BookSkill_Destruction5_open use wrong icons
FIX Changed from �Tx_octavo_02� to �Tx_octavo_open_02�

BUG bk_Ibardad_Elante_notes uses wrong icon
FIX Changed from �Tx_octavo_04� to �Tx_octavo_open_04�

BUG BookSkill_Axe5_open uses wrong icon
FIX Changed from �Tx_book_03� to �Tx_book_open_03�

BUG bk_pillowinvoice uses wrong icon
FIX Changed from �Tx_scroll_open_01.tga� to �Tx_parchment_02.tga�

BUG �BookSkill_Light Armor1� uses wrong icon
FIX Changed from �Tx_quarto_01� to �Tx_quarto_open_01�

BUG All but one Book object using the text_scroll_01 mesh has the wrong icon
FIX Changed from �Tx_scroll_open_01.tga� to �Tx_scroll_01.tga�

BUG Glass Bracer left and right Armor objects use wrong mesh
FIX Changed from �A_Glass_Bracer_W� to �A_Glass_Bracer_GND�
Moved the left bracer in �Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level� to rest on the shelf properly
Moved right and left in �Mournhold, Armory� and left in �Norenen-dur, The Wailingdelve�

BUG Dwemer Bracer left and right Armor objects use wrong mesh
FIX Changed from �A_Dwemer_Bracer_W� to �A_Dwemer_Bracer_W_GND�
Moved objects ingame to rest in correct positions

BUG Dwemer Pauldron left and right Armor objects use wrong mesh
FIX Changed to �A_Dwemer_Pauldron_GND.nif�
Moved objects ingame to rest in correct positions

BUG Greeting 9: �%PCName! Please! Ask anything�� is said by any race. Should just be for Khajiit
FIX Added Khajiit race check

BUG Dura gra-Bol is referred to as �he� in two �Dura gra-Bol� topics (�I think she�� & �She lives in��
FIX Changed to �She�

BUG The two guards in �Ald-ruhn, Venim Manor Right Wing� will stop attacking when Varvur�s script makes him stop combat
FIX Added lines to varvurSarethiScript to make guards keep attacking player (StartCombat, Player)

BUG Varvur will attack the guards in the other rooms instead of running
FIX Added new code to do stop his combat if he attacks the other guards

BUG The Ristaag quest can be broken if you say goodbye to Rolf before doing the �ensure our success� topic
FIX Edited Rolf, Sattir and Grerid�s �Shhh� we must hunt�� Greeting 1s to check >= 25 instead of >= 20

BUG Magicka referred to as �Spell Points� in various spells
FIX Corrected in: absorb spell points, absorb spell points (ranged), ash curse: spell points, curse spell points, dread curse: spell points

BUG �Absorb Health�, �Absorb Fatigue� and �Absorb Magicka� descriptions are all wrong. They cannot excede the caster�s maximum and the effects aren�t reversed afterwards.
FIX Removed the parts of the descriptions that were incorrect.

BUG The Drain spells don�t work properly. Instead of draining a certain amount every second, they only drain for the first half a second. Therefore the descriptions are wrong.
FIX Edited the descriptions to reflect the way the spells actually work.

BUG �Meet someone new� topic has two fail dialogues for Sunel and none for Goval
FIX Changed one to check MatchMakeGoval instead of MatchMakeSunel

BUG If the 4th Raven Rock spriggan�s body is disposed of before the other 3 spriggans are killed the journal isn�t updated as it is meant to be
FIX Edited the script of all four spriggans to update the journal if that spriggan is the last killed (and the scripts also now stop running once all spriggins are dead

BUG Not sure why it is there at all, but Falco�s �Aldam Berendus is dead�� assignment topic checks if Uryn Maren is dead.
FIX Edited to check the correct person

BUG Coventina sometimes refuses to attack Graring
FIX Changed her script so she will refuse *not* to attack him

BUG Irarak�s Script makes him attack you if you become a Berne vampire. I don�t think he is ever meant to attack you.
FIX Commented out all the SetFight parts in irarakScript

BUG Marara�s Script doesn�t set her back to being hostile when the player is cured of vampirism
FIX Edited mararaScript to setfight 90 when cured

BUG Becoming a Berne vampire makes Merta not attack you (until you�re really close or talk to her) when she hates Berne vampires more than others
FIX Removed all the vampire checks and setfights and stuff from her script

BUG A key to Mehra Milo�s quarters is meant to be enabled when she is captured. But the script was never attached
FIX Attached MiloKey script to �key_Private Quarters� and edited it to remove the messagebox

BUG Velfred the outlaw�s �ash statue� topic check = 0 instead of > 0
FIX Corrected

BUG Even if you are Patriarch of the Temple it is a crime to open the desk with the key because it is owned by one of the guards
FIX Changed ownership to Faction Temple->Patriarch

BUG The three guards in the Ministry of Truth, Prison Keep are not Temple faction members
FIX Made them all Temple members

BUG Weeltul, a slave in Saturan, is class Acrobat instead of Slave
FIX Corrected

BUG Fons Beren�s �Hey there, friend!�� Greeting 1 should check >= 1, not > 1
FIX Corrected

BUG Journal should probably be updated in Fons Beren �women� choice 2, not the first male dialogue
FIX Moved �Journal MS_MatchMaker 10� line to Choice 2 (And Choice 1, just in case)

BUG Choice 6 updates a non-existent journal entry
FIX Changed to �Journal MS_MatchMaker 10�

BUG Marena Gilnith will say the Fons Beran topic even if you didn�t choose Fons Beran
FIX Made her first two �Fons Beran� topics check that MatchMakeFons is greater than 2

BUG Fons Beren says he is getting ready for the date Greeting 1 after she has chosen someone else
FIX Changed >= 90 to = 90

BUG Fons Beren will say old Greetings after him and Marena are together
FIX Created new Greeting 1 for MatchMakeFons = 10

BUG Sunel Hlas is greatly lacking in Greetings. He�ll say his typical �Life Sux� greeting even after he�s with Marena
FIX Added new greeting for immediately after a successful date, and another for all the time afterwards
Added new greeting for after an unsuccessful date.

BUG If you haven�t talked to them about her before, you can still mention her to the three guys after she�s already with someone else
FIX Changed MS_MatchMaker >= 50 checks to = 50 in all the �women� dialogues that give the option of telling them about Marena (Goval�s, Sunel�s and 2 of Fons�s).

BUG When Marena is on the date with one of them, the other two greet the player like they are on the date.
FIX Added MatchMake > 3, < 7 checks to the three greetings

BUG Sunel�s rejection �Marena Gilnith� topics check = 4 instead of >= 4
FIX Corrected

BUG The men say about �Marena Gilnith� even if you never told them about her
FIX Added MatchMake >= 2 checks to the dialogues for if you�ve set her up with someone else

BUG In �Morrowind lore� people tell you that Dunmer make up 50% of the population and then list Dunmer as one of the other races. Seems a little silly.
FIX Removed �Dunmer, �

BUG Azura�s Coast 21, 4 has floating kelp, barnacles and plants
FIX Corrected

BUG Sheogorad Region 5, 16 has floating kelp and kollops
FIX Corrected

BUG Silver Shardskewer has name �Silver Flameskewer�
FIX Changed name to �Silver Shardskewer�

BUG �Sadrith Mora, Gateway Inn: West Wing� cell has a floating chest (and two books on it)
FIX Corrected position of chest and books

BUG After the Ghostgate is shut down, the glow remains
FIX Created �GhostfenceGlowScript� and put it on the �ghostgate glow� light object
� Made glow used in Sotha Sil a unique object without the script

BUG �templar belt� clothing item uses the incorrect icon
FIX Change icon to �tx_belt_common01.tga�

BUG The skywalk connecting the two parts of the End of the World Inn is not placed correctly
FIX Corrected

BUG If you�ve killed the Gateway haunting Angaredhel will speak like he has already talked to you about it in the �work� topic (so the original dialogue won�t be said and quest may be broken)
FIX Made the dialogue for if the haunting has been killed check that he has given you the quest already (added Journal town_Sadrith >= 5 check)

BUG The dialogue for withholding Uleni�s name checks Choice = 2 instead of = 1
FIX Corrected

BUG �demon cephalopod� should probably be named �Demon Cephalopod Helm�
FIX Corrected

BUG �demon mole crab� should probably be named �Demon Mole Crab Helm�
FIX Corrected

BUG �imperial_chain_pauldron_left� armor object uses incorrect mesh
FIX Changed to a\A_M_ImperialChain_Pa_GND.nif
Repositioned 3 in-game pauldrons
� Repositioned pauldron in Mournhold, Craftsmen�s Hall

BUG �orcish_pauldron_right� armor object uses incorrect mesh
FIX Changed to a\A_Orcish_Pauldron_GND.nif

BUG �left leather bracer� and �right leather bracer� don�t appear next to each other in the inventory
FIX Changed names to �Leather Left Bracer� and �Right Leather Bracer�

BUG steel_cuirass and steel_cuirass_ancient should use the female body part A_Steel_Cuir_Female
FIX Corrected

BUG common_glove_l_balmolagmer and common_glove_l_balmolagmer don�t appear next to each other in the inventory
FIX Changed names to �Bal Molagmer Left Gauntlet� and �Bal Molagmer Right Gauntlet�

BUG Bivale�s �work� dialogue for when returning the clothes from Ienas Sarandas comments out the line that gives the player the reward
FIX Corrected

BUG To keep with the other names the two �Daedra�s Heart� ingredients should be �Daedra Heart�
FIX Corrected

BUG �throwing knife of sureflight� weapon used wrong mesh and icon
FIX Changed to w/w_steel_knife.nif and w\tx_steel_knife.tga

BUG Two hackle-lo containers should have capital �Lo�
FIX Corrected

BUG �dwrv_chest10_weap� should be named �Ornate Dwemer Chest�
FIX Corrected

BUG Sinyaramen will not speak to the player because they are a vampire after they have been cured
FIX Added �PCVampire >= 1� checks to the four greetings
Added two new greetings for giving the potion to Sinyaramen after being cured

BUG Sinyaramen will speak as though you are still a vampire in the �family crest� topic
FIX Added new dialogue for if you are cured and added a check to the vampire dialogue for if you are a vampire

BUG Golena Sadri will attack the player when they get near even if they are invisible/sneaking
FIX Added �GetDetected, Player == 1� check to SadriFight script

BUG Ralyn Farothran and Femer Veralor in the Hlaalu and Telvanni prison cells are missing �get me out� dialogue for checking if the player has the key
FIX Added the dialogue

BUG Same problem for people in �Tel Vos, Jail� (not that the key is even in the game)
FIX Added the dialogue

BUG Frizkav Brutya and Ilden Mirel in the Ministry of Truth, Holding Cells and Hyna Dorn�ke, Vobend Dulfass and Daglin Selarar in the Ministry of Truth, Prison Keep say they don�t want to escape, but then ask for the key
FIX Removed prisonerScript from them

BUG Dagoth Baler is set as Undead instead of Humanoid
FIX Corrected

BUG One centurion creature is called �Sphere Centurion� when the others are called �Centurion Sphere�
FIX Changed to �Centurion Sphere� to make it uniform

BUG Ditto with some Centurion Spider creatures
FIX Changed two creatures to �Centurion Spider�

BUG Staada the Golden Saint is classified as a Creature instead of Daedra
FIX Corrected

BUG Carnius�s script mightn�t correctly update the journal when he is killed so the player doesn�t become the Factor when he talks to Falco
FIX Copied Falco�s greeting and made the new one be displayed even if the journal wasn�t updated
Changed earlier greeting (�colony is as good as closed�) check from < 60 to < 40
Copied Constans�s greeting to so he�ll still say what he should if the journal isn�t updated

BUG Same thing if you chose Carnius�s side, when you talk to Constans after killing Carnius
FIX Copied Constans�s greeting and made the new one be displayed even if the journal wasn�t updated

BUG silver spear_uvenim is not marked as a silver weapon
FIX Corrected

BUG divine judgement silver staff is not marked as a silver weapon
FIX Corrected

BUG Therana�s �Ash Yams� topic doesn�t check if you�re Telvanni, and because of that it seems some mods out there screw up this quest
FIX Made the topic check that the player is a Telvanni Mouth

BUG Blood_Feast_Shield is named �Blood Feat Shield�
FIX Changed to �Blood Feast Shield�

BUG netch_leather_shield uses the wrong icon
FIX Changed to Tx_shield_netch.tga

BUG Iulus�s dialogue in the �Cunius Pelelius� topic doesn�t check if he is dead
FIX Added Cunius Pelelius death check

BUG The journal (A2_1_MeetSulMatuul, 1) says Caius promoted you to Apprentice when it should be to Finder
FIX Corrected

BUG blades_gildan, 1 journal entry refers to Gildan as �He� instead of �She�
FIX Corrected

BUG EB_Unrequited, 60 refers to Eraldil as �him� instead of �her�
FIX Corrected

BUG MG_StealBook, 100 says you return Chimarvamidium to Edwinna, when you stole it for her
FIX Changed to �I gave the stolen book Chimarvamidium to Edwinna.�

BUG MV_RichTrader, 10 says you are travelling near Seyda Neen, when you are on the other side of Vivec
FIX Changed to say you are near Vivec

BUG MV_SlaveMule, 75 says �Helas will likely slaughter her for the drugs once we arrive in Balmora.� twice
FIX Removed the second one.

BUG MV_ThiefTrader, 100 says �stolen weapons� when you don�t know they�re stolen (if you�re not a thief)
FIX Removed �stolen�

BUG chest_01_v_potion_al_02 in Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Mage�s Guild is assigned to Skink-In-Trees-Shade instead of Tusamircil
FIX Corrected

BUG Signpost in Grazelands Region 8,5 has signs facing the wrong way
FIX Corrected

BUG Lame Corprus creatures have an extra space after their names
FIX Corrected

BUG Mehra�s name isn�t capitalised twice in the �blessings of Almalexia� topic in the Results choices
FIX Corrected

BUG HT_DrakePride is named as a House Redoran quest instead of Telvanni
FIX Corrected

BUG TT_MinistryHeathen quest is named �Cure the Outcast Outlander� instead of �Ashlander�
FIX Corrected

BUG A storeroom door is object rent_balmora_council_door, a door which should only have been used for the bedroom for rent
FIX Changed to in_hlaalu_door

BUG The rent room in Andus�s Tradehouse in Maar Gan isn�t locked
FIX Corrected

BUG In Yasamsi a fork is floating above a table, and a spoon is inside a plank
FIX Corrected

BUG Ralen Hlaalo is spelled �Ralen Hlaalu� in a �business� dialogue.
FIX Corrected

BUG Because you can go lower than the lowest object in Punammu, if you do you either fall through the void or teleport back to the dungeon�s start
FIX Placed a static rock below the lowest point so the player will not teleport

BUG Punammu has two light_tikitorch00 that aren�t in the ground (or anything else)
FIX Corrected the position of one, deleted the other

BUG bk_letterfromjzhirr, bk_letterfromllaalam, bk_letterfromllaalam2 titles have �From� instead of �from�
FIX Corrected

BUG bk_alen_note has �handwritten letter� written on it, which is just silly
FIX Corrected

BUG BookSkill_Acrobatics4 is called �The Black Arrow, Volume 1� instead of �Volume I�
FIX Corrected

BUG sc_Chappy_sniper_test, sc_hiddenkiller and sc_lycanthropycure have �the� instead of �The� in their titles
FIX Corrected

BUG Static bed in Aharunartus and Telvayn Ancestral Tomb instead of Activator
FIX Replaced with Activators
� Same in Raven Rock, Factor�s Estate

BUG Dals Sadri is set as Hlaalu instead of Telvanni
FIX Corrected

BUG bk_fur_armor has the book interface instead of the scroll interface
FIX Corrected

BUG gah_julan is a slave, but doesn�t have a slave bracer
FIX Gave him slave_bracer_right

BUG Gurag gro-Yarzol has a vampire face when he shouldn�t
FIX Changed to b_n_orc_head_m_03

BUG teegla is a slave, but doesn�t have a slave bracer
FIX Gave him slave_bracer_right

BUG tolmera relenim is set as Hlaalu instead of Telvanni
FIX Corrected

BUG Weapons �iron flameslayer�, �iron shardslayer�, �iron sparkslayer� and �iron viperslayer� have the wrong icons
FIX Changed to w\Tx_Claymore_Iron.tga

BUG Weapons �iron flamemace�, �iron shardmace� and �iron sparkmace� have the wrong icons
FIX Changed to w\w_mace_iron.tga

BUG Weapons �steel flameslayer�, �steel shardslayer�, �steel sparkslayer� and �steel viperslayer� have the wrong meshes
FIX Changed to w\W_claymore.nif

BUG Weapons �iron spear�, �iron long spear�, �iron flameskewer�, �iron shardskewer�, �iron sparkskewer� and �iron viperskewer� have the wrong icons
FIX Changed to w\tx_spear_iron.tga

BUG Weapon �dwarven war axe_redas� should have Dwemer War Axe mesh and icon
FIX Changed to �w\W_Dwemer_waraxe.nif� and �Tx_Dwemer_waraxe.tga�

Weapon: ebony arrow_sadri
BUG PoisonGrip Arrow -> Poison Grip Arrow
FIX Corrected

BUG sNotify Message36 menu setting has �you� instead of �your�
FIX Corrected

BUG sCaughtStealingMessage menu setting should have a comma after �Hey�
FIX Corrected

BUG sNotifyMessage37 menu setting says �type in your name� when it is used for potion names, not just the character name
FIX Changed to �type in a name� since that applies to all uses

BUG The Kummu shrine takes 10 muck off you instead of just 1
FIX Changed shrineKummu to take just 1 muck

BUG Kaye says in his Greeting 5 (�A Bosmer named��) that he will give you 200 gold, but doesn�t
FIX Added �Player->AddItem gold_001 200� to Results field

BUG Tarer Braryn�s Greeting 5 (�Hello %PCName��) should have a comma after the Hello
FIX Corrected

BUG �BM bear cuirass� and �BM_bear_cuirass_snow� needs the groin part selected to stop conflicts with certain groin meshes
FIX Corrected

BUG Drulene doesn�t buy Corky because her dialogue for if she already has Corky doesn�t check to make sure she has him
FIX Added a �corkyFollow = 2� check to the first �Corky� dialogue

BUG Ajira will continue to give the ceramic bowl �duties� dialogue if you give the bowl without leaving
FIX Added new duties dialogue to be said until the player leaves and comes back

BUG The Thieves� Guild �bad people� dialogues should stop after the quest is done
FIX Added �Journal town_balmora < 30� checks to the 2 �If the bad people�� dialogues

BUG 2 �Chronicles of Nchuleft� dialogues refer to the Foreign Quarter as the �Market Canton�
FIX Corrected

BUG 3 Journal entries refer to the Foreign Quarter as the �Market Canton�
FIX Corrected HH_IndEsp1, 10
Corrected HH_IndEsp2, 10
Corrected MT_DB_Contact, 50
Corrected HH_IndEsp1, 10
Corrected HH_IndEsp2, 10

BUG Wadarkhu�s �breeding netch� dialogue for Disp 80 is missing the checks for if the netches are dead
FIX Added the two checks

BUG The 4 (non-Gnaar Mok/non-Kaye) �Caryarel� dialogues should have a journal check to make the topic not shown once the quest is complete
FIX Added �Journal IC15_MissingLimeware < 50� checks

BUG Simine�s �Gentleman Jim Stacey� dialogues are in the incorrect order
FIX Switched them around

BUG Hides-His-Eyes keeps asking you if you�ll betray him in the �Hides His Eyes is Haj-Ei� topic
FIX Added a �Journal MV_BountyHunter < 110� check to the initial dialogue

BUG �little advice� dialogue for Ald�ruhn (�If you want weapons��) shouldn�t be said by the smiths or Daynes Redothril
FIX Added a �Not Class Smith = 1� check
Added a �Not ID daynes redothril = 1� check

BUG General Darius shouldn�t say the Gnisis work �little advice� topic
FIX Added a �Not ID general darius = 1� check

BUG Gnisis Mask of Vivec �little advice� topic shouldn�t be said by Mehra Drora
FIX Added a �Not ID mehra drora = 1� check

BUG 5 �little secret� topics (�Somebody said Larrius��) are missing checks for if the quest is complete and if the player is at level 3
FIX Added �Journal town_balmora < 30� checks
Added �Function PC Level >= 3� checks

BUG Marayn Dren is referred to as �she� instead of �he� in Sharn�s �Mages Guild� dialogue
FIX Corrected

BUG �.� instead of �?� in Sharn�s �Nereverine prophecies� dialogue (�Ashlander culture��)
FIX Corrected

BUG You can get the assassinate Rufinus quest early if you talk to Lorbumol about �Rufinus Alleius�
FIX Added �Journal FG_SilenceTaxgirl >= 100� checks to all but the completed dialogue

BUG Time to destroy the Solstheim topics. Everyone hates them, so time to make them disappear once you�ve gone to Solstheim (yes, you still need to put up with them until then)
FIX Changed the �Journal BM_Rumors < 50� checks on the last three �Solstheim� dialogues to < 100
Deleted the �A terrible place�� �Solstheim� dialogue
Added �Not Local NoLore = 0� checks on the last three �Solstheim� dialogues

BUG Almalexia�s turn too
FIX Added �Not Local NoLore = 0� checks to the 3 universal dialogues

BUG �statue book� dialogue (�A �statue� book��) shouldn�t be said by Jobasha
FIX Added a �Not ID jobasha = 1� check

BUG �statue book� topic shouldn�t be displayed after the book is given to Duma
FIX Added �Journal DA_Boethiah < 60� checks to the non-Duma dialogues

BUG The Tribunal and Tribunal Temple topics are exactly the same
FIX Deleted the �Tribunal Temple� topic
Removed Faction check for Savant �Tribunal� dialogue
Added �Not Local NoLore = 0� check to Savant �Tribunal� dialogue

BUG Larrius Varo�s first Greeting 5 doesn�t make the �work� topic show up for some unknown reason
FIX Added �AddTopic, �work�� to the greeting results field

BUG Vorar Helas doesn�t take the moon sugar off of you in the �Vorar�s moon sugar� topic
FIX Added �Player->RemoveItem, �ingred_moon_sugar_01�, 20� to results

BUG �left gauntlet of the horny first� and �right gauntlet of horny fist� names are different
FIX Changed �left gauntlet of the horny first� name to �Left Gauntlet of Horny Fist�

BUG Geon Auline should stop saying his �collection� dialogue if you decided not to give him the dagger
FIX Added a �Journal MS_EstateSale < 60� check to the >= 20 dialogue

BUG Shargam gro-shagdulg says about Ralen Hlaalo in the �latest rumors� topic, but in the �Ralen Hlaalo� topic knows nothing about him
FIX Changed the �latest rumors� dialogue to be said by Dralosa Athren instead

BUG Anarenen�s Devil Tanto doesn�t show up if his chest has already been emptied
FIX Put the dagger inside the chest
Created anarenenChestScript to disable the chest before the quest and enable it once given the quest
Put anarenenChestScript on chest_small_02_anararen
Removed �"chest_small_02_anararen"->AddItem "devil_tanto_tgamg" 1� from �Anareren�s Devil Tanto� dialogue

BUG �Anareren�s Devil Tanto� topic should be �Anarenen�s Devil Tanto�
FIX Changed name

BUG Anarenen is misspelt �Anareren� in 2 �Anarenen�s Devil Tanto� dialogues
FIX Corrected

BUG Anarenen is misspelt �Anareren� in �jobs� dialogue
FIX Corrected

BUG Anarenen is misspelt �Anareren� in one of Aengoth�s Greeting 5s
FIX Corrected

BUG Anarenen is misspelt �Anareren� in both TG_LootAldruhnMG journal entries
FIX Corrected

BUG �Nevermind� spelt �Nevemind� in Trebonius�s first Arch-Mage topic
FIX Corrected

BUG shrineBalUr script should check to make sure the player is on the Bal Ur shrine quest
FIX Added checks for if the Ald Sotha and Dagon Fel quests are done (ok� so not actually used)

BUG shrineDagonFel script should check to make sure the player is on the Dagon Fel shrine quest
FIX Added check for Journal TT_DagonFel >= 10

BUG The player should have the option of not returning the hides to Marsus Tullius when the ashlanders tell them that they were from the ashlander herds
FIX Changed Marsus�s �guar hide shipment� = 60 dialogue to >= 60
Added ingred_guar_hide_marsus >= 10 check to Marsus�s = 85 �guar hide shipment� dialogue
Added 3 choices in Marsus�s �guar hide shipment� >= 60 results
Created MV_InnocentAshlanders, 120 journal entry for if you change your mind about helping
Added Choice = 1, 2 and 3 �guar hide shipment� Marsus dialogues
Added MV_InnocentAshlanders < 100 check to Marsus�s >= 60 �guar hide shipment� dialogue
Added MV_InnocentAshlanders != 120 check to Marsus�s >= 100 �guar hide shipment� dialogue
Added MV_InnocentAshlanders != 40 check to Marsus�s < 60 �guar hide shipment� dialogue
Added MV_InnocentAshlanders < 120 checks to Tinti and Hairan�s >= 80 dialogues
Copied = 40 �thieving Ashlanders� dialogue and made it for = 120
� Checked �Finished� on MV_InnocentAshlanders, 120 journal entry

BUG Llaals Ores acts like he�s been hired if you hire the other guy in the �recruit some miners� dialogue
FIX Created �llaalshired� global
�SET llaalshired TO 1� in Savile�s Choice = 1 dialogue
Added �Global llaalshired = 1� check in Llaals�s = 150 dialogue

BUG Savile�s �recruit some miners� dialogue doesn�t check if the player actually has the 200 gold to pay for the slave
FIX Create new dialogue for Choice = 1 and Gold_001 < 200

BUG When you recruit miners for your Hlaalu stronghold, they never actually go to the mine
FIX Created �recruitMinerScript� to move whichever miner you chose to the mine
Put �StartScript, recruitMinerScript� in both miner�s dialogue

BUG Ilasour�s �recruit some miners� dialogue checks >= 130 instead of >= 140
FIX Corrected

BUG Some of Neminda�s dialogue refers to the player as Hlaalu when they are in disguise as Redoran
FIX Added new �Advancement� dialogues for male and female
Added new �duties� dialogues for male and female
Added new �House Redoran� dialogue
Added new �join House Redoran� dialogues for male and female

BUG Steel stormsword uses the wrong mesh and icon
FIX Changed to w\W_Broadsword_leafblade.nif and w\Tx_Broadsword_leafbladed.tga

BUG Sigvatr�s �wergild� shouldn�t continue after the quest is complete
FIX Added BM_Retribution < 50 checks to all his dialogues

BUG The Sotha Sil fabricant machine keeps working in MenuMode
FIX Edited sotha_machine1 and sotha_machine2 to stop in MenuMode

BUG Stacey�s Brallion�s Ring �Bal Molagmer� dialogue checks for PC Crime Level >= 1 instead of 100
FIX Changed to >= 100

BUG Rabinna�s greetings don�t take into account if you refuse the quest to take her to Vorar
FIX Added �Journal MV_SlaveMule != 40� checks to her bottom 2 dialogues

BUG Relam Arinith�s �deliver this slave� >= 30 dialogue should check != 40
FIX Added �Journal MV_SlaveMule != 40� check

BUG Arver Rethul, Suvryn Doves, Ivrosa Verethi and Guldrise Dralor are all set to Thieves� Guild instead of Camonna Tong
FIX Corrected

BUG 6 containers are owned by Miles Gloriosus instead of Baladas
FIX Corrected

BUG The flora containers in Tendris�s room in Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry should probably belong to Tendris, not Nelso (as Tendris sells ingredients, and Nelso is fairly far away)
FIX Changed ownerships of the flora containers and a misc_de_foldedcloth00

Used fixes from Unofficial Morrowind Patch v1.6.2

BUG Killing Crazy Batou says an essential NPC has been killed
FIX Set crazy_batou to not essential

BUG Giving a Dwemer Coherer (misc_dwrv_artifact50) to Divayth Fyr before Caius sends you to him makes the main quest skip ahead when talking to Caius
FIX Set Divayth Fyr Greeting to check the PC is on the quest and hasn't already given the coherer.
Changed "Journal A2_3_CorprusCure != 10" check to "Journal A2_3_CorprusCure < 10"
Added "Journal A2_3_CorprusCure > 0" check

BUG Divayth Fyr's Dwemer piece topic won't be displayed if PC has more than one coherer
FIX Changed the three "Item misc_dwrv_artifact50 = 1" checks to "Item misc_dwrv_artifact50 >= 1"

BUG Persius Mercius will talk about the Fighter's Guild assassinate Rufinus Alleius quest if someone in Ebonheart mentions Rufinus
FIX Set Persius Mercius's dialogue to check if player has been given the Rufinus quest
Added "Journal FG_SilenceMagistrate > 0" check to Persius's Rufinus dialogues

BUG Player can get Moon and Star before Third Trial, skipping earlier main quests
FIX Set the Cavern of the Incarnate door to not respond until PC is on the Third Trial
Added to CavernIncarnateDoor script at start of OnActivate section:
if ( ( GetJournalIndex A2_6_Incarnate ) < 15 )

BUG Mages Guild members still speak about the Telvanni spy once the quest is complete.
FIX Added checks to dialogue to see if the quest is finished
Added "Journal MG_SpyCatch < 100" checks

BUG Trebonius's "credentials" topic remains after the spy is caught
FIX Added check to dialogue to see if the quest is finished
Added "Journal MG_SpyCatch < 100" checks

BUG People continue to say the "woman with a dagger" topic after she is caught
FIX Add a check to make sure she hasn't been caught
Added "Journal town_Vivec < 50" checks

BUG Woman with dagger rumors still appear after quest is completed
FIX Added checks to make sure she hasn't been caught
Added 2 "Journal town_Vivec < 50" checks

BUG Trebonius lets Wizards challenge him, not just Master Wizards, resulting in PC being only promoted to Master Wizard
FIX Changed so he only challenges Master Wizards
Changed PC Rank Wizard check to PC Rank Master Wizard check

BUG Giving Trebonius the letter doesn't update the journal (needed to close quest with Tribunal)
FIX Set journal Trebonius's Greeting 5 where PC gives the letter
Added "Journal MG_Guildmaster 100"

BUG Recommendation isn't removed from inventory when given to Trebonius
FIX Removes the note from the PC's inventory
Added "Player->RemoveItem 'bk_ocato_recommendation' 1"

BUG Larrius Varro says you aren't tough enough for bloodbath if you are over level 8 instead of under it
FIX Change >= to <=
Change "PC Level >= 8" to "PC Level <= 8"

BUG Hecerinde says about the South Wall defences before you get the quest
FIX Check if the player is on the quest
Added "Journal TG_BalmoraDefenses >= 10" check

BUG Killing the scamp in Huleen's Hut before getting the quest will skip Edwinna dialogue forward
FIX Change so player can't talk to Edwinna about Huleen's Hut until she mentions it.
Added "Journal MG_StealBook >= 100" check to Edwinna's Huleen Hut Greeting 5
Added "Journal MG_StealBook >= 100" check to relevent Huleen's Hut dialogue

BUG Player can teleport after killing Dagoth Ur, making skipping Azura and endgame possible
FIX Move teleport enabling to after talking to Azura
Removed "EnableTeleporting" from EndGame
Added "EnableTeleporting" to AzuraEnd

BUG Showing the Moon-and-Star to Elvil updates the incorrect journal entry / Temple Compassion quest doesn't end
FIX Update correct journal entry
Changed "Journal TT_Compassion 55" to "Journal TT_FalseIncarnate 55"

BUG Morag Tong Masters don't mention the Grandmaster Writs
FIX Make "We have no Writs..." dialogue display when grandmaster writs have been completed
Added "Journal MT_WritTherana >= 100", "Journal MT_WritBero >= 100", "Journal MT_WritBaladas >= 100", "Journal MT_WritVarro >= 100" checks to "We have no Writs..." topic

BUG Mistress Dratha refers to herself as her own patron in "Mistress Dratha" dialogue
FIX Assign "Mistress Dratha" dialogue to her mouth, Raven Omayn.
Changed "dratha" check to "raven omayn"

BUG Milyn Faram doesn't give the scrolls like he is meant to
FIX Moved goodbye dialogue below research (Choice) "Odirniran" dialogue

BUG Nibani Maesa will say the old pass the test dialogue once player sees Azura in the Cavern of the Incarnate
FIX Make old dialogue only displayed once
Added "A2_1_MeetSulMatuul < 60" check

BUG If you discover the Talos Cult before being given the quest then General Darius doesn't say the widow deed "proof" topic anymore
FIX Make conspiracy "proof" topic only displayed when PC has been given the quest
Added "Journal IL_RescueRagash >= 100" to proof topic

BUG Ajira says the Warlock's Ring is west of Bal Fell instead of east
FIX Changed it so it says "east" not "west"

BUG Drarayne Thelas won't speak of the pillow shipment with those who haven't done the Fighter's Guild rat quest or have reported it to Eydis
FIX Remove the check for the rat quest in Drarayne's Greeting 5
Removed "Journal FG_RatHunt = 100"

BUG Wraithguard isn't removed from Vivec's inventory when he gives it to the PC
FIX Remove it from Vivec's inventory when he gives it to the PC
Added "vivec_god"->removeItem "misc_wraithguard_no_equip" 1" to the two relevent dialogues

BUG Aryon says "You have chosen the title Magister" instead of "Master" in the "advancement" dialogue
FIX Changed "Magister" to "Master"

BUG Telvanni advancement is flawed once the player reaches Spellwright. It seems the mouth quest should be given to Wizards, not Spellwrights
FIX Make the mouth quest for wizards and make it so it doesn't advance the PC
Changed Aryon's find mouth "chores" topic "Spellwright" check to "Wizard"
Changed Aryon's "Mouth" topic "Spellwright" check to "Wizard"
Changed Aryon's "Mouth" topic to not raise the player's rank.
Changed Aryon's "Mouth" topic to not say that the player's rank was raised.

BUG Being raised to Magister doesn't check that the player has completed the second stage of the stronghold
FIX Add a check that the second stage is complete
Added "Journal HT_Stronghold >= 200" check to Aryon's Magister "advancement" dialog

BUG Not agreeing to Irarak's bargain updates the incorrect journal entry
FIX Change "Journal "VA_VampCult" 90" to 'Journal "VA_VampCult" 100'

BUG Volrina Quarra's "Brood of Lord Irarak" topic will make the PC fail if they just found Irarak, not agree to the bargain. Also Volrina should say goodbye
FIX Change Journal checks to "Journal VA_VampCult = 90"
Added "Goodbye"

BUG Volrina Quarra's "Brood of Lord Irarak" topic will keep being displayed after the quest is complete
FIX Change so it checks that quest isn't over
Changed "Journal VA_VampCult >= 10" to "Journal VA_VampCult = 110"

BUG Kill Lord Irarak quest can't be completed if he's already dead, making Quarra advancement impossible
FIX Add new dialogue for if Irarak is already dead
Added "VA_VampCult 15" journal entry
Added "VA_VampCult 125" journal entry
Added new "use to me" dialogue for if Irarak is already dead
Added new "use to me" dialogue for if PC turned down quest with Irarak already dead
Added new "use to me" choice dialogues 3-5
Changed "use to me" dialogue for next quest to check for "Journal VA_VampCult >= 120" and "Journal VA_VampCult < 130" instead of "Journal VA_VampCult = 120"
Change first service refusal to "Journal VA_VampCult = 120" check to "Journal VA_VampCult >= 120" and "Journal VA_VampCult < 130"

BUG Druscashti (Quarra) vampire service refusals don't include Journal VA_VampCult = 130 like they should
FIX Remove "Journal VA_VampCult != 130" checks from refusals since they are completely useless
Add new refusuals checking "Journal VA_VampCult = 130"

BUG Volrinna Quarra's "raw materials" dialogue checks for "Journal VA_VampAmulet < 10" instead of "Journal VA_VampAmulet = 10"
FIX Changed "Journal VA_VampAmulet < 10" to "Journal VA_VampAmulet = 10"
Removed "Journal VA_VampAmulet 10"

BUG Volrina Quarra's "future rewards" dialogue doesn't update the journal when the quest is completed
FIX Added "Journal VA_VampAmulet 40" check

BUG Turedus Talanian says old "trade goods wanted" dialogue after quest is completed
FIX Added"Journal town_Tel_Vos < 35" check

BUG Journal is updated from the wrong Irarak greeting
FIX Move journal update to correct greeting
Moved "Journal VA_VampCult 70" to Irarak's first greeting

BUG Irarak greets saying "Blood Friend" even if the bargain hasn't been made if the PC is on the kill Irarak quest
FIX Changed "Journal VA_VampCult >= 70" to "Journal VA_VampCult >= 90"

BUG Irarak greets as though he is one of his servants if the PC is a vampire that has not been given the kill Irarak quest
FIX Create new greeting for vampires and create a new greeting for humans
Created new greeting for vampires greeting Irarak
Created new greeting for humans greeting Irarak

BUG Irarak will talk about "material gains" when PC hasn't got the quest yet causing the PC to advance through the quest
FIX Check that the PC is on the quest
Added "Journal VA_VampCult >= 70" to "material gains" topic

BUG Tusamircil gives out infinite potions for Sinyaramen
FIX Add a check so it is only given out once
Added "Journal VA_VampChild < 60" check

BUG Journal is updated in Dhaunayne Aundae's "future rewards" dialogue incorrectly if PC has not killed enough vampires
FIX Removed "Journal "VA_VampHunter" 100"

BUG Journal isn't updated correctly on Vivec informants quest if PC betrays Addhiranirr
FIX Add a new journal entry for learning about the sixth house after betraying Addhiranirr and make Caius check for it too
Added A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant 65 journal entry
Changed "Journal, "A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant", 45" in Sixth House Cult >= 56 and = 60 dialogue to "Journal, "A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant", 60" and "Journal, "A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant", 65"
Removed "Journal, "A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant", 45" from = 45 dialogue
Change = 60 check to >= 60
Added "Journal A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant < 60" check to Sixth House Cult >= 56 dialogue
Changed "Journal A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant < 60" check in Caius's orders to "Journal A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant < 65"
Added new quest finished "Orders" dialogue for Caius for if "Journal A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant = 65"
- - Already added (=60)
Changed Nereverine dialog to check "Journal A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant >= 60" instead of "Journal A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant = 60"
- Deselected "Finished" on A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant, 60
- Selected "Finished" on A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant, 65

BUG Addhiranirr Nereverine dialog is missing a check for if the player has destroyed Dagoth Ur
FIX Add the check to the dialog
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth >= 50" check

BUG Addhiranirr's Nerevirine dialog is never said since it is below the generic Nereverive dialog
FIX Added "Not ID addhiranirr = 1" check to the the generic dialog

BUG Caius's "Sul-Matuul is DEAD?" greeting checks if Nibani Maesa is dead
FIX Make it check for if Sul-Matuul is dead
Changed check to "Dead sul-matuul >= 1"

BUG Killing someone Caius sends you to will make you tell him, even if they've never been mentioned
FIX Make his greetings check if the player has been given the quest
Added "Journal A2_3_CorprusCure > 0" and "Journal A2_3_CorprusCure < 50" checks to Divayth Fyr dead Greeting 5
Added "Journal A2_2_6thHouse >= 5" check to Raesa Pullia dead Greeting 5
Added "Journal A2_1_MeetSulMatuul > 0" check to Sul-Matuul, Nibani Maesa and Zabamund dead Greeting 5s
Added "Journal A1_11_ZainsubaniInformant > 0" check to Hassour dead Greeting 5
Added "Journal A1_V_VivecInformants > 0" check to Mehra Milo dead Greeting 5
Added "Journal A1_4_MuzgobInformant > 0" check to Sharn gra-muzgob dead Greeting 5
Changed "Journal A1_1_FindSpymaster >= 14" check to "Journal A1_2_AntabolisInformant > 0" in Hasphat dead Greeting 5

BUG Killing Ano Vando the vampire hunter Aundau sends you to kill at nighttime does not update the journal as it should because seperate OnDeath if statements are used
FIX Edit anoScript so that all three time periods work correctly
Moved the three segments into one OnDeath statement in anoScript

BUG Miun-Gei says his "Dark Brotherhood" dialogue before the Morag Tong quest is given and after it is ended
FIX Make dialog said only after player is given the quest and before the quest is over
Added "Journal MT_DB_Contact > 0" checks to Miun-Gei's Dark Brotherhood dialogs
Added "Journal MT_DB_Contact < 100" checks to Miun-Gei's Dark Brotherhood dialogs

BUG Tsrazami says his "Dark Brotherhood" dialogue before Miun-Gei directs the PC to her
FIX Make dialog said only after the PC is pointed to Tsrazami on the quest
Added "Journal MT_DB_Contact >= 50" check to Tsrazami's Dark Brotherhood dialog

BUG Killing the slave Reeh-Jah adds the wrong journal entry
FIX Change to correct entry in reeh_jahScript
Changed 'Journal "MV_FakeSlave" 90' to 'Journal "MV_RunawaySlave" 90'

BUG The Fake Slave quest can be made not completable when you are directed to Sterdecan's farm because Travel Together topic may not be available
FIX Change Tul's on-quest greeting and travel together topic conditions to allow for after directions are given.
Changed "Journal MV_FakeSlave <= 45" condition to "Journal MV_FakeSlave <= 55" in Tul's "Shall we continue..." Greeting 5
Added "Journal MV_FakeSlave != 50" condition in Tul's "Shall we continue..." Greeting 5
Changed "Journal MV_FakeSlave <= 45" condition to "Journal MV_FakeSlave <= 55" in Tul's travel together topic
Added "Journal MV_FakeSlave != 50" condition in Tul's travel together topic
Added "Journal MV_FakeSlave != 50" conditions to Kindly Redguard topics

BUG Journal isn't updated as it is meant to be when Umbra is killed
FIX Add script to Umbra which updates the journal when he dies

BUG Angaredhel talks about himself in 3rd person (says same as other people) in Gateway topic
FIX Added "NotID angaredhel = 1" check to dialogue

BUG Tashpi Ashibael denies being a necromancer before you get the Mages Guild quest (MG_KillNecro2)
FIX Add a check so dialogue isn't available until on quest
Added "Journal MG_KillNecro2 >= 10" check to dialogue

BUG Darvame Hleran (Seyda Neen Silt Strider) keeps talking about Vodunius after he has left
FIX Add a check so dialogue stops after quest is complete
Added "Journal MS_Nuccius < 100" check to dialogue

BUG Vodunius continues to send you to the silt strider after he knows you've been there
FIX Add a check so dialogue is only displayed before you've been to silt strider
Added "Journal MS_Nuccius = 0" check to dialogue

BUG Finishing the TT_Compassion quest updates incorrect journal entry
FIX Change so correct entry is updated
Changed "Journal TT_Compassion 110" to "Journal TT_Compassion 100" in compassion dialogue

BUG Nibani's "I am concerned. Why have you not yet fulfilled the prophecies..." dialogue will still be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if she hasn't said it before.
FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Crassius Curio's "Well. If you are the Nerevarine, why haven't you..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before.
FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Gilvas Barelo's "Why have you not yet fulfilled the prophecies..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before.
FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Mehra Milo's "We are concerned. Why have you not yet fulfilled the prophecies..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before.
FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Divayth Fyr's "I am surprised. And a bit disappointed. I thought..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before.
FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Athyn Sarethi's "I don't mean to pry into your affairs. But, if you..." dialogue will be displayed after Dagoth Ur is defeated if he hasn't said it before.
FIX Make dialogue not be displayed if Dagoth Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Raesa Pullia and other Imperial Guards talk about the "Sleeper attacks" after Dagoth Ur is defeated
FIX Make dialogues only displayed before main quest is over
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks

BUG Prelude Shipwreck cabin is locked on the inside instead of outside
FIX Unlock the inside door and lock the outside door
Unchecked the inside door lock
Added level 40 lock to outside cabin door with key_gshipwreck

BUG It's illegal to sleep in the Prelude
FIX Make it not illegal to sleep in the Prelude
Unchecked "Illegal to sleep here" for Prelude Cabin, Upper Level and Lower Level

BUG "More Blight Storms" topic is still displayed after Blight is gone
FIX Make dialogue check for if main quest is finished
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to the dialogues

BUG "More Ashlander raids" topic says about Blight storms and is still displayed after Blight is gone
FIX Make dialogue check for if main quest is finished
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to the dialogues

BUG Vivec's "defeat Dagoth Ur" topic is still displayed after Ur is defeated
FIX Make dialogue check if Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to the dialogues

BUG Vivec's "Dagoth Ur winning", "Dagoth Ur's defenses", "Dagoth Ur's plans", "Dagoth Ur's powers" and "Dagoth Ur's servants" topics are still displayed after Ur is defeated
FIX Make dialogue checks for if Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to the dialogues

BUG Gilvas Barelo's "Dagoth Ur" topic doesn't change after Ur is defeated
FIX Add a check so topic isn't displayed after Ur is defeated
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Ahemmusa tribe still say about the "blight storms" after it is gone
FIX Add a check for if the main quest is over
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check to dialogue

BUG Yakum Hairshashishi, ashlander in Pelagiad, continues to talk about the blight after it is gone in "Ashlanders" and "blight storms" topics.
FIX Add checks for if blight is over
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to dialogues

BUG Dire Viperarrow is missing its enchantment
FIX Added "dire viper_en" enchantment

BUG Cruel Viper Bolt has spark enchantment instead of viper
FIX Changed to "cruel viper_en" enchantment

BUG "arrow of wasting shard_en" enchantment has Shock weakness and damage instead of Frost
FIX Corrected

BUG assabaScript script has incorrect number in the position check (83700 instead of 85700)
FIX Corrected

BUG shrineGhostgate script second series of if statements do not contain 'return' and therefore player can lose one of each soulgem type
FIX Added 'return' to each of the if statements

BUG The jury-rigged wraithguard is left-handed and used the daedric mesh
FIX Change to the same as the normal wraithguard
Changed to Right Gauntlet type
Changed to use Right Hand "a_art_wraithguard"
Added Right Wrist

BUG 2 of Uupse Fyr's "guarskin drum" topics check the CorprusCure journal entires instead of the CorprusSafe ones
FIX Corrected

BUG Uupse Fyr's "corprus victims" topic doesn't change after the player gives her the drum
FIX Added "Journal A2_3_CorprusSafe < 10" and "Journal A2_3_CorprusSafe < 100" checks

BUG Neldris's (Sleeper) Sixth House topics are messed up. When curse is ended he'll give continuous rep points
FIX Changed to the same as the other Sleeper's dialogues

BUG Vampire Levitate spell isn't added when player becomes a vampire
FIX Make spell get added when vampirised and removed when cured
Added 'Player->AddSpell, "Vampire Levitate"' line to the three PC Vampire scripts
Added 'Player->RemoveSpell, "Vampire Levitate"' line to vampire cure script

BUG Sadrith Mora people keep talking about the Gateway Haunting if you didn't kill Uleni Heleran
FIX Make the topic check for if the quest is over
Added "Journal town_Sadrith < 50" check to "latest rumors" dialogue
Added "Journal town_Sadrith < 50" check to "Gateway Haunting" dialogue

BUG "persecuted by the Temple" topic speaks of Dagoth Ur and the Blight after they are destroyed
FIX Make it not displayed after Ur is destroyed
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG "blight-sick animals" topic still displayed after blight is gone
FIX Make it not displayed after Ur is destroyed
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Bitter Cup quest is considered completed correctly by Persius even if player drank it or killed Eydis
FIX Make his dialogues only check for if cup was given to Eydis
Changed "Journal TG_BitterBribe >= 100" check to "= 100" in "Eydis Fire-Eye" topic
Changed "Journal TG_BitterBribe >= 100" check to "= 100" in "Lorbumol gro-Aglakh" topic
Changed "Journal TG_BitterBribe >= 100" check to "= 100" in "Orders" topic

BUG Persius keeps saying to kill Lorbumol in "Eydis Fire-Eye" topic after quest is complete if Bitter Cup quest was done
FIX Added "Journal FG_KillCronies < 15" check

BUG Eydis attacks the player on Kill Cronies quest even if Bitter Cup quest is done
FIX Make Eydis not attack if Bitter Bribe is done
Changed "eydisScript" to not make her attack if bribed
Added "Journal TG_BitterBribe != 100" check to Greeting 1

BUG Vivec's "Tribunal fight Dagoth Ur" topic is still displayed after Dagoth is defeated
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Vivec's "explanations" topic still mentions Dagoth Ur after he is defeated
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Vivec's "cause others to suffer" dialog mentions destroying dagoth after main quest is completed
FIX Make it check for if main quest isn't complete (there should really be extra dialog for afterwards)
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Vivec's "remember being mortal" dialog still mentions Dagoth Ur after main quest
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks

BUG "where is Dagoth Ur" topic still displayed after main quest
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG "troubling times" dialogue will mention the blight and Ur after main quest is finished
FIX Added new dialogue for after main quest

BUG "vision of Azura" dialogue mentions defeating Ur after main quest finished
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Temple's "crater citadels" topics are missing the Random100 checks so only first is ever displayed
FIX Added the Random100 checks

BUG "crater citadels" topics are still displayed after Ur's defeat
FIX Make them not available after main quest
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks

BUG "current events" topics are still displayed after Ur's defeat
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks

BUG 2 "current events" topics shouldn't be displayed after main quest
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks

BUG "current events" topic ("The Temple is at war...") still displayed after player meets Vivec
FIX Added "Journal B8_MeetVivec < 50" check

BUG Some of Nibani's seven trials dialogue speaks of Dagoth Ur, the blight and other events that are over
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to most of the topics
- 2 x "Seventh Trial"
- 2 x "Sixth Trial"
- 1 x "First Trial"
- 3 x "Fifth Trial"
- 2 x "Second Trial"
- 3 x "Fourth Trial"
- 3 x "Third Trial"

BUG Some of Sul-Matuul's seven trials dialogues speak of Dagoth Ur, the blight and other events that are over
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to the topics
- 2 x "Fifth Trial"
- 2 x "Fourth Trial"
- 9 x "Third Trial"

BUG "Daedric Sites" dialogue choice is missing the "Choice = 1" check
FIX Added "Function Choice = 1" to first topic

BUG Nibani's old "My judgement" dialogues will be displayed after that quest is done
FIX Make them check quest is not over
Added "Journal A2_6_Incarnate < 50" check to old dialogue

BUG Vivec's "Dwemer's sin" topic speaks of destroying Dagoth Ur after main quest
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Sul-Matuul's "False Gods" topic speaks of Dagoth Ur after main quest
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Vivec still speaks of "business" after main quest is ended
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to 2 topics

BUG Vivec's "Counsel" topic is still displayed after main quest
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Sul-Matuul's "need" topic is still displayed after main quest
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Sul-Matuul's "duty" topic is still displayed after main quest
FIX Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check

BUG Handing in a writ makes your stolen items get taken by the guards
FIX Removed "PayFineThief" line from writ Greeting 0

BUG Jury-rigged Wraithguard does permanent health damage to the player
FIX Change to temporary health damage
Changed "player->ModHealth extraDamage" line to "player->ModCurrentHealth extraDamage" in ouch_wraithguard script

BUG Some "Morrowind lore" topics should change after Dagoth Ur is defeated
FIX Make not displayed after main quest
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to various topics

BUG Dissident priest "Morrowind lore" topics should change after player meets Vivec
FIX Make not displayed after main quest
Added "Journal B8_MeetVivec < 50" checks

BUG "persecution of the Nereverine" topic is still displayed after talking to Vivec
FIX Make it only displayed before talking to Vivec
Added "Journal B8_MeetVivec < 50" checks

BUG Gilvas's "lost prophecies" dialogue is still displayed after main quest
FIX Make it not displayed after main quest
Added "Journal C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks

BUG Journeyman Calcinator uses Apprentice Calcinator mesh and icon
FIX Change to the Journeyman Calcinator mesh and icon
Changed mesh to "m\App_J_Calcinator_01.nif"
Changed icon to "m\Tx_calcinator_02.tga"

BUG Apprentice Mortar & Pestle uses Journeyman Mortar & Pestle mesh and icon
FIX Change to the Apprentice mesh and icon
Changed mesh to "m\Misc_mortarpestle_A_01.nif"
Changed icon to "m\Tx_mortarpestle_A_01.tga"

BUG Clothing item "common_robe_02_h" uses incorrect mesh
FIX Change to correct mesh
Changed to "c\C_M_Robe_common_02h_GND.nif"

BUG Temple Masters still say about being promoted to Patriarch after the player has gained that rank in "Advancement" topic
FIX Added "TT_Assarnibibi < 110" checks

BUG Creature "wraith_sul_senipul" can disappear with the Bonebiter bow making Ashlander quest impossible to finish
FIX Made creature's corpse persist

BUG Garisa Llethri's Caldera ebony mines quests can be messed up if the player disrupts the mining beforehand
FIX Added "Journal HR_CalderaCorrupt >= 100" checks to the "Caldera ebony mines" dialogues dealing with the mine disruption quest.

BUG Jim Stacey's "Bitter Cup" dialogue was done incorrectly so that if the player uses the cup before getting the quest he can't confess.
FIX Change "Where's the Bitter Cup�" topic checks to include if it was used beforehand
Changed check to "Journal TG_BitterBribe <= 30"
Added "Journal TG_BitterBribe >= 25" check

BUG Two people can tell the player about Umbra, but the journal entry has only one of their names
FIX Create new journal entry for the other woman
Added "Journal MS_Umbra 8" entry
Changed Desele's dialogue to add new entry

BUG Dark Elf Male uses female hand mesh in 1st person
FIX Changed to male mesh ("b\B_N_Dark Elf_M_Hands.1st.NIF")

BUG High Elf Male uses female upper leg mesh
FIX Changed to male mesh ("b\B_N_High Elf_M_Upper Leg.nif")

BUG Imperial Female uses Nord female hand mesh in 1st person
FIX Changed to Imperial female mesh ("b\B_N_Imperial_F_Hands.1st.NIF")

BUG Nord Male uses Imperial Male hand mesh in 1st person
FIX Changed to Nord Male mesh ("b\B_N_Nord_M_Hands.1st.NIF")

BUG Redguard Male uses female hand mesh in 1st person
FIX Changed to male mesh ("b\B_N_Redguard_M_Hands.1st.NIF")

BUG Tel Fyr amulet script (amuletTelFyrScript) is a load of crap and doesn't work.
FIX Fixed the script so it works.

BUG One of the "Mistress Therana" Morag Tong dialogues checks for C3_DestroyDagoth >= 1 instead of >= 50
FIX Fixed

BUG One of the "Mistress Therana" Morag Tong dialogues checks for C3_DestroyDagoth > 50 instead of >= 50
FIX Fixed

BUG Anyone can challenge Varus Vatinius to a duel for the title of Knight of the Imperial Dragon at anytime.
FIX Add checks to make sure player is rank below in Imperial Legion
Added "Imperial Legion" and "Knight of the Garland" PC checks

BUG Galos's "Daedra Skin" topic checks for HT_FyrMessage >= 100 instead of HT_CureBlight >= 100
FIX Corrected

BUG Vedam Dren's "control the ordinators" and "Camonna Tong" quests can be completed by non-Hlaalu
FIX Add checks to the dialogues that the player is in Hlaalu and is the correct rank
Added "Hlaalu House Father" PC checks to 2 "control the Ordinators" dialogues
Added "Journal HH_WinSaryoni >= 100" check to 1 "Camonna Tong" dialogue

BUG Vedam Dren's "Camonna Tong" dialogue updates the incorrect journal entry when player is Hlaalu Hortator
FIX Change to correct journal entry
Changed "Journal HH_WinCamonna 110" to "Journal HH_WinCamonna 100"

BUG Marandus Stronghold Dome is above the ground
FIX Moved the Dome, entrance and door to the ground

BUG Morag Tong members outside of the Arena Hidden Area don't recognise you are a member after joining in "join the Morag Tong" topic
FIX Removed the "ID eno hlaalu" check from the member acknowledging dialogue and filtered it for the faction instead

BUG Player still acts as though he accepted Miun-Gei's quest to get rid of the actor if he declined
FIX Add new dialogue and journal entry for Marcel Maurard when quest is declined
Added new dialogue for "Journal EB_Actor = 35"
Added new Journal entry EB_Actor, 45

BUG Sirollus Saccus the Armorer master trainer isn't set for training
FIX Set him for training
Checked "Training" in AI->Services

BUG Raesa Pullia keeps talking about the Sixth House base after the quest is over
FIX Added "Journal A2_2_6thHouse < 50" check to her "Sixth House base", "Ilunibi", "corprus disease" dialogues

BUG "bk_a1_1_packagedecoded" (Decoded package) contains the word "him" which will be wrong if player is female
FIX Change "him" to "%PCName"

BUG "TR08_Hlaalu_Berano" journal entry says Forven Berano used Almsivi Intervention to get away when he teleported
FIX Changed to say he teleported

BUG "Who's there?" Greeting 1 is assigned to a person in Bloodmoon so it'll never play for anyone else
FIX Created a new "Who's there?" dialogue below the Tribunal greetings (just in case Bloodmoon or Tribunal needs it disabled)

BUG If you help Sosia Caristiana in the Cloudcleaver quest the quest isn't ended
FIX Check Finished in that journal entry
Made "MV_AbusedHealer 75" finish the quest

BUG Talking to Neminda about Ald Velothi adds a journal entry even if you aren't on the correct quest
FIX Make Neminda's Ald Velothi dialogue only displayed if on that quest
Added a "Journal HR_Courier > 0" check

BUG Killing Geilir the Mumbling in the BM_CursedCaptain quest creates a new quest that can't be finished
FIX Change quest name to same as rest of Cursed Captain quest and make the entry finish that quest
Changed BM_CursedCaptain_a quest name to "The Cursed Captain"
Made BM_CursedCaptain_a, 10 finish the quest

BUG The Temple Informant quest (TR06) can't be completed after Tribunal's main quest is finished because Galsa Andrano won't speak about what she's meant to
FIX Add checks to blocking dialogue to skip it if on TR06 quest
Added "Journal TR06_Temple != 1" & "Journal TR06_Temple != 50" checks

BUG Females have no 1st person Stalhrim gauntlet body part
FIX Copied the male body part for females

BUG The Skaal warriors say about the in the Greathall before they're meant to
FIX Changed the "Journal BM_SkaalAttack >= 10" checks to >= 20 (x 4)

BUG "Rat_plague_hall1a" creatures should have the PlagueHallRat1a script so they attack someone else
FIX Changed scripts

BUG It may be possible for the journal not to update when fighting Synette Jeline (lady in distress)
FIX Changed the script so journal is updated when she dies if it hasn't already been updated

BUG The Imperial Chain armors have different Armor ratings
FIX Set them all to 12

BUG Hlormaren Dome is floating
FIX Made Dome, Entrance and Door ground level

BUG People on bottom floor of Balmora, Guild of Mages are above the ground too much which allegedly makes them fall through the ground. Since I've had Sharn disappear on me I'll take people's word for this
FIX Floored the people on the bottom floor

BUG First "change her luck" dialogue doesn't check for a journal entry it should (EB_Bone quest)
FIX Change to check both relevant journal entries
Changed current check to >= 50
Added new check for <= 55

BUG Imsin's "Joncis Dalomax" "Joncis is being held�" topic should check IL_Smuggler >= 100 not >= 10
FIX Changed to >= 100

BUG Arrille's second Greeting5 has a check instead of the first so the second is never said
FIX Add check to the first
Added "Function Talked To PC = 1" check to first greeting

BUG Morag Tong Grandmasters can't get the Dram Bero writ because of incorrect checks in that topic
FIX Change check to correct amounts
Changed checks to >= 100

BUG Morag Tong Larrius Varro topic checks for MT_WritBero instead of MT_WritBrilnosu
FIX Corrected

BUG "Dram Bero" Morag Tong dialogue has >= 50 check instead of >= 100
FIX Corrected

BUG Sjoring Hard-Heart's stats are messed up by having autocalc set
FIX Change to original stats
Health -> 239
Heavy Armor -> 50
Unarmored -> 40

BUG little advice: Seyda Neen ("Phew. You're�", "Where to start�") should have PCLevel < 2 check
FIX Add the checks
Added Function PC Level < 2 checks

BUG "expensive_skirt_04" (not actually in game, but still�) has the incorrect NIF and no body parts
FIX Change to correct NIF and add body part
Changed mesh to "c\c_skirt_mournhold_gnd.nif"
Added "Groin C_Skirt_Mournhold" body part

BUG Rings using the common, extravagant, expensive and exquisite meshes are black instead of textured
FIX Created .dds versions of the textures and put them in the textures folder

BUG MV_BountyHunter, 40 should end that quest (player turns it down)
FIX Checked Finished

BUG MV_MonsterDisease, 48 should end that quest (player leaves)
FIX Checked Finished

BUG MV_RichPilgram, 30 should end that quest (player turns it down)
FIX Checked Finished

BUG MV_RunawaySlave, 36 should end that quest (player leaves)
FIX Checked Finished

BUG MV_WanderingPilgram, 40 should end that quest (player turns it down)
FIX Checked Finished

BUG EB_Unrequited, 30 should end that quest (player turns it down)
FIX Make 30 finish and 40 restart
Checked Finished in 30
Checked Restart in 40

BUG MS_Apologies, 7 should end that quest
FIX Checked Finished

BUG EB_Invisible, 40 should end that quest
FIX Make 40 finish and 50 restart
Checked Finished in 40
Checked Restart in 50

BUG VA_VampRich, 40 should end that quest
FIX Make 40 finish and 50 restart
Checked Finished in 40
Checked Restart in 50

BUG EB_DeadMen, 40 should end that quest
FIX Make 35 finish and 50 restart
Checked Finished in 35
Checked Restart in 50

BUG EB_Express, 30 should end that quest
FIX Checked Finished

BUG EB_Actor, 35 should end that quest
FIX Checked Finished

BUG EB_Bone, 30 should end that quest
FIX Checked Finished

BUG EB_Pest, 26 should end that quest
FIX Checked Finished

BUG BM_WomanScorned, 20 should end that quest
FIX Make 20 finish and 30 restart
Checked Finished in 20
Checked Restart in 30

BUG BM_Retribution, 20 should end that quest
FIX Make 20 finish and 30 restart
Checked Finished in 20
Checked Restart in 30

BUG BM_WolfGiver, 20 should end that quest
FIX Make 20 finish and 30 restart
Checked Finished in 20
Checked Restart in 30

BUG MS_BarbarianBook, 100 should end that quest
FIX Checked Finished in 100

BUG MS_Adulterer, 100 should end that quest
FIX Checked Finished

BUG BM_BrodirGrove, 50 should end that quest
FIX Make 50 finish and 60 restart
Checked Finished in BM_BrodirGrove, 50
Checked Restart in BM_BrodirGrove, 60

BUG Aengoth the Jeweler says about "scrap metal" before being given the quest, skipping the player forward
FIX Added Journal TG_Withershins >= 100 check

BUG "trouble with bandits" Neminda topic displayed before she mentions them if you've already helped the farmer, skipping you forward
FIX Make the dialogue check that the previous quest is completed
Added "Journal HR_FoundersHelm >= 100 checks to four "trouble with bandits" topics

BUG Darius says same proof and conspiracy topics after being given the proof
FIX Add a check so last "proof" dialogue isn't displayed if Talos Cult quest is over. Lugrub proof dialogue will be said instead. Add new dialogue in "conspiracy against the Emperor" topic for after letter is given but people still alive
Added "IL_TalosTreason < 50" check

BUG Lloros Sarano "duties" topic says stuff early and brings up "ash statue" dialogue
FIX Add check to make sure you've given him statue already
Added "HR_ClearSarethi >= 90" check

BUG It's illegal to sleep in Ebonheart, Underground Caves
FIX Unchecked "Illegal to sleep here" box

BUG Varus Vantinius probably shouldn't take Lord's Mail until he gives the quest (to avoid problems)
FIX Check player is on the quest in "Lord's Mail" topic
Added "IL_KnightShield >= 10" check

BUG Hanarai Assutlanipal's "ash statue" topic is displayed early
FIX Add check to make sure player at right place in quest
Added "Journal HR_SixthHouseBase >= 50" check

BUG The player shouldn't be able to say about the "ash statue" to Galtis Guvron until he finds out about him. If he can just be holding an ash statue everything can get messed up
FIX Put "Journal HR_SixthHouseBase >= 20" checks on two topics
Changed "Journal HR_SixthHouseBase >= 10" to >= 20

BUG Jon Hawker in Nammu should say Goodbye after getting "Divine Intervention" scroll
FIX Added "Goodbye" to two topics

BUG Should make "South Wall" Defences check >= 5 instead of >= 10
FIX Yeah yeah

BUG Redoran banner shield uses Bonemold Towershield body part
FIX Change to Redoran Banner Shield body part
Changed "bonemold_tshield_hrlb" Armor object's body part to Shield - towershield_redoranm

BUG Mehra Drora in Gnisis Temple talks about herself in "Mehra Drora" topic
FIX Add check to make sure it isn't her saying it
Added "Not ID mehra drora = 1" check

BUG Piernette still says "Beluelle's silver bowl" topic after it is returned
FIX Add check to see if quest is still active
Added "Journal MS_Piernette < 100" check

BUG Trebonius asks if he's ready for advancement in "advancement" topic after player becomes Arch-mage
FIX Added new topic for Trebonius when player is Arch-Mage

BUG Still told to speak to Trebonius after killing him in "duties" topic
FIX Added new dialogue for after he's dead

BUG Eydis shouldn't really give various quests once she's got Bitter Cup
FIX Change topics so Sottilde code book and Desele debt money Orders are skipped if bitter bribe is done
Change second "Helviane Desele�" Orders topic to be like the first
Make first one into copy of Dura gra-Bol Orders topic with "FG_Telvanni_agents >= 100" and "TG_BitterBribe >= 50 <= 100" checks

BUG Player can say about "debt money" to Desele before getting that quest
FIX Added "Journal FG_DeseleDebt > 0" checks to her dialogues

BUG Desele will say she paid the debt money even if the player payed it and killing Desele adds a journal entry saying you gave the debt money
FIX Added FG_DeseleDebt 110 (pay yourself) and 120 (kill Desele) journal entries
Change "Journal FG_DeseleDebt >= 70" the Desele's dialogue
Added new dialogue for = 110
Added new dialogue for Eydis Fire-Eye for if you pay yourself and updates new journal entry (110)
Changed Eydis's dialogue to update new journal entry (120) when telling her Desele is dead
Changed Manos's dialogue to check the journal entry (120) instead of the old one and if she's dead
Changed Persius's dialogue to check the journal entry (120) instead of the old one and if she's dead

BUG Persius's "debt money" topic for Stoine quest blocks his Desele dialogue
FIX Added "Journal FG_DebtStoine < 100" check

BUG One of Eydis's "debt money" topics should have a check to see prior quest is finished, and another should check the player is on the quest
FIX Added "Journal FG_Sottilde >= 100" & "Journal TG_BitterBribe != 50 != 100" checks to quest starting one
Added "Journal FG_DeseleDebt > 0" check to Helviane is dead one

BUG Eydis's two Camonna Tong quests should be able to be ended without doing them if player is already on them when bribe is given
FIX Added new journal entries for FG_DeseleDebt (130) and FG_Sottilde (130)
Changed new Desele "debt money" dialogue for if player payed debt to include bribe ending (>= 110)
Added new dialogue Eydis "debt money" dialogue for if bribe is done while on quest that updates new journal entry (Desele > 0, Bribe >= 50 <= 100)
Added "FG_DeseleDebt != 130" to Manos's second "debt money" topic

BUG Eydis Fire-Eye's "Bitter Cup" topic checks only >= 50 which means she'll say the same if the player failed the quest (Journal = 110)
FIX Added TG_BitterBribe <= 100 check

BUG Persius's "Eydis Fire-Eye" topics check = 100 instead of >= 50 <= 100
FIX Changed to TG_BitterBribe >= 50 <= 100 checks

BUG Persius's "Lorbumol gro-Aglakh" topic checks = 100 instead of >= 50 <= 100
FIX Corrected

BUG Persius's "Orders" topic checks = 100 instead of >= 50 <= 100
FIX Corrected

BUG Eydis's "code book" topic checks TG_BitterBribe >= 100 instead of <= 100 >= 50
FIX Corrected and made it update the 130 journal entry

BUG Eydis's Greeting 1 checks should also check TG_BitterBribe != 50
FIX Corrected

BUG eydisScript should also stop her from fighting if TG_BitterBribe == 50
FIX Corrected

BUG Hlormar should say "Goodbye" when attacking
FIX Added "Goodbye" to the 2 "bloody lies" and 2 "Sosia's offer" dialogues

BUG Talking to the Ordinators at Ald Daedroth puts you into Ahemmusa Nereverine quest
FIX Added B2_AhemmusaSafe >= 1 checks to their greetings

BUG Tholer Saryoni's "duties" topic for when PC is Patriarch isn't displayed 'cause it's under normal Temple duties and it should have >= 110 check instead of >= 100
FIX Added "Not ID tholer saryoni = 1" check to Temple Master Player Patriarch "duties" dialogue
Changed Tholer's check to >= 110

BUG Tholer Saryoni doesn't say the correct greeting when you return from fourth corner.
FIX Changed "Journal TT_AldDaedroth < 100" check to "Journal TT_Assarnibibi = 0"

BUG People shouldn't say about "Dro'Sakhar" after quest is complete
FIX Added "Dead Dro'sakhar = 0" checks to Persius and Vivec "Dro'Sakhar" dialogues

BUG Persius says "Tongue-Toad" dialogue before player gets that quest
FIX Added FG_TongueToad > 0 check to first and dead topics

BUG Lorbumol says "Tongue-Toad" dialogue before player gets that quest
FIX Added FG_DebtOrc >= 100 check to first dialogue & two dead dialogues & Expelled dialogue

BUG Talking to Persius about Tongue-Toad is meant to update the journal
FIX Added "Journal FG_TongueToad 50" to dialogue
Changed "Journal FG_TongueToad <= 30" check to <= 50 in Toad's dialogue

BUG Sjoring Hard-Heart's "Orders" topic checks FG_BigBosses >= 100 instead of FG_KillBosses >= 100
FIX Corrected

BUG Ama Nin should say goodbye after getting Divine Intervention scroll
FIX Corrected in two "Divine Intervention" dialogues

BUG Ordinators really shouldn't help you get Saprius Entius out of vivec (by telling you where he is)
FIX Changed Ordinators' "Saprius Entius" dialogue check from "Vivec, Arena" to "Vivec"

BUG "arrange a meeting" topics are still displayed after Mage quest is complete
FIX Added "MG_WiseWoman < 100" checks to wise women "arrange a meeting" dialogues

BUG You tell Hlaren Ramoran that "Nalvilie Saren" is dead when she isn't
FIX Added "Dead nalvilie saren > 0" check
Changed >= 50 to >= 10

BUG Meril Hlaano says about "slander" before he should
FIX Added "HR_HlaanoSlanders > 0" checks to 3 dialogues

BUG Faral Retheran gives duties to anyone, not just Redorans
FIX Added "PC Faction Redoran" check to first "duties" dialogue
Added "PC Faction Redoran" check to first "slander" dialogue

BUG Trebonius gives duties to anyone, not just Mages
FIX Added "PC Faction Mages Guild" check to first "duties" dialogue

BUG Tholer Saryoni says his "duties" topic to people that aren't in the Temple
FIX Added "PC Faction Temple" check to first "duties" dialogue

BUG Tuls Valen says his "duties" topic to people that aren't in the Temple
FIX Added "PC Faction Temple" check to first "duties" dialogue

BUG Endryn Llethan gives "duties" to people not in Temple
FIX Added "PC Faction Temple" check to first "duties" dialogue

BUG Tharer Rotheloth gives "duties" to people not in Temple
FIX Added "PC Faction Temple" check to first "duties" dialogue

BUG Uvoo Llaren says "duties" topic to people not in Temple
FIX Added "PC Faction Temple" check to first "duties" dialogue

BUG Feldrelo Sadri says "duties" topic to people not in Temple
FIX Added "PC Faction Temple" check to "duties" dialogue

BUG Habasi gives "jobs" to people not in Thieves' Guild
FIX Added "PC Faction Thieves Guild" check to first "jobs" dialogue

BUG Aengoth gives "jobs" to people not in Thieves' Guild
FIX Added "PC Faction Thieves Guild" check to first "jobs" dialogue

BUG Big Helende gives "jobs" to people not in Thieves' Guild
FIX Added "PC Faction Thieves Guild" check to first "jobs" dialogue

BUG Varus Vatinius says "Orders" topic to people not in Legion
FIX Added "PC Faction Imperial Legion" check to first dialogue

BUG Frald the White gives "Orders" to people not in Legion
FIX Added "PC Faction Imperial Legion" check to first dialogue

BUG Radd Hard-Heart gives "Orders" to people not in Legion
FIX Added "PC Faction Imperial Legion" check to first dialogue

BUG Imsin the Dreamer gives "Orders" to people not in Legion
FIX Added "PC Faction Imperial Legion" check to first dialogue

BUG Habasi gives "dwemer artifacts" quest before she should
FIX Added "Journal TG_ManorKey >= 100" check

BUG HR_ArobarKidnap should have an entry for Nartise Arobar rumor being heard
FIX Added HR_ArobarKidnap 30 journal entry
Made 3 "Miner Arobar" topics update new journal entry

BUG HR_Archmaster 100 isn't set anywhere. Should make rank not raised until player returns to Athyn Sarethi and have talking to him raise and make journal entry
FIX Made killing Bolvyn not raise the player's ranks (edited bolvynScript)
Copy Athyn's "B5_VenimHort >= 50" "duties" topic and change check to "HR_Archmaster >= 70"
Add "Journal HR_Archmaster 100" to both dialogues
Created new "advancement" topic to raise player and update journal once duel is won
Add "Journal HR_Archmaster 100" & "PCRaiseRank" to B5_VenimHort >= 50 "advancement" dialogue

BUG Athyn's "duties" and "advancement" topics about duelling Venim should add HR_Archmaster 10 journal entry
FIX Added "Journal HR_Archmaster 10" line to topics

BUG Athyn should say that the player can't become Archmaster if Venim was killed outside of duel (and new journal entry should finish the quest)
FIX Added "HR_Archmaster 90" journal entry
Add new "advancement" dialogue for if player killed Venim and make it update the journal
Add new "duties" dialogue for if player killed Venim and make it update the journal

BUG Trebonius says to meet him in the Arena after giving him the letter
FIX Changed Greeting 5 "MG_Guildmaster >= 50" check to = 50

BUG Glathal says Arvama Rathri is "Right over there" after she's moved to the General Goods store
FIX Added "Cell Vivec, Elven Nations Cornerclub" check

BUG Moroni Uvelas still says old topic about husband "Danar Uvelas"
FIX Added "EB_DeadMen < 60" check

BUG Morag Tong Masters say about "Ienith" before they should if they are dead
FIX Added "MT_WritBrilnosu >= 100" and "MT_WritBemis >= 100" checks

BUG 5 of Addhiranirr's Greeting 5's check A2_6_Incarnate instead of A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant
FIX Corrected

BUG Ahnassi's quests are only "finished" if the player doesn't give her the flamemirror robe
FIX Add a journal entry for when you show her Elvul's Black Blindfold
Added Romance_Ahnassi 100 journal entry
Made dialogue for showing her blindfold update new journal entry
Created new dialogue for >= 100
- Checked "Finished" in new journal entry

BUG Nibani Maesa will talk in 3rd person in "Nereverine prophecies" topic if you aren't meant to talk to her yet
FIX Added "Not ID nibani maesa = 1" check to relevant dialogue

BUG Nibani says you will never become Nereverine if you've killed a Venim to become Archmaster of Redoran
FIX Added "Journal HR_Archmaster != 70" and "Journal HR_Archmaster != 100" checks to "Redoran Hortator" topic

BUG Gindrala Hleran's greetings check "dreamer_02" instead of "Dreamer_Talker02"
FIX Edited Gindrala's 2 Greeting 5's to check "Dreamer_Talker02"

BUG Crassius Curio thanks for killing "Reynel Uvirith" if you aren't Hlaalu
FIX Added "Hlaalu House Father" to first dialogue (just in case)
Added "Hlaalu House Father" and "HH_BeroSupport >= 100" checks to HH_DestroyTelUvirith = 0" dialogue

BUG Nibani's "Seven trials" says you've passed the fifth trial when you've passed the fourth
FIX Changed to "Fourth"

BUG After Hlireni Indavel agrees to let ashlanders come to Ald Daedroth you can still try to convince him in Player of the Game topic
FIX Added "B2_AhemmusaSafe < 20" check to dialogue

BUG Nerevar at Red Mountain scroll says "Nerever met Dumac and the Dwarf King". Dumac was the Dwarf King.
FIX Changed to "There, Nerevar met Dumac the Dwarf King, and�"

BUG Ghost free papers aren't taken from inventory ("work")
FIX Added "Player->RemoveItem "bk_uleni's_papers" 1" to dialogue
Added "Additem "bk_uleni's_papers" 1" to dialogue

BUG boneScript keeps running after it is needed
FIX Make it end at summon == -1
Added "StopScript boneScript" before "return"

BUG glathelScript keeps running after it is needed
FIX Make it end if Glathel or Gadayn are dead or != 80 or glathelMove == -1
Added "StopScript glathelScript" before 4 "return"s

BUG Sleepers script keeps running after it is needed
FIX Should stop when main quest is over
Edited script to stop if C3_DestroyDagoth >= 50

BUG VampireCheck script is supposed to remove vampire diseases if the player is a vampire or was cured of vampirism
FIX Edit script to remove the disease
Edited script

BUG Suryn Athones says about "slander" to anyone, not just people on quest
FIX Added "IL_FalseOrdinator >= 10" check

BUG Frald the White says about "slander" before he should if you've killed Suryn
FIX Added IL_TraitorWarrior >= 100 check

BUG Frald the White shouldn't say about "slander" if you're expelled and didn't get that quest yet
FIX Added IL_FalseOrdinator >= 10 check

BUG Vivec's "prepare for battle" topic still there after finishing
FIX Added C3_DestroyDagoth < 50 check

BUG Nibani Maesa says you aren't Nereverine in "the moon-and-star" after getting ring/finishing game
FIX Added A2_6_Incarnate < 50 check

BUG Nibani Maesa shouldn't say "the Seven Visions" topic after finishing
FIX Added C3_DestroyDagoth < 50 check

BUG Sul-Matuul's "counsel of Sul-Matuul" topic shouldn't be displayed after player is Nereverine
FIX Added B8_All_Nerevarine < 50 check

BUG Sul-Matuul's "House Hlaalu" topic shouldn't be displayed once Hlaalu Hortator
FIX Added B6_HlaaluHort < 50 check

BUG Sul-Matuul's "House Redoran" topic shouldn't be displayed once Redoran Hortator
FIX Added B5_RedoranHort < 50 check

BUG Sul-Matuul's "House Telvanni" topic shouldn't be displayed once Telvanni Hortator
FIX Added B7_TelvanniHort < 50 check

BUG Sul-Matuul's "Kogoruhn" topic shouldn't be displayed once quest is complete
FIX Added A2_6_Incarnate < 15 check

BUG Sul-Matuul's "naming the Nereverine" topic shouldn't be displayed once Nerevarine
FIX Added B8_All_Nerevarine < 50 check

BUG Zabamund's "Talk" dialogue is messed up
FIX Changed "A2_1_MeetSulMatuul = 25" check to >= 60
Changed "A1_1_FindSpymaster >= 30" check to "A2_1_MeetSulMatuul >= 30"
Added "B1_UnifyUrshilaku < 50" checks to 4 topics

BUG "latest rumors" Varvur Sarethi killing Bralen Carvaren dialogue still happen after his name is cleared
FIX Changed "Not Cell Ald-ruhn, Venim Manor Guard Quarters" check to "HR_ClearSarethi < 100"

BUG "latest rumors" Ashlanders near Maar Gan having "famous" noble dialogue still happens
FIX Added "Journal HR_FindGiladren < 100" checks to the two dialogues

BUG "latest rumors" about statues being sold in Ald'ruhn should stop if Hanarai is killed
FIX Added "Dead Hanarai Assutlanipal = 0" check

BUG "latest rumors" about Sleepers still happen
FIX Add checks to make sure Dagoth isn't dead
Added "C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check to Vivec rumor ("Have you noticed�")
Added "C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check to Ald-ruhn rumor ("It feels like�")
Added "C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check to Vivec rumor ("You know what I heard�")
Added "C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check to Vivec rumor ("I hear the same thing�")
Added "C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" check to Vivec rumor ("I've been hearing�")

BUG "bloodbath" topic still displayed
FIX Added "town_balmora < 30" checks to both dialogues

BUG Trebonius's Greeting 1 checks MG_Telvanni instead of MG_KillTelvanni
FIX Corrected

BUG Edryno Arethi gives "business" to anyone, not just Hlaalu
FIX Added "PC Faction Hlaalu" check

BUG Trebonius still says Telvanni "duties" dialogue after quest finished
FIX Change "MG_Telvanni" check to "MG_KillTelvanni"

BUG Rumors about smugglers should stop once the smuggler is dead
FIX Add death checks
Added "Dead Herd = 0" check to Vivec rumor ("So Herd the Bandit�")
Added "Dead Lesley = 0" check to Vivec rumor ("Now that they found�")

BUG Han-Ammu's "get me killed" dialogue shouldn't be displayed once he is ashkhan
FIX Added "B4_KillWarLovers < 35" checks to both dialogues

BUG Sonummu Zabamat's "Counsel" dialogue should not be said after Ur is defeated
FIX Added "C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks

BUG Sleeper's "n'wah must die" topic still there after awake
FIX Added "C3_DestroyDagoth < 50" checks to them all

BUG J'Saddha's "Wait for me" voice isn't for Khajiit
FIX Change in jsaddhaScript to Vo\K\M\Flw_KM001.mp3 & "You run too fast!"

BUG sondaaleFollow script has Vo\F\M\ instead of Vo\H\F\
FIX Corrected

BUG Hides-His-Foot is always detected so everyone at the Dren Plantation attacks when he follows
FIX Changed drenSlaveOwners script to check if player is detected

BUG Fedris Tharen topics don't need to be displayed after finding him
FIX Added "Journal HR_FindTharen < 100" check to 2 dialogues

BUG General Darius probably shouldn't say the usual "Fort Darius" dialogue
FIX Added "Not ID general darius = 1" check

BUG Darius shouldn't say the usual "Oritius Maro" dialogue
FIX Put "Not ID general darius = 1" checks on 3 dialogues

BUG Duldrar Saren in Ministry of Truth doesn't say the Patriarch greetings because they are under the other Temple greetings
FIX Reordered so Patriarch Greeting 1's are first

BUG Killing the vampire Mastrius doesn't update the journal and end the quest
FIX Edited script to update final journal entry
Not that it does anything, but fixed part with "player->GetSpell "Vampire Aundae Specials" != 1" is meant to check player doesn't have Quarra specials (changed to "PCVampire != 1")

BUG "raw materials" dialogue doesn't show up for some unknown reason in VampAmulet quest
FIX Added "AddTopic "raw materials"" to "use to me" topic

BUG "future rewards" for Quarra doesn't show up for some unknown reason
FIX Added "AddTopic "future rewards"" to 2 "raw materials" topics

BUG Fast Eddie's "chores" dialogue is available before he becomes your mouth
FIX Change "PC Rank Wizard" checks to "PC Rank Master"

BUG Crassius Curio says "Banden Indarys" topic if player is Telvanni and killed him
FIX Added HH_NordSmugglers >= 100 & HH_Stronghold >= 100 checks

BUG Becoming "Magister" after choosing Master first should add HT_Archmagister 10 journal entry
FIX Made topic add journal entry

BUG Aryon says you still need to fight Gothren if Gothren is dead if you chose Master in "Magister" topic
FIX Moved "Dead gothren > 0" dialogue above Master one

BUG Baren Alen shouldn't say "land deed" dialogue after player has bought it
FIX Edited "barenAlenScript" to set hasLandDeed to 0 when he doesn't have it anymore

BUG Edryno Arethi's Prelude topic only gives you choices "Give sword" "don't give sword" even before you get it
FIX Add new choice and new dialogue
Added ""I haven't found it yet." 3" to dialogue
Added Choice = 3 dialogue

BUG Flaenia's "guard against bandits" topic doesn't check for if the guard is dead like it should
FIX Added "Dead Fjorgeir > 0" check

BUG Vedam Dren's "business" about Orvas Dren should say "Grandmaster" not "%NextPCRank"
FIX Corrected

BUG Yagrum Bagarn says old greeting about dwemer boots after that is done (Talked to PC seems to be reset)
FIX Remove "Talked to PC" checks from Yagrum Greeting

BUG Larrius says old greeting (Talked to PC seems to be reset)
FIX Added "town_balmora < 30" check

BUG Paur Maston's "Molag Mar" dialogue says "We'll need to head..." when you haven't said you'll take him
FIX Added "Journal MV_TraderMissed > 0" and "MV_TraderMissed != 40" checks

BUG Paur Maston's "Molag Mar" and "Vanjirra" dialogues don't change after quest is over
FIX Added "Journal MV_TraderMissed < 100" checks to both Molag Mar dialogues
Added "Journal MV_TraderMissed < 100" checks to 1 Vanjirra dialogue

BUG "join the Morag Tong" still says Eno is grandmaster
FIX Added "Dead eno hlaalu = 0" checks to 6 dialogues

BUG Rumor about Balen Andrano should add journal entry and his greeting should check < 15
FIX Changed Greeting check to < 15
Added "Journal EB_Bone 10" to rumor dialogue

BUG Change "sculptor" check from < 40 to < 50. Otherwise quest can never be finished if you say you aren't interested in Duma's stuff
FIX Changed

BUG TG_EbonyStaff 10 says Felen Maryon is in Bal Fell instead of Tel Branora
FIX Removed location

BUG It's illegal to rest at Bal Fell, which doesn't seem right since it is a daedric ruin
FIX Made legal to sleep

BUG It's illegal to rest at Bal Ur
FIX Made legal to sleep

BUG It's illegal to sleep in Molag Amur Region (12,-7)
FIX Made legal to sleep

BUG Illegal to sleep in Abandoned Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Andasreth, Upper Level
FIX Made legal to sleep

BUG Illegal to sleep in the Derelict Shipwreck's Upper and Lower levels
FIX Made legal to sleep

BUG Illegal to sleep in Deserted Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in the Desolate Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Druscashti
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 2 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Koal Cave
FIX Make legal to sleep

BUG Illegal to sleep in Lonely Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Lonesome Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Lost Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Neglected Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Obscure Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Remote Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in 2 Rotheran areas
FIX Made legal to sleep

BUG Illegal to sleep in Shunned Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Unexplored Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 3 areas

BUG Illegal to sleep in Unknown Shipwreck Upper & Lower
FIX Made legal to sleep

BUG Illegal to sleep in Unmarked Shipwreck
FIX Made legal to sleep in the 2 areas

BUG Telling Farvyn Oreyn you've come to kill him in "Kharag gro-Khar" topic should make him say goodbye
FIX Added Goodbye to the two choices

BUG Malacath's subtitles read "honor back" instead of "back honor"
FIX Corrected in DaedraMalacath script

BUG Nileno Dorvayn is meant to speak about the Vassir Didanat Mine
FIX Made first dialogue just for Nileno

BUG "bastard Ashlanders" topic shouldn't be displayed after Guar hides are returned
FIX Added MV_OutcastAshlanders < 100 check

BUG Telling Dro'zhirr you want the jewels back in "Nord woman" topic should update journal
FIX Added "Journal MV_BanditVictim 45" to dialogue
Renumbered MV_BanditVictim 60 to 45

BUG "escape from cultists" topic is never said because journal is updated passed there in the greeting. Makes her give a info refusal dialogue which is really, really stupid
FIX Removed "AddTopic "escape from cultists"" line from "unholy ritual" dialogue

BUG Two of Botrir's greetings have "Journal MV_RecoverWidowmaker 10" statements and shouldn't
FIX Removed them

BUG "bounty" topic shouldn't add MV_TraderAbandoned 70 journal entry if quest already done
FIX Added MV_TraderAbandoned < 100 check

BUG There are 2 "OnDeath" statements in "bolvynScript" so the stuff in the second one is never done
FIX Moved OnMurder stuff into first OnDeath statement

BUG bladefixScript keeps running after it is needed
FIX Made script stop when bladefix == 2

BUG bloodmoonScript keeps running after it is needed
FIX Made script stop when BM_WildHunt >= 100

BUG ColonyTimer script keeps running after it is needed
FIX Made script stop if Colony_Update journal >= 70

BUG dbFixScript keeps running after it is needed
FIX Made script stop when TR_DBAttack >= 50

BUG MirisaTeleport script keeps running after it is needed
FIX Added StopScript MirisaTeleport to end

BUG plant2Script keeps running after it is needed
FIX Made script stop when state == 30

BUG RitualTransform script keeps running after it is needed
FIX Made script stop when wolfdead == 1

BUG smugDeadScript keeps running after it is needed
FIX Made script stop when BM_Smugglers >= 100

BUG WereChangeScript keeps running after it is needed
FIX Made script stop if PCWerewolf != 1
Edited WereCheckScript to set PCWerewolf to 1 before starting WereChangeScript

BUG VampireCheck should remove the werewolf disease if the player is a vampire
FIX Edited script to remove the disease

BUG WereCheckScript should remove vampire and werewolf diseases if player is a werewolf and remove werewolf disease if player was a werewolf
FIX Edited script to remove the diseases

BUG MV_RecoverWidowmaker 60 should finish the quest
FIX Checked Finished

BUG MV_TraderAbandoned 30 and 70 should end the quest
FIX Checked Finished in both dialogues

BUG EB_Bone 80 should restart that quest
FIX Checked Restart

BUG EB_Pest 30 should restart that quest (if player kills the rats anyway)
FIX Checked Restart

BUG Twin Lamps quests shouldn't be House Hlaalu (Free Hides-His-Foot & The Twin Lamps)
FIX Removed "House Hlaalu: " from HH_TwinLamps1 & HH_TwinLamps3

BUG Kill the "teleport_enable" activator
FIX Removed the teleport_enable activator from Dagoth Ur (twice� stupid bloodmoon.esm)

BUG MS_Piernette 90 should finish the quest
FIX Checked Finished

BUG Gavas Dren shouldn't give his quests until after you kill the goblin warchiefs. His "service to the lady" topic is always displayed
FIX Added "TR_KillGoblins >= 100" check

BUG Fedris Hler's mazed band "service to our Lady" topic adds TR_ShrineDead 20 instead of TR_MazedBand 20
FIX Corrected

BUG Denegor is still causin' problems in his greeting after he's meant to be calmed down
FIX Changed MS_Bouncer < 100 check to < 20

BUG MS_Bouncer_Galms entry is meant to have index of 50
FIX Gave it index of 50

BUG Ra'Tesh says about "Karrod" and "losing a new customer" before he's meant to
FIX Added "TR_Champion > 0" check

BUG Barenziah says about the piece of the sword in the "Karrod" topic before she mentions it (or before you even know about it)
FIX Added TR_Blade 24 journal entry for when she first mentions Karrod has a piece
Made it get added when she mentions it in "pieces of the blade" dialogue
Made "Karrod" dialogue check it

BUG King Helseth talks about Karrod before he should
FIX Added TR_Assassins >= 100 check

BUG People shouldn't say the local rumor about the shells guy after confronting him (since it resets it)
FIX Added global variable HustlerKnown
Made "HustlerKnown" get set to 1 when you confront Galms
Made rumors check that HustlerKnown is 0 (ra'tesh's, Winged Guar, Godsreach)

BUG light_com_torch_burnedout_UNI has no name
FIX Named it "Burned-out Torch"

BUG Made Winged Guar needs bouncer rumor stop after player does that quest
FIX Added "MS_Bouncer < 100" check

BUG Dovor Oren rumor shouldn't be said if he's dead
FIX Added "Dead Dovor Oren = 0" check

BUG Estate sale rumor (I thought � lot to do.) shouldn't be said after quest is done (Widow says she has had the sale)
FIX Added "MS_EstateSale < 70" check

BUG Thief rumor shouldn't be displayed once that quest is done
FIX Added "MS_Thief < 80" check

BUG Rumors about the attack on the plaza cut off all the other rumors, which is annoying.
FIX Added "TR_SothaSil < 110" check to the four of them so that other rumors will be said again after Tribunal is finsihed

BUG Tienius shouldn't say the matter is resolved in "King Llethan's death" topic until he gets a copy of the Common Tongue
FIX Added "TR05_People >= 110" check to last dialogue

BUG Assassins in Barenziahs chamber: One has dark elf female voice, but all are imperial males
FIX Changed "hels_assassin1" to Dark Elf Female

BUG Azura subtitles say "and this was her undoing" when voice file says "and her undoing" & "those she loved" should be "those who she loved"
FIX Corrected

BUG Barenziah says you've told the King about what happened in the Clockwork city before you have in "Almalexia" topic
FIX Changed TR_SothaSil >= 110 check to TR_Champion >= 110

BUG Barenziah's "Sotha Sil" dialogue should change after you've told Helseth about what happened
FIX Copied Almalexia dialogue

BUG Gavas Drin has two Sotha Sil dialogues with no checks. I think one is meant to be Fedris's
FIX Made the second Fedris's

BUG HelAss global should be set to 3 once assassins are stopped
FIX Set HelAss to 3 in helsAssScript when journal is updated

BUG In Barenziah's "Barilzar's Mazed Band" topic she speaks like Almalexia is still alive
FIX Added TR_Champion < 110 check

BUG Barenziah's "other matters" shouldn't be displayed after everything
FIX Added TR_SothaSil < 110 check

BUG Torasa's "one piece" topic says she still has a piece of the blade
FIX Added TR_Blade < 45 check

BUG Coventina Celata gets stuck in the rocks when trying to attack Graring
FIX Moved her to the ground behind the rocks, instead of in the air. Hopefully that will fix any problems

BUG Reinhardt Red-Spear probably shouldn't call the Thirsk peoples drunken barbarians (latest rumors)
FIX Added Not ID bm_reinhardt = 1 check

BUG "smugScript" should have "StopCombat" commands instead of just SetFight 30 ones. The smugglers currently keep fighting
FIX Added "StopCombat"

BUG The Gandrung Caverns greeting for the smugglers should check that it isn't Gaea Artoria. At the moment she says their greeting after they are all dead
FIX Added Not ID gaea artoria = 1 check

BUG Gaea Artoria (and probably saenus lucius) say stuff like they were there in the attack if they were with the player (werewolves and wolf creatures topics)
FIX Added "Not ID gaea artoria = 1" & "Not ID saenus lucius = 1" checks to Fort Frostmoth werewolves topics
Added luciusChosen >= 1 & artoriachosen >= 1 checks to "wolf creatures" topics

BUG Falx Carius should say goodbye in "weapons being smuggled" topic when told both soldiers are dead
FIX Added "Goodbye"

BUG Korst Wind-Eye voice says "Why have you returned to our village" the first time he sees him
FIX Added "TalkToPC = 1" checks to his first two Hello Voices

BUG Korst's "attack on the Imperial fort" topic should probably not be there after werewolves attack the Skaal
FIX Added "BM_SkaalAttack = 0" checks to 4 dialogues

BUG Korst's "death of the horkers" topic shouldn't be displayed after Bloodmoon is over
FIX Added 2 BM_WildHunt < 100 checks

BUG Skaal "Lake Fjalding" topic shouldn't be displayed once it is over. Korst should also know what is happening there
FIX Added "Not ID korst wind-eye = 1" and BM_WildHunt < 100 checks to top dialogue

BUG Uncle Sweetshare's topics "candy treats", "moon sugar investigation" should stop being said after he agrees to stop sharing
FIX Added BM_MoonSugar < 70 checks

BUG Falco's "someone in particular" topics are in bad order (some are never said)
FIX Moved trader and smithy dialogues above the others

BUG Falco shouldn't say about "aiding me", "crossroads", "four more pieces", "seen anything", "Stalhrim" after Carnius is dead
FIX Added Dead Carnius = 0 checks to 4 "aiding me" dialogues
Added Dead Carnius = 0 checks to 4 "crossroads" dialogues
Added Dead Carnius = 0 checks to 2 "four more pieces" dialogues
Added Dead Carnius = 0 checks to 3 "seen anything" dialogues
Added new Stalhrim dialogue for after Carnius is dead

BUG Falco "decision" topic should check >= 50 not = 50
FIX Corrected

BUG Falco shouldn't say about "Elberoth" after that quest is done
FIX Added CO_5 < 70 checks to 3 dialogues

BUG Apronia shouldn't say about "Elberoth" after that quest is done
FIX Added CO_5 < 70 checks to 2 dialogues

BUG "seen anything" dialogues should stop after quest is done
FIX Added CO_3 < 70 checks to 4 dialogues

BUG Rolf Long-Tooth's "ensure our success" topic shouldn't be displayed after Ristaag
FIX Added BM_BearHunt1 < 80 check

BUG The colony guards shouldn't say the same as everyone else in the "hire guards" topic after it is done
FIX Added Not ID checks for them in the general dialogue

BUG Should get rid of Constans' "report" topic after quest is complete
FIX Added CO_9 < 60 check

BUG Korst's "You have been infected too long..." greeting should be at the top of his list and update the journal (BM_SkaalAttack 95)
FIX Copied dialogue to below the top one, made it update the journal entry, and made top Greeting check the entry is set

BUG Uryn Maren shouldn't say he thinks "Falco Galenus" should be in charge
FIX Added Not ID uryn maren = 1 checks to > 66 and > 33 dialogues

BUG Carnius's Hroldar the Strange topic checks CO_1 instead of CO_2
FIX Corrected

BUG Carnius's Hroldar the Strange topic shouldn't be said once you get quest that mentions him again
FIX Added 3 CO_9a = 0 checks

BUG Raven Rock "hire guards" topics should have checks that the player is on the quest
FIX Added CO_11 > 0 check to Falco's top dialogue
Changed CO_10 check to CO_11 in Afer's dialogue
Added CO_11 >= 10 checks to other two guards' dialogues
Changed everyone else's dialogues to check >= 10 not >= 20

BUG Carnius reverts to prior "assignment" dialogue after talking about "drastic measures" but not "slaughter"
FIX Changed ColonyState = 21 check to >= 21

BUG Toralf's boat is there before he arrives
FIX Made ColonyToralf script make the boat enable/disable too

BUG Constans still says normal stuff if Carnius is killed (before he's meant to be killed)
FIX Added new Greeting for if Carnius is dead that makes him say Goodbye

BUG Constans's "Carnius Magius" topic says he's still alive if you chose his side
FIX Copied his dialogue for CO_13a >= 50

BUG Hroldar the Strange has all the dialogue of a Raven Rock worker
FIX Made the hroldarbeaten = 1 Greeting make him say Goodbye like the others

BUG Werewolves in second part of maze do argonian attack voice
FIX Made new attack voice for them using werewolf sound

BUG Tharsten speaks like he isn't "Skaal" in Hircine's maze
FIX Added "Not ID tharsten heart-fang2 = 1" check

BUG Tharsten Heart-Fang acts like he hasn't heard of "Korst Wind-Eye", "Tharsten Heart-Fang", "werewolves" in Hircine's maze
FIX Added "Not ID tharsten heart-fang2 = 1" checks

BUG Carius acts like he hasn't heard of "werewolves", "Antonius Nuncius", "Carnius Magius" in Hircine's maze
FIX Added "Not ID falx carius2 = 1" checks

BUG "please the All-Maker" topic puts player on the Ristaag quest when player hasn't returned the totem
FIX Deleted the bottom dialogue

BUG Generic & Gaea's & Carius's "Saenus Lusius" dialogue reads like you still have him following you
FIX Added BM_Smugglers < 100 checks to the three dialogues

BUG Generic & Saenus's & Carius's "Gaea Artoria" dialogue reads like you still have her following you
FIX Added BM_Smugglers < 100 checks to the three dialogues

BUG ColonyAenar/ColonyHidar scripts only counts days that pass while you are in the area
FIX 'cause I'm lazy I just switched it so only one day needs to pass
Change "in two days" to "tomorrow" in Stalhrin armor & Stalhrim weapons topics
Change >= 2 checks to >= 1

BUG Glenmoril witches quest needs reworking
FIX Made BM_Wolfgiver_a 10 not finish the quest
Added BM_Wolfgiver_a 5 for when Isobel give her mission
Edited Greetings to check BM_Wolfgiver_a 5 instead of BM_Wolfgiver 60
Edited BM_WolfGiver 70 to just say you gave the wolfsbane

BUG silver_cuirass armor object should have LegionUniform script
FIX Corrected

BUG "Blades Trainers" topic probably shouldn't be said if you aren't a blade
FIX Added PC Faction Blades check to bottom dialogue

BUG "anonymous writer" dialogue should only be for people in Mournhold
FIX Added Cell Mournhold checks to the dialogues

BUG ingred_gravetar_01 uses holly mesh and icon
FIX Changed mesh to m\GraveTar.nif
Changed icon to m\Tx_Gravetari.dds

BUG "cross the water" topic can be said early, putting you on that quest
FIX Added B2_AhemmusaSafe > 0 check

BUG Dulnea will give infinite brandy in "donate Cyrodilic brandy" because of Disp 80 check
FIX Removed Disp 80 check

BUG Grand Inquisitor, Hall of Processing and Prison Keep Ministry of truth greetings are out of order
FIX Corrected order (Patriarch first)
- Stupid things won't stay in correct order because Tribunal and Bloodmoon hate each other. Copied all the dialogue to just above the originals and put the new ones in the correct order. Gotta love Bethesda's work

BUG Duldrar Saren should be a member of the Temple
FIX Made him Temple Layman (Rank doesn't really matter)

BUG In the unlikely event you haven't talked to a slave before finishing the main quest, you can't let any slaves free because "go free" is not available
FIX Added Not Local slaveStatus = 0 checks to both Nerevarine Greeting 7's

BUG I've been told that Rigmor sometimes does go to the wolves, but just stand outside the Greathall if you choose to have him fed to the wolves
FIX Edited script to make him start travelling if he isn't/stops

BUG Reading Galur Rithari's papers starts the Vampire cure quest. If you never even become a vampire that would be a little annoying
FIX Created global variable "readGalurPapers"
Made reading the papers update the global instead of the journal if you aren't a vampire in vamppapersScript
Created MS_VampireCure 15 journal entry for when you become a vampire and have read the papers before
Made new entry get added in VampireCheck script when you become a vampire

BUG BM_Airship, 30 should finish that quest, 40 should restart
FIX Corrected

BUG BM_Airship_a, 20 shouldn't finish the quest
FIX Unchecked "Finished"

BUG BM_Falmer, 40 should finish that quest, 50 should restart
FIX Corrected

BUG BM_MeadHall, 20 should finish that quest, 30 should restart
FIX Corrected

BUG BM_MoonSugar, 20 should finish that quest, 30 should restart
FIX Corrected

BUG BM_Morale, 200 should finish that quest
FIX Checked "Finished"

BUG BM_SadSeer, 20 should finish that quest, 30 & 35 should Restart
FIX Corrected

BUG BM_Trial, 200 should finish that quest
FIX Corrected

BUG BM_Tymvaul, 20 should finish that quest, 30 should Restart
FIX Corrected

BUG CO_12a, 100 has Quest Name checked instead of Finished
FIX Corrected

BUG CO_3a, 20 and CO_3b, 20 shouldn't finish the quest
FIX Corrected

BUG FG_Nchurdamz, 11 should finish the quest, 20 should Restart
FIX Corrected

BUG HH_EggMine, 200 should finish the quest
FIX Corrected

BUG MV_DeadTaxman, 40 should finish the quest
FIX Corrected

BUG MV_LostRing, 30 should finish the quest
FIX Corrected

BUG TR_ShrineDead, 115, 116 should finish the quest
FIX Corrected

Eigma Hello Voices
BUG "Today's your lucky day, outlander, so let's hear it." should be "Today's your lucky day, so let's hear it."
FIX Corrected (and removed comment about outlander being in there still)

Kar Alber Hello Voices
BUG "I'm ready for anything. Go ahead, outlander." should be "I'm ready for anything. Go ahead."
FIX Corrected (and removed comment about outlander being in there still)

Male Argonian Hello Voice (Above Disp 90� "Cover yourself�")
BUG Blocks following no clothes voices
FIX Added "Random100 >= 20" check (it'll usually be said, but other ones have a chance too)

Male Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 90� "We work hard�")
BUG Checks NPC not argonian instead of PC not argonian
FIX Changed to "Global PCRace != 1" check

Male Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 80)
BUG "Greetings, Muthersera" - "Muthsera" spelt "Muthersera"
FIX Corrected

Male Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Clothing <= 500 below <= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved <= 50 voice above <= 100

Male Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG " A hated one." should be "A hated one."
FIX Corrected

Male Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Clothing <= 50, <= 150, <= 250 incorrectly ordered so lower two are never said
FIX Made order <= 50, <= 150, <= 250

Female Redguard Hello Voice (Above Disp 90� PC Clothing <= 0 x 2)
BUG Blocks following no clothes voices
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 60" & "Random100 >= 20" checks

Female Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 50� 2x no conditions)
BUG Block following voices
FIX Added "Random100 >= 14" & "Random100 >= 8" checks

Female Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "Greetings madame. Can I do something for you?" - Should be "Greetings, madame"
FIX Corrected

Female Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Clothing <= 100, <= 150, <= 250 incorrectly ordered so lower two are never said
FIX Made order <= 100, <= 150, <= 250

Female Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Clothing <= 50, <= 100, <= 250 incorrectly ordered so lower two are never said
FIX Made order <= 50, <= 100, <= 250

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 90� "Greetings.")
BUG Blocks following voice
FIX Added "Random100 >= 10" check

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG "A night's rest and you'll be good as new." should be "be as good as new"
FIX Corrected

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG First slave voice blocks second
FIX Added "Random100 >= 10" check

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 voice so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100 voice

Female Slave Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim Voice doesn't check for if PC is criminal
FIX Add criminal check
Added "Function PC Crime Level >= 100"

Female Slave Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim is below general slave voice and is therefore never said
FIX Moved Crim voice above general one

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG Argonian and Bosmer races have incorrect voice files
FIX Switched files to correct ones

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG Health Percent <= 50 check Health instead of percentage
FIX Changed to check percentage
Changed to "Function PC Health Percent <= 50" check

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG "Why does it appoach?" - Should be "approach"
FIX Corrected

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Clothing has <= 1000, <= 2000 when it should be >= 1000 and >= 2000
FIX Corrected and reordered

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Clothing has <= 1000, <= 2000 when it should be >= 1000 and >= 2000
FIX Corrected and reordered

Male Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG "Greetings." blocks next voice
FIX Added "Random100 >= 10" check

Male Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG First slave voice blocks second
FIX Added "Random100 >= 10" check

Male Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Clothing has <= 1000, <= 2000 when it should be >= 1000 and >= 2000
FIX Corrected and reordered

Male Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Clothing has <= 1000, <= 2000 when it should be >= 1000 and >= 2000
FIX Corrected and reordered

Male Khajiit Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG "Ah, another pointy-eared fool." should be "Ah, another pointy-eared king of nothing."
FIX Corrected

Female Imperial Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Imperial Hello Voice (Disp 50 x 3)
FIX Removed faction check

Female Imperial Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Imperial Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Imperial Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG "I applaud your creativity..." shouldn't end in "outlander"
FIX Removed ", outlander"

Female Imperial Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Redguard Hello Voice (Above Disp 90)
BUG Common disease voice blocks following ones
FIX Added "Random100 >= 20" check

Male Redguard Hello Voice (Above Disp 90 x 2)
BUG Clothing <= 0 voices block others
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 60" & "Random100 >= 20" checks

Male Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG Check for Clothing = 0 instead of <=
FIX Corrected

Male Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Redguard Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Orc Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Orc Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "I hate this weather." should be "Curse this weather."
FIX Corrected

Male Orc Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "I hate this weather." should be "Only fools find comfort in these storms."
FIX Corrected

Male Orc Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Changed >= 100 to >= 1000 and >= 1000 to >= 100. They seemed to fit in better with what was being said

Male Orc Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Changed >= 100 to >= 1000 and >= 1000 to >= 100. They seemed to fit in better with what was being said

Female Orc Hello Voice (Above Disp 90)
BUG Clothing <= 0 voices block others
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 20" check

Female Orc Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG "You need not be afraid. Only fools earn my anger." should say "You need not be afraid. Welcome. Only fools earn my anger."
FIX Inserted "Welcome."

Female Orc Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Orc Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG "How distressing, you've been wounded, friend. You should find a healer." should say "How distressing, you're badly wounded, friend. You should find a healer, quickly."
FIX Corrected

Female Orc Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG Random100 >= 10 check instead of PCHealthPercent <= 10
FIX Corrected

Female Orc Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Changed >= 100 to >= 1000 and >= 1000 to >= 100. They seemed to fit in better with what was being said

Female Orc Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG "By what right do you distrub me?" - "disturb" spelt "distrub"
FIX Corrected

Female Orc Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Changed >= 100 to >= 1000 and >= 1000 to >= 100. They seemed to fit in better with what was being said

Female Nord Hello Voice (Above Disp 90 x 2)
BUG Clothing <= 0 voices block others
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 60" & "Random100 >= 20" checks

Female Nord Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected and reordered

Female Nord Hello Voice (Disp 40)
BUG "Don't stand about." should be "Don't stand about. Get moving."
FIX Corrected

Female Nord Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected and reordered

Female Nord Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Nord Hello Voice (Above Disp 90 x 2)
BUG Clothing <= 0 voices block others
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 60" & "Random100 >= 20" checks

Male Nord Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

8 Male Nord Hello Voices (Disp 50)
BUG " What say you..." instead of "What say you..."
FIX Corrected

Male Nord Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Nord Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected

Male Imperial Hello Voice (Above Disp 90)
BUG Common disease voice blocks following ones
FIX Added "Random100 >= 20" check

Male Imperial Hello Voice (Above Disp 90 x 2)
BUG Clothing <= 0 voices block others
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 60" & "Random100 >= 20" checks

Male Imperial Hello Voice
BUG "_NO FACTION_" checks
FIX Removed faction checks (left one in Disp 30)

Male Imperial Hello Voice
BUG "Your bidding, sir?" is set for females instead of males
FIX Changed to "Function Same Sex = 1" check

Male Imperial Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG "Well met." should be "Well met, outlander. What is it?"
FIX Corrected

Male Imperial Hello Voice
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 at top blocks off other comments.
FIX Make it Voice for Disp 70
Copied to Disp 70 section and deleted original

Male Imperial Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG "Welcome, welcome�" Double Space
FIX Corrected

Male High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG "Please, madame..." is set for males instead of females
FIX Changed to "Function Same Sex = 0" check

Male High Elf Hello Voice
BUG "Ah, there's an intelligent face." cuts off following voices.
FIX Moved it below other voices

Male High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "Yes, madame?" is set for males not females
FIX Changed to "Function Same Sex = 0" check

Male High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG "You try my patience." should be "You try my patience, outlander."
FIX Corrected

Male & Female High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG "You're trying my patience, Cyrodil." - "Cyrodil" spelt "Cryodil"
FIX Corrected

Male High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female High Elf Hello Voice (Above Disp 90 x 2)
BUG Clothing <= 0 voices block others
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 60" & "Random100 >= 20" checks

Female High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG Pcvisit instead of PCRace
FIX Corrected

Female High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 80)
BUG "You seem quite intruiging..." - "intriguing" spelt "intruiging"
FIX Corrected

Female High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "What happened to you? A healer can help your wounds." should have "tend", not "help"
FIX Corrected

Female High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG Clothing voices have incorrect values (way too high)
FIX Change the values to the same as the other races and remove Reputation checks
Removed reputation checks
Changed first to "Function PC Clothing Modifier <= 20" check
Changed second to "Function PC Clothing Modifier <= 50" check
Changed third to "Function PC Clothing Modifier <= 100" check

Female High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female High Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG Clothing voices have incorrect values (way too high)
FIX Change the values to the same as the other races and remove Reputation checks
Removed reputation checks
Changed first to "Function PC Clothing Modifier <= 20" check
Changed second to "Function PC Clothing Modifier <= 50" check
Changed third to "Function PC Clothing Modifier <= 100" check

Female Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG "You carry an infection..." has "other" instead of "others"
FIX Corrected

Female Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected and reordered

Female Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG "You're actions precede you" should be "Your actions"
FIX Corrected

2 Male & 2 Female Dark Elf Hello Voices (Disp 30, 10)
BUG "Pathetic creature. You should learn..." - "yourself" spelt "youself"
FIX Corrected

Female Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG 3 Clothing comments have incorrect values in checks (Way too high)
FIX Change the values to the same as the other races
Changed first to "Function PC Clothing Modifier <= 20" check
Changed second to "Function PC Clothing Modifier <= 50" check
Changed third to "Function PC Clothing Modifier <= 100" check

Male Dark Elf Hello Voice (Temple, Disp 10)
BUG "If you're here for trouble..." - "trouble,you'll" has no space between words
FIX Added space

Male Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG 3 Reputation comments out of order
FIX Corrected

Male Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG 3 Reputation comments out of order
FIX Corrected

Male Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG "You're actions precede you outlander." should be "Your actions precede you, outlander."
FIX Corrected

Male Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected and reordered

Male Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG 3 Reputation comments out of order
FIX Corrected

Male Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG "If you don't leave, I'll toss you into the drink!" should be "in the drink!"
FIX Corrected

Male Dark Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= has >= 1000
FIX Changed to >= 100

Female Breton Hello Voice (Above Disp 90 x 2)
BUG Clothing <= 0 voices block others
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 60" & "Random100 >= 20" checks

Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG Rank Requirement >= 20 check instead of Random100 >= 20
FIX Changed to "Global Random100 >= 20" check

Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG Random100 >= 100 check instead of PC Crime >= 100
FIX Changed to "Function PC Crime Level >= 100" check

Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG Faction Rank Difference instead of Faction Reaction High twice
FIX Changed to "Function Reaction Low <= -2" and "Function Reaction High >= 2" checks

Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG >= instead of <= in the 3 clothing voices
FIX Changed to <=

Male & Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG "Not now, Orc." is "Now now, Orc."
FIX Corrected

Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG Disease has "Get away before you infect me!" instead of "Ewww! Get away before you infect me!"
FIX Corrected

Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Breton Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG "Whoever gave you such a beating deserves a reward." should be "Whoever gave you such a beating deserves a drink."
FIX Corrected

Male Breton Hello Voice (Above Disp 90 x 2)
BUG Clothing <= 0 voices block others
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 60" & "Random100 >= 20" checks

Male Breton Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG "My pleasure, madame. Truly." set for males not females
FIX Changed to "Function Same Sex = 0" check

Male Breton Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Breton Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "Training for the right price." should be "Training, for the right price."
FIX Corrected

Male Breton Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "Can I be of service to you?" should be "Good day to you, outlander. Can I be of service to you?"
FIX Corrected

Male Breton Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG Reaction Low >= -2 instead of <= -2
FIX Corrected

Male Breton Hello Voice (Disp 30 x 5)
BUG Random100 instead of PCRace
FIX Corrected

Male Breton Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Breton Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Above Disp 90 x 2)
BUG Clothing <= 0 voices block others
FIX Changed to "Random100 >= 60" & "Random100 >= 20" checks

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG "I think you're a thief, because you've stolen my heart." topic is set to males, not females
FIX Corrected

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected and reordered

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "Out with it, woman!" is set to male, not female
FIX Corrected

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "Well, what is this about?" and "Go ahead." voices block off the following ones because there are no conditions
FIX Add checks using Random100
Added "Global Random100 >= 15" check to first
Added "Global Random100 >= 10" check to first

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG "If your clothes are..." - "indication" spelt "indictation"
FIX Corrected

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected and reordered

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG "Shouldn't you be at your post?" checks for Faction Rank Difference <= 1 instead of <= -1
FIX Corrected

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG "Is it really necessary that we talk?" has no conditions so blocks off later voices
FIX Add a check using Random100
Added "Global Random100 >= 10" check

Male & Female Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG "Avoid the guard..." - "til tommorrow" should be "'til tomorrow"
FIX Corrected

Male Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected and reordered

Female Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 90)
BUG "I think you're a thief, because you've stolen my heart." checks for other races, not wood elves
FIX Change to check for Wood Elves
Changed to "Function Same Race = 1" check

Female Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected

Female Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG Checks for Health Percent instead of PC Health Percent
FIX Corrected

Female Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "Please. I'm listening." and "Go ahead." both have no conditions so second is never said
FIX Add Random100 check to first
Added "Global Random100 >= 10" check

Female Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected

Female Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG "Shouldn't you be at your post?" checks Rank Difference < 1 instead of <= -1
FIX Corrected

Female Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 20)
BUG PCRace checks instead of Random100 twice
FIX Corrected

Female Wood Elf Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 100 and >= 1000 are on the wrong ones.
FIX Corrected

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Above Disp 90)
BUG Blocks following no clothes voices
FIX Added "Random100 >= 20" check (it'll usually be said, but other ones have a chance too)

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 80)
BUG "Greetings, Muthersera." - "Muthsera" spelt "muthersera"
FIX Corrected

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG "Your bidding, muthsera?" - "Muthsera" has no capital 'm'
FIX Capitalised 'm'

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG Random100 >= 20 and >= 60 are swapped positions and >= 20 has = 20 instead
FIX Switch the positions and correct
Changed "Global Random100 = 20" to "Global Random100 >= 60"
Changed "Global Random100 >= 60" to "Global Random100 >= 20"

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG "Your bidding, Muthsera?" has Not Race Argonian check, when speaker has to be Argonian. Also blocks another slave voice below
FIX Change to Random100 check
Changed "Not Race Argonian = 1" check to "Global Random100 >= 10"

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 70)
BUG Slave voice has "Not Race Argonian" check when speaker's race has to be Argonian
FIX Removed check

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "Thisss warmblood has questions?" instead of "This warmblood wants something?"
FIX Corrected

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "Death is upon you. You should find a healer." has Random100 check instead of PC Health Percent <= 10
FIX Corrected

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG "It looks unwell, unhealthy..." has PC Health check instead of PC Health Percent
FIX Corrected

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 50)
BUG Slave voice has "Not Race Argonian" check when speaker must be Argonian
FIX Removed check

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 30)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG " A hated one." should be "A hated one."
FIX Corrected

Female Argonian Hello Voice (Disp 10)
BUG PC Crim >= 1000 below >= 100 so is never said
FIX Moved >= 1000 voice above >= 100

basks_in_the_sun Hello Voice
BUG "All I ask is for�" instead of "All I ask for is�"
FIX Corrected

tharsten heart-fang Hello Voice
BUG "You have done well�" doesn't have '.' at the end
FIX Corrected

falx carius2 Hello Voice
BUG "This place is not�" checks for cell Fort Frostmoth when it shouldn't.
FIX Corrected

zeno faustus Hello Voice
BUG "I got nothing�" -> "I've got nothing�"
FIX Corrected

barenziah Hello Voice ("Attacks on this�")
BUG "Oh, would that�" -> "Oh, that�"
FIX Corrected

Ivulen Irano Hello Voice ("Yes, I've been�")
BUG "Been there done that�" -> "Been there, done that�"
FIX Corrected

Imperial Guard Hello Voice ("Glory and honor�")
BUG No full stop at end
FIX Corrected

Imperial Mournhold Hello Voice ("Strange customs�" x 9)
BUG No full stop at end
FIX Corrected

Dark Elf Male/Female Hello Voice (Disp 60)
BUG Last voice missing "Disp 60" check
FIX Corrected

Thirsk Dark Elf Female ("Eat more vegetables�")
BUG Missing ' and ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Thirsk Imperial Female ("So these three guys�")
BUG Shouldn't have ' on end
FIX Corrected

Thirsk Nord Male ("He said it was fresh�")
BUG looked -> looks
FIX Corrected

Thirsk Nord Female ("He's so sorry�")
BUG Missing 'then'
FIX Corrected

Thirsk Nord Female ("Wait-wait-�")
BUG !' -> '!
FIX Corrected

Solstheim Dark Elf Female ("Eat more vegetables�")
BUG Missing ' and ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Solstheim Imperial Female ("So these three guys�")
BUG Shouldn't have ' on end
FIX Corrected

Solstheim Nord Male ("He said it was fresh�")
BUG looked -> looks
FIX Corrected

Solstheim Nord Female ("He's so sorry�")
BUG Missing 'then'
FIX Corrected

Solstheim Nord Female ("[Wide yawn.]")
BUG Sound file doesn't exist
FIX Changed to unused sound file "Does my ass look big?"

Solstheim Nord Female ("Wait-wait-�")
BUG !' -> '!
FIX Corrected

Skaal Village Dark Elf Female ("Eat more vegetables�")
BUG Missing ' and ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Skaal Village Imperial Female ("So these three guys�")
BUG Shouldn't have ' on end
FIX Corrected

Skaal Village Nord Male ("He said it was fresh�")
BUG looked -> looks
FIX Corrected

Skaal Village Nord Female ("He's so sorry�")
BUG Missing 'then'
FIX Corrected

Skaal Village Nord Female ("Wait-wait-�")
BUG !' -> '!
FIX Corrected

Raven Rock Dark Elf Female ("Eat more vegetables�")
BUG Missing ' and ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Raven Rock Imperial Female ("So these three guys�")
BUG Shouldn't have ' on end
FIX Corrected

Raven Rock Nord Male ("He said it was fresh�")
BUG looked -> looks
FIX Corrected

Raven Rock Nord Female ("He's so sorry�")
BUG Missing 'then'
FIX Corrected

Raven Rock Nord Female ("Wait-wait-�")
BUG !' -> '!
FIX Corrected

basks_in_the_sun ("All I ask�")
BUG "is for" -> "for is"
FIX Corrected

s'virr ("No! S'virr�")
BUG Extra '
FIX Corrected

Fort Frostmoth Dark Elf Female ("Eat more vegetables�")
BUG Missing ' and ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Fort Frostmoth Imperial Female ("So these three guys�")
BUG Shouldn't have ' on end
FIX Corrected

Fort Frostmoth Nord Male ("He said it was fresh�")
BUG looked -> looks
FIX Corrected

Fort Frostmoth Nord Female ("He's so sorry�")
BUG Missing 'then'
FIX Corrected

Fort Frostmoth Nord Female ("Wait-wait-�")
BUG !' -> '!
FIX Corrected

Male Aundae Attack Voice
BUG "RARRRAR!" should be "HA!"
FIX Corrected

Male Aundae Attack Voice
BUG "Grrrrrr!" should be "Haha!"
FIX Corrected

Male Aundae Attack Voice
BUG "Hmm!" should be "Die!"
FIX Corrected

Male Aundae Attack Voice
BUG "Fssst!" should be "Hahahahahah!"
FIX Corrected

Female Berne Attack Voice
BUG "Arrgh!" should be "Seize her!"
FIX Corrected

Female Berne Attack Voice
BUG "Rarrgh!" should be "Seize him!"
FIX Corrected

2 Female Berne Attack Voices
BUG "Seize her!" & "Seize him!" are played no matter what the player's gender
FIX Change so they are played depending on the player's gender
Changed "Seize her!" check to "Global Random100 >= 60"
Added "Function PC Sex = 0" check to "Seize him!"
Added "Function PC Sex = 1" check to "Seize her!"

Female Berne Attack Voice
BUG "HA!" should be "Rargh!"
FIX Corrected

Female Berne Attack Voice
BUG "Die!" should be "Hurrgh!"
FIX Corrected

Male Quarra Attack Voice
BUG "Hiss!" should be "Arrgh!"
FIX Corrected

Female Quarra Attack Voice
BUG "Arrgh!" should be "Seize her!"
FIX Corrected

Female Quarra Attack Voice
BUG "Rarrgh!" should be "Seize him!"
FIX Corrected

2 Female Quarra Attack Voices
BUG "Seize her!" & "Seize him!" are played no matter what the player's gender
FIX Change so they are played depending on the player's gender
Changed "Seize her!" check to "Global Random100 >= 60"
Added "Function PC Sex = 0" check to "Seize him!"
Added "Function PC Sex = 1" check to "Seize her!"

Female Quarra Attack Voice
BUG "Die!" should be "Hughn!"
FIX Corrected

Merta's Attack Voices
BUG 2nd to 5th voices have incorrect filenames: "CrAtk_NF" instead of "CrAtk_vNF"
FIX Corrected

Female Orc Attack Voice
BUG "Coward!" should be "Hold still, coward!"
FIX Corrected

Male Imperial Attack Voice
BUG "I've triffled..." - "trifled" spelt "triffled"
FIX Corrected

Female Argonian Attack Voice
BUG "Hahahaha!" should be "Help!" (actually, I can't tell what it is, but this is closer)
FIX Corrected

Male Orc Flee Voice
BUG "I have no more quarrel with you." should be "This fight is over!"
FIX Corrected

Male High Elf Flee Voice
BUG "Over here! I'm under attack!" should be "Over here! Over here! I'm under attack!"
FIX Corrected

Male Dark Elf Flee Voice
BUG "I'm being attacked. Help!" should be "I'm being attacked!"
FIX Corrected

Aundae Vampire 4 Hit Voice
BUG Should be "Hahahahaha" not "Hiss"
FIX Corrected

Berne Vampire 4 Hit Voice
BUG Should be "Rarrrgh!" not "SSssst!"
FIX Corrected

Female Redguard Hit Voice
BUG "Growl." should be "Gasp."
FIX Corrected

Female Redguard Hit Voice
BUG "Groan." should be "Cough."
FIX Corrected

Female Khajiit Hit Voices
BUG "Hiss." voices aren't hisses.
FIX Changed first three to "Arrgh." and last to "Grunt."

Female Khajiit Hit Voice
BUG "Fetcher!" should be "Groan."
FIX Corrected

Male Khajiit Hit Voice
BUG "Hugnh!" should be "Fetcher!"
FIX Corrected

Female Imperial Hit Voices
BUG "Hiss." voices aren't hisses
FIX Changed 1st to "Grunt." and 2nd to "Ow!"

Female Imperial Hit Voice
BUG "Grunt." is "Ow!"
FIX Corrected

Female Imperial Hit Voice
BUG "Fetcher!" should be "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Female Imperial Hit Voice
BUG "Hiss." should be "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Male Redguard Hit Voice
BUG "Scream." & "Yell." should be "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Male Orc Hit Voice
BUG "AAAIIEE." should be "Growl."
FIX Corrected

Male Orc Hit Voice
BUG "AAAIIEE" should be "Groan."
FIX Corrected

Female Orc Hit Voice
BUG "AAAIIEE."'s & "Fetcher!" should be "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Female Nord Hit Voice
BUG "Growl." should be "Gasp."
FIX Corrected

Female Nord Hit Voice
BUG "Yell." -> "Growl."
FIX Corrected

Female Nord Hit Voice
BUG "Scream." -> "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Female Nord Hit Voice
BUG "Gasp." -> "Scream."
FIX Corrected

Female Nord Hit Voice
BUG "Cough." -> "Scream."
FIX Corrected

Female Nord Hit Voice
BUG "Growl." -> "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Female Nord Hit Voice
BUG "Grunt." -> "Cough."
FIX Corrected

Female High Elf Hit Voice
BUG "Fetcher!" -> "Groan."
FIX Corrected

Male Breton Hit Voice
BUG "Fetcher!" -> "AAAIIEE."
FIX Corrected

Male Breton Hit Voice
BUG "AAAIIEE." -> "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Female Wood Elf Hit Voice
BUG "AIIEEE." -> "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Female Wood Elf Hit Voice
BUG "Stoopid." -> "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Female Argonian Hit Voice
BUG "Fetcher!" -> "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

Female Argonian Hit Voice
BUG "AAAIIEE." -> "Grunt."
FIX Corrected

A1_1_FindSpymaster, 5
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

A1_11_ZainsubaniInformant, 31, 32, 33
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Awake, 7
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

A1_V_VivecInformants, 50
BUG 'Progress of Truth.' instead of 'Progress of Truth'.
FIX Corrected

A2_4_MiloCaiusGone, 5
BUG handy.' instead of handy'.
FIX Corrected

A2_4_MiloGone, 1
BUG 'amaya.' instead of 'amaya'.
FIX Corrected

A2_4_MiloGone, 20
BUG 'go fishing.' instead of 'go fishing'.
FIX Corrected

A2_6_Incarnate, 15
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

A2_6_Incarnate, 64
BUG Nereverine.' instead of Nereverine'. Plus extra space afterwards
FIX Corrected

B1_UnifyUrshilaku, 5
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

B2_AhemmusaSafe, 5
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

B5_RedoranHort, 60
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

B8_MeetVivec, 36
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

TR_DBHunt, 110
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

BM_Airship, 40, 70
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

BM_Airship, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x3, x3, x3, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

BM_Bloodskal01, 10
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

BM_BrodirGrove, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 100
BUG Double space x4, x1, x3, x2, x1, x1, x2, x3
FIX Corrected

BM_BrodirGrove, 40
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

BM_CursedCaptain, 10, 30, 50, 100
BUG Double space x2, x3, x1, x4
FIX Corrected

BM_Falmer, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100
BUG Double space x2, x2, x2, x1, x1, x4, x1
FIX Corrected

BM_Falmer, 60
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

BM_Falmer, 100
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

BM_FurArmor, 5, 7, 10
BUG Double space x1, x2, x3
FIX Corrected

BM_Ingmar, 10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 100
BUG Double space x2, x1, x3, x1, x1, x1, x1, x3, x1
FIX Corrected

BM_MeadHall, 10, 40, 50, 60, 70, 100, 110, 120
BUG Double space x2, x1, x1, x1, x1, x2, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

BM_MeadHall, 100
BUG namd -> named
FIX Corrected

BM_MeadHall_b, 10, 20
BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

BM_Missionary, 10, 20, 120, 130
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

BM_MoonSugar, 10, 30, 40, 70, 80, 100
BUG Double space x3, x4, x3, x2, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

BM_Retribution, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 100
BUG Double space x2, x1, x3, x1, x1, x1, x1, x3
FIX Corrected

BM_SadSeer 10, 30, 35, 37, 40, 100, 110, 120
BUG Double space x1, x3, x3, x2, x1, x3, x3, x1
FIX Corrected

BM_Tymvaul 10, 20, 30, 40
BUG Double space x1, x2, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

BM_WildHunt, 64, 65, 66
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

BM_WolfGiver, 30
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

BM_WolfGiver, 50, 70
BUG wolsfbane -> wolfsbane
FIX Corrected

BM_WolfGiver, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105, 110, 120
BUG Double space x2, x1, x2, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

BM_WomanScorned 10, 20, 40, 45, 50
BUG Double space x1, x1, x3, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

Colony_update, 20
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

DA_Azura, 10
BUG "travel to and island" instead of "travel to an island"
FIX Corrected

DA_Boethiah, 10
BUG "khajiit" isn't capitalised twice
FIX Corrected

DA_Boethiah, 10
BUG "M'Aiq" spelt "M'aiq"
FIX Corrected

DA_Malacath, 50
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

EB_Actor, 55
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

EB_Clients, 20
BUG Audenian spelt Aundenian
FIX Corrected spelling

EB_Pest, 26
BUG Valius spelt Velius
FIX Corrected spelling

FG_DissaplaMine, 30
BUG "Nix Hounds" instead of "nix-hounds"
FIX Corrected

HH_AshlanderEbony, 200
BUG Edryno spelt Edryon
FIX Corrected spelling

HH_CaptureSpy, 40
BUG Elmussa spelt Elmusa
FIX Corrected spelling

HH_DisguisedArmor, 10, 11
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

HH_Stronghold, 170
BUG "begin" spelt "being"
FIX Corrected

HH_Stronghold, 130
BUG "experience" instead of "experienced"
FIX Corrected

HH_Stronghold, 120
BUG "that I might could get"... "might" and "could" don't really seem right
FIX Changed to "that I can get"

HH_WinSaryoni, 50
BUG "Rove of Saint Roris" instead of "Robe of Saint Roris"
FIX Changed "Rove" to "Robe"

HR_FindGiladren, 30
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

HR_LostBanner, 10
BUG No "." at end
FIX Added "."

HR_OldFlame, 40
BUG persuasion spelt persuation
FIX Corrected spelling

HR_OldFlame, 40
BUG Toris Saren spelt Tiros
FIX Corrected spelling

HR_OldFlame, 101
BUG Nalvilie spelt Navilie
FIX Corrected spelling

HR_Stronghold, 141
BUG "agree" instead of "agrees"
FIX Corrected

HT_ChroniclesNchuleft, 100
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

HT_DrakePride, 10
BUG Senise Thindo spelt Sinise
FIX Corrected spelling

HT_DwemerLaw, 5
BUG ," -> ", x 2 and ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

HT_DwemerLaw, 30, 31, 50, 100
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

HT_DwemerLaw, 110, 120, 130
BUG ," -> ", x 2
FIX Corrected

HT_FireAndFaith, 31, 100
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

HT_Shishi, 10
BUG Faves Andas spelt Faves Anders
FIX Corrected spelling

HT_Stronghold, 10
BUG "to" instead of "two"
FIX Corrected

HT_Stronghold, 60
BUG "Erabenimsun" spelt "Erabinimsun"
FIX Corrected

HT_Stronghold, 270
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

IC11_shirt, 1
BUG 'common shirt.' instead of 'common shirt'.
FIX Corrected

IC12_Bacola, 1
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

IC13_rich, 15
BUG Extra "to"
FIX Removed extra word

IC13_rich, 40, 42
BUG Extra "the"
FIX Removed extra word

IC17_Witch, 10, 15
BUG Asha-Ahhe spelt Ashe-Ahhe
FIX Corrected spelling

IC25_JonHawker, 5, 10
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

IC29_Crusher, 10
BUG Anudnabia spelt Anudnubia
FIX Corrected spelling

IC4_scrib, 1
BUG Ouadi -> Ouada
FIX Corrected

IC_guide, 1, 2
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

IL_RescueHermit, 20, 70
BUG "Erabenimsun" spelt "Erabinimsun"
FIX Corrected

IL_RescuePilgrim, 30
BUG Madura Seran is spelt Medura Seran
FIX Corrected spelling

IL_TalosTreason, 30
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

MG_Excavation, 20
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

MG_Excavation, 20, 30 x 2
BUG Senilias spelt Senilius
FIX Corrected spelling

MG_Excavation, 110
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

MG_PayDues, 10
BUG Marandus spelt Marandas
FIX Corrected spelling

MG_Potion, 100
BUG "Neminda" instead of "Edwinna"
FIX Corrected

MG_SpyCatch, 50, 80
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

MG_VampVol2, 10
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

MG_WiseWoman, 40, 70, 80, 100
BUG Minabibi spelt Minabi
FIX Corrected spelling

MS_Adulterer, 10
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

MS_ArenimTomb, 50
BUG Augustus Arenim is spelt Agustus
FIX Corrected spelling

MS_BlackDart, 1, 5
BUG Double space x1, x4
FIX Corrected

MS_EstateSale, 50, 40, 25, 20
BUG Double space x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

MS_Museum, 10
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

MS_Performers, 10
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

MS_Performers, 150
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

MS_Piernette, 90
BUG behavior.' -> behavior'.
FIX Corrected

MS_ScrollSales, 60, 50, 40, 30
BUG Double space x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

MS_VampireCure, 10
BUG I have found a some papers -> I have found some papers
FIX Corrected

MS_Warlords, 200, 30, 10
BUG Double space x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

MS_Warlords_a, 50
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

MS_WhiteGuar, 30
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

MT_DB_Contact, 50
BUG "asked for contact" instead of "asked for his contact"
FIX Changed "asked for contact" to "asked for his contact"

MV_AngryTrader, 20
BUG Dondir spelt Dondiir
FIX Corrected spelling

MV_Bastard, 100
BUG Fjol spelt Fjod
FIX Corrected spelling

MV_BountyHunter, 65
BUG Dranas Sarathram spelt Sarathra
FIX Corrected spelling

MV_Bugrol, 100
BUG ." -> ". x 2
FIX Corrected

MV_InnocentAshlanders, 30
BUG "my" instead of "me"
FIX Corrected

MV_InnocentAshlanders, 100
BUG "Stentus Tullius" spelt "Stentus Tellius"
FIX Corrected spelling

MV_MissingCompanion, 0
BUG "Nix Hounds" instead of "Nix-Hounds"
FIX Corrected

MV_MissingCompanion, 10, 15, 20, 25 x 3, 30, 35, 40
BUG "nix hounds" instead of "nix-hounds"
FIX Corrected

MV_ParalyzedBarbarian, 20
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

MV_RunawaySlave, 20, 35, 90, 100, 105, 120, 130
BUG Reeh-Jah spelt Reeh-Ja
FIX Corrected spelling

MV_SlaveMule, 10
BUG Fatleg's Drop Off spelt Dropoff
FIX Corrected spelling

MV_SlaveMule, 108
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

MV_SlaveMule, 112, 115, 75
BUG Im-Kilaya spelt Im Kilaya in 112 and Im Kaliya and Im Kilaya in 115 and Im-Kaliya in 75
FIX Corrected spelling

BUG "The shirt of his back" quest name should be "off"
FIX Corrected

Romance_Ahnassi, 75
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Romance_Ahnassi, 81
BUG 'acrobatics.' instead of 'acrobatics'.
FIX Corrected

Romance_Ahnassi, 95
BUG Ahnassi spelt Anhassi
FIX Corrected spelling

TG_BalmoraDefenses, 110
BUG Hecerinde spelt Hecerendi
FIX Corrected spelling

TG_BrotherBragor, 50
BUG Shadbak gra-BurBUG spelt gar-Burbug
FIX Corrected spelling

TG_ManorKey, 30
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

TG_RedoranCookbook, 30, 100
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

TG_SS_Plurocrats, 30, 50
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

TG_Withershins, 10, 100
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Town_Ald_Bevene, 0
BUG Sarandas spelt Sarandus
FIX Corrected spelling

Town_Ald_Bivale, 0
BUG Sarandas spelt Sarandus
FIX Corrected spelling

Town_Ald_Bivale, 1
BUG Ienas Sarandas spelt Sarandus three times
FIX Corrected spelling

Town_Ald_Daynes, 0
BUG Sarandas spelt Sarandus
FIX Corrected spelling

Town_Ald_Llethri, 0
BUG Sarandas spelt Sarandus
FIX Corrected spelling

Town_Ald_Llethri, 1
BUG Ienas Sarandas spelt Sarandus twice
FIX Corrected spelling

Town_Ald_Tiras, 0
BUG Sarandas spelt Sarandus
FIX Corrected spelling

Town_Aldruhn, 5 x 3, 10 x 2
BUG Ienas Sarandas spelt Sarandus
FIX Corrected spelling

town_balmora, 3
BUG Emperor.', surprise.' and away.'
FIX Corrected

town_balmora, 15
BUG bloodbath.'
FIX Corrected

town_balmora, 20
BUG away.'
FIX Corrected

town_balmora, 30
BUG Emperor.' instead of Emperor'.
FIX Corrected

town_balmora, 35
BUG Emperor.' instead of Emperor'.
FIX Corrected

town_balmora, 30, 35
BUG Madrale spelt Medrale
FIX Corrected spelling

town_balmora, 29, 30, 35
BUG Sovor Trandel spelt Trandrel
FIX Corrected spelling

TR09_Journalist, 10
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

TR_Assassins, 10
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

TT_AldSotha, 10
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

TT_BalUr, 10
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

TT_Compassion, 10
BUG Ash-Chancre -> ash-chancre
FIX Corrected

TT_Compassion, 10, 50, 100 & 200
BUG Bulfim gra-Shugarz spelt Shugharz
FIX Corrected spelling

TT_DagonFel, 10
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

VA_VampChild, 10
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

VA_VampCountess, 10
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

VA_VampCult, 20
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

VA_VampCult, 40
BUG ." -> ". x 2
FIX Corrected

VA_VampCult, 120, 125
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Greeting 0 ("Halt! The King�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Giras Indaram
BUG "Tuveso Beleth" spelt "Tuveso Beloth"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Therana
BUG "me" instead of "my"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Athellor (""Fall of the�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: ilnori_faustus ("Are you speaking�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: meryn othralas ("Greetings�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Trels Varis
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("Oh. I see�")
BUG Double space x 10
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("You honor me�")
BUG Double space x 8
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("New theories�")
BUG Double space x 14
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("Ah, a visitor�" x 3)
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("Welcome back�")
BUG Double space x 6
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("*cough�")
BUG Double space x 21
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("Ah, a visitor�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("%PCName�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("Welcome back�")
BUG Double space x 8
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ulfgar ("I have been�")
BUG Double space x 7
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Ingmar x 2
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Athellor
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Lassnr
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Erich the Unworthy
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Severia ("Ask your questions�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Severia ("%PCName�" x 3)
BUG Double space x 4, x 6, x 7
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Severia ("Hail, %PCName�" x 3)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Uncle Sweetshare x 2
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: ulfgar_ghost
BUG Double space x 9
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: geilir the mumbling ("I'm sorry�")
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: geilir the mumbling ("%PCClass�" x 2)
BUG Double space x 7
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: sigvatr
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: thormoor_thirsk ("%PCName�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: thormoor_thirsk ("Hello, my�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: geilir ("%PCClass�")
BUG Double space x 6
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: geilir ("Hello again�" x 2)
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: brynjolfr
BUG Double space x 4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: bereditte
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: svenja ("He�he�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: bereditte
BUG Double space x 4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: thormoor_thirsk
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: svenja ("Why have you�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: svenja_outside ("I'm sorry�")
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: svenja_outside ("Hail, %PCClass�", "I have the�")
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: thormoor_out ("*Yawn!*�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: thormoor_out ("%PCName�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: bereditte jastal_out
BUG Double space x 7
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: brynjolfr ("It was horrible�")
BUG Double space x 7
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: brynjolfr ("All hail�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: thirsk_build, _2, _3
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: jeleen
BUG Double space x 2, x 4, x 8, x 1
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: brynjolfr
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: bereditte jastal
BUG Double space x 2, x 4, x 4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: mirisa_shrine
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril_witch_altar_2 ("Congratulations�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril�_2 ("There is�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril�_2 ("Yes! Yes�")
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril�_2 ("Put the Heart�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril�_2 ("That's it�")
BUG Double space x 10
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril�_2 ("Kill the innocent�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril�_2 ("Greetings�")
BUG Double space x 8
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril_witch_cave_2 ("You've already�")
BUG Double space x 4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: " ("Ah, %PCName�")
BUG Double space x 6
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: " ("Ah, %PCName�")
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: " ("Speak first�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril_witch_cave_3 ("You have already�")
BUG Double space x 4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: " ("You have brought�")
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: " ("You have brought�")
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: " ("The Rite of�")
BUG Double space x 4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: " ("Speak first�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: glenmoril_witch_cave
BUG Double space x1, x8, x1, x1, x1, x4, x2, x4, x9
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: skjoldr
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: olfeigr
BUG Double space x4, x4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: ulfrun
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: andrelheim
BUG Double space x4, x4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: erich
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: mirisa ("Stranger�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: ulfgar_ghost
BUG Double space x 8
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: thormoor
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: geilir
BUG Double space x4, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: ulfgar_ghost
BUG Double space x 9
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: jeleen
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: uncle sweetshare
BUG Double space x 6
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: louis beauchamp
BUG Double space x1, x5, x8, x8, x6, x5, x2, x13, x11, x5, x2, x5, x3, x2, x3, x5, x3, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: mirisa ("Please�")
BUG Double space x 4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: erich
BUG Double space x1, x1, x2, x1
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: lassnr
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: jeleen
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: sigvatr
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: athellor
BUG Double space x1, x3, x10, x4, x3, x4
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: ingmar
BUG Double space x5, x2, x2, x6, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: lassnr
BUG Double space x3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: tymvaul
BUG Double space x3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: graring ("You�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Aldam ("Hello, %PCName�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Baro ("Don't try�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Falco ("%PCName! We've�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: King Hlaalu Helseth ("I have been�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: therdon2 ("Hey there�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: holmar ("*Hiccup*�")
BUG Double space x 6
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: denegor
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: drofarahn
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: ignatius ("Hello again�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: ignatius ("Ah, welcome�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: venasa sarano ("Greetings�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: drathas nerus ("Oh, you again�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: alam merys, melur savil
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: taren andoren ("Who are you�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: velyna seran
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Torasa Aram ("Welcome back�", "Greetings�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Marena Gilnith ("You don't think�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Marena Gilnith ("%PCName�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Marena Gilnith ("Hello, %PCRace�")
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Fons Beren ("Hey there�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Fons Beren ("Back again�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Fons Beren ("Well, hello there�")
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Fons Beren ("Pardon me�")
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Suldreni
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Goval Ralen ("Hi there. Wow�")
BUG Double space x 6
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Olvyne Dobar ("Funny�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Arnsa
BUG Double space x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Sunel Hlas
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Calvus Horatius ("I'm badly�" x 2, "I'm wounded�" x 2)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Elanande
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Soscean
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Olyvne
BUG Double space x4, x2, x1, x3, x1
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Felvan Ienith
BUG Double space x1, x9, x1
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Dovor Oren
BUG Double space x1, x3, x3, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Greeting 1: Gamin Girith ("I can't talk now�")
BUG Should have "'sides" not "'Sides". (they are both probably acceptable, but I prefer my way. Easier to read)
FIX Corrected

Greeting 4: Ethal Seloth
BUG "You're time has come, %PCRace!" should be "Your time has come, %PCRace!"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 4
BUG "You're got corprus..." & "You're for blight..." should be "You've"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Iulus Truptor ("For our coming�" x 2)
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Gilvas Barelo ("%PCName�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Synnolian Tunifus ("Bring me five units of scrib�")
BUG Odai is spelt incorrectly in scrib greetings
FIX Correct spelling
Changed "Oadi" to "Odai" in the 2 greetings

Greeting 5: Galos Mathendis ("Did you deliver the Daedra�")
BUG "Master Aryon" spelt "Master Ayron"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Falanu Indaren ("Please, can you help me?...")
BUG "nix hounds" instead of "nix-hounds"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Drerel Indaren ("You. Stranger...")
BUG "nix hounds" instead of "nix-hounds"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Botrir ("Hail, stranger! Have you...")
BUG "nix hound" instead of "nix-hound"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Galbedir
BUG "Are you here for scrolls..." has "from" instead of "for"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Jocien Ancois
BUG 3 topics have "Erabenimsun" mispelt "Erabinimsun"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Synnolian ("So. You have brought...")
BUG "it's" instead of "its"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Drulene (" Some hostile Mudcrabs...")
BUG " Some..." instead of "Some..."
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Galbedir ("Step right up...")
BUG Extra "and"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Kaye
BUG "I'm sorry to hear that..." is missing a "you"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Synnolian Tunifus ("Bring me five units of scrib�" x 2)
BUG Ouadi -> Ouada
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Nileno Dorvayn ("Do you have a copy�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Edd Theman ("They call me�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Addhiranirr ("Great. So Caius�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5 ("Excellent! Once again�", "Hail and well met�", "Welcome, %PCName, to�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 5: Geon Auline ("Hello. I am�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 7 (Publican x 18)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 7: Llether Vari x 2
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Tel Vos ("What brings you�")
BUG Double space and missing "Tel Vos"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Vivec ("Hello, %PCName�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Tel Mora ("Hello again�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Khuul ("Hello, %PCName�", "Hello, stranger�", "So, %PCName�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Gnisis ("You have a question�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Ald Velothi ("Welcome, %PCName�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Molag Mar
BUG "Greetings, %Name." should be "Greetings, %PCName."
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Tel Mora
BUG "You're found Tel Mora" should be "You've found Tel Mora"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9
BUG Adondasi's 3 shipmaster greetings should be assigned to Ano Andaram
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9
BUG Seldus's 3 shipmaster greetings should be assigned to Talmeni Drethan
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Khuul ("So, %PCName, back...")
BUG "dud" instead of "did"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Sadrith Mora ("No I don't like you...")
BUG "Sadrith Mora" spelt "Sadrith Moa"
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Suran (" What brings you to...")
BUG " What..." instead of "What..."
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Seyda Neen (" Welcome to Seyda...")
BUG " Welcome..." instead of "Welcome..."
FIX Corrected

Greeting 9: Maar Gan (" What do you...")
BUG " What..." instead of "What..."
FIX Corrected

Intimidate Success: Cunius Pelelius
BUG "Stendarr" spelt "Stendar"
FIX Corrected

Varus Vatinius
BUG Name should be Vatinius, not Vantinius
FIX Corrected

BUG "decoded package" isn't capitalised
FIX Corrected

BUG Hasphat's notes for Cosades -> Hasphat's Notes for Cosades
FIX Corrected

BUG Nerevarine cult notes -> Nerevarine Cult Notes
FIX Corrected

BUG handwritten letter -> Handwritten letter
FIX Corrected

BUG "tradehouse notice" isn't capitalised
FIX Corrected

BUG Dren's shipping log -> Dren's Shipping Log
FIX Corrected

BUG handwritten note -> Handwritten note
FIX Corrected

BUG Note From Bildren -> Note from Bildren
FIX Corrected

BUG Note From Ernil -> Note from Ernil
FIX Corrected

BUG Note From Radras -> Note from Radras
FIX Corrected

BUG NoteToCalderaGuard -> Note to Caldera Guards
FIX Corrected

BUG Order From Mollismo -> Order from Mollismo
FIX Corrected

BUG Sold Out Notice -> Sold-out Notice
FIX Corrected

BUG "note from the Archcanon" isn't capitalised
FIX Corrected

BUG Warehouse shipping log -> Warehouse Shipping Log
FIX Corrected

BUG killer -> Killer
FIX Corrected

"sc_paper plain"
BUG "paper" isn't capitalised
FIX Corrected

BUG "paper" isn't capitalised
FIX Corrected

BUG no spaces in name (Scroll of Radrene'sSpellBreaker)
FIX Changed name to "Radrene's Spell Breaker Scroll"

Activator: act_sotha_lever3a
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: act_sotha_lever3b
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: act_sotha_lever8a
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: act_sotha_lever8b
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: act_sotha_lever9a
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: act_sotha_lever9b
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: act_sotha_lever10a
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: act_sotha_lever10b
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: act_sotha_lever11a
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: act_sotha_lever11b
BUG Rusted lever -> Rusted Lever
FIX Corrected

Activator: "active_sign_ald-ruhn_01"
BUG "Ald-ruhn" instead of "Ald'ruhn"
FIX Corrected

Activator: "active_sign_ald-ruhn_02"
BUG "Ald-ruhn" instead of "Ald'ruhn"
FIX Corrected

Activator: "active_sign_ald-ruhnB_01"
BUG "Ald-ruhn" instead of "Ald'ruhn"
FIX Corrected

Activator: "active_sign_ald-ruhnM_01"
BUG "Ald-ruhn" instead of "Ald'ruhn"
FIX Corrected

Activator: active_sign_maar_ganB_02
BUG Maar gan -> Maar Gan
FIX Corrected

Activator: active_sign_maar_ganM_02
BUG Maar gan -> Maar Gan
FIX Corrected

Activator: "Ex_aldruhn_roadmarker_01"
BUG "Ald-ruhn" instead of "Ald'ruhn"
FIX Corrected

Activator: "Ex_V_sign_stdeyln_01"
BUG Should be called "Saint Delyn Canton"
FIX Corrected

Activator: "furn_banner_tavern_aldruhncounc"
BUG Named "Ald-ruhn Council Club" instead of "Ald'ruhn Council Club"
FIX Corrected

Activator: "furn_banner_tavern_elven"
BUG Named "Elven Nations CornerClub" instead of "Elven Nations Cornerclub"
FIX Corrected

Activator: "furn_banner_tavern_telaruhn"
BUG Named "Pot and Plaster" instead of "Plot and Plaster"
FIX Corrected

Activator: "furn_banner_tavern_V_TFOG"
BUG "The Flowes of Gold" should be "The Flowers of Gold"
FIX Corrected

Activator: "furn_bannerd_alchemy_suran"
BUG Doesn't have complete name because if doesn't fit.
FIX Changed it to "Ibarnadad: Apothecary"

Activator: Furn_imp_altar_cure_01
BUG Imperial cult altar -> Imperial Cult Altar
FIX Corrected

Alchemy: p_drain_agility_q
BUG Spoiled SlowFall Potion -> Spoiled Slowfall Potion
FIX Corrected

Alchemy: p_drain_endurance_q
BUG Spoiled SlowFall Potion -> Spoiled Slowfall Potion
FIX Corrected

Apparatus: "apparatus_sm_mortar_01"
BUG Had its name cut off because it didn't fit
FIX Changed name to "SecretMaster's Mortar & Pestle"

Apparatus: apparatus_sm_alembic_01
BUG SecretMaster's Alembic -> Secret Master's Alembic
FIX Corrected

Apparatus: apparatus_sm_calcinator_01
BUG SecretMaster's Calcinator -> Secret Master's Calcinator
FIX Corrected

Apparatus: apparatus_sm_mortar_01
BUG SecretMaster's Mortar & Pestle -> Secret Master's Mortar & Pestle
FIX Corrected

Apparatus: apparatus_sm_retort_01
BUG SecretMaster's Retort -> Secret Master's Retort
FIX Corrected

Armor: bonemold_pauldron_l
BUG Bonemold L Pauldron -> Bonemold Left Pauldron
FIX Corrected

Armor: bonemold_pauldron_r
BUG Bonemold R Pauldron -> Bonemold Right Pauldron
FIX Corrected

Armor: bonemold_armun-an_pauldron_l
BUG Armun-An Bonemold L Pauldron -> Armun-An Left Pauldron
FIX Corrected

Armor: bonemold_armun-an_pauldron_r
BUG Armun-An Bonemold R Pauldron -> Armun-An Right Pauldron
FIX Corrected

Armor: bonemold_gah-julan_pauldron_l
BUG Gah-Julan Bonemold L Pauldron -> Gah-Julan Left Pauldron
FIX Corrected

Armor: bonemold_ gah-julan _pauldron_r
BUG Gah-Julan Bonemold R Pauldron -> Gah-Julan Right Pauldron
FIX Corrected

Armor: "bound_helm"
BUG Should be named "Bound Helm" not "Bound_Helm"
FIX Corrected

Armor: "dragonbone_cuirass_unique"
BUG Named "Dragonbone cuirass" instead of "Dragonbone Cuirass"
FIX Corrected

Armor: "gauntlet_fists_l_unique" & "gauntlet_fists_r_unique"
BUG Named "Fist of Randagulf Left Gauntlet" & "Fist of Randagulf Rt Gauntlet" which is just stupid
FIX Changed to "Left Fist of Randagulf" and "Right Fist of Randagulf"

Armor: glass_bracer_left
BUG Left Glass Bracer -> Glass Left Bracer
FIX Corrected

Armor: glass_bracer_right
BUG Right Glass Bracer -> Glass Right Bracer
FIX Corrected

Armor: imperial_studded_cuirass
BUG Imperial Studded Leather Cuiras -> Imperial Studded Cuirass
FIX Corrected

Armor: "lbonemold brace of horny fist"
BUG Named "Bonemold Brace of Horny Fist" instead of "Bonemold Bracer of Horny Fist"
FIX Corrected

Clothing: "belt of feet of notorgo"
BUG Is incorrectly named "Belt of Iron Will"
FIX Changed name to "Belt of Feet of Notorgo"

Clothing: common_pants_02_hentus
BUG Hentus Pants -> Hentus' Pants
FIX Corrected

Clothing: "Daedric_special01"
BUG Should be named "Tel Fyr Amulet" not "Tel Fyr amulet"
FIX Corrected

Clothing: expensive_skirt_03
BUG Expensive Shirt -> Expensive Skirt
FIX Corrected

Container: flora_plant_03
BUG Timsa-Come-By flowers -> Timsa-Come-By Flowers
FIX Corrected

Clothing: peakstar_belt_unique
BUG Embroidered belt -> Embroidered Belt
FIX Corrected

Clothing: "ring of the five fingers of pai"
BUG Had its name cut off because it didn't fit
FIX Changed name to "The Five Fingers of Pain"

Clothing: robe of st roris
BUG Robe of St Roris -> Robe of St. Roris
FIX Corrected

Clothing: "Zenithar's_Wiles"
BUG Named "Zeinthar's Wiles" instead of "Zenithar's Wiles"
FIX Corrected

Container: chest_Goris
BUG Goris's small chest -> Goris's Small Chest
FIX Corrected

Container: chest_tomb_Sandas
BUG A nobleman's chest -> A Nobleman's Chest
FIX Corrected

Container: Com_Chest_11_k02
BUG Worn looking chest -> Worn-looking Chest
FIX Corrected

Container: Contain_BM_fakerock
BUG Hollowed-Out -> Hollowed-out
FIX Corrected

Container: Contain_BM_fakerock_2
BUG Hollowed-Out -> Hollowed-out
FIX Corrected

Container: "contain_corpse_Arenim00"
BUG Corpse of Augustus called Corpse of Agustas
FIX Corrected spelling

Container: contain_dead_mehrunes00
BUG Varner Hleras's corpse -> Varner Hleras's Corpse
FIX Corrected

Container: "couldron10" & "couldron_cooked_daedra"
BUG Names mispelt "Couldron" instead of "Cauldron"
FIX Corrected

Container: de_p_chest_02_gold_25
BUG Worn chest -> Worn Chest
FIX Corrected

Container: de_p_chest_02_gold_50
BUG Worn chest -> Worn Chest
FIX Corrected

Container: de_p_chest_02_miles
BUG Crate -> Chest
FIX Corrected

Container: de_p_desk_ministry
BUG Grand Inquisitor's desk -> Grand Inquisitor's Desk
FIX Corrected

Container: "duke_wardrobe"
BUG "wardrobe" isn't capitalised
FIX Corrected

Container: "dwrv_chest_divayth00"
BUG Named "Heavy Dweamer Chest" instead of "Heavy Dwemer Chest"
FIX Corrected

Container: sack_small_(scale)00
BUG Small cloth sack -> Small Cloth Sack
FIX Corrected

Creature: "atronach_frost", "atronach_frost_summon", "atronach_frost_ttmk"
BUG Should be named "Frost Atronach" not "Frost Atronach"
FIX Corrected

Creature: draugr
BUG draugr -> Draugr
FIX Corrected

Creature: draugr_valbrandr
BUG Valbrandr draugr -> Valbrandr Draugr
FIX Corrected

Door: door_load_darkness00
BUG Dark hole -> Dark Hole
FIX Corrected

Door: door_sotha_imp_door
BUG Heavy metal door -> Heavy Metal Door
FIX Corrected

Door: door_sotha_load
BUG Heavy metal door -> Heavy Metal Door
FIX Corrected

Door: door_sotha_pre_load
BUG Heavy metal door -> Heavy Metal Door
FIX Corrected

Door: Ex_Dae_door_static
BUG Blocked door to Anudnabia -> Blocked Door to Anudnabia
FIX Corrected

Ingredient: "ingred_corprus_weepings_01"
BUG "Coprus weepings" isn't capitalised
FIX Corrected

Ingredient: "ingred_human_meat_01"
BUG " Human Flesh" should be "Human Flesh"
FIX Corrected

Ingredient: Ingred_timsa-come-by_01
BUG flowers -> Flowers
FIX Corrected

Light: light_com_torch_burnedout_01
BUG Burned out Torch -> Burned-out Torch
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: "artifact_bittercup_01"
BUG Should be called "Bitter Cup", not "Bittercup"
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: ashes_Dwemer
BUG Ash pile -> Ash Pile
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_durgok
BUG key -> Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_velas
BUG A worn key -> A Worn Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_trib_dwe00
BUG Dwemer key -> Dwemer Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_trib_dwe01
BUG Dwemer key -> Dwemer Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_trib_dwe02
BUG Dwemer key -> Dwemer Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_thendas
BUG Thendas key -> Thendas Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: "key_dren_storage"
BUG Named "Dren's Storage Sack Key" instead of "Dren's Storage Shack Key"
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: "key_elmussadamori"
BUG Named "Abebaal Slave Key" when it has nothing to do with the Abebaal slaves
FIX Changed name to "Elmussa Damori's Key"

Misc Item: "key_shaadnius"
BUG Double space in name
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_ahnassi
BUG Ahnassi's key -> Ahnassi's Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Senim_tomb
BUG An old tomb key -> An Old Tomb Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_marvani_tomb
BUG An old, ashy key -> An Old Ashy Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_ashalmawia_prisoncell
BUG Ancient daedric Key -> Ancient Daedric Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_ashurninibi
BUG Ancient daedric Key -> Ancient Daedric Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Forge of Rolamus
BUG Ancient daedric Key -> Ancient Daedric Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_ashurninibi_lost
BUG Ancient, rusted Daedric Key -> Ancient Rusted Daedric Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_ibardad_tomb
BUG Ancient, rusted Daedric Key -> Ancient Rusted Daedric Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Arenim
BUG Arenim burial key -> Arenim Burial Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_armigers_stronghold
BUG Armigers Stronghold dungeon key -> Armigers Stronghold Dungeon Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_bolayn
BUG Bolayne's chest key -> Bolayne's Chest Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_table_Mudan00
BUG Dwemer key to table in Mudan -> Dwemer Key to Table in Mudan
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Indaren
BUG Rusty key into Indaren Tomb -> Rusty Key into Indaren Tomb
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Sarys_chest
BUG Sarys chest key -> Sarys Chest Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_shushishislaves
BUG Slave key -> Slave Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Tharys_chest
BUG Tharys chest key -> Tharys Chest Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Thelas_chest
BUG Thelas chest key -> Thelas Chest Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Thiralas_tomb
BUG Key to Thiralas tomb -> Key to Thiralas Tomb
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Aleft_chest
BUG Key to Aleft chest -> Chest
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Andalen_chest
BUG Key to Andalen chest -> Chest
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Andelen_tomb
BUG Key to Andalen tomb -> Tomb
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Andas_tomb
BUG Key to Andas tomb -> Tomb
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Andavel_tomb
BUG Key to Andavel tomb -> Tomb
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Andrethi_chest
BUG Key to Andrethi tomb chest -> Tomb Chest
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Andules_chest
BUG Key to Andules chest -> Chest
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Aran_tomb
BUG Key to Aran tomb
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Arano_chest
BUG Key to Arano Tomb chest
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Arenim_chest, key_Arkngthunch_chest, key_Aryon_chest, key_Ashmelech_chest, key_Brinne_chest, key_Bthanchend_chest, key_Dralas_chest, key_Falas_chest, key_Favel_chest, key_Gimothran_chest, key_Ienith_chest, key_Mzahnch_chest, key_Mzanchend_chest, key_Nchardahrk_chest, key_Nchuleftingth_chest, key_Nelas_chest, key_Nerano_chest, key_Norvayn_chest, key_Omaren_chest, key_Ravel_chest, key_Rethandus_chest, key_Salvel_chest, key_Sandas, key_Sarano_chest, key_Saren_chest, key_Senim_chest
BUG chest -> Chest
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Baram_tomb, key_Dareleth_tomb, key_Dralas_tomb, key_Dreloth_tomb, key_Fadathram_tomb, key_Falas_tomb, key_Gimothran_tomb, key_Helas_tomb, key_Ienith_tomb, key_Indalen_tomb, key_Indaren, key_Lleran_tomb, key_Llervu, key_Maren_tomb, key_Norvayn_tomb, key_Omalen_tomb, key_Orethi_tomb, key_Ravel_tomb, key_Raviro_tomb, key_Rethandus_tomb, key_Rothan_tomb, key_Sadryon_tomb, key_Salvel_tomb, key_Sandas_tomb, key_Sarano_tomb, key_Saren_tomb, key_Sarethi_tomb, key_Savel_tomb, key_Thalas_tomb, key_Thiralas_tomb, key_Vandus_tomb, key_Verelnim_tomb, key_WormLord_tomb
BUG tomb -> Tomb
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Gimothran
BUG master burial -> Master Burial
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_Heran, key_Othrelas_door
BUG tomb door -> Tomb Door
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_ibardad_tomb
BUG rusted -> Rusted
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: key_nedhelas, key_tureynul
BUG key -> Key
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: misc_Beluelle_silver_bowl
BUG Beluelle's Silver bowl -> Beluelle's Silver Bowl
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: "misc_de_goblet_04_dagoth"
BUG Named "House Dagoth cup" instead of "House Dagoth Cup"
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: "misc_dwrv_ark_cube00"
BUG Named "Dwemer puzzle box" instead of "Dwemer Puzzle Box"
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: Misc_flask_grease
BUG Jar of grease -> Jar of Grease
FIX Corrected

Misc Item: "misc_goblet_dagoth"
BUG Named "House Dagoth cup" instead of "House Dagoth Cup"
FIX Corrected

Repair Item: repair_grandmaster_01
BUG GrandMaster's Armorer's Hammer -> Grandmaster's Armorer's Hammer
FIX Corrected

Spellmaking: serpiginous dementia
BUG Serpiginous dementia -> Serpiginous Dementia
FIX Corrected

Spellmaking: ulms juicedaw's feather
BUG Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather -> Ulms's Juicedaw Feather
FIX Corrected

Menu: "sNotifyMessage2"
BUG "You can't rest here enemies are nearby." be bad grammar
FIX Changed to "You can't rest here; enemies are nearby."

Menu: "sSoulTrapSuccess"
BUG "Your have trapped a soul" instead of "You have trapped a soul"
FIX Corrected

BUG Description has extra "the"
FIX Corrected

BUG "Hrelvsuu" instead of "Hrelvesuu"
FIX Corrected

BUG "Your had begins to blister..." instead of "Your hand"
FIX Corrected

BUG "famer" instead of "farmer" twice
FIX Corrected

BUG "Mehrunes Dagon" spelt "Mehrines Dagon" twice
FIX Corrected

"Balmora, Rarayn Radarys' House"
BUG Rararyn Radarys' house is incorrectly named
FIX Changed "Balmora, Rarayn Radarys' House" to "Balmora, Rararyn Radarys' House"

"ash statue": Crassius Curio x 2
BUG "dumping" instead of "dumpling"
FIX Changed "dumping"s to "dumpling"s

"Sleepers" ("Dagoth Ur is dead�")
BUG "has" instead of "have"
FIX Changed "has" to "have"

"Madura Seran": Darius
BUG Madura Seran is spelt Medura Seran
FIX Correct spelling
Corrected 2 "Medura Seran was safe, last I heard" topics
Corrected "So you got Medura Seran out of the camp..." topic
Corrected "I have a report from Ald Velothi that one of their own, Medura Seran, is being held..." topic

BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points" and is spelt "magica"
FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" and corrected spelling in the dialogues

BUG Extra space after "gash spirit" and magicka is spelt magica
FIX Removed spaces and corrected spelling in dialogues

"absorption spells"
BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points"
FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" in dialogues

"restore potions", "restore spells"
BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points"
FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" in dialogue

"fortify potions"
BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points"
FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" in dialogue

"toxic potions"
BUG Magicka referred to as "spell points"
FIX Changed "spell points" to "magicka" in dialogue

"annoying fool": Miun-Gei ("You think you can�")
BUG "and" is spelt "an"
FIX Changed "an" to "and"

"blight storms": Yakum Hairshashishi
BUG "no" is spelt "not"
FIX Changed "not" to "no"

"stronghold": Dondos Driler ("Do you have the proper�")
BUG Refers to the contract and land deed as 'it' instead of 'they'
FIX Changed "Yes, here it is." to "Yes, here they are."

"More Blight Storms", "latest rumors": Merchants ("The blight storms have...")
BUG "The price of everything is got to go up." instead of "has got to go up"
FIX Changed "is" to "has"

"blight disease" ("An diseased kwama mine is a...")
BUG "An" instead of "A"
FIX Fix spelling
Changed "An" to "A"

"outlander" x 3
BUG Morrowind spelt Morrrowind
FIX Corrected spelling

"guar hide shipment": Marsus Tullius
BUG "Stentus Tullius" spelt "Stents Tullius"
FIX Corrected spelling

"donate Cyrodilic brandy" ("Talk to Bacola�")
BUG Bacola Closcius spelt Bacola Closius
FIX Corrected spelling

"work": Llether Vari ("I sold a pair of�")
BUG Ienas Sarandas spelt Sarandus twice
FIX Corrected spelling

"work": Bivale ("I made a brocade..")
BUG Ienas Sarandas spelt Sarandus
FIX Corrected spelling

"Talos Cult": Darius ("So you spoke to�")
BUG Oritius spelt Orius
FIX Corrected spelling

"Haj-Ei": Suran (Disp 60)
BUG Dranas Sarathram spelt Sarthram
FIX Corrected spelling

BUG Pierlette Rostorard spelt Rostorad
FIX Corrected spelling

"compassion" x 4
BUG Bulfin gra-Shugarz spelt Shugharz
FIX Corrected spelling

"Dwemer artifacts": Hla Oad
BUG Fatleg's spelt FatLeg's
FIX Corrected spelling

"Orders": Darius ("Forget about the�")
BUG gro-Ogdum spelt gro-Ogdun
FIX Corrected spelling

"proof": Darius ("Hm. Yes, this is�")
BUG gro-Ogdum spelt gro-Odgum
FIX Corrected spelling (and added another 'm' to Hm. Just didn't look right)

"bad people" x 2
BUG Sovor Trandel spelt Trandrel
FIX Corrected spelling

"sealed Daedric ruin"
BUG Anudnabia spelt Anudnubia
FIX Corrected spelling

"sealed Daedric ruin"
BUG Anudnabia spelt Andunabia
FIX Corrected spelling

"chores": Aryon
BUG Andas spelt Andes
FIX Corrected spelling

"Shishi": Aryon
BUG Andas spelt Andes 4 times in 3 dialogues
FIX Corrected spelling

"stoneflower petals": Ajira
BUG Extra "the"
FIX Removed extra word

"evidence of corruption": Cunius Pelelius
BUG "Stendarr" spelt "Stendar"
FIX Corrected

"conspiracy against the Emperor"
BUG "Arius" spelt "Aurius"
FIX Corrected

"geography of Morrowind" x 4 ("The rocky, rugged...")
BUG "Vvardenfell" spelt "Vvardenfel"
FIX Corrected

"Morrowind": Imperial Cult/Legion x 3
BUG "Vvardenfell" spelt "Vvardenfel"
FIX Corrected

"Morrowind lore" ("There are three cultures...")
BUG "Vvardenfell" spelt "Vvardenfel"
FIX Corrected

"Morrowind lore" ("Three cultures live on...")
BUG "Vvardenfell" spelt "Vvardenfel"
FIX Corrected

"someone in particular": Sadrith Mora x 3
BUG "Dirty" spelt "Durty"
FIX Corrected

"specific place": Sadrith Mora
BUG "Dirty" spelt "Durty"
FIX Corrected

"someone in particular": Hla Oad
BUG "Fatleg's" spelt "Fat Leg's"
FIX Corrected

"specific place": Hla Oad
BUG "Fatleg's" spelt "Fat Leg's"
FIX Corrected

"deliver the payment"
BUG "moonsugar" instead of "moon sugar"
FIX Corrected

"recruit some miners": Savile Imayn
BUG "Ores" spelt "Oren"
FIX Corrected

"taxes from Gnisis": Hlaren Ramoran ("Good. The taxes are�")
BUG "acquaintance" spelt "aquaintance"
FIX Corrected

"sculptor": Caldera
BUG "Gemain" spelt "Gemaine"
FIX Corrected

"slave rebellion": Eleedal-Lei ("Have you found the key?...)
BUG "let" spelt "ley"
FIX Corrected

"Brallion's Ring": Stacey ("Braillon is dead?...")
BUG "Brallion" spelt "Braillon"
FIX Corrected

"Garisa Llethri"
BUG "Garisa" spelt "Garis"
FIX Corrected

"Advancement": Athyn ("To become a...")
BUG "Garisa" spelt "Garis"
FIX Corrected

"rent and taxes": Crassius ("A few drakes...")
BUG "worldly" spelt "worldy"
FIX Corrected

"Banden Indarys": Crassius ("House Redoran...")
BUG "disappoint" spelt "disapoint"
FIX Corrected

"maiden's token": Varona ("How dare you...")
BUG "Allimir" spelt "Alimir"
FIX Corrected

"Ashimanu Mine" ("The diseased...")
BUG "abandoned" spelt "abandonded"
FIX Corrected

"Morvayn Manor" x 2
BUG "Morvayn" spelt "Morvyan"
FIX Corrected

"ash statue": Lloros ("This ash statue...")
BUG "Morvayn" spelt "Morvyan"
FIX Corrected

"Morvayn Manor" ("I am a widow...")
BUG "received" spelt "recieved"
FIX Corrected

"little advice": Camonna Tong
BUG "Camonna" spelt "Cammona"
FIX Corrected

"outlander": Camonna Tong
BUG "Camonna" spelt "Cammona"
FIX Corrected

"Services": Suran
BUG "gro-Muzgub" spelt "gro-Muzg�b"
FIX Corrected

"little secret": Hides-His-Foot
BUG "Orvas" spelt "Orvan"
FIX Corrected

"latest rumors": Vivec ("You'd think she'd...")
BUG "Ilmeni" spelt "Ilmene"
FIX Corrected

"Imperial cult": Caius
BUG "enlightenment" spelt "enlightment"
FIX Corrected

"Foyada Mamaea"
BUG "Mamaea" spelt "Mamamea"
FIX Corrected

"Drinar Varyon": Imsin ("I believe Drinar...")
BUG "Ald'ruhn" spelt "Ald-Ruhn"
FIX Corrected

"Orders": Imsin ("Dwemer artifacts...")
BUG "Ald'ruhn" spelt "Ald'Ruhn"
FIX Corrected

"Seven trials" ("You have been named...")
BUG "Urshilaku" spelt "Urshilkau"
FIX Corrected

"Tarvyn Faren" ("Thanks to you...")
BUG "Faren" spelt "Feran"
FIX Corrected

"Farvyn Oreyn"
BUG "Oreyn" spelt "Oreyen"
FIX Corrected

"Rels Tenim" ("Rels Tenim?...")
BUG "Ahemmusa" spelt "Ahemussa"
FIX Corrected

"Orvas Dren": Hlaalu
BUG "Ascadian" spelt "Ascandian"
FIX Corrected

"moon sugar" x 2
BUG "Elsweyr" spelt "Elseweyr"
FIX Corrected

"game rats": Edryno ("Ynging just told me...") x 2
BUG "Yngling" spelt "Ynging"
FIX Corrected

"raw ebony" x 2
BUG "crystallized" spelt "crystalized"
FIX Corrected

"ultimatum" ("You have already cleansed...")
BUG "Ashalmimilkala" spelt "Ashalmimilka"
FIX Corrected

"Nchuleft" ("This Dwemer ruin...")
BUG Extra "from"
FIX Removed extra word

"Counsel": Sonummu ("So you are the outlander...")
BUG "Ashkahn" instead of "Ashkhan"
FIX Corrected

"ash yam" x 2
BUG "Ascadian Isles" spelt "Ascadians Isles"
FIX Corrected

"Rabinna" ("Are you going to...") x 2
BUG "here here" instead of "her here"
FIX Corrected

"Orders": Caius ("So. You say Hasphat...")
BUG "actually" spelt "actuallly"
FIX Corrected

"Orders": Eydis ("Helaviane Desele...") x 2
BUG "Helviane" spelt "Helaviane"
FIX Corrected

"Orders": Persius ("I don't have much...")
BUG "gro-Aglakh" spelt "gro-Uglakh"
FIX Corrected

"riddle": Salyn ("You are doing better...")
BUG "expected" spelt "expceted"
FIX Corrected

"Enamor": Stacey ("Saryn Sarethi...")
BUG "Salyn" spelt "Saryn"
FIX Corrected

"talking mudcrab merchant": M'Aiq
BUG "M'Aiq" spelt "M'aiq"
FIX Corrected

BUG "saber" spelt "sabre"
FIX Corrected

"wild nix hounds"
BUG Should be "wild nix-hounds"
FIX Corrected

"blighted creatures" x 2
BUG "nix hound" instead of "nix-hound"
FIX Corrected

"pack of nix-hounds"
BUG "nix hounds" instead of "nix-hounds"
FIX Corrected

"wild nix-hounds" ("Well, hopefully...")
BUG "nix hounds" instead of "nix-hounds"
FIX Corrected

"Dissapla Mine" x 3
BUG "Nix Hounds" instead of "nix-hounds"
FIX Corrected

"Dissapla Mine" ("I hope Teres...")
BUG "nix hounds" instead of "nix-hounds"
FIX Corrected

"Dissapla Mine" ("A pack of nix-hounds...")
BUG "nix hounds" instead of "nix-hounds" twice
FIX Corrected

"herd animals" x 2
BUG "Wild guard" instead of "Wild guars"
FIX Corrected

"small predators" x 2
BUG Messed up
FIX Corrected

"diseased creatures" x 2
BUG ";" instead of ","
FIX Corrected

"Telvanni Hortator": Aryon ("Yes, I understand...") x 2
BUG Extra "to"
FIX Corrected

BUG "Dagon Fel" spelt "Dagon fell"
FIX Corrected

"pressing business" ("Yes. Most pressing...")
BUG "Ald'ruhn" spelt "Ald-ruhn" twice
FIX Corrected

"Lucan's shipment" ("That's right. Just tell...")
BUG "Ald'ruhn" spelt "Ald-ruhn"
FIX Corrected

"do me a favor" ("As I've told you...")
BUG "Ald'ruhn" spelt "Ald-ruhn"
FIX Corrected

"someone killed" ("Yes. I need to...")
BUG "Ald-Skar" instead of "Ald Skar"
FIX Corrected

"egg mining" ("Ilasour Tansumiran and...")
BUG "And now, If..." instead of "And now, if..."
FIX Corrected

"join the Morag Tong": Movis
BUG "learned that their ways not as honorable as the Morag Tong." instead of "learned that their ways are not as honorable as the Morag Tong's."
FIX Corrected

"stronghold": Dondos ("I have given...")
BUG "begin" spelt "being"
FIX Corrected

"stronghold": Dondos ("Yes, everything seems...")
BUG "begin" spelt "being"
FIX Corrected

"make amends": Nileno ("Yes, you've been expelled...")
BUG Extra "might"
FIX Removed "might"

"Bitter Cup": Stacey ("So Eydis took the...")
BUG Extra word
FIX Removed "could"

"Corky": Drulene ("Corky, huh?...")
BUG Extra word
FIX Removed "might"

"want to be ashkhan": Han-Ammu x 10
BUG "Erabenimsun" mispelt "Erabinimsun"
FIX Corrected

"mabrigash": Assaba-Bentus ("I am a hunter...")
BUG "Erabenimsun" mispelt "Erabinimsun" twice
FIX Corrected

"Vassir Didanat Mine" ("The ebony mine?...")
BUG "it's" instead of "its"
FIX Corrected

"maiden's token": Imsin ("Yes, thank you...")
BUG "it's" instead of "its"
FIX Corrected

"Spell Breaker"
BUG "it's" instead of "its"
FIX Corrected

BUG "it's" instead of "its"
FIX Corrected

"Lette" ("Has Lette been cured?...")
BUG "it's" instead of "its"
FIX Corrected

"armor repair debts": Tidros ("Talk to my brother...")
BUG "its" instead of "it's"
FIX Corrected

"Fighters Guild": Persius ("Sjoring Hard-Heart...")
BUG "its" instead of "it's"
FIX Corrected

"Morrowind lore" ("When you've joined...")
BUG "its" instead of "it's"
FIX Corrected

"some notorious thieves" ("Yes, just a few...")
BUG "your" instead of "you"
FIX Corrected

"Inanius egg mine": Suran
BUG "Serjo" spelt "Ser"
FIX Corrected

"Odirniran": Milyn Faram ("Is Remasa Othril...")
BUG "every" instead of "ever"
FIX Corrected

"Odirniran": Milyn Faram ("Is Remasa Othril...")
BUG Extra "is"
FIX Corrected

"join the Morag Tong": Eno ("Feruren Oran...")
BUG "weather" instead of "whether"
FIX Corrected

"Ahemmusa": Skink
BUG " The..." instead of "The..."
FIX Corrected

"Mouth": Telvanni ("I am a Mouth...")
BUG No '.' at end
FIX Corrected

"Talos" x 4
BUG Line break between "took a" instead of a space
FIX Corrected

"some notorious thieves" ("You will?...")
BUG "has" instead of "have"
FIX Corrected

"Sixth House cult": Hasphat
BUG "or the Empire" instead of "and the Empire"
FIX Corrected

"Morrowind lore" ("you know why we...")
BUG Should have a capital 'y' in "you"
FIX Corrected

"Nereverine" ("The Temple says Vivec...")
BUG Double space between words
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space between words
FIX Corrected

"remember being mortal" ("Not quite no more�")
BUG Space between "lose ."
FIX Corrected

"ready to go" (" We're still headed�")
BUG Space at start
FIX Corrected

Divine Intervention scrolls ("When you get�")
BUG fishing.' -> fishing'.
FIX Corrected

Sixth House references
BUG Council,', Nerevar,', Star,', and Nerevar.'
FIX Corrected

Nereverine prophecies ("You want me to name�")
BUG Guar-Dung.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

counsel of Sul-Matuul ("Good. First�")
BUG Nereverine,' and Nereverine.'
FIX Corrected

Urshilaku Nereverine ("Very well�")
BUG ,' x 2 and .'
FIX Corrected

plunder the dungeon ("For his own�")
BUG them ,or -> them, or
FIX Corrected

wife of Divayth Fyr
BUG Paramour.' and Consort.'
FIX Corrected

Sanguine Red Wisdom ("You have in your�")
BUG "belt" instead of "ring"
FIX Corrected

Hassour Zainsubani ("Yes. The Ashlander�")
BUG .' x 2 and ." should be '.
FIX Corrected

Player of the Game ("Ah. I see�" x 2)
BUG Bluff.' -> Bluff'.
FIX Corrected

cure skooma addict ("Khajiit know�")
BUG Skooma-Eater.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

animal products x 2
BUG scuttle , shalk -> scuttle, shalk
FIX Corrected

Morrowind lore ("Let me tell you about the Morag�")
BUG writs.' x 2
FIX Corrected

Morrowind lore ("Morag Tong will only accept�")
BUG writs.' x 2
FIX Corrected

vampirism cure ("I don't know�" x 3)
BUG II.' -> II'.
FIX Corrected

House Telvanni ("The khans�")
BUG councilors.' and Mora,'
FIX Corrected

Humanoid Races ("Offspring" x 2)
BUG human.'
FIX Corrected

shirt and vest ("I'm told that�")
BUG shirt.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

House Redoran ("The khans�")
BUG councilors.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Thieves Guild ("No? You aren't�")
BUG Thieves.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Thieves Guild ("So. You've got�")
BUG Thieves.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Thieves Guild ("You're a likely�")
BUG Thieves.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Thieves Guild ("Well, I suppose�")
BUG Thieves.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Ahemmusa camp ("Here. Let me�")
BUG 'yurts.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

little advice ("One little word�" x 7)
BUG 'Ingredients.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

little secret ("And of course they�")
BUG 'Stormkiss.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

latest rumors ("They call them 'corprus�")
BUG beasts.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

House Hlaalu ("The khans�")
BUG councilor.' -> '.
FIX Corrected

make it safe ("First you will�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

share a gift ("Ahnassi sees how�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

share a care ("Forgive Ahnassi�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Fifth trial ("The Fifth Trial is�")
BUG .' -> '. and extra space afterwards
FIX Corrected

destination ("My ship�" x 11)
BUG Should all be "My ship, 'NAME',"
FIX Corrected

destination ("From Hla Oad�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Nereverine: Kausi ("Do you come to claim�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Nereverine: ghost_npc_peakstar ("You must go�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Morag Tong ("The Morag Tong only accepts�" x 3)
BUG 2 x .' -> '. and 1 x (.' -> '. and ,' -> ', )
FIX Corrected

Morag Tong ("The Morag Tong is an�" x 2)
BUG .' -> '. and ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

House Wars ("Only a ranking�" x 2)
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Morrowind ("Morrowind is a peculiar�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

apparatus x 2
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

business: Vivec ("I'll take you�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Hortator ("You must go�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

my trade ("I am a trader, a general�")
BUG weapons ,armor -> weapons, armor
FIX Corrected

Imperial ("The Imperials are clever�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

disease ("In Morrowind�" x 5)
BUG 2 x .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Orders: Caius ("Continue pursuing�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Temple x 7
BUG .' - '.
FIX Corrected

Dunmer ("Dark Elves are the�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Dunmer ("Dunmer -- literally�")
BUG ,' -> ', x 3 and .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Altmer ("Altmer are the light�")
BUG ,' -> ', x 2 and .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Altmer ("Altmer - literally�")
BUG ,' -> ', x 3 and .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

watched by Ordinators
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

The Dark Elven Curse x 2
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

join House Redoran ("You are a fraud�")
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

cure skooma addict ("I have not heard�" x 4)
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Dagoth Ur's plans ("We know nothing�")
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Ring of the Wind ("Perhaps�" x 4)
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

blight monsters
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

join the Temple ("You claim to�")
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Humanoid Races ("Elves consider�" x 2)
BUG ,' -> ', x 2
FIX Corrected

latest rumors ("Athyn Sarethi may be�")
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Red Mountain ("The dominant�")
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Tiber Septim ("In his aspect�" x 4)
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Ghostgate ("That's very kind�")
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

my trade ("I'm an agent�" x 2)
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Betmeri ("Betmeri�" x 2)
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Orders ("If Mehra Milo says�")
BUG ,' -> ',
FIX Corrected

Dwemer ("Dwemer -- literally�" x 2)
BUG ,' -> ', x 4
FIX Corrected

Orders: Caius ("I have your report�" x 2)
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Seven trials ("Each tribe�" & "It once seemed�")
BUG .' -> '. x 2
FIX Corrected

Troubles for House Telvanni
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Census and Excise agent ("Really? You have�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

donate Cyrodilic brandy ("You seem a decent�", "Sorry. I've only�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Bosmer ("The Bosmer are the�" x 2)
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Dunmer ("We Dunmer are�" x 2)
BUG ," -> ", x 2 and ." -> ". x 2
FIX Corrected

Chimer x 2
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

chores ("I have three�")
BUG ," -> ", x 2 and ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Dwemer ("The Dwemer are the fabled�")
BUG ," -> ", x 4
FIX Corrected

sculptor ("No? Okay�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Bal Fell ("Bal Fell is�" x 4)
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Nerevarine ("Some Dunmer believe�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Ouada Samsi
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Egg of Time ("Yes, I can now�", "Yes, with the help�", "By refreshing�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Bal Molagmer ("The Bal Molagmer�" x 2)
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

master thief ("That information�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

latest rumors ("Tsiya has a�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Redoran Cooking Secrets ("Fara, the�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Grandmaster's Retort ("They're not�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Divine Metaphysics ("This is an explanation�", "Yes, I can now�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

stole all my goods ("Yes, a whole�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Dwemer Animunculi ("There is a book�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

Sixth House base ("This Dagoth�")
BUG ," -> ", x 3 and ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

jobs: Aengoth ("There's another book�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

jobs: Big Helende ("One of our�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

chores: Baladas ("Only one more simple�", "I still have two�")
BUG ." -> ". x 2
FIX Corrected

Khajiit ("We are from�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

new play ("It is almost�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

sculptor ("Me? Well�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Ald'ruhn ("Ald'ruhn has�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

business: Vivec ("Next, I propose�", "Let's try again�" x 2)
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Mount Kand ("I want you�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

stronghold ("You have brought me�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

debt money ("I try and run�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Morag Tong ("I am only a�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

statue book ("Hmmm�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Gambolpuddy ("Yes, I know�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Withershins ("Did you get�")
BUG ?" -> "?
FIX Corrected

Withershins ("You already�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Four Corners ("The First�", "The Second�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Seven Graces ("You have been�", "Take this book�" x 2, "It is customary�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Dahrk Mazalf ("Mezalf is sometimes�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

seven curses
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Stupid slaves ("Bah! I hate�")
BUG 'Specially -> 'specially
FIX Corrected

latest rumors ("An Orc over at�", "Mistress Dratha�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

history books ("Odral Helvi�" x 2, "Yes, we are always�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

little advice ("Phew. You're bittergreen�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

made invisible ("Yes, the wizard�")
BUG Double space ("my father")
FIX Corrected

dream of verse
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Fire and Faith ("You already brought�", "I may have a copy�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Fire and Faith ("Have you found�")
BUG ?" -> "?
FIX Corrected

Arethan Mandas ("You can find him�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Chimarvamidium ("It is the sixth�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

thoughtful gift ("This is a gift for�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

False Incarnate ("The Temple refers�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

leave Vivec City ("Enough. You�", "I have heard�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Sixth House base ("Only one trooper�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

gold kanet flower ("The flower I need�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Telvanni Hortator ("I see you've�" x 3)
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

people cannot read ("There are teachers�")
BUG ." -> ". and ' -> "
FIX Corrected

Nereverine prophecies ("Ashlander culture�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Antecedents of Dwemer Law ("You already brought�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Antecedents of Dwemer Law ("Have you found�")
BUG ?" -> "?
FIX Corrected

Black Jinx ("Suppose I did have�")
BUG ?" -> "?
FIX Corrected

mythopoeic enchantments ("I'm not sure I�")
BUG 'Wraithguard -> 'Wraithguard'
FIX Corrected

eye of the needle ("This token�" x 4)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Morrowind history ("Jeanette Sitte's�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

the Curse's Bane
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Redoran Hortator ("A Hortator is�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

False Incarnate ("Who then, if not�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Corprus Stalker ("Corprus stalkers�" x 2)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

festering witch ("Bah, I took�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

rent and taxes ("Do you have�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

mother's heart ("Oh? What?�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

ancester ghost x 1
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

theater troupe ("You've found�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Caius Cosades ("What? Do I�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

sealed orders ("You delivered�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

little advice ("Visit the�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

little secret ("An associate�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

latest rumors ("You were visited�" x 2)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

lesser saints x 4
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Sosia's offer ("Well I'll not�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Great Houses ("In modern times�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Mavon Drenim ("This writ�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

kwama queen x 2
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

bloody lies ("That's right�")
BUG Double space x 2
FIX Corrected

Nerevarine ("Blades keep�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Morag Tong ("The Morag Tong is a guild�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Redas Tomb ("Go to the Redas�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Morrowind ("Morrowind is the ancient�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Molag Mar ("The outpost�" x 2, "Pilgrims bound�" x 2)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Apologies ("This book is�", "Well, %PCName�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

business ("[There is a brief�" x 3)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Maar Gan ("The road leads�", "Maar Gan is a�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

daedroth x 1
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

saltrice x 2
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Mossanon ("Have you found�" x 4)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

kagouti x 2
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Khajiit ("The Khajiit are savage�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

muddled ("I'm just having�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Hlormar ("Ha! A right�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Orders: Caius ("And these are Sharn's�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

potion ("Good. Now swallow�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Ra'Gruzgob ("I said�")
BUG !" -> !"!
FIX Corrected

what you should know
BUG !" -> !".
FIX Corrected

Erich the Unworthy ("Who you callin�")
BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

BUG ," -> ",
FIX Corrected

failed in our quest ("Don't you�" x 2)
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

learn more about the attacks ("When you know�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

Reavers ("It just�")
BUG .' -> '.
FIX Corrected

Cuirass of the Savior's Hide
BUG Double space x3, x1, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

all the problems out there
BUG Double space x2, x2
FIX Corrected

Sovngarde, a Reexamination
BUG Double space x3, x3
FIX Corrected

Ice Blade of the Monarch
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1, x4, x4
FIX Corrected

moon sugar investigation
BUG Double space x7, x10
FIX Corrected

evidence of conspiracy
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

back for another round
BUG Double space x4, x3
FIX Corrected

Spear of Bitter Mercy
BUG Double space x3, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

Fang of Haynekhtnamet
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

assassin would attack
BUG Double space x5, x1, x2
FIX Corrected

assassin would attack ("Ah yes�")
BUG "Ah yes, well I�" -> "Ah, yes, well, I�"
FIX Corrected

assassin would attack ("Ah, yes�")
BUG " lease" -> "Please"
FIX Corrected

assassin would attack ("Ah, yes�")
BUG "improvement Here" -> "improvement. Here"
FIX Corrected

important cult matter
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Mirisa never returned
BUG Double space x4, x6, x1, x1, x2
FIX Corrected

beast must be stopped
BUG Double space x5, x5, x10
FIX Corrected

barbarian's sad tale
BUG Double space x 5
FIX Corrected

Cure Disease potion: Geon ("Yes, thank you�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Museum of Artifacts
BUG Double space x2, x2
FIX Corrected

Ten-Tongues Weerhat
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

failed in our quest
BUG Double space x9, x10, x14, x7, x9
FIX Corrected

eternal wakefulness
BUG Double space x6, x8, x1, x7, x1
FIX Corrected

enter the mead hall
BUG Double space x 3
FIX Corrected

Veloth's Judgement
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

Dragonbone Cuirass
BUG Double space x3, x2, x2, x3
FIX Corrected

Sigvatr the Strong
BUG Double space x3, x1
FIX Corrected

Hrothmund's Barrow
BUG Double space x8, x3
FIX Corrected

recover the amulet
BUG Double space x8, x3
FIX Corrected

crew has failed me
BUG Double space x5, x11, x12, x2
FIX Corrected

Erich the Unworthy
BUG Double space x5, x3, x2, x1
FIX Corrected

mead hall business
BUG Double space x1, x1, x1, x2
FIX Corrected

Tusked Bristleback
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Mace of Molag Bal
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Ring of Phynaster
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x3, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

Staff of Hasedoki
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

looks like Tarvus ("Hmmm�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Saryoni's Sermons ("Say, is�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Suldreni Salandas
BUG Double space x2, x1, x3
FIX Corrected

old man's anguish
BUG Double space x6, x1, x6, x3, x7, x3
FIX Corrected

that night at sea
BUG Double space x7, x2
FIX Corrected

Thirsk, a History
BUG Double space x4, x4
FIX Corrected

Meet someone new
BUG Double space x8, x2, x6, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x4, x5, x5, x1, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

causing problems
BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

adamantium armor
BUG Double space x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Valbrandr draugr
BUG Double space x1, x6, x3, x10, x1
FIX Corrected

hire an explorer
BUG Double space x4, x5, x5, x2
FIX Corrected

tell your future
BUG Double space x1, x1, x3, x2
FIX Corrected

Uncle Sweetshare
BUG Double space x7, x11, x13, x6
FIX Corrected

custom fur armor
BUG Double space x 4
FIX Corrected

travel together: Mirisa
BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Staff of Magnus
BUG Double space x3, x1, x2, x2, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

know my husband
BUG Double space x1, x3, x3, x4, x2
FIX Corrected

particular item
BUG Double space x2, x1, x6, x3, x4, x1, x1, x7, x4
FIX Corrected

Auriel's Shield
BUG Double space x2, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

missionary work
BUG Double space x4, x1
FIX Corrected

Imperial matter
BUG Double space x2, x1
FIX Corrected

snow wolf armor
BUG Double space x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x1, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x7
FIX Corrected

snow bear armor
BUG Double space x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x3, x1, x1, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x2, x2, x3, x7
FIX Corrected

Warlock's Ring
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Crimson Plague
BUG Double space x1, x2, x4
FIX Corrected

Eleidon's Ward
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Bow of Shadows
BUG Double space x1, x1, x1, x1, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

Bloodworm Helm
BUG Double space x2, x1, x2, x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Marena Gilnith
BUG Double space x6, x3, x6, x2
FIX Corrected

see my husband
BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

friendly wager
BUG Double space x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

game of shells
BUG Double space x1, x2, x1
FIX Corrected

Special Offers
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x2, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1, x2, x2, x2, x2, x1, x2
FIX Corrected

Elven ancestry
BUG Double space x6, x3
FIX Corrected

my only friend
BUG Double space x5, x8, x8, x5, x5
FIX Corrected

the Udyrfrykte
BUG Double space x9, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

little secret ("They say there's pirate�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

latest rumors ("Have you heard? A terribly�")
BUG Double space x2
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1, x3, x3
FIX Corrected

Spell Breaker
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Arnsa Thendas
BUG Double space x1, x6
FIX Corrected

Vampiric Ring
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Vampiric Ring
BUG "YWhat" -> "What"
FIX Corrected

my collection ("Thank you�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

dark business
BUG Double space x7, x4, x1, x3, x4
FIX Corrected

Mantle of Woe
BUG Double space x5, x4, x2, x1, x6, x9
FIX Corrected

some research
BUG Double space x5, x2
FIX Corrected

absurd notion
BUG Double space x7, x2
FIX Corrected

local savages
BUG Double space x4, x4
FIX Corrected

one more task
BUG Double space x7
FIX Corrected

Auriel's Bow
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Gedna Relvel
BUG Double space x1, x2, x1
FIX Corrected

Droth Dagger
BUG Double space x2, x7, x3, x4, x2, x2, x5, x3, x5, x1, x4, x4
FIX Corrected

owe me money
BUG Double space x2, x1
FIX Corrected

Golena Sadri
BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

candy treats
BUG Double space x 8
FIX Corrected

Brodir Grove
BUG Double space x 7
FIX Corrected

Skaal attack ("You've ruined�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Lord's Mail
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

Estate Sale
BUG Double space x1, x3, x2, x2, x1
FIX Corrected

Bels Uvenim
BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

selling off
BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

stolen book
BUG Double space x1, x3, x4, x3
FIX Corrected

glass armor ("Excellent�" x 3)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

ebony armor ("Excellent�" x 3)
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x 9
FIX Corrected

Ebony Mail
BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1, x3, x3
FIX Corrected

Fons Beren
BUG Double space x2, x1
FIX Corrected

drink away ("What's that�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

my airship
BUG Double space x6, x2
FIX Corrected

silly song
BUG Double space x 9
FIX Corrected

Uryn Maren ("Just as I�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x1, x1, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x3, x1, x1, x1
FIX Corrected

some work
BUG Double space x2, x1, x2
FIX Corrected

his saber
BUG Double space x2
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x7, x1
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x2, x3, x6, x4, x1, x2
FIX Corrected

fight me
BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x2, x2, x3, x3, x2, x1, x2, x3, x6
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x5, x7, x7, x1, x5, x6, x10, x3, x1, x3
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x 10
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x1, x1
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x2, x2, x6, x4, x2, x2, x2, x1
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x4, x4, x1, x2, x2
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

report ("It never made�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x2, x2
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x1, x5, x1, x1, x1, x8, x6, x3, x2, x2, x5, x5, x4, x3, x8, x8, x4, x6
FIX Corrected

women ("Well, what can�")
BUG ." -> ".
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x1, x4, x4, x2, x8, x1
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space x2, x1
FIX Corrected

BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

meet the archcanon ("But you�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

Telvanni Hortator ("I see you've�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

overdue payment ("Indeed, it is�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

latest rumors ("I heard a shipmaster�")
BUG Double space
FIX Corrected

debt money: Persius
BUG Persius calls Lirielle's brother "Ranus" instead of "Ruran"
FIX Corrected x 3

debt money: Manos
BUG "debt money she owed money" -> "debt money she owed me"
FIX Corrected

Varus Vantinius
BUG Should be "Varus Vatinius"
FIX Renamed

plot: Plitinius
BUG Heleseth -> Helseth
FIX Corrected

tell your future: Geilir ("%PCClass, the skull�")
BUG Enter instead of space
FIX Corrected

hostile mudcrabs x 2
BUG Hackle-Lo -> hackle-lo
FIX Corrected

trouble with bandits x 3
BUG Hackle-lo -> hackle-lo
FIX Corrected

BUG Ash-Chancre -> ash-chancre
FIX Corrected

recover some gold
BUG pay us for...protection. -> pay us for... protection.
FIX Corrected

little secret: Yanemus Mine ("This is a dangerous place�")
BUG you -> You
FIX Corrected

little secret: Ashlanders ("Do the old places�")
BUG it -> It
FIX Corrected

little secret: Ashlanders ("Do the old places�")
BUG then -> Then
FIX Corrected

little secret: Ashlanders ("South and west of�")
BUG hunter -> hunters
FIX Corrected

little secret: Thieves Guild ("There's a lot of money�")
BUG intervention -> Intervention
FIX Corrected

Ebonheart: elone, artise, savant
BUG Hawk Moth -> Hawkmoth
FIX Corrected

latest rumors: Seyda Neen ("These Imperial�")
BUG �not -> � not
FIX Corrected

control the Ordinators ("You have brought me�")
BUG St -> St.
FIX Corrected

little secret ("The name of the wolf�")
BUG "Ondjage." -> "Ondjage".
FIX Corrected

little secret
BUG I heard this guy talking...he -> I heard this guy talking... he
FIX Corrected

Activator:ID=urn_bannerd_clothing_V_AH:Name=Agrippina Herennia: Clothier: [name] |Herennia| ==> |Herrenia|
Activator:ID=Ex_aldruhn_roadmarker_01:Name=Ald-ruhn: [name] |Ald-ruhn| ==> |Ald'ruhn|
Activator:ID=active_sign_ald-ruhn_01:Name=Ald-ruhn: [name] |Ald-ruhn| ==> |Ald'ruhn|
Activator:ID=active_sign_ald-ruhn_01:Name=Ald-ruhn: [name] |Ald-ruhn| ==> |Ald'ruhn|
Activator:ID=active_sign_ald-ruhnB_01:Name=Ald-ruhn (back road): [name] |Ald-ruhn (back road)| ==> |Ald'ruhn (back road)|
Activator:ID=active_sign_ald-ruhnM_01:Name=Ald-ruhn (main road): [name] |Ald-ruhn (main road)| ==> |Ald'ruhn (back road)|
Activator:ID=furn_banner_tavern_aldruhncounc:Name=Ald-ruhn Council Club: [name] |Ald-ruhn| ==> |Ald'ruhn|
Activator:ID=active_sign_c_goods_01:Name=Verick Germain: Trader: [name] |Germain| ==> |Gemain|
Activator:ID=active_sign_c_goods_caldera:Name=Verick Germain: Trader: [name] |Germain| ==> |Gemain|
Activator:ID=furn_banner_tavern_telaruhn:Name=Pot and Plaster: [name] |Pot| ==> |Plot|
Activator:ID=furn_bannerd_alchemy_suran:Name=Ibarnadad Assirnarari: Apotheca: [name] |Ibarnadad Assirnarari: Apotheca| ==> |Assirnarari: Apothecary|
Activator:ID=furn_banner_tavern_elven:Name=Elven Nations CornerClub: [name] |CornerClub| ==> |Cornerclub|
Activator:ID=Ex_V_sign_stdeyln_01:Name=Saint Deyln Canton: [name] |Deyln| ==> |Delyn|
Activator:ID=furn_banner_tavern_a4_01:Name=Sethans Tradehouse: [name] |Sethans| ==> |Sethan's|
Activator:ID=Furn_shrine_Rilm_cure_01:Name=Shrine of St. Rilm: [name] |Rilm| ==> |Rilms|
Activator:ID=talker_dae_sheogorath:Name=Sheorgorath Statue Talker: [name] |Sheorgorath| ==> |Sheogorath| [this activator's name is not displayed]
Activator:ID=furn_banner_tavern_V_TFOG:Name=The Flowes of Gold: [name] |Flowes| ==> |Flowers|
Activator:ID=active_sign_dagon_fell_01:Name=Dagon Fell [name] |Fell| ==> |Fel| [does not appear to be used, and is not modified by RealSignposts]
Activator:ID=active_sign_c_guildf_01:Name=Fighters' Guild: [name] |Fighters'| ==> |Fighters| [although this more correct, it has been too far established by its other usage]
Activator:ID=active_sign_c_guildm_01:Name=Mages' Guild: [name] |Mages'| ==> |Mages|
Activator:ID=active_sign_c_guildm_caldera:Name=Mages' Guild Caldera: [name] |Mages'| ==> |Mages|
Activator:ID=talker_dae_malacath:Name=Malacath Statue Talker : [name] |Talker | ==> |Talker| [trailing space]
Alchemy:ID=p_drain_endurance_q:Name=Spoiled SlowFall Potion: [name] |SlowFall| ==> |Slowfall|
Alchemy:ID=p_drain_agility_q:Name=Spoiled SlowFall Potion: [name] |SlowFall| ==> |Slowfall|
Apparatus:ID=apparatus_sm_mortar_01:Name=SecretMaster's Mortar and Pestl: [name] |and Pestl| ==> |& Pestle| [does not appear to be used; must be added through the console]
Armor:ID=lbonemold brace of horny fist:Name=Bonemold Brace of Horny Fist: [name] |Brace of Horny Fist| ==> |L Bracer of Horny Fist|
Armor:ID=rbonemold bracer of horny fist:Name=Bonemold Bracer of Horny Fist: [name] |Bonemold Bracer| ==> |Bonemold R Bracer|
Armor:ID=bonemold_pauldron_l:Name=Bonemold L Pauldron: [name] |L| ==> |Left| [no need to abbreviate as field is large enough]
Armor:ID=bonemold_pauldron_r:Name=Bonemold R Pauldron: [name] |R| ==> |Right| [see above]
Armor:ID=bound_helm:Name=Bound_Helm: [name] |Bound_Helm| ==> |Bound Helm|
Armor:ID=dragonbone_cuirass_unique:Name=Dragonbone cuirass: [name] |cuirass| ==> |Cuirass|
Armor:ID=gauntlet_fists_l_unique:Name=Fist of Randagulf Left Gauntlet: [name] |Left| ==> |L|
Armor:ID=gauntlet_fists_r_unique:Name=Fist of Randagulf Rt Gauntlet: [name] |Rt| ==> |R|
Armor:ID=imperial_studded_cuirass:Name=Imperial Studded Leather Cuiras: [name] |Studded Leather Cuiras| ==> |Leather Cuirass| [field too short; no good abbreviations available, but no other leather cuirass or other Imperial leather armor at all to confuse it with]
Book:ID=sc_paper plain:Name=paper: [name itself] |paper| ==> |Paper|
Book:ID=sc_paper_plain_01_canodia:Name=paper: [name itself] |paper| ==> |Paper|
Class:ID=Buoyant Armiger: [description] |Samauri| ==> |Samurai|
Class:ID=Buoyant Armiger: [name] || ==> |Buoyant Armiger| [class name was blank, so all Buoyant Armigers could not identify themselves; their class would appear as a space in dialog]
Clothing:ID=amulet of 6th house:Name=6th House Amulet: [name] |6th| ==> |Sixth| [House Dagoth is nowhere referred to in player-visible text as "6th House" but over a hundred times as "Sixth" and field is long enough so need not be abbreviated unless needed to be first in the list for finding it easily during development]
Clothing:ID=belt of feet of notorgo:Name=Belt of Iron Will: [name] |Iron Will| ==> |Feet of Notorgo| [script and ID indicates that this is the spell this belt casts and its correct name respectively]
Clothing:ID=malipu_ataman's_belt:Name=Malipu-Ataman's Belt : [name] |Belt | ==> |Belt| [trailing space]
Clothing:ID=Nuccius_ring:Name=Nuccius's Cursed Ring: [name] |Nuccius's| ==> |Nuccius'|
Clothing:ID=ring of the five fingers of pai:Name=Ring of the Five Fingers of Pai: [name] |the Five Fingers of Pai| ==> |Five Fingers of Pain| [confirmed as this not as being named after someone named "Pai" as "pain" shows in the script name and there is a spell of the same name]
Clothing:ID=robe of st roris:Name=Robe of St Roris: [name] |St| ==> |St.|
Clothing:ID=st. felm's fire:Name=St. Felm's Fire: [name] |Felm's| ==> |Felms'|
Clothing:ID=Daedric_special01:Name=Tel Fyr amulet: [name] |amulet| ==> |Amulet|
Clothing:ID=Zenithar's_Wiles:Name=Zeinthar's Wiles: [name] |Zeinthar's| ==> |Zenithar's|
Container:ID=chest_tomb_Sandas:Name=A nobleman's chest: [name] |nobleman's chest| ==> |Nobleman's Chest|
Container:ID=contain_corpse_Arenim00:Name=Corpse of Agustas: [name] |Agustas| ==> |Augustus|
Container:ID=com_chest_02_fg_supply:Name=Fighters' Guild Equipment Chest: |Fighters'| ==> |Fighters|
Container:ID=chest_Goris:Name=Goris's small chest: [name] |Goris's small chest| ==> |Goris' Small Chest|
Container:ID=de_p_desk_ministry:Name=Grand Inquisitor's desk: [name] |desk| ==> |Desk|
Container:ID=flora_hackle-lo_01:Name=Hackle-lo: [name] |Hackle-lo| ==> |Hackle-Lo|
Container:ID=flora_hackle-lo_02:Name=Hackle-lo: [name] |Hackle-lo| ==> |Hackle-Lo|
Container:ID=dwrv_chest_divayth00:Name=Heavy Dweamer Chest: [name] |Dweamer| ==> |Dwemer|
Container:ID=couldron10:Name=Large Iron Couldron: [name] |Couldron| ==> |Cauldron|
Container:ID=couldron_cooked_daedra:Name=Large Iron Couldron: [name] |Couldron| ==> |Cauldron|
Container:ID=sack_small_(scale)00:Name=Small cloth sack: [name] |cloth sack| ==> |Cloth Sack|
Container:ID=flora_treestump_unique:Name=Hollow Treestump: [name] |Treestump| ==> |Tree Stump|
Container:ID=com_chest_02_mg_supply:Name=Mages' Guild Supply Chest: |Mages'| ==> |Mages|
Container:ID=contain_dead_mehrunes00:Name=Varner Hleras's corpse: [name] |Hleras's| ==> |Hleras'|
Container:ID=duke_wardrobe:Name=wardrobe: [name] |wardrobe| ==> |Wardrobe|
Container:ID=de_p_chest_02_gold_25:Name=Worn chest: [name] |chest| ==> |Chest|
Container:ID=de_p_chest_02_gold_50:Name=Worn chest: [name] |chest| ==> |Chest|
Container:ID=Com_Chest_11_k02:Name=Worn looking chest: [name] |Worn looking chest| ==> |Worn-Looking Chest|
Creature:ID=atronach_frost:Name=Frost Atronach: [name] |Frost Atronach| ==> |Frost Atronach| [doubled space]
Creature:ID=atronach_frost_summon:Name=Frost Atronach: [name] |Frost Atronach| ==> |Frost Atronach| [see above]
Creature:ID=atronach_frost_ttmk:Name=Frost Atronach: [name] |Frost Atronach| ==> |Frost Atronach| [see above]
Door:ID=Ex_Dae_door_static:Name=Blocked door to Anudnabia: [name] |door| ==> |Door|
Faction:ID=Twin Lamps:Rank Name=Twin Lamps: [rank name] |Twin Lamps| ==> |Liberator| [as the only rank was the name of the faction, all of its members (mostly in the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart) would reply "I am {name}, {class} and Twin Lamps of the Twin Lamps." This is not a joinable faction by the PC. I was unable to find any lore or reference in-game or from another Elder Scrolls series source on what this rank should be, so I chose "Liberator" as it has a historical background: The Liberator was the abolitionist newspaper of William Lloyd Garrison, founder of the largest and most organized abolitionist group in history: The American Anti-Slavery Society. The only ranks in the society that are known from its minutes, proceedings and constitution are the generic ones given any organization (member, officer, executive and vice-president;) they were not unique titles and not appropriate to a secret society. This would be consistent with the faction name "Twin Lamps" if its name is a reference to another abolitionist newspaper of the era: The SafetyLamp.]
Game Settings:Magic:ID=sEffectSoultrap:Value=Soultrap: [value] |Soultrap| ==> |Soul Trap|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sAreaDes:Value=The radius the spell attempt to affect: [value] |attempt| ==> |attempts|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sBarterDialog3:Value=This is to heavy for you to carry.: [value] |is to| ==> |is too|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sBarterDialog6:Value=You need to place the bartered item before existing Barter Menu!: [value] |existing| ==> |exiting|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sCantEquipWeapWarning:Value=Finish your current attack before equipping a new weapon: [value] |weapon| ==> |weapon.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sCaughtStealingMessage:Value=Hey he's stealing my stuff!: [value] |Hey| ==> |Hey,| [this does not appear to be used]
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sDisposeCorpseFail:Value=You can not remove this corpse: [value] |can not| ==> |cannot|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sDisposeCorpseFail:Value=You can not remove this corpse: [value] |corpse| ==> |corpse.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sDurationDes:Value=The length a spell lasts: [value] |length| ==> |time| ["length" confuses duration with effect area]
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sEnchantmentMenu10:Value=The cast cost cannot exceed the charge amount put into the time: [value] |time| ==> |item.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sEnchantmentMenu11:Value=You must add at least one effect to an enchantment: [value] |enchantment| ==> |enchantment.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sEnchantmentMenu12:Value=You have successfully created an enchanted item: [value] |item| ==> |item.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sInventorySelectNoIngredients:Value=You have no ingredients: [value] |ingredients| ==> |ingredients.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sInventorySelectNoSoul:Value=You have no filled Soul Gems: [value] |Gems| ==> |Gems.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sMagnitudeDes:Value=The range of a spells power: [value] |spells| ==> |spell's|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sMonthHeartfire:Value=Heartfire: [value] |Heartfire| ==> |Hearthfire|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sNotifyMessage2:Value=You can't rest here enemies are nearby.: [value] |here| ==> |here:|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sNotifyMessage29:Value=You cannot add more enchantment to an object then it can hold.: [value] |then| ==> |than|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sNotifyMessage36:Value=You have to distribute all you points before exiting.: [value] |all you| ==> |all your|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sNotifyMessage46:Value=You need a Alembic to use: [value] |a Alembic| ==> |an Alembic|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sNotifyMessage52:Value=You must have a soul gem with a soul to make an Enchanted Item: [value] |Item| ==> |Item.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sServiceTrainingWords:Value=I can teach nothing more about that skill: [value] |skill| ==> |skill.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sSoultrapSuccess:Value=Your have trapped a soul: [value] |Your| ==> |You|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sSoultrapSuccess:Value=Your have trapped a soul: [value] |soul| ==> |soul.|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sSpellmakingHelp2:Value=Amount of Magika one cast of the spell will cost: [value] |Magika| ==> |Magicka|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sSpellmakingHelp4:Value=How much gold the spell will cost you.: [value] |you.| ==> |you|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sTrapImpossible:Value=Trap too complex, your chance to disarm it is zero: [value] |complex,| ==> |complex;|
Game Settings:Menus:ID=sTrapImpossible:Value=Trap too complex, your chance to disarm it is zero: [value] |zero| ==> |zero.|
Greeting:Greeting0:Class=Guard:Alarmed=1 and CharGenState!=-1.0000: |doing!| ==> |doing?!|
Greeting:Greeting0:Class=Guard:Faction=Temple:WearingOrdinatorUni=1: |that!| ==> |that?!|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=dreamer_02: |Your| ==> |You|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=giras indaram:HR_Bill_Collect>=90: |Beloth| ==> |Beleth|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=therana:wearingClothes=1: |me| ==> |my|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=therana:wearingClothes=1: |wear my skirt!| ==> |wear my skirt?!|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=yagrum bagarn:Item misc_wraithguard_no_equip>=1: |dwemer| ==> |Dwemer|
Greeting:Greeting4:ID=idroso vendu:MT_WritVendu>=10: |I busy| ==> |I'm busy|
Greeting:Greeting4:ID=ethal seloth:Attacked=1 and MT_WritVendu>=10: |You're| ==> |Your|
Greeting:Greeting4:Race=Dark Elf:PC Blight Disease=1 and Not ID caius cosades=1 and Random100<=50: |You're| ==> |You've|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=addut-lamanu:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=assaba-bentus:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=assemmus:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=baladas demnevanni:Talked To PC=0: |Arvs Drelen| ==> |Arvs-Drelen,|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=daric bielle:Dead hides_his_eyes=0 and MV_BountyHunter<10: |the gotta| ==> |they gotta|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=drulene falen:HR_MudcrabNest<=10: | Some| ==> |Some|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=ethys savil:Disp=60:A1_7_VivecInformants>=1: |Got out| ==> |Get out|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=ethys savil:Talked To PC=0 and A1_7_HuleeyaInformant>=15: |Got out| ==> |Get out|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=galbedir:PC Expelled=0: |your and health| ==> |your health|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=galbedir:PC Expelled=0 and Talked to PC=1: |from| ==> |for|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=galero andaram:Talked To PC=0: |find a| ==> |find in a|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=galos mathendis:PC Faction=Telvanni:HT_DaedraSkin>=10 and HT_DaedraSkin<100: |Ayron| ==> |Aryon|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=han-ammu:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=hloris farano:Talked To PC=0: |offers| ==> |offer|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Iulus Truptor:IC13_rich>=1 and IC13_rich<50 and IC13_rich_not!=1 and Item Gold_001<500: |Pelelius's| ==> |Pelelius'|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Iulus Truptor:IC13_rich>=1 and IC13_rich<50 and IC13_rich_not!=1 and Item Gold_001>=500: |Pelelius's| ==> |Pelelius'|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Iulus Truptor:IC12_dinner>=1 and Item potion_cyro_brandy_01<5 and IC12_dinner_not!=1 and IC12_dinner<50: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Iulus Truptor:IC12_dinner>=1 and Item potion_cyro_brandy_01<5 and IC12_dinner_not!=1 and IC12_dinner<50:Choice 2: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Iulus Truptor:IC12_dinner>=1 and Item potion_cyro_brandy_01>=5 and IC12_dinner_not!=1 and IC12_dinner<50: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Iulus Truptor:IC12_dinner>=1 and Item potion_cyro_brandy_01>=5 and IC12_dinner_not!=1 and IC12_dinner<50:Choice 2: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Iulus Truptor:IC12_dinner>=1 and Item potion_cyro_brandy_01>=5 and IC12_dinner_not!=1 and IC12_dinner<50:Choice 3: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=jocien ancois: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=jocien ancois:Dead zennammu>0 and Dead mimanu zeba-adad>0 and Dead mamaea ashun-idantus>0: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=jocien ancois:IL_RescueHermit>=50: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:PC Faction=Imperial Cult:PC Rank=Layman:PC Expelled=1:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:PC Faction=Imperial Cult:PC Rank=Layman:PC Expelled=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:IC16_Haunting>=50 and IC17_Witch<1: |khuul| ==> |Khuul|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:IC16_Haunting_not=1 and Local localdaysPassed>=2 and IC17_Witch<50: |khuul| ==> |Khuul|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:IC18_Silver_Staff>=1 and IC18_Silver_Staff<50 and IC18_Silver_not!=1:Choice 2: |difficullt| ==> |difficult|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:IC18_Silver_Staff>=1 and IC18_Silver_Staff<50 and IC18_Silver_not!=1 and Item silver staff of shaming>=1:Choice 2: |difficullt| ==> |difficult|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:IC18_Silver_Staff>50 and IC19_Restless_Spirit<1: |to wronged| ==> |to the wronged|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:IC18_Silver_not=1 and Local localdaysPassed>2 and IC19_Restless_Spirit<50: |to wronged| ==> |to the wronged|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:IC19_Restless_Spirit>=1 and IC19_Restless_Spirit<50 and IC19_Restless_not!=1:Choice 2: |difficullt| ==> |difficult|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:IC19_Restless_Spirit>=40 and IC19_Restless_Spirit<50 and IC19_Restless_not!=1:Choice 2: |difficullt| ==> |difficult|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Kaye:PC Faction=Imperial Cult:PC Rank=Layman:PC Expelled=1 and Choice=2: |if change| ==> |if you change|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=kummu:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Lalatia Varian:PC Faction=Imperial Cult:PC Rank=Layman:PC Expelled=1:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Lalatia Varian:PC Faction=Imperial Cult:PC Rank=Layman:PC Expelled=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=manirai:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=massarapal:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=raesa pullia:A2_2_6thHouse>=5: |base in near| ==> |base near|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=sinnammu mirpal:A2_6_Incarnate>=50 and MS_WhiteGuar>=80: |that outlander.| ==> |that outlander?|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=sinnammu mirpal:Disp=70:A2_6_Incarnate>=50 and MS_WhiteGuar>=80: |that outlander.| ==> |that outlander?|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Synnolian Tunifus:IC3_willow>=1 and IC3_willow<50 and Item ingred_willow_anther01:>=5: |it's| ==> |its|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Synnolian Tunifus:IC3_willow>=50 and IC4_scrib<1: |Ouadi Oadi| ==> |Ouada Odai|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=Synnolian Tunifus:IC3_willow_not=1 and localdaysPassed>=2 and IC4_Scrib<4: |Ouadi Oadi| ==> |Ouada Odai|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=ulibabi:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=yantus:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=zebba:B4_ErabenimsunKill>=1: |treat| ==> |speak|
Greeting:Greeting5:ID=uvoo llaren:PC Faction=Temple:TT_SupplyMonk>=10 and TT_SupplyMonk<100: |Sendas| ==> |Sendus|
Greeting:Greeting5:PC Faction=Hlaalu:strongService=1: |Hlaalu| ==> |Hlaalu.|
Greeting:Greeting5:PC Faction=Telvanni:strongService=1: |Telvanni| ==> |Telvanni.|
Greeting:Greeting6:Faction=Ashlanders:Cell=Urshilaku Camp:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul=11: |outlander.| ==> |outlander?|
Greeting:Greeting6:Faction=Ashlanders:Cell=Urshilaku Camp:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul=13: |outlander.| ==> |outlander?|
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=Agning:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [doubled space]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=bacola closcius:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=banor seran:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=benunius agrudilius:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=boderi farano:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=Burcanius Varo:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=Drarayne Girith:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=drelasa ramothran:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=dulnea ralaal:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=ery:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=fara:Disp=40: |of the Fara's| ==> |of Fara's|
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=fara:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=llether vari:Disp=30:Talked To PC=0: |you about| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=llether vari:Disp=30:Talked To PC=1: |you about| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=llorayna sethan:Disp=40: |of the Sethan's| ==> |of Sethan's|
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=llorayna sethan:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=manara othan:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=manse andus:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=raril giral:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=shenk:Disp=40: |of the Shenk's| ==> |of Shenk's|
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=shenk:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=sorosi radobar:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting7:ID=thaeril:Disp=40: |looking for| ==> |looking for| [see above]
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Abaelun Mine:Class=Miner: |an diamond| ==> |a diamond|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Khuul:Disp=40:Random100<20: |dud| ==> |did|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Maar Gan:Disp=20:Random100<50: | What| ==> |What|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Molag Mar:Disp=40:Talked To PC=0 and Random100<20: |we| ==> |we've|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Molag Mar:Disp=40:Talked To PC=0 and Random100<40: |%Name| ==> |%PCName|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Sadrith Mora:Random100<50: |Moa| ==> |Mora|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Seyda Neen:Disp=40:Talked To PC=0: | Welcome| ==> |Welcome|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Seyda Neen:Disp=40:Talked To PC=0 and Random100<60: |hear| ==> |heard|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Suran:Disp=20:Talked To PC=0: | What| ==> |What|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Suran:Disp=40:Talked To PC=0 and Random100<60: |are a popular| ==> |are popular|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Tel Mora:Disp=20:Random100<50: |stranger.| ==> |stranger?|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Tel Mora:Disp=20:Talked To PC=0: |You're| ==> |You've|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Vos:Disp=20:Talked To PC=0 and Random100<80: |know| ==> |now|
Ingredient:ID=ingred_corprus_weepings_01:Name=Corprus weepings: [name] |weepings| ==> |Weepings|
Journal:A1_2_AntabolisInformant (5): |box'.| ==> |box."|
Journal:A1_Sleepers_Drarayne (1): |her life| ==> |his life|
Journal:A1_Sleepers_Rararyn (1): |Rararyn| ==> |Rarayn| [see entry for NPC name change]
Journal:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul (20): |his Zabamund's yurt| ==> |his yurt|
Journal:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul (45): |Ashlanders| ==> |Ashlanders.|
Journal:A2_4_MiloGone (48): |Heirographa| ==> |Hierographa|
Journal:A2_4_MiloGone (50): |suggest| ==> |suggests|
Journal:B4_HeartFire (1): |Han-Ammu the Sanit-Kil's| ==> |Han-Ammu Sanit-Kil's|
Journal:B4_HeartFire (5): |Han-Ammu the Sanit-Kil's| ==> |Han-Ammu Sanit-Kil's|
Journal:B4_KillWarLovers (5): |Nerevarine Erabenimsun| ==> |Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun|
Journal:B5_LlethriHort (5): |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Journal:B5_LlethriHort (10): |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Journal:B5_LlethriHort (50): |testimony| ==> |testimony.|
Journal:B5_MorvaynHort (5): |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Journal:B5_MorvaynHort (10): |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Journal:B5_RamoranHort (5): |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Journal:B5_RamoranHort (10): |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Journal:B5_RamoranHort (20): |counselors| ==> |councilors|
Journal:B5_SarethiHort (5): |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Journal:B5_SarethiHort (10): |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Journal:B6_YnglingHort (5): |Redoran| ==> |Hlaalu|
Journal:blades_Gildan (1): |Paralyze| ==> |paralyze|
Journal:DA_Boethiah (10): |khajiit| ==> |Khajiit| [two instances]
Journal:DA_Boethiah (10): |M'aiq| ==> |M'Aiq|
Journal:DA_Malacath (20): |Vivec| ==> |Vivec.|
Journal:DA_Mephala (20): |Omavel| ==> |Omarel| [see entry for NPC name change]
Journal:DA_Mephala (40): |Omavel| ==> |Omarel| [see above]
Journal:DA_Mephala (50): |Omavel's| ==> |Omarel's| [see above]
Journal:DA_Mephala (55): |Omavel's| ==> |Omarel's| [see above]
Journal:DA_Mephala (57): |Omavel| ==> |Omarel| [see above]
Journal:EB_Actor (50): |theatre| ==> |theater|
Journal:EB_Clients (20): |Aundenian| ==> |Audenian|
Journal:EB_Pest (26): |Velius| ==> |Valius|
Journal:EB_Shipment (10): |Bolryn| ==> |Bolrin|
Journal:EB_Shipment (50): |Bolryn| ==> |Bolrin|
Journal:FG_HungerLoose (10): |of the Fort| ==> |of Fort|
Journal:FG_KillBosses (10): |n| ==> |in|
Journal:FG_Nchurdamz (100): |Macrina explore| ==> |Macrina to explore|
Journal:HH_AshlanderEbony (200): |Edryon| ==> |Edryno|
Journal:HH_BuriedTreasure (Title): |Flaeus's| ==> |Flaeus'|
Journal:HH_CaptureSpy (40): |Elmusa| ==> |Elmussa|
Journal:HH_Retaliation (10): |Redoran| ==> |Hlaalu|
Journal:HH_Stronghold (120): |might could| ==> |could|
Journal:HH_Stronghold (130): |experience| ==> |experienced|
Journal:HH_Stronghold (170): |being| ==> |begin|
Journal:HH_TwinLamps3 (70): |arrives| ==> |arrived|
Journal:HH_WinSaryoni (50): |Rove| ==> |Robe|
Journal:HR_LostBanner (10): |Andasreth| ==> |Andasreth.|
Journal:HR_MadMilk (10): |travellers| ==> |travelers|
Journal:HR_OldFlame (40): |persuation| ==> |persuasion|
Journal:HR_OldFlame (40): |Tiros| ==> |Toris|
Journal:HR_Oldflame (101): |Navilie| ==> |Nalvilie|
Journal:HR_Shurinbaal (10): |Daroder| ==> |Daroder Helni|
Journal:HR_Stronghold (141): |agree| ==> |agreed|
Journal:HT_DrakePride (10): |Sinise| ==> |Senise|
Journal:HT_MineCure (70): |kwama| ==> |Kwama|
Journal:HT_Shishi (10): |Anders| ==> |Andas|
Journal:HT_Stronghold (10): |to soul| ==> |two soul|
Journal:HT_Stronghold (60): |Gashnak| ==> |Gashnakh|
Journal:HT_Stronghold (60): |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Journal:HT_Stronghold (70): |Gashnak| ==> |Gashnakh|
Journal:IC10_merthierry (1): |Merthierry gave| ==> |Merthierry Laelippe gave|
Journal:IC12_Bacola (1): |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic| [two instances]
Journal:IC12_Bacola (1): |hall just| ==> |hall just| [doubled space]
Journal:IC12_Banor (1): |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Journal:IC12_Benunius (1): |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Journal:IC12_Benunius (5): |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Journal:IC12_dinner (1): |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Journal:IC12_dinner (5): |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Journal:IC12_dinner (50): |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Journal:IC12_dinner_not (0): |bottle| ==> |bottles|
Journal:IC12_dinner_not (0): |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Journal:IC12_Dulnea (1): |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Journal:IC13_rich (15): |to to| ==> |to|
Journal:IC13_rich (40): |the the| ==> |the|
Journal:IC13_rich (42): |the the| ==> |the|
Journal:IC14_Ponius (18): |gold in gold| ==> |gold|
Journal:IC14_Shazgob (1): |gra-Luzgan| ==> |gro-Luzgan| [male Orc; also changed NPC name as well]
Journal:IC17_Witch (10): |Ashe-Ahhe| ==> |Asha-Ahhe|
Journal:IC17_Witch (15): |Ashe-Ahhe| ==> |Asha-Ahhe|
Journal:IC26_AmaNin (5): |among Dunmer stronghold| ==> |among Dunmer strongholds|
Journal:IC29_Crusher (10): |Anudnubia| ==> |Anudnabia|
Journal:IL_GnisisBlight (50): |kwama queen| ==> |Kwama Queen|
Journal:IL_GnisisBlight (200): |kwama queen| ==> |Kwama Queen|
Journal:IL_Grandmaster (10): |Vatinius| ==> |Vantinius|
Journal:IL_Grandmaster (100): |Vatinius| ==> |Vantinius|
Journal:IL_KnightShield (10): |Vatinius| ==> |Vantinius|
Journal:IL_KnightShield (50): |Vatinius| ==> |Vantinius|
Journal:IL_KnightShield (100): |Vatinius| ==> |Vantinius|
Journal:IL_RescueHermit (10): |Ashlanders,| ==> |Ashlanders;|
Journal:IL_RescueHermit (20): |witch-women| ==> |witch-woman|
Journal:IL_RescueHermit (20): |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Journal:IL_RescueHermit (70): |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Journal:IL_RescueKnight (200): |than| ==> |that|
Journal:IL_RescuePilgrim (30): |Medura| ==> |Madura|
Journal:IL_RescueRagash (10): |Arvs Drelen| ==> |Arvs-Drelen|
Journal:IL_RescueRagash (50): |Arvs Drelen| ==> |Arvs-Drelen|
Journal:IL_RescueRagash (70): |Arvs Drelen| ==> |Arvs-Drelen|
Journal:MG_Excavation (20): |Senilius| ==> |Senilias|
Journal:MG_Excavation (30): |Senilius| ==> |Senilias| [two instances]
Journal:MG_Paydues (10): |Marandas| ==> |Marandus|
Journal:MG_WiseWoman (30): |Minabibi| ==> |Minabibi Assardarainat|
Journal:MG_WiseWoman (40): |Minabi| ==> |Minabibi|
Journal:MG_WiseWoman (70): |Minabi| ==> |Minabibi|
Journal:MG_WiseWoman (80): |Minabi| ==> |Minabibi|
Journal:MG_WiseWoman (100): |Minabi| ==> |Minabibi|
Journal:MS_ArenimTomb (50): |Agustus| ==> |Augustus|
Journal:MS_Lookout (40): |treestump| ==> |tree stump|
Journal:MS_Nord_burial (1): |Oldgerd| ==> |Olmgerd|
Journal:MS_Piernette (90): |told her that| ==> |told Piernette Beluelle that|
Journal:MS_Piernette (100): |to her| ==> |to Piernette|
Journal:MS_VampireCure (10): |found a some| ==> |found some|
Journal:MS_VampireCure (50): |Vaermina| ==> |Vaernima|
Journal:MT_DB_Contact (50): |for contact| ==> |for his contact|
Journal:MT_S_Impaling (100) : |Impaling, one| ==> |Impaling Thrust, one|
Journal:MT_S_Transcendent (100): |Transcendent Wisdom| ==> |Transcendence|
Journal:MT_WritBaladas (10): |Arvs Drelen| ==> |Arvs-Drelen|
Journal:MT_WritYasalmibaal (10): |Odaishah is| ==> |Odaishah Yasalmibaal is| [stops hyperlink to "Odai" river from this journal entry]
Journal:MV_AngryTrader (20): |Dondiir| ==> |Dondir|
Journal:MV_BanditVictim (20): |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr|
Journal:MV_BanditVictim (50): |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr|
Journal:MV_BanditVictim (60): |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr|
Journal:MV_BanditVictim (110): |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr|
Journal:MV_BanditVictim (120): |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr|
Journal:MV_Bastard (100): |Fjod| ==> |Fjol|
Journal:MV_BountyHunter (65): |Sarathra| ==> |Sarathram|
Journal:MV_FakeSlave (20): |wayhouse is he is| ==> |wayhouse he is|
Journal:MV_InnocentAshlanders (30): |give my| ==> |give me|
Journal:MV_InnocentAshlanders (60): |the have| ==> |they have|
Journal:MV_InnocentAshlanders (100): |Tellius| ==> |Tullius|
Journal:MV_OutcastAshlanders (60): |Ilabael| ==> |Kashtes Ilabael|
Journal:MV_OutcastAshlanders (70): |Ilabael| ==> |Kashtes Ilabael|
Journal:MV_RecoverWidowmaker (60): |much to| ==> |much too|
Journal:MV_RichTrader (10): |Herennia| ==> |Herrenia|
Journal:MV_RunawaySlave (20): |Reeh-Ja| ==> |Reeh-Jah|
Journal:MV_RunawaySlave (35): |Reeh-Ja| ==> |Reeh-Jah|
Journal:MV_RunawaySlave (90): |Reeh-Ja| ==> |Reeh-Jah|
Journal:MV_RunawaySlave (100): |Reeh-Ja| ==> |Reeh-Jah|
Journal:MV_RunawaySlave (105): |Reeh-Ja| ==> |Reeh-Jah|
Journal:MV_RunawaySlave (120): |Reeh-Ja's| ==> |Reeh-Jah's|
Journal:MV_RunawaySlave (130): |Reeh-Ja| ==> |Reeh-Jah|
Journal:MV_SlaveMule (65): |what the she| ==> |what she|
Journal:MV_SlaveMule (75): |Im-Kaliya| ==> |Im-Kilaya|
Journal:MV_SlaveMule (10): |Dropoff| ==> |Drop Off|
Journal:MV_SlaveMule (112): |Im Kilaya| ==> |Im-Kilaya|
Journal:MV_SlaveMule (115): |Im Kilaya| ==> |Im-Kilaya| [two instances]
Journal:MV_StrayedPilgrim (25): |with).| ==> |with.)|
Journal:MV_StrayedPilgrim (30): |Kagouti| ==> |kagouti|
Journal:MV_TraderLate (quest name): |of| ==> |off|
Journal:Romance_Ahnassi (1): |Thieves| ==> |Thieves'|
Journal:Romance_Ahnassi (42): |is wasn't| ==> |it wasn't|
Journal:Romance_Ahnassi (87): |them use| ==> |them, use|
Journal:Romance_Ahnassi (95): |Anhassi| ==> |Ahnassi|
Journal:rules_hlaalu (1): |of attacking| ==> |or attacking|
Journal:TG_BalmoraDefenses (110): |Hecerendi| ==> |Hecerinde|
Journal:TG_BrotherBragor (50): |gar-Burbug| ==> |gra-Burbug|
Journal:TG_EbonyStaff (10): |Bal Fell| ==> |Tel Branora|
Journal:TG_SS_ChurchPolice (60): |he| ==> |she|
Journal:town_balmora (29): |Trandrel| ==> |Trandel|
Journal:town_balmora (30): |Trandrel| ==> |Trandel|
Journal:town_balmora (30): |Medrale| ==> |Madrale|
Journal:town_balmora (35): |Trandrel| ==> |Trandel|
Journal:town_balmora (35): |Medrale| ==> |Madrale|
Journal:town_Tel_Vos (30): |the can| ==> |they can|
Journal:town_Tel_Vos_wise (1): |the can| ==> |they can|
Journal:TT_Compassion (10): |Rilm's| ==> |Rilms'|
Journal:TT_Compassion (10): |gra-Shugharz| ==> |gra-Shugarz| [two instances]
Journal:TT_Compassion (50): |gra-Shugharz| ==> |gra-Shugarz|
Journal:TT_Compassion (100): |gra-Shugharz| ==> |gra-Shugarz|
Journal:TT_Compassion (200): |gra-Shugharz| ==> |gra-Shugarz|
Journal:TT_SupplyMonk (10): |Sendas| ==> |Sendus|
Journal:TT_SupplyMonk (50): |Sendas| ==> |Sendus|
Journal:TT_SupplyMonk (100): |Sendas| ==> |Sendus|
Journal:TT_SupplyMonk (200): |than Sendas| ==> |that Sendus|
Journal:VA_VampCult (80): |mislead| ==> |misled|
Journal:VA_VampHunter (30): |Doing in| ==> |Doing it in|
Journal:VA_VampHunter (80): |Daunayne| ==> |Dhaunayne|
Journal:VA_VampHunter (90): |Daunayne| ==> |Dhaunayne|
Journal:VA_VampHunter (100): |Daunayne| ==> |Dhaunayne|
Lockpick:ID=pick_grandmaster:Name=Grandmaster's Pick: [name] |Pick| ==> |Lockpick|
Magic Effect:Name=Sanctuary: [description] |the the| ==> |the|
Misc Item:ID=key_elmussadamori:Name=Abebaal Slave Key: [name] |Abebaal Slave| ==> |Elmussa Damori's|
Misc Item:ID=key_ahnassi:Name=Ahnassi's key: [name] |key| ==> |Key|
Misc Item:ID=key_Senim_tomb:Name=An old tomb key: [name] |old tomb key| ==> |Old Tomb Key|
Misc Item:ID=key_ashurninibi:Name=Ancient daedric Key: [name] |daedric| ==> |Daedric|
Misc Item:ID=key_ashalmawia_prisoncell:Name=Ancient daedric Key: [name] |daedric| ==> |Daedric|
Misc Item:ID=key_Forge of Rolamus:Name=Ancient daedric Key: [name] |daedric| ==> |Daedric|
Misc Item:ID=artifact_bittercup_01:Name=Bittercup: [name] |Bittercup| ==> |Bitter Cup|
Misc Item:ID=key_bolayn:Name=Bolayne's chest key: [name] |Bolayne's chest key| ==> |Bolayn's Chest Key|
Misc Item:ID=misc_de_goblet_04_dagoth:Name=House Dagoth cup: [name] |cup| ==> |Cup|
Misc Item:ID=misc_goblet_dagoth:Name=House Dagoth cup: [name] |cup| ==> |Cup|
Misc Item:ID=key_table_Mudan00:Name=Dwemer key to table in Mudan: [name] |key to table| ==> |Key to Table|
Misc Item:ID=misc_dwrv_ark_cube00:Name=Dwemer puzzle box: [name] |puzzle box| ==> |Puzzle Box|
Misc Item:ID=key_fals:Name=Dagoth Fals's Key: [name] |Fals's| ==> |Fals'|
Misc Item:ID=key_galmis:Name=Dagoth Galmis's Key: [name] |Galmis's| ==> |Galmis'|
Misc Item:ID=Key_Arano_chest:Name=Key to Arano Tomb chest: [name] |Tomb| ==> |tomb| [matches naming convention of other tomb keys]
Misc Item:ID=Key_Arano_door:Name=Key to Arano Tomb Door: [name] |Tomb Door| ==> |tomb door| [see above]
Misc Item:ID=key_Falas_chest:Name=Key to Falas Tomb chest: [name] |Tomb| ==> |tomb| [see above]
Misc Item:ID=key_Favel_chest:Name=Key to Favel Tomb chest: [name] |Tomb| ==> |tomb| [see above]
Misc Item:ID=key_nedhelas:Name=Nedhelas' key: [name] |key| ==> |Key|
Misc Item:ID=key_odros:Name=Dagoth Odros's Key: [name] |Odros's| ==> |Odros'|
Misc Item:ID=key_Ibardad:Name=Plain key: [name] |key| ==> |Key|
Misc Item:ID=key_ienasa:Name=Ienasa Radas's Key: [name] |Radas's| ==> |Radas'|
Misc Item:ID=key_Sarys_chest:Name=Sarys chest key: [name] |Sarys chest key| ==> |Key to Sarys tomb chest| [see above]
Misc Item:ID=key_shaadnius:Name=Sha-Adnius Key: [name] |Sha-Adnius Key| ==> |Sha-Adnius Key| [doubled space]
Misc Item:ID=key_Tharys_chest:Name=Tharys chest key: [name] |Tharys chest key| ==> |Key to Tharys tomb chest| [see above]
Misc Item:ID=key_Thelas_chest:Name=Thelas chest key: [name] |Thelas chest key| ==> |Key to Thelas tomb chest| [see above]
Misc Item:ID=key_Indaren:Name=Rusty key into Indaren Tomb: [name] |key| ==> |Key|
Misc Item:ID=key_j'zhirr:Name=J'zhirr's Key: [name] |J'zhirr's| ==> |J'Zhirr's|
Misc Item:ID=key_Aralen:Name=Key Aralen Tombs: [name] |Aralen Tombs| ==> |to Aralen tomb|
Misc Item:ID=key_Ashmelech:Name=Key to Asmelech: [name] |Asmelech | ==> |Ashmelech| [also trailing space]
Misc Item:ID=key_Ashmelech_chest:Name=Key to Asmelech chest: [name] |Asmelech| ==> |Ashmelech|
Misc Item:ID=key_mebastien:Name=Mebastien's Key: [name] |Mebastien's| ==> |Mebestien's|
Misc Item:ID=key_Dareleth_tomb:Name=Key Dareleth tomb: [name] |Key Dareleth| ==> |Key to Dareleth|
Misc Item:ID=misc_dwrv_goblet10_tgcp:Name=Large Dewmer Goblet: [name] |Dewmer| ==> |Dwemer|
Misc Item:ID=misc_de_glass_yellow_01:Name=Yellow Glass : [name] |Glass | ==> |Glass| [trailing space]
NPC:ID=agrippina herennia:Name=Agrippina Herennia: [name] |Herennia| ==> |Herrenia| [avoids changing topic title which was incorrect with current name spelling]
NPC:ID=anarenen:Name=Anarenen: [name] |Anarenen| ==> |Anareren| [avoids change topic "Anareren's Devil Tanto" which was incorect with current spelling; other references also modified]
NPC:ID=balyn omavel:Name=Balyn Omavel: [name] |Omavel| ==> |Omarel| [avoids changing cell name |Balmora, Balvyn Omarel's House|. There is no associated topic but also changed other mentions of his name in dialog.]
NPC:ID=balyn omavel-DEAD:Name=Balyn Omavel: [name] |Omavel| ==> |Omarel| [see above]
NPC:ID=dralcea arethi:Name=Dralsea Arethi: [name] |Dralsea| ==> |Dralcea| [matches ID name and also interior cell "Balmora, Dralcea Arethi's House"]
NPC:ID=Fadila Balvel:Name=Fadile Balvel: [name] |Fadile| ==> |Fadila| [referred to five times in dialog text as "Fadila" and this matches the ID name]
NPC:ID=fendryn drelvi:Name=Fendryn Delvi: [name] |Delvi| ==> |Drelvi| [referred to once in book text as "Drelvi" and this matches the ID name]
NPC:ID=Dravasa Andrethi:Name=Dravasa Andrethi's : [name] |Andrethi's | ==> |Andrethi's | ==> |Andrethi| ['s and trailing space appear to have been copied from cell name "Dravasa Andrethi's House" and was forgotten to be edited]
NPC:ID=hleras gidran:Name=Hleras Gidran: [name] |Gidran| ==> |Gidren| [avoids changing cell name "Sadrith Mora, Hleras Gidren's House"; this NPC is not mentioned anywhere in the rest of the game text]
NPC:ID=ghost_npc_hort_ledd:Name=Hort Ledd: [name] |Hort Ledd| ==> |Hort-Ledd| [name contains a hyphen in his own introduction and in other dialogs and journal entries]
NPC:ID=mebestian ence:Name=Mebestian Ence: [name] |Mebestian| ==> |Mebestien| [avoids changing cell name "Pelagiad, Mebestien Ence: Trader"; also is spelled "Mebestien" on the sign activator and in 12 places in dialog text]
NPC:ID=Rararyn Radarys:Name=Rararyn Radarys: [name] |Rararyn| ==> |Rarayn| [avoids changing cell name "Balmora, Rarayn Radarys' House". There is no associated topic.]
NPC:ID=Shazgob gra-Luzgan:Name=Shazgob gra-Luzgan: [name] |gra-Luzgan| ==> |gro-Luzgan| [NPC is a male orc; all other males are "gro-" and females "gra-" which seem to mean "son of" and "daughter of" respectively; text references to him also corrected]
NPC:ID=teruise girvayne:Name=Teruise Girvayne: [name]: |Teruise| ==> |Terurise| [avoids changing cell name "Seyda Neen, Terurise Girvayne's House"; this NPC is not mentioned anywhere in the rest of the game text]
NPC:ID=thervul serethi:Name=Threvul Serethi: [name] |Threvul| ==> |Thervul| [matches ID name and also interior cell "Sadrith Mora, Thervul Serethi: Healer"]
NPC:ID=travellingnewwoman:Name=Travelling-New-Woman: [name] |Travelling| ==> |Traveling| [spelling correction]
NPC:ID=ulisamsi saddarnuran:Name=Ulisamsi Saddarnuran: [name] |Saddarnuran| ==> |Shaddarnuran| [avoids changing cell name "Maar Gan, Ulisamsi Shaddarnuran's Hut"; this NPC is not mentioned anywhere in the rest of the game text]
Persuasion:Admire Fail:Disp=95:Same Sex=0: |What!| ==> |What?!|
Persuasion:Info Refusal:Disp=40: |friend| ==> |friend.|
Persuasion:Intimidate Success:Disp=90: |ok| ==> |okay|
Persuasion:Intimidate Success:ID=cunius pelelius:givenKey=0 and HR_CalderaCorrupt>=10: |Stendar| ==> |Stendarr|
Persuasion:Intimidate Success:ID=Murudius Flaeus:HH_BuriedTreasure>=10 and HH_BuriedTreasure<50: |here's key| ==> |here's a key|
Race:ID=Imperial: [description] |native| ==> |natives|
Race:ID=Khajiit: [description] |cathay-raht| ==> |Cathay-raht|
Race:ID=Khajiit: [description] |suthay-raht| ==> |Suthay-raht|
Repair Item:ID=repair_grandmaster_01:Name=GrandMaster's Armorer's Hammer: [name] |GrandMaster's| ==> |Grandmaster's| [matches other grandmaster items]
Script:ID=BILL_FG_Nchurdamz01: |Hrelvsuu| ==> |Hrelvesuu|
Script:ID=BILL_shrineMaarGan: |Mehrines| ==> |Mehrunes| [two instances; script not used; replaced with shrineMaarGan according to comments]
Script:ID=BILL_shrineSanctus: |Pilgramage| ==> |Pilgrimage| [script not used; replaced with shrineSanctus according to comments]
Script:ID=bittercup: |cup will| ==> |Cup will|
Script:ID=bittercup: |up."| ==> |up| [punctuation doesn't look good in menubox buttons]
Script:ID=CharGenFatigueBarrel: |your facing| ==> |the direction you're facing|
Script:ID=DaedraAzura: |100| ==> |a hundred|
Script:ID=DaedraMalacath: |honor back| ==> |back honor|
Script:ID=DaedraMolagBal: |in in| ==> |in|
Script:ID=DaedraMolagBal: |Now go.| ==> |Now...go!|
Script:ID=lightofdayScript: |had| ==> |hand|
Script:ID=poisonfoodScript: |Yes.| ==> |Yes| [periods in message box buttons don't look very good; no others seem to have them]
Script:ID=poisonfoodScript: |No.| ==> |No| [see above]
Script:ID= shrineKummu: |famer| ==> |farmer| [two instances]
Script:ID= shrineKummu: |mucksponge| ==> |muckspunge| [two instances]
Script:ID=shrineMaarGan: |Mehrines| ==> |Mehrunes| [two instances]
Script:ID=shrineRilm: |Poison" "Rilm's| ==> |Poison" "Rilms'|
Script:ID=SoundTest: |Volumn| ==> |Volume| [seems to be an internal test script not seen by the player]
Script:ID=VampireMolag: |disobediance| ==> |disobedience|
Script:ID=VampireMolag: |Vaermina| ==> |Vaernima| [the voice actor obligingly reads "Vaermina" but the spelling is confirmed as "Vaernima" through being written backwards in the "Sermon Zero" of Vivec's 36 sermons, which was posted on Morrowind forums possibly by dev. Michael Kirkbride but never made it into the game]
Skill:Skill=Conjuration: [description] |summonation| ==> |summoning| [two instances]
Skill:Skill=Destruction: [description] |unliving| ==> |nonliving|
Skill:Skill=Short Blade: [description] |wakazashis| ==> |wakizashis|
Spellmaking:ID=assured transcendant wisdom:Name=Assured Transcendant Wisdom: [name] |Transcendant| ==> |Transcendent|
Spellmaking:ID=grave curse: agility:Name=Grave Curse: Agilitiy: [name] |Agilitiy| ==> |Agility| [this is an NPC spell that does not appear to be learnable by the player]
Spellmaking:ID=water_walk_UNIQUE:Name=M'aiq's Water Walking: [name] |M'aiq's| ==> |M'Aiq's| [non-PC spell]
Spellmaking:ID=masterful transcendant wisdom:Name=Masterful Transcendant Wisdom: [name] |Transcendant| ==> |Transcendent|
Spellmaking:ID=meris's warding:Name=Meris's Warding: [name] |Meris's| ==> |Meris'|
Spellmaking:ID=rest of st. merris:Name=Rest of St. Merris: [name] |Merris| ==> |Meris|
Spellmaking:ID=rilm's cure:Name=Rilm's Cure: [name] |Rilm's| ==> |Rilms'|
Spellmaking:ID=rilm's gift:Name=Rilm's Gift: [name] |Rilm's| ==> |Rilms'|
Spellmaking:ID=rilm's grace:Name=Rilm's Grace: [name] |Rilm's| ==> |Rilms'|
Spellmaking:ID=roris's bloom:Name=Roris's Bloom: [name] |Roris's| ==> |Roris'|
Spellmaking:ID=saguine leaping:Name=Saguine Leaping: [name] |Saguine| ==> |Sanguine|
Spellmaking:ID=serpiginous dementia:Name=Serpiginous dementia: [name] |dementia| ==> |Dementia| [internal non-PC spell definition for this disease]
Spellmaking:ID=dynamic transcendant wisdom:Name=Sanguine Transcendant Wisdom: [name] |Transcendant| ==> |Transcendent|
Spellmaking:ID=surpassing transcendant wisdom:Name=Surpassing Transcendant Wisdom: [name] |Transcendant| ==> |Transcendent|
Spellmaking:ID=test_spell:Name=Test Spell : [name] |Spell | ==> |Spell| [non-PC spell; trailing space]
Spellmaking:ID=ulms juicedaw's feather:Name=Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather: [name] |Ulms's Juicedaw's| ==> |Ulms' Juicedaw|
Spellmaking:ID=weakness to corpus disease:Name=Weakness to Corpus Disease: [name] |Corpus| ==> |Corprus|
Spellmaking:ID=wulfharth�s cups:Name=Wulfharth�s Cups: [name] |Wulfharth�s| ==> |Wulfharth's|
Topic=Advancement:Faction=Mages Guild:Rank=Wizard:PC Faction=Mages Guild:Rank=Evoker:Rank Requirement=3 and Item Gold_001>=200:Choice 1: |Dues| ==> |dues.|
Topic=Advancement:Faction=Mages Guild:Rank=Wizard:PC Faction=Mages Guild:Rank=Evoker:Rank Requirement=3 and Item Gold_001>=200:Choice 2: |Pay| ==> |pay.|
Topic=Advancement:Faction=Telvanni:Rank=Mouth:Cell=Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House:Rank Requirement=1: |no| ==> |not|
Topic=Advancement:ID=aryon:PC Faction=Telvanni:HT_AttackIndarys>=100: |Magister| ==> |Master|
Topic=Advancement:ID=athyn sarethi:PC Faction=Redoran:PC Rank=House Father:Rank Requirement=3: |Garis| ==> |Garisa|
Topic=Advancement:ID=nileno dorvayn:PC Faction=Hlaalu: Requirement=2: |alot| ==> |a lot|
Topic=Advancement:Faction=Imperial Legion:Rank=Knight Protector:PC Faction=Imperial Legion:PC Rank=Knight Protector: |Vatinius| ==> |Vantinius|
Topic=Ahemmusa:ID=skinkintreesshade:PC Faction=Mages Guild: | The| ==> |The|
Topic=Akatosh:Class=Healer:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30:Local NoLore=0 and Random100<33: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Akatosh:Class=Monk:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30:Random100<33: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Akatosh:Class=Priest:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30:Random100<33: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Akatosh:Class=Priest Service:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30:Random100<33: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Ald Sotha:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Expelled=1: |this| ==> |these|
Topic=alit:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |larger cousin and| ==> |larger and|
Topic=alit:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |larger cousin and| ==> |larger and|
Topic=alms for the poor:ID=Iulus Truptor: |cloth| ==> |clothe|
Topic=Anareren's Devil Tanto:ID=aengoth:Item devil_tanto_tgamg>=1:Choice 3: |guard| ==> |guard.|
Topic=Anareren's Devil Tanto:ID=aengoth:Item devil_tanto_tgamg>=1:Choice 3: |No| => |No.|
Topic=Anareren's Devil Tanto:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Choice=3:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Anareren's Devil Tanto:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Choice=3:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=Anareren's Devil Tanto:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Choice=4:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Anareren's Devil Tanto:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Choice=4:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=animal products:ID=anarenan:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |scuttle ,| ==> |scuttle,|
Topic=animal products:ID=tendris vedran:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |scuttle ,| ==> |scuttle,|
Topic=Apographa:ID=gilvas barelo:A2_4_MiloGone>=20: |Heirographa| ==> |Hierographa|
Topic=Apologies:ID=tarer braryn:Item p_cure_common_unique=0:MS_Apologies=5:Dead trebonius artorius>0: |this is rash| ==> |this rash|
Topic=Arch-Mage:ID=trebonius artorius:PC Faction=Mages Guild:PC Rank=Wizard:Choice 2: |Nevemind| ==> |Nevermind|
Topic=armed escort:ID=hannat zainsubani:followNow=1:Choice 1: |folllowing| ==> |following|
Topic=armor repair debts:ID=tidros indaram:HR_BillCollect>=50: |its| ==> |it's|
Topic=Arvama Rathri:ID=gadela andus:Dead arvama rathri>=1: |there| ==> |their|
Topic=Ascadian Isles:Cell=Suran:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |is the| ==> |are the|
Topic=Ascadian Isles:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |is the| ==> |are the|
Topic=Ascadian Isles:Class=Scout:Cell=Vivec:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |is the| ==> |are the|
Topic=Ascadian Isles:Class=Scout:Cell=Suran:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |is the| ==> |are the|
Topic=Ascadian Isles:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30: |is the| ==> |are the|
Topic=ash statue:ID=crassius curio:Dead velfred>0: |dumping| ==> |dumpling|
Topic=ash statue:ID=crassius curio:HH_NordSmugglers>=50: |dumping| ==> |dumpling|
Topic=ash statue:ID=lloros sarano:PC Faction=Redoran:Item misc_6th_ash_hrmm>0 and HR_MorvaynManor>=10 and HR_MorvaynManor<50: |Morvyan| ==> |Morvayn|
Topic=ash storm:Race=Dark Elf:Cell=Maar Gan:Not Local NoLore=0 and HR_FindDalobar>=10 and HR_FindDalobar<100: |alot| ==> |a lot|
Topic=ash yam:ID=anarenen:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Ascadians| ==> |Ascadian|
Topic=ash yam:ID=tendris vedran:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Ascadians| ==> |Ascadian|
Topic=Ashimanu Mine:ID=theldyn virith: |abandonded| ==> |abandoned|
Topic=Athyn Sarethi:ID=neminda:PC Faction=Redoran:PC Rank=Lawman:Disp=30:HR_GuardSarethi>=50: |pays| ==> |pay|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=strillian macro:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=strillian macro:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spell points| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=melvure rindu:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=melvure rindu:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spell points| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=eraamion:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=eraamion:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spell points| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spell points| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=ygfa:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=ygfa:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spell points| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=smokey morth:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=smokey morth:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spell points| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=estirdalin:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-damaging:ID=estirdalin:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spell points| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=strillian macro:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=strillian macro:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spirit ,| ==> |spirit,|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=melvure rindu:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=melvure rindu:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spirit ,| ==> |spirit,|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=eraamion:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=eraamion:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spirit ,| ==> |spirit,|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spirit ,| ==> |spirit,|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=ygfa:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=ygfa:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spirit ,| ==> |spirit,|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=smokey morth:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=smokey morth:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spirit ,| ==> |spirit,|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=estirdalin:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=attribute-draining:ID=estirdalin:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |spirit ,| ==> |spirit,|
Topic=bad people:Faction=Thieves Guild:Disp=50:town_balmora>=20: |Trandrel| ==> |Trandel|
Topic=bad people:Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Rank=Toad:Disp=30:town_balmora>=20: |Trandrel| ==> |Trandel|
Topic=Banden Indarys:ID=crassius curio:HH_NordSmugglers>=100 and HH-Stronghold>=100: |disapoint| ==> |disappoint|
Topic=bandits in Suran:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=Belan makes the leaflets:ID=domalen:EB_False<=30: |to| ==> |too|
Topic=betty netch:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |sacks| ==> |sacs|
Topic=betty netch:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |sacks| ==> |sacs|
Topic=Bitter Cup:ID=eydis fire-eye:Item artifact_bittercup_01>=1 and TG_BitterBribe>=10:Choice 1: |cup| ==> |cup.|
Topic=Bitter Cup:ID=eydis fire-eye:Item artifact_bittercup_01>=1 and TG_BitterBribe>=10:Choice 2: |cup| ==> |cup.|
Topic=Bitter Cup:ID=stacey:TG_BitterBribe>=50: |might could| ==> |could|
Topic=Bivale Teneran:ID=nileno dorvayn:HH_IndEsp3>=10: |in under| ==> |is under|
Topic=Black Jinx:ID=raven omayn:Choice=1 and ring_blackjinx_uniq>0:Choice 4: |Nevemind| ==> |Nevermind|
Topic=Black Jinx:ID=raven omayn:Choice=4: |others| ==> |other|
Topic=Blades:Class=Bard: Not Local NoLore=0: |an| ==> |a|
Topic=Blades:Class=Savant: Not Local NoLore=0: |an| ==> |a|
Topic=Blades:Class=Savant Service:Not Local NoLore=0: |an| ==> |a|
Topic=blight disease:Class=Miner:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Random100<66: |An| ==> |A|
Topic=blighted creatures:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |nix hound| ==> |nix-hound|
Topic=blighted creatures:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |nix hound| ==> |nix-hound|
Topic=Boethiah's Pillow Book:ID=aengoth:Choice=3:Choice 1: |book| ==> |book.|
Topic=Boethiah's Pillow Book:ID=aengoth:Choice=3:Choice 2: |book| ==> |book.|
Topic=Boethiah's Pillow Book:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:bk_BeothiahPillowBook>=1 and TG_BadGandosa=0:Choice 3: |Manor| ==> |Manor.|
Topic=Boethiah's Pillow Book:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:bk_BeothiahPillowBook>=1 and TG_BadGandosa=0:Choice 3: |else| ==> |else.|
Topic=Boethiah's Pillow Book:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:bk_BeothiahPillowBook>=1 and TG_BadGandosa>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Boethiah's Pillow Book:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:bk_BeothiahPillowBook>=1 and TG_BadGandosa>=10:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=Bolvyn Venim:ID=athyn sarethi:A2_6_Incarnate>=50 and B5_SarethiHort>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Bolvyn Venim:ID=athyn sarethi:A2_6_Incarnate>=50 and B5_SarethiHort>=50: |counselors| ==> |councilors|
Topic=Brallion's Ring:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Crime Level>=1: |yours| ==> |your|
Topic=Brallion's Ring:ID=stacey:TG_SS_GreedySlaver<10 and Dead brallion>0: |Braillon| ==> |Brallion|
Topic=Brallion's Ring:ID=stacey:TG_SS_GreedySlaver<100 and Dead ilmeni dren>0: |Lets| ==> |Let's|
Topic=bull netch:ID=Briring: |sacks| ==> |sacs|
Topic=bull netch:ID=fevasa saryon: |ration| ==> |ratio|
Topic=bull netch:ID=Frinnius Posuceius: |ration| ==> |ratio|
Topic=bull netch:ID=gudling the rascal: |sacks| ==> |sacs|
Topic=bull netch:ID=irvama othrelas: |ration| ==> |ratio|
Topic=Buoyant Armigers:Class=Healer:Faction=Temple:Disp=30: |an| ==> |a|
Topic=Buoyant Armigers:Class=Monk:Faction=Temple:Disp=30: |an| ==> |a|
Topic=Buoyant Armigers:Class=Priest:Faction=Temple:Disp=30: |an| ==> |a|
Topic=Buoyant Armigers:Class=Priest Service:Faction=Temple:Disp=30: |an| ==> |a|
Topic=Buoyant Armigers:Cell=Ghostgate:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Not Faction Ashlanders=1 and Not ID wulf=1: |an| ==> |a|
Topic=business:ID=hassour zainsubani:A1_11_ZainsubaniInformant>=1:Choice 2: |cult| ==> |cult?|
Topic=business:ID=nileno dorvayn:Disp=30:HH_IndEsp3>=100 and town_balmora>=30: |Hlaalu| ==> |Hlaalo|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:B8_MeetVivec=34:Choice 2: |Wraithguard| ==> |Wraithguard.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:B8_MeetVivec=34:Choice 3: |Wraithguard| ==> |Wraithguard.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:B8_MeetVivec=36:Choice 2: |Wraithguard| ==> |Wraithguard.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:B8_MeetVivec=36:Choice 3: |Wraithguard| ==> |Wraithguard.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:B8_MeetVivec=38 and Item misc_wraithguard_no_equip>=1:Choice 5: |swear| ==> |swear.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:B8_MeetVivec=38 and Item misc_wraithguard_no_equip>=1:Choice 6: |swear| ==> |swear.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:B8_MeetVivec=40 and Item misc_wraithguard_no_equip>=1:Choice 5: |swear| ==> |swear.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:B8_MeetVivec=40 and Item misc_wraithguard_no_equip>=1:Choice 6: |swear| ==> |swear.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:Choice=2:Choice 6: |swear| ==> |swear.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:Choice=1:Choice 2: |Wraithguard| ==> |Wraithguard.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:Choice=1:Choice 3: |Wraithguard| ==> |Wraithguard.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:Choice=2:Choice 5: |swear| ==> |swear.|
Topic=business:ID=vivec_god:Choice=2:Choice 6: |swear| ==> |swear.|
Topic=Caldera:ID=Iulus Troptor:IC12_dinner_not>=1: |Balmora. Then walk by road north from Balmora to Caldera| ==> |Caldera| [there is guild guide transport direct to Caldera; there is no need to transport to Balmora and walk north]
Topic=Caldera:ID=Iulus Troptor:IC12_dinner>=50: |Balmora. Then walk by road north from Balmora to Caldera| ==> |Caldera| [see above]
Topic=Caldera:ID=Kaye:IC15_Missing_not>=1: |Balmora. Then take the road north from Balmora to Caldera| ==> |Caldera| [see above]
Topic=Caldera:ID=Kaye:IC15_Missing_Limeware>=50: |Balmora. Then take the road north from Balmora to Caldera| ==> |Caldera| [see above]
Topic=Caldera mining contracts:Race=Dark Elf:Cell=Caldera:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and HH_CaptureSpy<100: |to long| ==> |too long|
Topic=Camonna Tong:ID=caius cosades:A1_1_FindSpymaster>=14: |compete| ==> |competes|
Topic=Census and Excise agent:ID=addhiranirr:A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant>=15: |Addhiranirr does| ==> |Addhiranirr does| [doubled space]
Topic=chores:ID=aryon:POC Faction=Telvanni:Rank=Mouth:HT_Monopoly>=100: |Andes| ==> |Andas|
Topic=Chronicles of Nchuleft:Cell=Vivec, Guild of Mages:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Market Canton| ==> |Foreign Quarter Waistworks|
Topic=Chronicles of Nchuleft:Class=Bookseller:Cell=Vivec:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Market Canton| ==> |Foreign Quarter|
Topic=Chronicles of Nchuleft:ID=baladas demnevanni:HT_DwemerLaw>=5:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Chronicles of Nchuleft:ID=baladas demnevanni:HT_DwemerLaw>=5:Choice 1: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=code book:ID=eydis fire-eye:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:Item bk_sottildescodebook>=1 and FG_Sottilde=0:Choice 1: |Code Book| ==> |the Code Book.|
Topic=code book:ID=eydis fire-eye:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:Item bk_sottildescodebook>=1 and FG_Sottilde=0:Choice 2: |Code Book| ==> |the Code Book.|
Topic=code book:ID=eydis fire-eye:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:Item bk_sottildescodebook>=1 and FG_Sottilde>=1:Choice 1: |Code Book| ==> |the Code Book.|
Topic=code book:ID=eydis fire-eye:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:Item bk_sottildescodebook>=1 and FG_Sottilde>=1:Choice 2: |Code Book| ==> |the Code Book.|
Topic=code book:ID=sottilde:Item bk_sottildescodebook>=1:Choice 1: |Book| ==> |the book.|
Topic=code book:ID=sottilde:Item bk_sottildescodebook>=1:Choice 2: |Book| ==> |the book.|
Topic=code book:ID=sottilde:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item bk_sottildescodebook>=1:Choice 1: |Book| ==> |the book.|
Topic=code book:ID=sottilde:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item bk_sottildescodebook>=1:Choice 2: |Book| ==> |the book.|
Topic=compassion:ID=tuls valen:TT_Compassion=0: |Rilm's| ==> |Rilms'|
Topic=compassion:ID=tuls valen:TT_Compassion=0 and Dead bulfim_gra_shugarz>=1: |gra-Shugharz| ==> |gra-Shugarz|
Topic=compassion:ID=tuls valen:TT_Compassion>=10 and Dead bulfim_gra_shugarz>0: |gra-Shugharz| ==> |gra-Shugarz|
Topic=compassion:ID=tuls valen:TT_Compassion>=50: |gra-Shugharz| ==> |gra-Shugarz|
Topic=compassion:ID=tuls valen:TT_Compassion>=200: |gra-Shugharz| ==> |gra-Shugarz|
Topic=conjuration spells:ID=strillian macro:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |restoration| ==> |conjuration|
Topic=conjuration spells:ID=melvure rindu:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |restoration| ==> |conjuration|
Topic=conjuration spells:ID=eraamion:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |restoration| ==> |conjuration|
Topic=conjuration spells:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |restoration| ==> |conjuration|
Topic=conjuration spells:ID=ygfa:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |restoration| ==> |conjuration|
Topic=conjuration spells:ID=smokey morth:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |restoration| ==> |conjuration|
Topic=conjuration spells:ID=estirdalin:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |restoration| ==> |conjuration|
Topic=conspiracy against the Emperor:ID=general darius:Item bk_talostreason>0 and IL_TalosTreason>=10: |Aurius| ==> |Arius|
Topic=construction contract:ID=dondos driler: |stronghold| ==> |strongholds|
Topic=control the Ordinators:ID=tholer saryoni:Disp=30:HH_WinSaryoni>=100: |Ordinator's| ==> |Ordinators'|
Topic=control the Ordinators:ID=Vedam Dren:Disp=30:Dead berel sala>0 and HH_WinSaryoni=0: |ordinators| ==> |Ordinators|
Topic=control the Ordinators:ID=Vedam Dren:PC Faction=Hlaalu:PC Rank=House Father:Disp=30: |Ordinator's| ==> |Ordinators'|
Topic=Corky:ID=drulene falen:Local corkyFollow=1 and Dead guar_llovyn_unique=0: |might could| ==> |might|
Topic=Corprus:ID=maela kaushad:Disp=30: |monsters| ==> |monsters.|
Topic=Corprus:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30: |monsters| ==> |monsters.|
Topic=Corprus:ID=tendris vedran:Disp=30: |monsters| ==> |monsters.|
Topic=Corprus:ID=ygfa:Disp=30: |monsters| ==> |monsters.|
Topic=Corprus Stalker:ID=smokey morth:Disp=30: |carry corprus| ==> |carry corprus| [doubled space]
Topic=Corprus Stalker:ID=vala catraso:Disp=30: |carry corprus| ==> |carry corprus| [doubled space]
Topic=corruption:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Crime Level>=100: |yours| ==> |your|
Topic=Counsel:ID=sonummu zabamat:A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |Ashkahn| ==> |Ashkhan|
Topic=Cure Disease potion:ID=theldyn virith:HR_Courier>=10:Choice 1: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=Cure Disease potion:ID=theldyn virith:HR_Courier>=10:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Daedra Skin:ID=aryon:Choice=1: |causes| ==> |cause|
Topic=daedroth:ID=vala catraso:Disp=30: |excitement from| ==> |excitement from| [doubled space]
Topic=Dagon Fel:Cell=Dagon Fel:Disp=30: |village built| ==> |village was built|
Topic=Darts of Judgement:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item dart_uniq_judgement>=1:Choice 1: |Give| ==> |Sell|
Topic=Darts of Judgement:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item dart_uniq_judgement>=1:Choice 1: |darts| ==> |darts.|
Topic=Darts of Judgement:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item dart_uniq_judgement>=1:Choice 2: |darts| ==> |darts.|
Topic=debt money:ID=eydis fire-eye:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:FG_DeseleDebt>=30 and Item Gold_001>=200:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=debt money:ID=eydis fire-eye:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:FG_DeseleDebt>=30 and Item Gold_001>=200:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=debt money:ID=lorbumol gro=aglakh:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:FG_DebtStoine>=10 and Item Gold_001>=2000:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=debt money:ID=lorbumol gro=aglakh:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:FG_DebtStoine>=10 and Item Gold_001>=2000:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=debt money:ID=Manos Othreleth:FG_DeseleDebt>=10: |if| ==> |it|
Topic=debt money:ID=Manos Othreleth:Dead helviane desele>=1 and FG_DeseleDebt>=100: |owed money| ==> |owed|
Topic=deliver the payment:ID=Rabinna:MV_SlaveMule<65: |moonsugar| ==> |moon sugar|
Topic=destination:ID=sedyni veran: |Falvilo's| ==> |Falvillo's| [there are two cells for this ship with "Falvillo's" in their name and one with "Falvilo's"; cell names can't be corrected so this is in agreement with the 'majority']
Topic=Detect Creatures Potion:ID=edwinna elbert:Disp=30:MG_Potion>=50:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Detect Creatures Potion:ID=edwinna elbert:Disp=30:MG_Potion>=50:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Disappearance of the Dwarves:ID=trebonius artorius:MG_Dwarves>=100: |Almalexia| ==> |Mournhold|
Topic=diseased creatures:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |scrib;| ==> |scrib,|
Topic=diseased creatures:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |scrib;| ==> |scrib,|
Topic=Dissapla Mine:ID=novor drethan:FG_DissaplaMine<30:Choice 1: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=Dissapla Mine:ID=novor drethan:FG_DissaplaMine<30:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Divine Intervention:ID=Jon Hawker:Item sc_divintervention<1: |Interventions| ==> |Intervention|
Topic=Divine Metaphysics:ID=baladas demnevanni:Disp=60:Item bk_DivineMetaphysics>0 and Item bk_hanginggardenswasten>0 and Item bk_EggOfTime>0: |few tones of Dwemer| ==> |few Dwemer| [?]
Topic=Divine Metaphysics:ID=baladas demnevanni:Disp=60:Item bk_DivineMetaphysics>0 and Item bk_hanginggardenswasten>0 and Item bk_EggOfTime>0: |power Lorkhan's| ==> |power of Lorkhan's|
Topic=do me a favor:ID=lucan ostorius:MV_ThiefTrader >= 20 and MV_ThiefTrader<=100: |Ald-ruhn| ==> |Ald'ruhn|
Topic=donate 500 drakes:ID=cunius pelelius:IC14_Ponius<1 and IC13_rich>1 and IC13_slave>=1:Choice 4: |mines| ==> |mines.| [there are two separate dialog entries with the same conditions]
Topic=donate 500 drakes:ID=cunius pelelius:IC14_Ponius<1 and IC13_rich>1 and IC13_slave>=1:Choice 7: |mines| ==> |mines.|
Topic=donate 500 drakes:ID=cunius pelelius:IC14_Ponius<1 and IC13_rumor>1 and IC13_slave>=1:Choice 4: |mines| ==> |mines.| [see above]
Topic=donate 500 drakes:ID=cunius pelelius:IC14_Ponius<1 and IC13_rumor>1 and IC13_slave>=1:Choice 7: |mines| ==> |mines.|
Topic=donate 500 drakes:ID=cunius pelelius:IC14_Ponius<1 and IC13_rich>1 and Item bk_CalderaRecordBook2>=1:Choice 4: |mines| ==> |mines.| [see above]
Topic=donate 500 drakes:ID=cunius pelelius:IC14_Ponius<1 and IC13_rich>1 and Item bk_CalderaRecordBook2>=1:Choice 7: |mines| ==> |mines.|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:Cell=Balmora, Council Club:Disp=30IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:Cell=Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub:Disp=30:IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Closius| ==> |Closcius|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:ID=bacola closcius:Disp=30:IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:ID=bacola closcius:Disp=30:IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1: |hall just| ==> |hall just| [doubled space]
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:ID=banor saran:IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:ID=banor saran:Disp=90:IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:ID=benunius agrudilius:IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:ID=benunius agrudilius:Disp=30:IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:ID=benunius agrudilius:Disp=70:IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:ID=dulnea ralaal:Disp=70:IC12_dinner>=1 and IC13_rich<1: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=donate Cyrodilic brandy:ID=Iulus Truptor:IC12_dinner<50: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Drake's Pride:ID=neloth:Item exquisite_robe_drake's pride>0 and HT_DrakePride>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Drake's Pride:ID=neloth:Item exquisite_robe_drake's pride>0 and HT_DrakePride>=10:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Dren Plantation:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Crime Level>=100: |yours| ==> |your|
Topic=Drinar Varyon:ID=imsin the dreamer:PC Faction=Imperial Legion: |Ald'Ruhn| ==> |Ald'ruhn|
Topic=Dura gra-Bol:Cell=Balmora:Not Local NoLore=0: |He| ==> |She|
Topic=Dura gra-Bol:Cell=Balmora:Disp=60:Not Local NoLore=0: |he| ==> |she|
Topic=duties:Faction=Mages Guild:Cell=Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall:PC Faction=Mages Guild: |Skink-in-Tree's-Shade| ==> |Skink-in-Tree's-Shade.|
Topic=Dwemer artifacts:ID=habasi:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:TG_Overdue Payments>=10 and Item misc_dwrv_artifact60>=1 and Item misc_dwrv_bowl00>=1 and Item misc_dwrv_goblet00 and TG_OverduePayments>=10:Choice 1: |are| ==> |are.|
Topic=Dwemer artifacts:ID=habasi:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:TG_Overdue Payments>=10 and Item misc_dwrv_artifact60>=1 and Item misc_dwrv_bowl00>=1 and Item misc_dwrv_goblet00 and TG_OverduePayments>=10:Choice 2: |nevermind| ==> |nevermind.|
Topic=Dwemer artifacts:ID=Ra'zhid:Item misc_dwrv_artifact60>=1 and Item misc_dwrv_bowl00>=1 and Item misc_dwrv_goblet00:Choice 1: |artifacts| ==> |artifacts.|
Topic=Dwemer artifacts:ID=Ra'zhid:Item misc_dwrv_artifact60>=1 and Item misc_dwrv_bowl00>=1 and Item misc_dwrv_goblet00:Choice 2: |artifacts| ==> |artifacts.|
Topic=Dwemer puzzle box:ID=hasphat antabolis:A1_2_AntabolisInformant>=25: |one i| ==> |one I|
Topic=Dwemer boots:ID=yagrum bagarn:A2_3_CorprusCure>=25: |came a| ==> |came to a|
Topic=Dwemer goblet:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Crime Level>=100: |yours| ==> |your|
Topic=Ebonheart:Cell=Ebonheart:Not Local NoLore=0: |Hawk Moth| ==> |Hawkmoth|
Topic=Ebonheart:=Savant:Not Local NoLore=0: |Hawk Moth| ==> |Hawkmoth|
Topic=Ebonheart:Class=Scout:Cell=Ebonheart:Not Local NoLore=0 and Random100<40: |Hawk Moth| ==> |Hawkmoth|
Topic=Ebonheart:Class=Scout:Cell=Suran:Not Local NoLore=0 and Random100<40: |Hawk Moth| ==> |Hawkmoth|
Topic=Ebonheart:ID=artisa arelas: |Hawk Moth| ==> |Hawkmoth|
Topic=Ebonheart:ID=elone: |Hawk Moth| ==> |Hawkmoth|
Topic=Egg of Time:ID=baladas demnevanni:Disp=60:MG_Dwarves>=70: |few tones of Dwemer| ==> |few Dwemer| [I understand about the "tones of power" played on Lorkhan's heart and all, but this made no sense]
Topic=Egg of Time:ID=baladas demnevanni:Disp=60:MG_Dwarves>=70: |power Lorkhan's| ==> |power of Lorkhan's|
Topic=Egg of Time:ID=baladas demnevanni:Disp=60:Item bk_hanginggardenswasten>0 and Item bk_EggOfTime>0: |few tones of Dwemer| ==> |few Dwemer| [see above]
Topic=Egg of Time:ID=baladas demnevanni:Disp=60:Item bk_hanginggardenswasten>0 and Item bk_EggOfTime>0: |power Lorkhan's| ==> |power of Lorkhan's|
Topic=Egg of Time:ID=baladas demnevanni:Disp=60:Item bk_DivineMetaphysics>0 and Item bk_hanginggardenswasten>0 and Item bk_EggOfTime>0: |few tones of Dwemer| ==> |few Dwemer| [see above]
Topic=Egg of Time:ID=baladas demnevanni:Disp=60:Item bk_DivineMetaphysics>0 and Item bk_hanginggardenswasten>0 and Item bk_EggOfTime>0: |power Lorkhan's| ==> |power of Lorkhan's|
Topic=egg mining:ID=dondos driler:PC Faction=Hlaalu:PC Rank=Kinsman:Dead ilasour tansumiran>=1 and Dead llaals ores>=1 and HH_Stronghold>=100: |If Ilasour| ==> |if Ilasour|
Topic=Enamor:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Crime Level>=100: |yours| ==> |your|
Topic=Enamor:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:TG_SS_Enamor>=100: |Saryn| ==> |Salyn|
Topic=endure their attacks:ID=vistha_kai: |guests| ==> |guest|
Topic=escape:ID=frelene acques:HR_Stronghold>=130: |ordinators| ==> |Ordinators|
Topic=essential supplies:ID=caius cosades:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul: |you're over| ==> |you're in over|
Topic=Ethal Seloth:Faction=Morag Tong:Rank=Master:MT_WritVendu=80: |how to| ==> |how you|
Topic=Ethal Seloth:Faction=Morag Tong:Rank=Master:MT_WritVendu=90: |how to| ==> |how you|
Topic=evidence of corruption:cunius pelelius:Disp=90: |Stendar| ==> |Stendarr|
Topic=Eydis Fire-Eye:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=False Incarnate:ID=elvil vidron:Item moon_and_star>0 and TT_FalseIncarnate>=10:Choice 3: |ring| ==> |ring.|
Topic=family heirlooms:ID=dro'zhirr:MV_BanditVictim >=30 and MV_BanditVictim<50: |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr| [two instances]
Topic=family heirlooms:ID=dro'zhirr:MV_BanditVictim=50: |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr|
Topic=family heirlooms:ID=dro'zhirr:MV_BanditVictim=110 and Item Gold_001<150 and Item expensive_amulet_aeta<1 and Item expensive_ring_aeta<1: |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr| [two instances]
Topic=Farvyn Oreyn:Cell=Vivec:DA_Malacath<30: |Oreyen| ==> |Oreyn|
Topic=final questions:ID=dagoth_ur_1:Choice=2: |thearchy| ==> |theonomy|
Topic=fight together:ID=ulyne henim:followNow=0:Choice 1: |together| ==> |together.|
Topic=fight together:ID=ulyne henim:followNow=0:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=fight together:ID=ulyne henim:followNow=1:Choice 1: |together| ==> |together.|
Topic=fight together:ID=ulyne henim:followNow=1:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=Fighters Guild:ID=persius mercius:FG_KillCronies>=10: |its| ==> |it's|
Topic=flowers:ID=ajira:Choice=2: |that| ==> |the|
Topic=food and drink:ID=sendus sathis:Item food_kwama_egg_01>=4 and Item Potion_Local_Brew_01>=4 and TT_SupplyMonk>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=food and drink:ID=sendus sathis:Item food_kwama_egg_01>=4 and Item Potion_Local_Brew_01>=4 and TT_SupplyMonk>=10:Choice 2: |nevermind| ==> |nevermind.|
Topic=food and drink:ID=uvoo llaren: |Sendas| ==> |Sendus|
Topic=food and drink:ID=uvoo llaren:Dead sendus sathis>0: |Sendas| ==> |Sendus|
Topic=food and drink:ID=uvoo llaren:TT_SupplyMonk>=10: |Sendas| ==> |Sendus|
Topic=food and drink:ID=uvoo llaren:TT_SupplyMonk>=100: |Sendas| ==> |Sendus|
Topic=forged land deed:ID=indrele rathryon:Item bk_indreledeed>=1:Choice 1: |deed| ==> |deed.|
Topic=forged land deed:ID=indrele rathryon:Item bk_indreledeed>=1:Choice 2: |Nevermind| ==> |Nevermind.|
Topic=forged land deed:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Crime Level>=100: |yours| ==> |your|
Topic=forged land deed:ID=velanda omani:Item bk_indreledeed>=1:Choice 1: |deed'| ==> |deed."|
Topic=forged land deed:ID=velanda omani:Item bk_indreledeed>=1:Choice 2: |deed| ==> |deed.|
Topic=Founder's Helm:ID=neminda:PC Faction=Redoran:Item bonemold_founders_helm>0 and HR_FoundersHelm>=10:Choice 1: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=Founder's Helm:ID=neminda:PC Faction=Redoran:Item bonemold_founders_helm>0 and HR_FoundersHelm>=10:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Foyada Mamaea:ID=ajira: |Mamamea| ==> |Mamaea|
Topic=game rats:ID=edryno arethi:Disp=30:HH_TheExterminator>=10: |Half_Troll's| ==> |Half-Troll's|
Topic=game rats:ID=edryno arethi:Disp=30:gameRatsCured>=3 and rat_cave_hhte1<=1 and HH_TheExterminator>=10: |Ynging| ==> |Yngling|
Topic=game rats:ID=edryno arethi:Disp=30:rat_cave_hhte2>=3 and rat_cave_hhte1<=1 and HH_TheExterminator>=10: |Ynging| ==> |Yngling|
Topic=Garisa Llethri:ID=athyn sarethi:B5_LlethriHort>=50: |Garis| ==> |Garisa|
Topic=Gateway haunting:Cell=Sadrith Mora, Gateway Inn:Dead uleni heleran=0: |in an| ==> |in and|
Topic=Gentleman Jim Stacey:ID=aengoth: |basement| ==> |back room| [Big Helende gets it correct]
Topic=Gentleman Jim Stacey:ID=habasi: |basement| ==> |back room| [see above]
Topic=geography of Morrowind:ID=artisa arelas: |Argonia).| ==> |Argonia.)|
Topic=geography of Morrowind:ID=artisa arelas:Choice=1: |Vvardenfel| ==> |Vvardenfell| [duplicated under same ID]
Topic=geography of Morrowind:ID=elone: |Ghost| ==> |Ghosts|
Topic=geography of Morrowind:Class=Savant:Not Local NoLore=0: |Argonia).| ==> |Argonia.)|
Topic=geography of Morrowind:Class=Savant:Choice=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Vvardenfel| ==> |Vvardenfell|
Topic=geography of Morrowind:Class=Scout:Not Local NoLore=0: |Argonia).| ==> |Argonia.)|
Topic=geography of Morrowind:Class=Scout:Choice=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Vvardenfel| ==> |Vvardenfell|
Topic=get me out:ID=ragash gra-shuzgub:Choice=3: |Arvs Drelen: ==> |Arvs-Drelen|
Topic=Ghostgate:Cell=Ghostgate:Disp=30:Random100<25: |passed| ==> |pass|
Topic=go fishing:ID=Blatta Hateria:Choice 1: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=go fishing:ID=Blatta Hateria:Choice 2: |Yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Addamasartus:Item key_addamasartusslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Aharunartus:Item key_aharunartusslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Assarnud:Item key_assarnudslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's| [duplicated under same ID]
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Caldera:Item key_calderaslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Dren Plantation:Item key_drenplantationslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Habinbaes:Item key_habinbaesslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Hinnabi:Item key_hinnabislaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Hlormaren:Item key_hlormarenslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Kudanat:Item key_kudanatslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Minabi:Item key_minabislaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Panat:Item key_panatslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Rotheran, Arena:Item key_rotheranslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Saturan:Item key_saturanslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Sha-Adnius:Item key_shaadniusslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Shushan:Item key_shushanslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Shushishi:Item key_shushishislaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Sinsibadon:Item key_sinsibadonslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Vivec, Telvanni Canalworks:Item key_vivectelvannislaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Yakanalit:Item key_yakanalitslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Zainsipilu:Item key_zainsipiluslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:Class=Slave:Cell=Zebabi:Item key_zebabislaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=go free:ID=gah_julan:Item key_drenplantationslaves_01>=1: Choice 1: |slaves'| ==> |slave's|
Topic=Grandmaster's Retort:ID=big helende:Item apparatus_g_retort_01>=1 and TG_GrandmasterRetort>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Grandmaster's Retort:ID=big helende:Item apparatus_g_retort_01>=1 and TG_GrandmasterRetort>=10:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=Great Houses:ID=huleeya:A1_7HuleeyaInformant>=20: |Imperial influences| ==> |Imperial influences| [doubled space]
Topic=guar:ID=llovyn andus:corkyFollow=1 and HH_RentCollector>=10: |your| ==> |yours|
Topic=guar hide shipment:ID=marsus tullius:MV_InnocentAshlanders=85: |Stents| ==> |Stentus|
Topic=guarskin drum:ID=uupse fyr:A2_3_CorprusCure>=10: |sooth| ==> |soothe|
Topic=Guildmaster:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=Guildmaster:ID=persius mercius:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:PC Rank=Master: |Fighter's| ==> |Fighters|
Topic=Haj-Ei:Cell=Suran:Disp=60:Not Local NoLore=0: |Sarthram| ==> |Sarathram|
Topic=halberd:ID=garothmuk gro-muzgub:Disp=30: |it's| ==> |its|
Topic=halt the mining:Class=Slave:Cell=Caldera:Not ID dahleena=0: |ones| ==> |one|
Topic=help us fight:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Journal TG_EnemyParley>=70: |this| ==> |this.|
Topic=herd animals:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |guard| ==> |guar| ["guar" appears to be both singular and plural as "sheep" is from other instances]
Topic=herd animals:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |guard| ==> |guar| [see above]
Topic=Hides His Eyes:ID=daric bielle: |he's| ==> |he|
Topic=Hides His Eyes is Haj-Ei:ID=hides_his_eyes:Choice 1: |save| ==> |safe|
Topic=High Rock:Class=Knight:Faction=Imperial Legion:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Betony| ==> |Bretony|
Topic=High Rock:Class=Priest:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |Betony| ==> |Bretony|
Topic=High Rock:Class=Priest Service:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |Betony| ==> |Bretony|
Topic=High Rock:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Betony| ==> |Bretony|
Topic=High Rock:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30: |Betony| ==> |Bretony|
Topic=hire a wizard:ID=arielle phiencel:Item ingred_raw_ebony_01>=4 and TG_SadrithMoraDefenses>=50:Choice 1: |are| ==> |are.|
Topic=hire a wizard:ID=arielle phiencel:Item ingred_raw_ebony_01>=4 and TG_SadrithMoraDefenses>=50:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=history books:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Expelled=1: |yours| ==> |your| [note: to match the others comparison should be PC Crime Level >=100, not PC Expelled=1 as there is already an entry for this]
Topic=history books:ID=vala catraso:Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire1>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire2>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire3>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire4>=1:Choice 1: |are| ==> |are.|
Topic=history books:ID=vala catraso:Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire1>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire2>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire3>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire4>=1:Choice 2: |nevermind| ==> |nevermind.|
Topic=history books:ID=vala catraso:Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire1_oh>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire2_oh>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire3_oh>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire4_oh>=1:Choice 1: |are| ==> |are.|
Topic=history books:ID=vala catraso:Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire1_oh>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire2_oh>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire3_oh>=1 and Item bk_BriefHistoryEmpire4_oh>=1:Choice 2: |nevermind| ==> |nevermind.|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=crassius curio:Choice=1 and Item Gold_001>=1000 and B6_BeroHort>=50 and B6_OmaniHort>=50 and B6_UlesHort>=50 and B6_YnglingHort>=50: |Horator| ==> |Hortator|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=crassius curio:Choice=3 and B6_BeroHort>=50 and B6_OmaniHort>=50 and B6_UlesHort>=50 and B6_YnglingHort>=50: |Horator| ==> |Hortator|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=crassius curio:Choice=4 and B6_BeroHort>=50 and B6_OmaniHort>=50 and B6_UlesHort>=50 and B6_YnglingHort>=50: |Horator| ==> |Hortator|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=nevena ules:Choice=2: |counselors| ==> |councilors|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead crassius curio=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead dram bero=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead nevena ules=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead velanda omani=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead yngling half-troll=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Hlaalu Hortator:ID=yngling half-troll:A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |A Hortator| ==> |A Hortator| [doubled space]
Topic=Hlervu Locket:ID=stacey:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Crime Level>=100: |yours| ==> |your|
Topic=Hospitality Papers:ID=angaredhel:Choice=1: |professions, factions| ==> |races, factions|
Topic=hostile mudcrabs:ID=drulene falen:Disp=30:Dead mudcrab_hrmudcrabnest>1:Choice 1: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=hostile mudcrabs:ID=drulene falen:Disp=30:Dead mudcrab_hrmudcrabnest>1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=House Hlaalu:Faction=Hlaalu:Cell=Balmora:Not Local NoLore=0: |covert| ==> |convert|
Topic=House Indoril:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Not Race Dark Elf=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Almalexia| ==> |Mournhold|
Topic=House Indoril:Class=Noble:Disp=30:Not Race Dark Elf=1 and Random100<66 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Almalexia| ==> |Mournhold|
Topic=House Indoril:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30: |Almalexia| ==> |Mournhold|
Topic=Huleen's hut:ID=edwinna elbert:PC Faction=Mages Guild:Disp=60:Choice=4: |as| ==> |a|
Topic=Huleeya:ID=jobasha: |for her| ==> |for him|
Topic=Idroso Vendu:Faction=Morag Tong:Rank=Master:MT_WritVendu=80: |how to| ==> |how you|
Topic=Idroso Vendu:Faction=Morag Tong:Rank=Master:MT_WritVendu=90: |how to| ==> |how you|
Topic=Imperial cult:ID=caius cosades:A1_1_FindSpymaster>=14: |enlightment| ==> |enlightenment|
Topic=Imperial neighbors:Race=Dark Elf:Class=Scout:Not Local NoLore=0: |we respect Imperial.| ==> |We respect Imperials.|
Topic=Imperial neighbors:Race=Dark Elf:Class=Scout:Not Local NoLore=0: |lack of honor| ==> |lack honor|
Topic=Inanius egg mine:Cell=Suran:Not ID avon oran=0 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Ser| ==> |Serjo|
Topic=join House Hlaalu:ID=nileno dorvayn:Choice=4: |member of| ==> |member or|
Topic=join the Fighters Guild:Faction=Fighters Guild:Rank=Warder:PC Expelled=1:Choice 3: |do| ==> |do.|
Topic=join the Fighters Guild:Faction=Fighters Guild:Rank=Warder:Rank Requirement=3 and Same Faction=0:Choice 1: |up| ==> |up.|
Topic=join the Fighters Guild:Faction=Fighters Guild:Rank=Warder:Rank Requirement=3 and Same Faction=0:Choice 1: |Charter| ==> |Charter.|
Topic=join the Imperial Cult:Faction=Imperial Cult:Rank=Adept:PC Expelled=1:Choice 3: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=join the Imperial Cult:Faction=Imperial Cult:Rank=Adept:PC Expelled=1:Choice 4: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=join the Mages Guild:Faction=Mages Guild:Rank=Wizard:Choice=3: |every change you| ==> |ever change your|
Topic=join the Morag Tong:ID=eno hlaalu:Dead feruren oran=1 and MT_WritOran>=10: |weather| ==> |whether|
Topic=join the Morag Tong:ID=movis darys:Choice=1: |ways not| ==> |ways are not|
Topic=join the Temple:Faction=Temple:Rank=Master:Choice=2:Choice 1: |worthy| ==> |worthy.|
Topic=join the Temple:Faction=Temple:Rank=Master:Choice=2:Choice 4: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=join the Temple:Faction=Temple:Rank=Master:PC Expelled=1:Choice 3: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=join the Temple:Faction=Temple:Rank=Master:PC Expelled=1:Choice 4: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=join the Temple:Faction=Temple:Rank=Master:Rank Requirement=3 and Same Faction=0:Choice 1: |Temple| ==> |Temple.|
Topic=join the Temple:Faction=Temple:Rank=Master:Rank Requirement=3 and Same Faction=0:Choice 2: |doctrine| ==> |doctrine.|
Topic=kagouti:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |The kagouti| ==> |The kagouti| [doubled space]
Topic=kagouti:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |The kagouti| ==> |The kagouti| [doubled space]
Topic=Khajiit:Faction=Ashlanders:Not Local NoLore=0: |fathers used| ==> |fathers used| [doubled space]
Topic=Khajiit:ID=ra'gruzgob:Choice 2: |fine| ==> |fine.|
Topic=kill me:ID=tongue_toad:Choice 1: |him| ==> |him.|
Topic=kill me:ID=tongue_toad:Choice 4: |Talk| ==> |Talk.|
Topic=kill me:ID=tongue_toad:Choice=4:Choice 1: |him| ==> |him.|
Topic=kill me:ID=tongue_toad:Choice=4:Choice 3: |town| ==> |town.|
Topic=kill me:ID=tongue_toad:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Choice 1: |him| ==> |him.|
Topic=kill me:ID=tongue_toad:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Choice 3: |town| ==> |town.|
Topic=kwama queen:Class=Miner:Disp=30:Not Cell Dissapla Mine=1 and Not Cell Elith-Pal Mine=1 and Not Cell Sudanit Mine=1 and Not Cell Halit Mine=1 and Not Cell Caldera Mine=1 and Not Cell Yassu Mine=1: |The kwama| ==> |The kwama| [doubled space]
Topic=kwama queen:Class=Miner:Disp=30:Not Cell Dissapla Mine=1 and Not Cell Elith-Pal Mine=1 and Not Cell Sudanit Mine=1 and Not Cell Halit Mine=1 and Not Cell Caldera Mine=1 and Not Cell Yassu Mine=1: |attended by| ==> |attended to by|
Topic=kwama queen:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |The kwama| ==> |The kwama| [doubled space]
Topic=kwama queen:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |attended by| ==> |attended to by|
Topic=land deed:ID=general darius:Item bk_widowdeed>=1 and IL_WidowLand>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=land deed:ID=general darius:Item bk_widowdeed>=1 and IL_WidowLand>=10:Choice 3: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=land deed:ID=general darius:Item lugrub's axe>=1 and IL_WidowLand>=10:Choice 2: |murdered| ==> |murdered.|
Topic=land deed:ID=general darius:Item lugrub's axe>=1 and IL_WidowLand>=10:Choice 3: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=land deed:ID=general darius:Item lugrub's axe>=1 and Item bk_widowdeed>=1 and IL_WidowLand>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=land deed:ID=general darius:Item lugrub's axe>=1 and Item bk_widowdeed>=1 and IL_WidowLand>=10:Choice 2: |murdered| ==> |murdered.|
Topic=land deed:ID=general darius:Item lugrub's axe>=1 and Item bk_widowdeed>=1 and IL_WidowLand>=10:Choice 3: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Vivec:Disp=30:Random100<65 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Ilmene| ==> |Ilmeni|
Topic=latest rumors:ID=gildan:Disp=30:SameFaction=1: |should jurisdiction| ==> |should have jurisdiction|
Topic=latest rumors:ID=selkirnemus:Disp=30: |to far| ==> |too far|
Topic=latest rumors:ID=thongar:Disp=30: |druegher| ==> |dreugher|
Topic=latest rumors:ID=thongar:Disp=30: |smugglers| ==> |smugglers'|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Ald-ruhn:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Not Faction Redoran=1 and Global Random100<10: |duel.| ==> |duel?|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Dagon Fel:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |of rogue| ==> |of rogue| [doubled space]
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Molag Mar:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Kand.| ==> |Kand?|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Sadrith Mora:Disp=30:Random100<=25 and C3_DestroyDagoth<50 and NotLocal NoLore=0: |is got| ==> |has got|
Topic=Lette:ID=tharer rotheloth:TT_CuringTouch>=50: |it's| ==> |its|
Topic=life as a trader:ID=hassour zainsubani:A1_11_ZainsubaniInformant>=31: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=little advice:Class=Alchemist:Not ID anarenen=1 and Not Local NoLore=1 and Random100<90: |Anarenen| ==> |Anareren|
Topic=little advice:Class=Alchemist Service:Not ID anarenen=1 and Not Local NoLore=1 and Random100<90: |Anarenen| ==> |Anareren|
Topic=little advice:Class=Commoner:Cell=Seyda Neen:Disp=30:Random100<=90 and Not Class Guard=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |if your| ==> |if you|
Topic=little advice:Class=Master-at-Arms:Not ID angoril=1 and Not Local nolore=0 and Random100<90: |master-at-arms's| ==> |master-at-arms'|
Topic=little advice:Faction=Camonna Tong:Not Local NoLore=0: |Cammona| ==> |Camonna|
Topic=little advice:Faction=Imperial Legion:Talked TO PC=0 and Random 100<50 and NoLore=0: |here, your| ==> |here, if your|
Topic=little advice:Faction=Mages Guild:Cell=Ald-ruhn:NotClass Guard=1 and Random100<75 and NoLore=0: |Anarenen| ==> |Anareren| [two instances]
Topic=little advice:Faction=Morag Tong:Disp=30:Talked To PC=0 and Random100<50 and Not Local NoLore=0: |not be| ==> |not to be|
Topic=little secret:Faction=Ashlanders:Cell=Ahemmusa Camp:Random100<5 and Not Local NoLore=0: |hunter| ==> |hunters|
Topic=little secret:Faction=Ashlanders:Cell=Zainab Camp:Ramdom100<25 and Not Local NoLore=0: |then| ==> |Then|
Topic=little secret:ID=hides_his_foot:Disp=30:HH_TwinLamps>=70: |Orvan| ==> |Orvas|
Topic=little secret:ID=ra'gruzgob:Disp=30:Item ingred_moon_sugar_01>0:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=little secret:ID=ra'gruzgob:Disp=30:Item ingred_moon_sugar_01>0:Choice 2: |nevermind| ==> |nevermind.|
Topic=little secret:Sex=Female:Disp=30:Random100<20 and Not Local NoLore=0: |get safe| ==> |get away safe|
Topic=Lorbumol gro-Aglakh:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=Lord's Mail:ID=Runfinus Alleius: |have hunch| ==> |have a hunch|
Topic=Lord's Mail:ID=Varus Vatinius:IL_KnightShield>=100: |Lords| ==> |Lord's|
Topic=Lucan's shipment:ID=lucan ostorius:Dead yak gro-skandar=0: |Ald-ruhn| ==> |Ald'ruhn|
Topic=Maar Gan:ID=hassour zainsubani: |it is| ==> |it is| [doubled space]
Topic=mabrigash:ID=assaba-bentus:Choice=4: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun| [two instances]
Topic=made invisible:ID=cassius olcinius:EB_Invisible<20: |my father| ==> |my father| [doubled space]
Topic=Madura Seran:Cell=Ald Velothi:MaduraRescued>0 and Not Local NoLore=0: |her right| ==> |her, right|
Topic=Madura Seran:Disp=50:Cell=Ald Velothi:MaduraRescued>0 and Not Local NoLore=0: |ashlander| ==> |Ashlander|
Topic=Madura Seran:ID=general darius:IL_GnisisBlight>=100: |Medura| ==> |Madura|
Topic=Madura Seran:ID=general darius:IL_GnisisBlight>=100: |ashlanders| ==> |Ashlanders|
Topic=Madura Seran:ID=general darius:IL_RescuePilgrim>=70: |Medura| ==> |Madura|
Topic=Madura Seran:ID=general darius:IL_RescuePilgrim>=100: |Medura| ==> |Madura|
Topic=Madura Seran:ID=general darius:MaduraRescured>0 and IL_RescuePilgrim>0: |Medura| ==> |Madura|
Topic=maiden's token:ID=imsin the dreamer:Choice=1: |it's| ==> |its|
Topic=maiden's token:ID=varona nelas:Dead allimir>=1: |Alimir| ==> |Allimir|
Topic=make amends:Faction=Thieves Guild:Rank=Mastermind:PC Expelled=1:Choice 1: |it| ==> |it.|
Topic=make amends:Faction=Thieves Guild:Rank=Mastermind:PC Expelled=1:Choice 2: |Nevermind| ==> |Nevermind.|
Topic=make amends:Faction=Thieves Guild:Rank=Mastermind:PC Expelled=1 and ExpThievesGuild>0:Choice 1: |it| ==> |it.|
Topic=make amends:Faction=Thieves Guild:Rank=Mastermind:PC Expelled=1 and ExpThievesGuild>0:Choice 2: |Nevermind| ==> |Nevermind.|
Topic=make amends:Faction=Thieves Guild:Rank=Mastermind:PC Expelled=1 and ExpThievesGuild>2:Choice 1: |it| ==> |it.|
Topic=make amends:Faction=Thieves Guild:Rank=Mastermind:PC Expelled=1 and ExpThievesGuild>2:Choice 2: |Nevermind| ==> |Nevermind.|
Topic=make amends:ID=nileno dorvayn:PC Expelled=1: |might could| ==> |could|
Topic=marksman:Class=Savant:Not Race Dark Elf=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |and throwing knives| ==> |throwing knives and darts|
Topic=marksman weapons:ID=angoril:Disp=30: |stars and throwing knives| ==> |stars, throwing knives and darts|
Topic=marksman weapons:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30: |stars and throwing knives| ==> |stars, throwing knives and darts|
Topic=marksman weapons:ID=flaenia amiulusus:Disp=30: |stars and throwing knives| ==> |stars, throwing knives and darts|
Topic=marksman weapons:ID=garothmuk gro-muzgub:Disp=30: |stars and throwing knives| ==> |stars, throwing knives and darts|
Topic=marksman weapons:ID=Ian:Disp=30: |stars and throwing knives| ==> |stars, throwing knives and darts|
Topic=marksman weapons:ID=Ingokning:Disp=30: |stars and throwing knives| ==> |stars, throwing knives and darts|
Topic=marksman weapons:ID=llevana saralen:Disp=30: |stars and throwing knives| ==> |stars, throwing knives and darts|
Topic=martial arts:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Priest| ==> |Priests|
Topic=martial arts:ID=ales julalanie:Disp=30: |Priest| ==> |Priests|
Topic=martial arts:ID=An_Deesei:Disp=30: |Priest| ==> |Priests|
Topic=martial arts:ID=garothmuk gro-mugzub:Disp=30: |Priest| ==> |Priests|
Topic=martial arts:ID=ygfa:Disp=30: |Priest| ==> |Priests|
Topic=master thief:ID=sjoring hard-heart:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Rank=Master Thief:Choice 1: |All| ==> |all.|
Topic=master thief:ID=sjoring hard-heart:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:PC Rank=Master Thief:Choice 2: |Refuse| ==> |Refuse.|
Topic=Mavon Drenim:Faction=Morag Tong:Rank=Master:MT_WritGuril>=100 and MT_WritGalasa>=100: |of Mavon| ==> |of Mavon| [doubled space]
Topic=Mehra Milo:ID=caius cosades:A1_10_MehraMilo<50: |matter| ==> |matters|
Topic=Merta:ID=raxle berne:PC Vampire=1 and VampClan=2 and Dead merta>0 and VA_VampCountess=40: |clans| ==> |clans'|
Topic=Molag Mar:Class=Savant:Not Local NoLore=0: |Assarnibibi and| ==> |Assarnibibi and| [doubled space]
Topic=Molag Mar:Class=Scout:Cell=Erabenimsun Camp:Random100<50: |Assarnibibi and| ==> |Assarnibibi and| [doubled space]
Topic=Molag Mar:Class=Scout:Cell=Molag Mar:Random100<50 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Assarnibibi and| ==> |Assarnibibi and| [doubled space]
Topic=Molag Mar:ID=artisa arelas: |Assarnibibi and| ==> |Assarnibibi and| [doubled space]
Topic=moon sugar:ID=anaranen:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Elseweyr's| ==> |Elsweyr's|
Topic=moon sugar:ID=tendris vedran:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |Elseweyr's| ==> |Elsweyr's|
Topic=Morag Tong:ID=caius cosades:A1_1_FindSpymaster>=14: |in tradition| ==> |in tradition| [doubled space]
Topic=More Blight Storms:Class=Merchant:Rank=Rank 2:Not Local NoLore=0: |is got| ==> |has got|
Topic=Morrowind:Class=Knight:Faction=Imperial Legion:Disp=30: |Vvardenfel| ==> |of Vvardenfell|
Topic=Morrowind:Class=Priest:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |Vvardenfel| ==> |of Vvardenfell|
Topic=Morrowind:Class=Priest Service:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |Vvardenfel| ==> |of Vvardenfell|
Topic=Morrowind:Faction=Camonna Tong:Not Local NoLore=0: |clams| ==> |clam|
Topic=Morrowind:ID=chargen captain: |a free man| ==> |free| [no gender check; no alternate for female PC's]
Topic=Morrowind history:ID=caius cosades:Disp=30:A1_4_MuzgobInformant<50: |for 'On| ==> |for 'On| [doubled space]
Topic=Morrowind lore:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Random100<56: |favors| ==> |favor|
Topic=Morrowind lore:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Random100<58: |and throwing knife| ==> |throwing knife and dart|
Topic=Morrowind lore:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Random100<88: |Vvardenfel| ==> |Vvardenfell|
Topic=Morrowind lore:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Random100<50 and Not Faction Ashlanders=1: |Vvardenfel| ==> |Vvardenfell|
Topic=Morrowind lore:Race=Dark Elf:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Global Random100<43 and NotFaction Ashlanders=1: |its| ==> |it's|
Topic=Morrowind lore:Race=Dark Elf:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Global Random100<30 and NotFaction Ashlanders=1: |you| ==> |You|
Topic=Morvayn Manor:ID=brara morvayn: |recieved| ==> |received|
Topic=Morvayn Manor:ID=brara morvayn: |Morvyan| ==> |Morvayn|
Topic=Morvayn Manor:ID=brara morvayn:HR_MorvaynManor>=50: |Morvyan| ==> |Morvayn|
Topic=Mossanon:Cell=Ebonheart, East Empire Company Hall:IC14_Ponius<50 and Not Local NoLore=0: |gra-Luzgan| ==> |gro-Luzgan| [male Orc; changed NPC name as well]
Topic=Mouth:Faction=Telvanni:Rank=Mouth:Cell=Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House: |Council| ==> |Council.|
Topic=Mudan-Mul Egg Mine:ID=aryon:Dead kwama_queen_mudan>0: |mind| ==> |mine|
Topic=Mudan-Mul Egg Mine:ID=aryon:Dead kwama_queen_mudan>0: |born| ==> |born.|
Topic=muddled:ID=din: |the slaughterfish| ==> |the slaughterfish| [doubled space]
Topic=murderous outlaws:ID=Fjol:Choice 1: |septims| ==> |septims.|
Topic=murderous outlaws:ID=Fjol:Choice 2: |septims| ==> |septims.|
Topic=my glove:ID=ilmeni dren:Item expensive_glove_left_ilmeni>=1:Choice 1: |it| ==> |it.|
Topic=my glove:ID=ilmeni dren:Item expensive_glove_left_ilmeni>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=My judgement:ID=nibani maesa:A2_6_Incarnate>=1 and localdaysPassed>=2 and Choice=1:Choice 2: |cured| ==> |cured.|
Topic=my trade:Class=Assassin:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |close-and personal| ==> |close-and-personal|
Topic=my trade:Class=Assassin Service:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |close-and personal| ==> |close-and-personal|
Topic=my trade:Class=Barbarian:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |various creatures| ==> |various native creatures| [Briring's (Ebonheart, Skyrim Mission) extensive and unique topics were not appearing because they all hyperlink back to the "native creatures" topic.]
Topic=my trade:Class=Barbarian:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |rather| ==> |prefer to| [prevents the "rat" in "rather" from being hyperlinked to the unrelated "rat" topic]
Topic=my trade:Class=Miner:Cell=Dissapla Mine:Disp=30: |an raw| ==> |a raw|
Topic=my trade:Class=Miner:Cell=Dunirai Caverns:Disp=30: |an raw| ==> |a raw|
Topic=my trade:Class=Miner:Cell=Halit Mine:Disp=30: |an raw| ==> |a raw|
Topic=my trade:Class=Miner:Cell=Yassu Mine:Disp=30: |an raw| ==> |a raw|
Topic=my trade:Class=Trader Service:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |weapons ,| ==> |weapons, |
Topic=my trade:ID=ano vando: |pray| ==> |prey|
Topic=my trade:ID=j'dhannar: |sugar?| ==> |sugar.|
Topic=mythopoeic enchantments:ID=yagrum bagarn:CX_BackPath>=25 and localdaysPassed>=1 and misc_wraithguard_no_equip>=1 and PC Health>=220:Choice 1: |Wraithguard| ==> |Wraithguard.|
Topic=Nads Tharen:ID=stacey:Item key_tgbt>=1:Choice 1: |key| ==> |key.|
Topic=Nads Tharen:ID=stacey:Item key_tgbt>=1:Choice 2: |key| ==> |key.|
Topic=Nads Tharen:ID=stacey:Item key_tgbt>=1 and Dead arvama rathri>=1:Choice 1: |key| ==> |key.|
Topic=Nads Tharen:ID=stacey:Item key_tgbt>=1 and Dead arvama rathri>=1:Choice 2: |key| ==> |key.|
Topic=Nchuleft:ID=mallam ryon:HT_SpyBaladas>=100: |from from| ==> |from|
Topic=Nchuleftingth:ID=hasphat antabolis:Disp=50:MG_Excavation>=1: |you visit| ==> |you to visit|
Topic=Nchurdamz:ID=hrundi:PC Expelled=1: |amends name| ==> |amends|
Topic=necromancers:ID=sharn gra-muzgob:Item bk_sharnslegionsofthedead>=1:Choice 2: |summoning| ==> |summoning.|
Topic=necromancers:ID=sharn gra-muzgob:MG_Sharn_Necro>=10: |quite| ==> |quiet|
Topic=Nedhelas:Cell=Caldera:Disp=70:IC16_Haunting>=15 and Not ID nedhelas=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Nedhelas's| ==> |Nedhelas'|
Topic=Nedhelas:Cell=Caldera:IC16_Haunting>=15 and Not ID nedhelas=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Nedhelas's| ==> |Nedhelas'|
Topic=need wives:ID=aryni orethi:Disp=60: |you| ==> |your|
Topic=Nerer Beneran:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=Nerevarine:Faction=Blades:Same Faction=1: |and Ashlanders| ==> |and Ashlanders| [doubled space]
Topic=Nerevarine:Faction=Hlaalu:B8_MeetVivec>=50 and C3_DestroyDagoth<50 and Not Local NoLore=0: |and the| ==> |and the| [doubled space]
Topic=Nerevarine:ID=kaushad:Disp=70:A2_6_Incarnate>=50:Choice 1: |topic| ==> |topic.|
Topic=Nerevarine cult:ID=hassour zainsubani:A1_11_ZainsubaniInformant>=31: |Others Ashlanders| ==> |Other Ashlander|
Topic=Nerevarine prophecies:ID=hassour zainsubani:A1_11_ZainsubaniInformant>=31: |worships| ==> |worship|
Topic=Nerevarine prophecies:ID=manirai:A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |Nerevarine Erabenimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun Nerevarine|
Topic=Nerevarine prophecies:ID=zabamund:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul>=1:Choice 1: |Sul-Matuul| ==> |Sul-Matuul.|
Topic=Nerevarine prophecies:ID=zabamund:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul>=1:Choice 2: |Sul-Matuul| ==> |Sul-Matuul.|
Topic=Nerevarine prophecies:ID=zabamund:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul>=1:Choice 3: |Sul-Matuul| ==> |Sul-Matuul.|
Topic=Nerevarine prophecies:ID=zabamund:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul>=1:Choice 4: |Sul-Matuul| ==> |Sul-Matuul.|
Topic=New-Shoes Bragor:ID=new_shoes bragor:TG_BrotherBragor>=50:Choice 1: |them| ==> |them.|
Topic=New-Shoes Bragor:ID=new_shoes bragor:TG_BrotherBragor>=50:Choice 2: |No thanks| ==> |No, thanks.|
Topic=Nord woman:ID=dro'zhirr: |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr| [two instances]
Topic=Nord woman:ID=dro'zhirr:Choice=1: |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr| [two instances]
Topic=Nord woman:ID=dro'zhirr:MV_BanditVictim>=50: |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr|
Topic=Odaishah Yasalmibaal:Faction=Morag Tong:Rank=Master: |will more| ==> |will be more|
Topic=Odaishah Yasalmibaal:Faction=Morag Tong:Rank=Master: |that| ==> |than|
Topic=Odaishah Yasalmibaal:Faction=Morag Tong:Rank=Master: |Odaishah has| ==> |Odaishah Yasalmibaal has| [stops hyperlink to "Odai" river from the journal reference to this dialog]
Topic=Odirniran:ID=milyn faram:Choice=2: Choice 1: |listening| ==> |listening.|
Topic=Odirniran:ID=milyn faram:Choice=2: Choice 2: |Leave| ==> |Leave.|
Topic=Odirniran:ID=milyn faram:Dead remasa othril>0 and Dead vedelea othril>0: |Is Remasa| ==> |Remasa|
Topic=Odirniran:ID=milyn faram:Dead ramasa othril>0 and Dead vedelea othril>0: |every| ==> |ever|
Topic=Odirniran:ID=vedelea othril: |me| ==> |my|
Topic=Orders:Faction=Imperial Legion:Cell=Ebonheart:Same Faction=1: |Vatinius| ==> |Vantinius|
Topic=Orders:ID=caius cosades:A1_2_AntabolisInformant>=15 and bk_a1_2_antabolisocosades,<=0: |actuallly| ==> |actually|
Topic=Orders:ID=eydis fire-eye:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:Disp=30:FG_EggPoachers>=100 and TG_Bitterbribe>=100: |Helaviane| ==> |Helviane|
Topic=Orders:ID=eydis fire-eye:PC Faction=Fighters Guild:Disp=30:FG_Sottilde>=100: |Helaviane| ==> |Helviane|
Topic=Orders:ID=Frald the White:PC Faction=Imperial Legion:Disp=30:IL_ProtectEntius>=100: |Vatinius| ==> |Vantinius|
Topic=Orders:ID=general darius:Disp=30:IL_WidowLand>=70: |gro-Ogdun| ==> |gro-Ogdum|
Topic=Orders:ID=general darius:PC Faction=Imperial Legion:Disp=30:IL_TalosTreason>=100: |Vatinius| ==> |Vantinius|
Topic=Orders:ID=imsin the dreamer:Disp=30: |Ald'Ruhn| ==> |Ald'ruhn|
Topic=Orders:ID=percius mericus:PC Faction=Fighters Guild: |gro-Uglakh| ==> |gro-Aglakh|
Topic=Ordinators:Cell=Ghostgate:Disp=30:Random100<60 and Not Faction Ashlanders=1 and Not ID wulf=1: |Almalexia| ==> |Mournhold|
Topic=Ordinators:Class=Healer:Faction=Temple:Disp=30:Random100<60: |Almalexia| ==> |Mournhold|
Topic=Ordinators:Class=Monk:Faction=Temple:Disp=30:Random100<60: |Almalexia| ==> |Mournhold|
Topic=Ordinators:Class=Priest:Faction=Temple:Disp=30:Random100<60: |Almalexia| ==> |Mournhold|
Topic=Ordinators:Class=Priest Service:Faction=Temple:Disp=30:Random100<60: |Almalexia| ==> |Mournhold|
Topic=Oritius Maro:Cell=Gnisis, Barracks:Disp=30: |Here's| ==> |He's|
Topic=Orphan of Arnesia:ID=neminda:wearingHelmHHDA=1: |you| ==> |your|
Topic=Orvas Dren:Faction=Hlaalu:Disp=30:Dead Orvas Dren Druglord=0 and NoLocal=0: |Ascandian| ==> |Ascadian|
Topic=outlander:Cell=Balmora:Not Local NoLore=0: |Morrrowind| ==> |Morrowind|
Topic=outlander:Race=Dark Elf:Cell=Balmora:Not Local NoLore=0: |Morrrowind| ==> |Morrowind|
Topic=outlander:Faction=Camonna Tong:Not Local NoLore=0: |Cammona| ==> |Camonna|
Topic=outlander:Faction=Camonna Tong:Not Local NoLore=0: |Morrrowind| ==> |Morrowind|
Topic=overdue payment:ID=ienas sarandas:Disp=30:Choice=5: |of Lord| ==> |of Lord| [doubled space]
Topic=overdue payment:ID=ienas sarandas:Disp=30:Choice=9: |parent's| ==> |parents'|
Topic=pearl:ID=anarenen:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |collop| ==> |kollop|
Topic=pearl:ID=tendris vedran:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |collop| ==> |kollop|
Topic=Pelagiad:ID=tarvyn faren: |alot| ==> |a lot|
Topic=people cannot read:ID=vala catraso:Item bk_ABCs>0 and Item bk_AnnotatedAnuad>0 and HH_LiteracyCampaign>=10:Choice 1: |are| ==> |are.|
Topic=people cannot read:ID=vala catraso:Item bk_ABCs>0 and Item bk_AnnotatedAnuad>0 and HH_LiteracyCampaign>=10:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=people cannot read:ID=vala catraso:Item bk_ABCs>0 and Item bk_ChildrensAnuad>0 and HH_LiteracyCampaign>=10:Choice 1: |are| ==> |are.|
Topic=people cannot read:ID=vala catraso:Item bk_ABCs>0 and Item bk_ChildrensAnuad>0 and HH_LiteracyCampaign>=10:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=persecution of the Nerevarine:ID=huleeya:A1_7_HuleeyaInformant>=20: |when Temple| ==> |when the Temple|
Topic=plunder the dungeon:ID=vistha_kai: |them ,or| ==> |them, or|
Topic=politics and religion:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |call| ==> |called|
Topic=politics and religion:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30: |call| ==> |called|
Topic=potion:ID=divayth fyr:Disp=50:A2_3_CorprusCure>=25 and Item dwemer_boots of flying=1:Choice 1: |potion| ==> |potion.|
Topic=potion:ID=divayth fyr:Disp=50:A2_3_CorprusCure>=46:Choice 1: |potion| ==> |potion.|
Topic=potion of Cure Common Disease:ID=hisin deep-raed:MV_ParalyzedBarbarian=40 and p_cure_common_s<1: |witches| ==> |witch's|
Topic=potion of Cure Common Disease:ID=hisin deep-raed:MV_ParalyzedBarbarian=60 and p_cure_common_s<1: |witches| ==> |witch's|
Topic=potion recipe:ID=tusamircil:Item bk_dispelrecipe_tgca>=1 and TG_CookbookAlchemy>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=potion recipe:ID=tusamircil:Item bk_dispelrecipe_tgca>=1 and TG_CookbookAlchemy>=10:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=Prelude:ID=edryno arethi:Choice=1 and Item daedric_wakazashi_hhst>0: |finders| ==> |finder's|
Topic=pressing business:ID=rasha:MV_TraderLate<20: |Ald-ruhn| ==> |Ald'ruhn| [two instances]
Topic=prices are a bit high:ID=J'zhirr:EB_Tradespy<50: |J'zhirr| ==> |J'Zhirr|
Topic=proof:ID=general darius:Choice=2: |gro-Odgum| ==> |gro-Ogdum|
Topic=Pudai Egg Mine:ID=hrundi:FG_FindPudai>=10:Choice 1: |are| ==> |are.|
Topic=Pudai Egg Mine:ID=hrundi:FG_FindPudai>=10:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=Rabinna:ID=Im_Kilaya:MV_SlaveMule=95 and Dead Rabinna=0: |here here| ==> |her here|
Topic=Rabinna:ID=Im_Kilaya:MV_SlaveMule=112 and Dead Rabinna=0: |here here| ==> |her here|
Topic=Ragash gra-Shuzgub:ID=general darius:IL_RescuePilgrim>=100: |Arvs Drelen| ==> |Arvs-Drelen|
Topic=Ralen Tilvur:ID=edryno arethi:HH_GuardMerchant>=200: |alot| ==> |a lot|
Topic=raw ebony:ID=anarenen:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |crystalized| ==> |crystallized|
Topic=raw ebony:ID=tendris vedran:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |crystalized| ==> |crystallized|
Topic=recruit some miners:ID=savile imayn:HH_Stronghold>=140: |Oren| ==> |Ores|
Topic=Redas Tomb:ID=faral retheran:HR_HlaanoSlanders>=100: |and bring| ==> |and bring| [doubled space]
Topic=Redas Tomb:ID=faral retheran:HR_RedasTomb>=100:Choice 3: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=Redas Tomb:ID=faral retheran:HR_RedasTomb>=100:Choice 4: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Redoran Cooking Secrets:ID=big helende:Item bk_redorancookingsecrets>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Redoran Cooking Secrets:ID=big helende:Item bk_redorancookingsecrets>=1:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=Redoran Cooking Secrets:ID=fara:Item bk_redorancookingsecrets>=1 and TG_RedoranCookbook>=10: |So| ==> |So,|
Topic=Redoran Cooking Secrets:ID=fara:Item bk_redorancookingsecrets>=1 and TG_RedoranCookbook>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Redoran Cooking Secrets:ID=fara:Item bk_redorancookingsecrets>=1 and TG_RedoranCookbook>=10:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=Redoran Cooking Secrets:ID=fara:TG_RedoranCookbook>=10: |years| ==> |year's|
Topic=Redoran Cooking Secrets:ID=fara:TG_RedoranCookbook>=10: |desert| ==> |dessert|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=bolvyn venim:A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |A Hortator| ==> |A Hortator| [doubled space]
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=miner arobar:Choice=3 and B5_SarethiHort>=50: |faith his| ==> |faith in his|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=miner arobar:B5_SarethiHort>=50: |faith his| ==> |faith in his|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=miner arobar:Redoran Murdered=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=miner arobar:Redoran Murdered=2 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead athyn sarethi=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead bolvyn venim=1 and B5_VenimHort<50 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead brara morvayn=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead garisa llethri=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead hlaren ramoran=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Redoran Hortator:ID=nibani maesa:Dead miner arobar=1 and A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |counselor| ==> |councilor|
Topic=Reeh-Jah:ID=savile imayn:MV_RunawaySlave=103: |Let| ==> |Lets|
Topic=Redoran Master Helm:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item redoran_master_helm>=1 and TG_MasterHelm=0:Choice 1: |helm| ==> |helm.|
Topic=Redoran Master Helm:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item redoran_master_helm>=1 and TG_MasterHelm=0:Choice 2: |helm| ==> |helm.|
Topic=Redoran Master Helm:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item redoran_master_helm>=1 and TG_MasterHelm>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Redoran Master Helm:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item redoran_master_helm>=1 and TG_MasterHelm>=10:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=Relam Arinith:ID=vorar helas:MV_SlaveMule>=108 and MV_SlaveMule<115 |to business| ==> |to do business|
Topic=Rels Tenim:Class=Farmer:Cell=Vos:Not Local NoLore=0: |Ahemussa| ==> |Ahemmusa|
Topic=rent and taxes:ID=crassius curio:HH_RentCollector>=10: |worldy| ==> |worldly|
Topic=rent and taxes:ID=odral helvi:Disp=30:Item Gold_001>=100 and HH_RentCollector>=10: |from Manat| ==> |from Manat| [doubled space]
Topic=Requirements:Faction=Telvanni:Rank=Mouth:Cell=Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House: |items| ==> |items.|
Topic=Requirements:Faction=Thieves Guild:Rank=Mastermind: |it is gives| ==> |it gives|
Topic=Requirements:ID=aryon: |items| ==> |items.|
Topic=return to Vivec:ID=vevrana aryon:A2_4_MiloGone>=20:Choice 1: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=return to Vivec:ID=vevrana aryon:A2_4_MiloGone>=20:Choice 2: |Not Yet| ==> |Not yet.|
Topic=riddle:ID=saryn sarethi:Choice=4:PC Intelligence:>=50: |expceted| ==> |expected|
Topic=riddle:ID=saryn sarethi:IL_Courtesy>=10:Choice 8: |ready| ==> |ready.|
Topic=riddle:ID=saryn sarethi:IL_Courtesy>=10:Choice 12: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=rules:Faction=Fighters Guild: |fight or| ==> |fight with or|
Topic=rules:Faction=Hlaalu:Rank=Kinsman: |member of| ==> |member or|
Topic=run of bad luck:ID=balen andrano: |foreign quarter| ==> |Foreign Quarter|
Topic=running an errand:Name=Llaalam Dredil:Choice=1: |J'zhirr| ==> |J'Zhirr|
Topic=running an errand:Name=Llaalam Dredil:EB_Express=0: |J'zhirr| ==> |J'Zhirr|
Topic=saber:ID=garothmuk gro-mugzub:Disp=30: |sabre| ==> |saber|
Topic=saltrice:ID=anarenen:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |wild in| ==> |wild in| [doubled space]
Topic=saltrice:ID=tendris vedran:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |wild in| ==> |wild in| [doubled space]
Topic=Sanctus Shrine:ID=endryn llethan:Choice 1: |vow of silence| ==> |the vow of silence.|
Topic=Sanctus Shrine:ID=endryn llethan:Choice 2: |Wait| ==> |Wait.|
Topic=Sanguine Balanced Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltbalancedarmor>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Balanced Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltbalancedarmor>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Balanced Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltbalancedarmor>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Balanced Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltbalancedarmor>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Deep Biting:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltdeepbiting>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Deep Biting:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltdeepbiting>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Deep Biting:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltdeepbiting>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Deep Biting:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltdeepbiting>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Denial:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltdenial>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Denial:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltdenial>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Denial:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltdenial>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Denial:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltdenial>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Fleetness:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltfleetness>=1:Choice 1: |Here it is| ==> |Yes, here it is.| [24 of the 27 Sanguine items' choices are worded this way; no reason for this one to be different]
Topic=Sanguine Fleetness:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltfleetness=1:Choice 2: |Keep it| ==> |No.| [see above]
Topic=Sanguine Fluid Evasion:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringfluidevasion>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Fluid Evasion:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringfluidevasion=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Fluid Evasion:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringfluidevasion>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Fluid Evasion:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringfluidevasion>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Glib Speech:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineamuletglibspeech>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Glib Speech:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineamuletglibspeech=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Glib Speech:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineamuletglibspeech>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Glib Speech:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineamuletglibspeech>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Golden Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringgoldenw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Golden Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringgoldenw=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Golden Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringgoldenw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Golden Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringgoldenw>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Green Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringgreenw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Green Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringgreenw=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Green Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringgreenw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Green Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringgreenw>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Hewing:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltfleetness>=1:Choice 1: |Here it is| ==> |Yes, here it is.| [24 of the 27 Sanguine items' choices are worded this way; no reason for this one to be different]
Topic=Sanguine Hewing:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltfleetness=1:Choice 2: |Keep it| ==> |No.| [see above]
Topic=Sanguine Horny Fist:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinerglovehornyfist>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Horny Fist:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinerglovehornyfist=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Horny Fist:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinerglovehornyfist>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Horny Fist:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinerglovehornyfist>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Impaling Thrust:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltimpaling>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Impaling Thrust:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltimpaling>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Impaling Thrust:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltimpaling>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Impaling Thrust:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltimpaling>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Leaping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineshoesleaping>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Leaping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineshoesleaping=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Leaping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineshoesleaping>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Leaping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineshoesleaping>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Martial Craft:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltmartialcraft>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Martial Craft:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltmartialcraft>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Martial Craft:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltmartialcraft>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Martial Craft:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltmartialcraft>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Nimble Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineamuletnimblearmor>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Nimble Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineamuletnimblearmor=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Nimble Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineamuletnimblearmor>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Nimble Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineamuletnimblearmor>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Red Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringredw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Red Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringredw1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Red Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringredw>=1: |belt| ==> |ring|
Topic=Sanguine Red Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringredw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Red Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringredw>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Safekeeping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinelglovesafekeeping>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Safekeeping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinelglovesafekeeping=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Safekeeping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinelglovesafekeeping>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Safekeeping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinelglovesafekeeping>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Silver Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringsilverw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Silver Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringsilverw=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Silver Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringsilverw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Silver Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringsilverw>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Safekeeping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinelglovesafekeeping>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Safekeeping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinelglovesafekeeping=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Safekeeping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinelglovesafekeeping>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Safekeeping:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinelglovesafekeeping>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Smiting:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltsmiting>=1:Choice 1: |it is| ==> |it is.|
Topic=Sanguine Smiting:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltsmiting=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Smiting:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltsmiting>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Smiting:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltsmiting>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Stolid Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltstolidarmor>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Stolid Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltstolidarmor=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Stolid Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltstolidarmor>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Stolid Armor:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltstolidarmor>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Sublime Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringsublimew>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Sublime Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringsublimew=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Sublime Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringsublimew>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Sublime Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringsublimew>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Sureflight:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltsureflight>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Sureflight:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinebeltsureflight=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Sureflight:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltsureflight>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Sureflight:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinebeltsureflight>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Swiftblade:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinergloveswiftblade>=1: |Swiftblade| ==> |Swiftblade,|
Topic=Sanguine Swiftblade:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinergloveswiftblade>=1:Choice 1: |Here it is| ==> |Yes, here it is.| [24 of the 27 Sanguine items' choices are worded this way; no reason for this one to be different]
Topic=Sanguine Swiftblade:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguinergloveswiftblade=1:Choice 2: |Keep it| ==> |No.| [see above]
Topic=Sanguine Swiftblade:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinergloveswiftblade>=1: |Swiftblade| ==> |Swiftblade,|
Topic=Sanguine Swiftblade:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinergloveswiftblade>=1:Choice 1: |Here it is| ==> |Yes, here it is.| [see above]
Topic=Sanguine Swiftblade:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguinergloveswiftblade>=1:Choice 2: |Keep it| ==> |No.| [see above]
Topic=Sanguine Transcendence:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringtranscendw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Transcendence:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringtranscendw=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Transcendence:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringtranscendw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Transcendence:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringtranscendw>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Transfiguring:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringtransfigurw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Transfiguring:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringtransfigurw=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Transfiguring:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringtransfigurw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Transfiguring:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringtransfigurw>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Unseen Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringunseenw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Unseen Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:Item sanguineringunseenw=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sanguine Unseen Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringunseenw>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Sanguine Unseen Wisdom:ID=eno hlaalu:PC Faction=Morag Tong:PC Expelled=1 and Item sanguineringunseenw>=1:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=Sargon:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=scales:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |meally| ==> |mealy|
Topic=scales:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |meally| ==> |mealy|
Topic=scrap metal:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item ingred_scrap_metal_01>=4 and TG_AldruhnDefenses>=10:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=scrap metal:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item ingred_scrap_metal_01>=4 and TG_AldruhnDefenses>=10:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=sculptor:Cell=Caldera:DA_Boethiah=30 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Gemaine| ==> |Gemain|
Topic=sealed Daedric ruin:ID=Lalatia Varian:IC29_Crusher>=50: |Andunabia| ==> |Anudnabia|
Topic=sealed Daedric ruin:Race=Dark Elf:Class=Scout:Not Local NoLore=0: |Anudnubia| ==> |Anudnabia|
Topic=sealed orders:ID=odral helvi:Disp=30:HH_BankFraud>=60: |them to| ==> |them to| [doubled space]
Topic=sealed orders:ID=tenisi lladri:Choice=1 and UnsealedOdral1=1: |There| ==> |These|
Topic=sensitive matters:ID=taros dral:Choice=1: |Omavel| ==> |Omarel| [see entry for NPC name change]
Topic=sensitive matters:ID=taros dral:DA_Mephala=55: |Omavel| ==> |Omarel| [see above]
Topic=serve me:ID=raxle berne:PC Vampire=1 and VampClan=2 and VA_VampBlood<20: |makes| ==> |make|
Topic=Services:Cell=Ald-ruhn:Disp=30:Not Class Guard=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Pricy| ==> |Pricey|
Topic=Services:Cell=Gnaar Mok:Disp=30:Not ID wadarkhu=1 and Not ID balan=1 and Not ID hinald=1 and Not Class Guard=1 and Not Cell Gnaar Mok, Nadine Rotheran's Shack=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Druegh-jigger's| ==> |Dreugh-jigger's|
Topic=Services:Cell=Suran:Not Class Guard=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |gro-Muzg�b| ==> |gro-Muzgub|
Topic=Seven trials:ID=nibani maesa:B8_AllHortator>=50 and C3_DestroyDagoth<50: |Fifth| ==> |Fourth|
Topic=Seven trials:ID=nibani maesa:B8_AllHortator>=50 and C3_DestroyDagoth<50: |Urshilkau| ==> |Urshilaku|
Topic=seven victims:ID=elam andas:town_Vivec<50: |Quarters| ==> |Quarter|
Topic=share a gift:ID=ahnassi:Romance_Ahnassi>=87: |Alleius's| ==> |Alleius'|
Topic=shipment of ebony:ID=crassius curio:Disp=30:HH_EbonyDelivery>=50: |was out| ==> |was our|
Topic=Shishi:ID=aryon:Dead brerama selas>0: |tradition| ==> |traditional|
Topic=Shishi:ID=aryon:Dead brerama selas>0: |Andes| ==> |Andas|
Topic=Shishi:ID=aryon:Dead favas andas>0: |Andes| ==> |Andas|
Topic=Shishi:ID=aryon:Dead favas andas>0 and Dead brerama selas>0: |Yes, the Faves| ==> |Yes, Faves|
Topic=Shishi:ID=aryon:HT_Monopoly>=0: |Andes| ==> |Andas| [two instances]
Topic=Shoes of St. Rilms:ID=endryn llethan: |priests'| ==> |priest's|
Topic=Shoes of St. Rilms:ID=endryn llethan:Item shoes of st. rilms>=1:Choice 1: |Give shoes| ==> |Give him the shoes.| [matches other occurrence of this choice]
Topic=Shoes of St. Rilms:ID=endryn llethan:Item shoes of st. rilms>=1:Choice 2: |Keep shoes| ==> |Keep the shoes.| [see above]
Topic=Shoes of St. Rilms:ID=endryn llethan:Item shoes of st. rilms>=1 and TT_RilmsShoes=0:Choice 1: |her the shoess| ==> |him the shoes.|
Topic=short bow:ID=garothmuk gro-muzgub:Disp=30: |bone-shell-and| ==> |bone-shell and|
Topic=Shurdan-Raplay:ID=dondos driler:PC Faction=Hlaalu:PC Rank=Kinsman:HH_Stronghold>=100: |he River| ==> |the River|
Topic=Shurdan-Raplay:ID=dondos driler:PC Faction=Hlaalu:PC Rank=Kinsman:HH_Stronghold>=100: |Rostorad| ==> |Rostorard|
Topic=Shurinbaal:ID=athyn sarethi:PC Faction=Redoran: |Daroder| ==> |Daroder Helni|
Topic=Sixth House cult:ID=hasphat antabolis:A1_2_AntabolisInformant>=10: |or the| ==> |and the|
Topic=Sjoring Hard-Heart:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=Skull-Crusher:ID=Lalatia Varian: |christened| ==> |named|
Topic=slaughterfish:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |meally| ==> |mealy|
Topic=slaughterfish:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |meally| ==> |mealy|
Topic=slave rebellion:ID=eleedal_lei:HT_SlaveRebellion>=15: |ley| ==> |let|
Topic=slavery:Faction=Imperial Legion:Rank=Knight Errant:Local NoLore=0 and Global Random100<33: |Argonians| ==> |Argonian|
Topic=slavery:Faction=Imperial Legion:Rank=Knight Errant:Local NoLore=0 and Global Random100<66: |Argonians| ==> |Argonian|
Topic=Sleepers:ID=nibani maesa:C3_DestroyDagoth>=50: |has| ==> |have|
Topic=small predators:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |the waste rat| ==> |the rat|
Topic=small predators:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |the cave rat| ==> |the waste rat|
Topic=small predators:ID=Briring:Disp=30: |rust rat| ==> |rust rat.|
Topic=small predators:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |the cave rat| ==> |the waste rat|
Topic=small predators:ID=gudling the rascal:Disp=30: |rust rat| ==> |rust rat.|
Topic=some notorious thieves:ID=aeta wave-breaker:Choice=1: |has| ==> |have|
Topic=some notorious thieves:ID=aeta wave-breaker:MV_BanditVictim<20: |Dro'zhirr| ==> |Dro'Zhirr|
Topic=some notorious thieves:ID=aeta wave-breaker:MV_BanditVictim<20: |your| ==> |you|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Balmora:Disp=30:Not ID nileno dorvayn=1 and Not ID ethasi rilvayn=1 and Not ID fedrelo sadri=1 and Not ID habasi=1 and Not ID ranis athrys=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |counselors| ==> |councilors|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Balmora:Faction=Camonna Tong:Disp=30:Not ID nileno dorvayn=1 and Not ID ethasi rilvayn=1 and Not ID fedrelo sadri=1 and Not ID habasi=1 and Not ID ranis athrys=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |counselors| ==> |councilors|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Gnaar Mok:Disp=30:Not ID wadarkhu=1 and Not ID almse arenim=1 and Not ID nadene rotheran=1 and Not Class Guard=1 and Not Cell Nadene Roetheran's Shack=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Druegh-jigger's| ==> |Dreugh-jigger's|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Gnisis:Disp=30:Not ID mehra drora=1 and Not Local NoLore=0 and Not ID general darius=1 and Not ID fenas madach=1 and Not ID baladas demnevanni=1 and Not ID optio bologra=1: |Arvs Drelen| ==> |Arvs-Drelen|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Hla Oad:Disp=30:Not ID Trasteve=1 and Not ID baleni salavel=1 and Not Class Guard=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Fat Leg's Drop-Off| ==> |Fatleg's Drop Off|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Sadrith Mora:Disp=30:Choice=1 and Not Cell Wolverine Hall=1 and Not Cell Telvanni...=1 and Not Cell Tel Naga...=1 and Not Cell Gateway Inn=1 and Not Class Guard=1 and |Durty| ==> |Dirty|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Not ID big helende=1: |Durty| ==> |Dirty|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0 and Not ID hrundi=1 and Not ID procyon nigilius and Not ID aunius autrus=1: |Durty| ==> |Dirty|
Topic=someone killed:ID=sirlonwe:Dead shasev=0 and PCVampire=1: |Ald-Skar| ==> |Ald Skar|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=30 and Item exquisite_shirt_01>=1 and Item exquisite_skirt_01>=1 and Item exquisite_shoes_01>=1: |musk| ==> |Musk|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=35 and Item potion_t_bug_musk_01>=1 and Item Gold_001>=600 and PC Mercantile>=80:Choice 3: |offer| ==> |offer.|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=35 and Item potion_t_bug_musk_01>=1 and Item Gold_001>=600 and PC Mercantile>=80:Choice 6: |drakes| ==> |drakes.|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=35 and Item potion_t_bug_musk_01>=1 and Item Gold_001>=800 and PC Mercantile>=60:Choice 3: |offer| ==> |offer.|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=35 and Item potion_t_bug_musk_01>=1 and Item Gold_001>=800 and PC Mercantile>=60:Choice 5: |drakes| ==> |drakes.|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=35 and Item potion_t_bug_musk_01>=1 and Item Gold_001<1200:Choice 3: |offer| ==> |offer.|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=35 and Item potion_t_bug_musk_01>=1 and Item Gold_001>=1200:Choice 3: |offer| ==> |offer.|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=35 and Item potion_t_bug_musk_01>=1 and Item Gold_001>=1200 and PC Mercantile>=40:Choice 3: |offer| ==> |offer.|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=35 and Item potion_t_bug_musk_01>=1 and Item Gold_001>=1200 and PC Mercantile>=40:Choice 4: |drakes| ==> |drakes.|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:Disp=60:B3_ZainabBride>=35 and Item potion_t_bug_musk_01>=1 and Item Gold_001>=1200:Choice 3: |offer| ==> |offer.|
Topic=something special:ID=savile imayn:B3_ZainabBride>=40: |do| ==> |Do|
Topic=Soul sickness:ID=yakum hairshashishi:Disp=50: |sleep had| ==> |sleep, had|
Topic=specific place:Cell=Gnaar Mok:Disp=30:Not ID valveli arelas=1 and Not ID nadene rotheran=1 and Not Class Guard=1 and Not Cell Nadene Roetheran's Shack=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Druegh-jigger's| ==> |Dreugh-jigger's|
Topic=specific place:Cell=Hla Oad:Disp=30:Not ID baleni salavel=1 and Not Class Guard=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Fat Leg's Drop-Off| ==> |Fatleg's Drop Off|
Topic=specific place:Cell=Khuul:Disp=30:Not Class Guard=1: |there're| ==> |there's|
Topic=specific place:Cell=Sadrith Mora:Disp=30:Not ID gals arethi=1 and Not ID iniel=1 and Not Class Guard=1 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Durty| ==> |Dirty|
Topic=speechcraft:ID=ales julalanie:Disp=30: |tales'| ==> |tale's|
Topic=speechcraft:ID=dumbuk gro-bolak:Disp=30: |tales'| ==> |tale's|
Topic=speechcraft:ID=mervs uvayn:Disp=30: |tales'| ==> |tale's|
Topic=Spell Breaker:ID=mastrius: |it's enchantments| ==> |its enchantments|
Topic=spell to Cure Disease:ID=hisin deep-raed:MV_ParalyzedBarbarian>=100: |witches| ==> |witch's|
Topic=staff:ID=garothmuk gro-mugzub:Disp=30: |tools| ==> |tool|
Topic=stolen reports:ID=ajira:PC Faction=Mages Guild:MG_StolenReport>=10:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=stoneflower petals:ID=ajira:Disp=30: |the their| ==> |their|
Topic=storm atronach:ID=smokey morth:Disp=30: |elemental shock| ==> |elemental|
Topic=storm atronach:ID=smokey morth:Disp=30: |shock salts| ==> |void salts|
Topic=storm atronach:ID=vala catraso:Disp=30: |elemental shock| ==> |elemental|
Topic=storm atronach:ID=vala catraso:Disp=30: |shock salts| ==> |void salts|
Topic=stronghold:ID=dondos driler:PC Faction=Hlaalu:Choice=1 and Item bk_stronghold_c_hlaalu>0 and Item bk_stronghold_ld_hlaalu>0: |being| ==> |begin|
Topic=stronghold:ID=dondos driler:PC Faction=Hlaalu:PC Rank=Kinsman:Disp=30:HH_Stronghold>=170: |being| ==> |begin|
Topic=stronghold:ID=llunela hleran:HT_Stronghold>=55: |Gashnak| ==> |Gashnakh|
Topic=study for the priesthood:ID=ienas sarandas:Cell=Ald-ruhn, Temple:Disp=30: |parent's| ==> |parents'|
Topic=Sud:Faction=Mages Guild:Rank=Wizard:MG_Advancement<60: |fell| ==> |Fel|
Topic=Sudanit mine:ID=nileno dorvayn:HH_Retaliation>=100 and HH_IndEsp3>=100: |the Fort| ==> |Fort|
Topic=suits of armor:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=sujamma:Class=Trader Service:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: First sentence |The local Dunmer liquor, sujamma, is extremely potent, and indulgence results in elevated spirits and diminished mental faculties.| is duplicated.
Topic=sujamma:Class=Trader:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: First sentence |The local Dunmer liquor, sujamma, is extremely potent, and indulgence results in elevated spirits and diminished mental faculties.| is duplicated.
Topic=support on the Council:ID=dram bero:HH_BeroSupport>=100: |Yes| ==> |Yes,|
Topic=Surane Leoriane:ID=caius cosades:A1_1_FindSpymaster>=14 and blades_surane2<2: |north sits| ==> |sits|
Topic=Talk:Faction=Ashlanders:Cell=Urshilaku Camp:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul>=1 and NotID sul-matuul=0 and NotID nibani maesa=0:Choice 1: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=Talk:Faction=Ashlanders:Cell=Urshilaku Camp:A2_1_MeetSulMatuul>=1 and NotID sul-matuul=0 and NotID nibani maesa=0:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=talking mudcrab merchant:ID=m'aiq: |M'aiq| ==> |M'Aiq|
Topic=Talos:Class=Healer:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |'Talos'.| ==> |'Talos.'|
Topic=Talos:Class=Healer:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Talos:Class=Healer:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |took[CRLF]a| ==> |took a|
Topic=Talos:Class=Monk:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |'Talos'.| ==> |'Talos.'|
Topic=Talos:Class=Monk:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Talos:Class=Monk:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |took[CRLF]a| ==> |took a|
Topic=Talos:Class=Priest:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |'Talos'.| ==> |'Talos.'|
Topic=Talos:Class=Priest:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Talos:Class=Priest:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |took[CRLF]a| ==> |took a|
Topic=Talos:Class=Priest Service:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |'Talos'.| ==> |'Talos.'
Topic=Talos:Class=Priest Service:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Talos:Class=Priest Service:Faction=Imperial Cult:Disp=30: |took[CRLF]a| ==> |took a|
Topic=Talos Cult:ID=general darius:IL_TalosTreason>=20: |Orius| ==> |Oritius|
Topic=Talos Cult:ID=general darius:IL_TalosTreason>=30: |alter| ==> |altar|
Topic=Tarvyn Faren:ID=tarvyn faren:Disp=30:followNow=1: |travelling| ==> |traveling|
Topic=Tarvyn Faren:ID=tarvyn faren:Disp=30:HH_EscortMerchant>=70: |Feran| ==> |Faren|
Topic=taxes from Gnisis:ID=hlaren ramoran:Choice=1 and Item Gold_001>=60: |aquaintance| ==> |acquaintance|
Topic=Telvanni councilors:Faction=Telvanni: |councilor's| ==> |councilors'|
Topic=Telvanni councilors:Faction=Telvanni:Rank=Mouth:B7_TelvannniBook>=1: |councilor's| ==> |councilors'|
Topic=Telvanni councilors:ID=aryon: |councilor's| ==> |councilors'|
Topic=Telvanni councilors:ID=aryon:B7_TelvannniBook>=1: |councilor's| ==> |councilors'|
Topic=Telvanni councilors:ID=aryon:B7_TelvannniBook>=1 and HT_BaladasAlly>=100: |councilor's| ==> |councilors'|
Topic=Telvanni Hortator:ID=aryon:Choice=2: |you to kill| ==> |you kill|
Topic=Telvanni Hortator:ID=aryon:Choice=2 and Same Sex=1: |you to kill| ==> |you kill|
Topic=Telvanni Hortator:ID=gothren:B7_GothrenHort>=30: |counselors| ==> |councilors|
Topic=Telvanni Hortator:ID=therana:B7_TheranaHort>=50: |spider| ==> |a spider|
Topic=Telvanni tower urban style:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |wizards| ==> |wizard's|
Topic=Telvanni tower urban style:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30: |wizards| ==> |wizard's|
Topic=Temple's doctrine:ID=tholer saryoni:A2_6_Incarnate>=50 and PC Reputation>=50 and PC Level>=20 and Choice=3:Choice 4: |Vivec| ==> |Vivec.|
Topic=Temple's doctrine:ID=tholer saryoni:A2_6_Incarnate>=50 and PC Reputation>=50 and PC Level>=20 and Choice=3:Choice 5: |you| ==> |you.|
Topic=Temple's doctrine:ID=tholer saryoni:B8_All_Hortator>=50 and B8_All_Nerevarine>=50 and Dead ordinator_high fane>=1 and B8_MeetVivec<25:Choice 1: |future| ==> |future.|
Topic=Temple's doctrine:ID=tholer saryoni:B8_All_Hortator>=50 and B8_All_Nerevarine>=50 and Dead ordinator_high fane>=1 and B8_MeetVivec<25:Choice 2: |attacked| ==> |attacked.|
Topic=Temple's doctrine:ID=tholer saryoni:B8_All_Hortator>=50 and B8_All_Nerevarine>=50 and Choice=3:Choice 4: |Vivec| ==> |Vivec.|
Topic=Temple's doctrine:ID=tholer saryoni:B8_All_Hortator>=50 and B8_All_Nerevarine>=50 and Choice=3:Choice 5: |you| ==> |you.|
Topic=the Empire:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Local NoLore=0: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=the Empire:Class=Savant:Disp=30:Local NoLore=0: |4000 years ago| ==> |4000 years old|
Topic=the Empire:ID=chargen captain: |you they| ==> |they|
Topic=the Empire:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30:Local NoLore=0: |4000 years ago| ==> |4000 years old| [should Local NoLore=0 be there?]
Topic=the Empire:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30:Local NoLore=0: |Cyrodilic| ==> |Cyrodiilic|
Topic=Thieves Guild:ID=addhiranirr: |is just is| ==> |is just|
Topic=Thieves Guild:ID=caius cosades:A1_1_FindSpymaster>=14: |partly because to| ==> |partly to|
Topic=Third trial:ID=nibani maesa:A2_6_Incarnate>=50: |See| ==> |She|
Topic=three questions:ID=mallam ryon:PC Faction=Telvanni: |Arvs Drelen| ==> |Arvs-Drelen|
Topic=trade goods wanted:Cell=Zainab Camp:Sex=Female:Disp=50:town_Tel_vos>=10: |But. Our| ==> |But... our|
Topic=trade goods wanted:Cell=Zainab Camp:Sex=Male:Disp=30:town_Tel_vos>=10: |fault. Outlander| ==> |fault, outlander|
Topic=trade goods wanted:ID=ashur-dan:town_Tel_vos>=10: |peopled| ==> |people|
Topic=trade goods wanted:ID=ashur-dan:Disp=50:town_Tel_vos>=10: |peopled| ==> |people|
Topic=travel together:ID=Dandsa:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=Dandsa:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=Dandsa:followNow=1:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=Dandsa:followNow=1:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=delyna mandas:Choice 1: |folllow| ==> |follow|
Topic=travel together:ID=delyna mandas:followNow=1:Choice 1: |folllowing| ==> |following|
Topic=travel together:ID=deval beleth:HR_KoalCave>=10:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=deval beleth:HR_KoalCave>=10:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=deval beleth:HR_KoalCave>=10 and followNow=1:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=deval beleth:HR_KoalCave>=10 and followNow=1:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=falura llervu:B3_ZainabBride>=40 and B3_ZainabBride<47: |they the| ==> |they are the|
Topic=travel together:ID=huleeya:A1_V_VivecInformants>=1: |leave the| ==> |leave through the|
Topic=travel together:ID=huleeya:Dead urven davor>=1 and Dead ethys savil>=1 and Dead favel govor>=1 and A1_V_VivecInformants>=1: |leave the| ==> |leave through the|
Topic=travel together:ID=mathis dalobar:HR_FindDalor>=70: |alot| ==> |a lot|
Topic=travel together:ID=mathis dalobar:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=mathis dalobar:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=mathis dalobar:followNow=1:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=mathis dalobar:followNow=1:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=nartise arobar:Choice=1: |alot| ==> |a lot|
Topic=travel together:ID=saprius entius:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=saprius entius:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=saprius entius:followNow=1:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=saprius entius:followNow=1:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=sondaale of shimmerene:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=sondaale of shimmerene:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=sondaale of shimmerene:followNow=1:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=sondaale of shimmerene:followNow=1:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=teres arothan:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=teres arothan:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=teres arothan:followNow=1:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=teres arothan:followNow=1:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=varvur sarethi:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=varvur sarethi:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=travel together:ID=varvur sarethi:followNow=1:Choice 1: |me| ==> |me.|
Topic=travel together:ID=varvur sarethi:followNow=1:Choice 2: |here| ==> |here.|
Topic=Trebonius:ID=flacassia fauseius:Dead trebonius artorius=0: |get in| ==> |get it|
Topic=Trebonius:ID=sirilonwe:Dead trebonius artorius=0: |Scuttlehead| ==> |scuttlehead|
Topic=Troubles for House Redoran:Faction=Redoran:Not Local NoLore=0: |They say that Caldera| ==> |Caldera| [This is a copy of the Caldera latest rumors, from a non-Redoran speaker, so should be adapted for a Redoran]
Topic=Troubles for House Redoran:Faction=Redoran:Not Local NoLore=0: |their territory| ==> |our territory| [see above]
Topic=Troubles for House Redoran:Faction=Redoran:Not Local NoLore=0: |that they should| ==> |we should| [see above]
Topic=Troubles for House Redoran:Faction=Redoran:Not Local NoLore=0: |they say that Hlaalu| ==> |Hlaalu| [see above]
Topic=Troubles for House Redoran:Faction=Redoran:Not Local NoLore=0: |Redoran can't| ==> |we can't| [see above]
Topic=Troubles for House Telvanni:Faction=Telvanni:Not Local NoLore=0: |up much| ==> |up much| [doubled space]
Topic=Twin Lamps:ID=galyn arvel:HH_TwinLamps1>=5: |know the| ==> |know of the|
Topic=Uleni Heleran:Cell=Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall:Not ID uleni heleran=1 and town_Sadrith>=10 and town_Sadrith<50 and Not Local NoLore=0: |Mage| ==> |Mages|
Topic=underworks:ID=adaves therayn: |under water| ==> |underwater|
Topic=ultimatum:ID=eno hlaalu:Dead carecalmo>0 and MT_DB_Carecalmo=0 and MT_DB_Darys>=100: |Ashalmimilka| ==> |Ashalmimilkala|
Topic=Ulyne Henim:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=Vampires of Vvardenfell:ID=skinkintreesshade:PC Faction=Mages Guild:MG_EscortScholar>=100: |Most rare booksellers| ==> |Most booksellers|
Topic=Vas:ID=persius mercius:PC_Expelled=1: |Regretably| ==> |Regrettably|
Topic=Vassir Didanat Mine:Race=Dark Elf:Cell=Balmora:Not Local NoLore=0 and MS_VassirDidanat<100: |it's| ==> |its|
Topic=visit anyone:ID=alvela saram:PC Faction=Temple:PC Rank=Layman:A2_4_MiloGone>=10: |in Prison| ==> |in the Prison|
Topic=vulnerability:ID=strillian macro:Disp=30: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=vulnerability:ID=melvure rindu:Disp=30: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=vulnerability:ID=eraamion:Disp=30: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=vulnerability:ID=artisa arelas:Disp=30: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=vulnerability:ID=ygfa:Disp=30: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=vulnerability:ID=smokey morth:Disp=30: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=vulnerability:ID=estirdalin:Disp=30: |magica| ==> |magicka|
Topic=Vvardenfell:Class=Savant:Not Local NoLore=0: |know| ==> |known|
Topic=Vvardenfell:Class=Scout:Random100<75 and Not Local NoLore=0: |know| ==> |known|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:B4_KillWarLovers>=35: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:Disp=50:B4_KillWarLovers>=5 and Item robe_of_erur_dan>1 and Choice=2 and PC Speechcraft>=50: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:Disp=90:B4_KillWarLovers>=5 and Item robe_of_erur_dan>1 and Choice=2 and PC Speechcraft>=50: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:B4_KillWarLovers>=5 and Item robe_of_erur_dan>=1 and Choice=1 and B4_HeartFire>=1 and B4_WarAxe>=1: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:Disp=90:B4_KillWarLovers>=5 and Item robe_of_erur_dan>1 and Choice=1 and B4_HeartFire>=1 and B4_WarAxe>=1: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:B4_KillWarLovers>=5 and Item heart_of_fire>=1 and Choice=1 and B4_HeartFire>=1 and B4_WarAxe>=1: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:Disp=50:B4_KillWarLovers>=5 and Item heart_of_fire>=1 and Choice=1 and B4_HeartFire>=1 and B4_WarAxe>=1: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:Disp=90:B4_KillWarLovers>=5 and Item heart_of_fire>=1 and Choice=1 and B4_HeartFire>=1 and B4_WarAxe>=1: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:B4_KillWarLovers>=5 and B4_Robe>=1 and Item war_axe_airan_ammu>=1 and Choice=1 and B4_HeartFire>=1: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=want to be ashkhan:ID=han-ammu:Disp=90:B4_KillWarLovers>=5 and B4_Robe>=1 and Item war_axe_airan_ammu>=1 and Choice=1 and B4_HeartFire>=1: |Erabinimsun| ==> |Erabenimsun|
Topic=Warlock's Ring:ID=ajira:PC Faction=Mages Guild:MG_StaffMagnus>=100: |west| ==> |east|
Topic=weapon types:ID=angoril:Disp=30: |and throwing knife| ==> |throwing knife and dart|
Topic=weapon types:ID=fenas madach:Disp=30: |and throwing knife| ==> |throwing knife and dart|
Topic=weapon types:ID=flaenia amiulusus:Disp=30: |and throwing knife| ==> |throwing knife and dart|
Topic=weapon types:ID=garothmuk gro-muzgub:Disp=30: |and throwing knife| ==> |throwing knife and dart|
Topic=weapon types:ID=miles gloriosus:Disp=30: |and throwing knife| ==> |throwing knife and dart|
Topic=Withershins:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item bookskill_restoration1>=1:Choice 1: |is| ==> |is.|
Topic=Withershins:ID=aengoth:PC Faction=Thieves Guild:Item bookskill_restoration1>=1:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=wizard spells:ID=aryon:HT_MineCure>=100: |spell fire| ==> |spell of fire|
Topic=Zainab camp:ID=edryno arethi: |camp,| ==> |camp|
Voice:Attack:ID=aundae vampire 4: |Fssst!| ==> |Hahahahahahahaha!|
Voice:Attack:ID=aundae vampire 4:Random100>=80: |Rrrr!| ==> |Rarrrgh!|
Voice:Attack:ID=aundae vampire 4:Random100>=60: |RARRRAR!| ==> |Arragh!|
Voice:Attack:ID=aundae vampire 4:Random100>=40: |Grrrrrr!| ==> |Hah ha!|
Voice:Attack:ID=aundae vampire 4:Random100>=20: |Hmm!| ==> |Die!|
Voice:Attack:ID=quarra vampire 3: |Die!| ==> |Ungh!|
Voice:Attack:ID=quarra vampire 3:Random100>=80: |Arrgh!| ==> |Seize her!| [missing gender check]
Voice:Attack:ID=quarra vampire 3:Random100>=80: |Rarrgh!| ==> |Seize him!| [see above]
Voice:Attack:ID=quarra vampire 5:Random100>=20: |Hargh!| ==> |Ha!|
Voice:Attack:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Same Race=1: |Hahahaha.| ==> |Hurraggh!|
Voice:Attack:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:PCRace=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Attack:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Random100>=50: |had a| ==> |had the|
Voice:Attack:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Random100>=50: |Coward!| ==> |Hold still, coward!|
Voice:Attack:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Random100>=25: |HAAAA!| ==> |Hah!|
Voice:Attack:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=60: |Fight| ==> |Fight,|
Voice:Attack:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=50: |This| ==> |Aw...this|
Voice:Flee:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=40: |attacked. Help!| ==> |attacked!|
Voice:Flee:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=40: |Over here!| ==> |Over here! Over here!|
Voice:Flee:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Random100>=60: |over!| ==> |over.|
Voice:Flee:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Random100>=80: |I have no more quarrel with you.| ==> |This fight is over.|
Voice:Flee:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Random100>=60: |away| ==> |away!|
Voice:Hello:ID=eigma: |day, outlander, so| ==> |day, so| [comment from Todd indicating this]
Voice:Hello:ID=eigma:Talked To PC=0: |day, outlander, so| ==> |day, so| [see above]
Voice:Hello:ID=kar alber: |ahead, outlander.| ==> |ahead.| [see above]
Voice:Hello:ID=kar alber:Talked To PC=0: |ahead, outlander.| ==> |ahead.| [see above]
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=10: | A| ==> |A|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:PC Vampire=1: |Hisses| ==> |Hissss!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=10:Random100>=20: |Hisses| ==> |Hissss!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=50: |Thisss warmblood has questions| ==> |This warmblood wants something?| [comment from Todd noting this in the Result section]
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=60: |traveller| ==> |traveler|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=60:Random100>=80: |traveller| ==> |traveler|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=80: |muthersera| ==> |muthsera|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Disp=10: | A| ==> |A|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Class=Slave:Disp=50: |saer| ==> |ser| [appears to be a typo of "sera" which the voice actor obligingly read as "say-er." But it sounds like "ser" which is a short form of "sera"]
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Disp=60: |traveller| ==> |traveler|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Disp=70:Random100>=80: |traveller| ==> |traveler|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Disp=80: |Muthersera| ==> |Muthsera|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Disp=80:Random100>=60: |traveller| ==> |traveler|
Voice:Hello:Race=Argonian:Sex=Male:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Common Disease=1: |Get| ==> |Eww! Get|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Health Percent<=10: |reward| ==> |drink|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cryodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Race=8: |Now now| ==> |Not now|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Disp=70:Random100>=80: |you friend| ==> |you, friend|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cryodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Race=8: |Now now| ==> |Not now|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Class=Alchemist Service:Disp=90: |Ho friend| ==> |Ho, friend|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Class=Savant Service:Disp=50: |Can I be of service to you?| ==> |Good day to you, outlander. Can I be of service to you?| [comment from Todd indicates this]
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Disp=70:Random100>=80: |it friend| ==> |it, friend|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Disp=90:Same Faction=1: |hardy| ==> |hearty|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Class=Slave:Disp=90: |your| ==> |you|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Clothing Modifier<=50: |youself| ==> |yourself|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cryodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Clothing Modifier>=1000: |youself| ==> |yourself| [as well it appears that the clothing modifier is wrong; compare to the other female gretting and its male counterpart]
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Race=6: |Khajit| ==> |KhajiiHello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Racet|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=40: |traveller| ==> |traveler|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Common Disease=1: |other| ==> |others|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=70:Reputation>=11: |You're| ==> |Your|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Faction=Ashlanders:Disp=70:Random100>=80: |traveller| ==> |traveler|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=90:Reputation>=6: |about.| ==> |about?|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Class=Caravaner:Random100>=60: |make special| ==> |make a special|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Class=Guard:Faction=Temple:Disp=10:Random100>=25: |trouble,you'll| ==> |trouble, you'll|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Class=Guard:Faction=Temple:Disp=70:Random100>=25: |you| ==> |you,|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Class=Shipmaster:Disp=10: |into| ==> |in|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Clothing Modifier<=50: |youself| ==> |yourself|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cryodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Clothing Modifier<=50: |youself| ==> |yourself|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=40: |traveller| ==> |traveler|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=70:Reputation>=11: |You're| ==> |Your|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=70:Random100>=80: |traveller| ==> |traveler|
Voice:Hello:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cryodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=10:Random100>=40: |Hmph!| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=50:PC Health Percent<=50: |help| ==> |tend|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=50:Weather=5: |Travelling| ==> |Traveling|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=50:Weather=6: |Travelling| ==> |Traveling|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=80:Random100>=40: |intruiging| ==> |intriguing|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cryodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=50:Weather=5: |Travelling| ==> |Traveling|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=50:Weather=6: |Travelling| ==> |Traveling|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Clothing Modifier<=75: |wearing, outlander.| ==> |wearing.| [Comment from Todd indicates used to say "outlander" but this was snipped]
Voice:Hello:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Disp=50:Faction=Imperial Legion:Random100>=20: |regarding?| ==> |regarding, outlander?|
Voice:Hello:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:Disp=70:Random100>=40: |Well met.| ==> |Well met, outlander. What is it?|
Voice:Hello:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Clothing Modifier<=250: |appoach| ==> |approach|
Voice:Hello:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Disp=90:PC Health Percent<=50: |be good| ==> |be as good|
Voice:Hello:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:PC Vampire=1: |Growls| ==> |[Growls]|
Voice:Hello:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Race=4: |fool.| ==> |king of nothing.| [comment from Todd indicates this]
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Disp=10:Random100>=40: |Hmph!| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Disp=40: |Don't stand about.| ==> |Don't stand about. Get moving!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Disp=60: |Seen any elves?| ==> |Seen any elves? Hahahahahaha!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Common Disease=1: |You're sick.| ==> |Ugh! You're sick!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Disp=80:Random100>=80: |talk.| ==> |talk?|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Disp=90:PC Health Percent<=10: |You're| ==> |Ugh! You're|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:PC Clothing Modifier<=0: |clothes?| ==> |clothes? Hahahahahaha!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=20:Random100>=80: |me? I| ==> |me? Hah! I|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=1: | What| ==> |What|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=2: | What| ==> |What|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=3: | What| ==> |What|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=4: | What| ==> |What|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=5: | What| ==> |What|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=6: | What| ==> |What|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=8: | What| ==> |What|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=10: | What| ==> |What|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=60: |Seen any elves?| ==> |Seen any elves? Hahahahahaha!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=80:Random100>=80: |talk.| ==> |talk?|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Disp=90:Random100>=80: |to me| ==> |with me|
Voice:Hello:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:PC Clothing Modifier<=0: |clothes?| ==> |clothes? Hahahahahaha!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Clothing Modifier<=100: |rags.| ==> |rags?|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Health Percent<=10: |Find| ==> |Ugh! Find|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=10:Random100>=40: |distrub| ==> |disturb|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=10:Random100>=40: |Hmph!| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=50:PC Health Percent<=75: |Hardly| ==> |Hmmm... hardly|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=50:Random100>=40: |Welcome| ==> |Welcome.|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Health Percent<=10: |you've been| ==> |you're badly|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Health Percent<=10: |healer.| ==> |healer, quickly.|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=70:Random100>=40: |afraid. Only| ==> |afraid. Welcome. Only|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Crime Level>=1000: |cut of| ==> |cut off|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Crime Level>=1000: |cut of| ==> |cut off|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=50:Weather=6: |I hate this weather.| ==> |Curse this weather.| [comment from Todd indicating this]
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=50:Weather=7: |I hate this weather.| ==> |Only fools find comfort in these storms.| [comment from Todd indicating this]
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Disp=90:Same Faction=1: |hardy| ==> |hearty|
Voice:Hello:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:PC Clothing Modifier<=0 and Random100>=75: |Put| ==> |Hahahaha! Put|
Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Female:Disp=10:Random100>=80: |somebody| ==> |someone|
Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Health Percent<=50: |Go get| ==> |Get|
Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Female:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Female:Disp=80:Random100>=20: |travellers| ==> |travelers|
Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Female:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Crime Level>=100: |ways thief.| ==> |ways, thief.|
Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Health Percent<=50: |looks bad| ==> |looks pretty bad|
Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Crime Level>=1000: |til tommorrow| ==> |'til tomorrow|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=10:Random100>=40: |alone!| ==> |alone?!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Crime Level>=1000: |til tommorrow| ==> |'til tomorrow|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=10:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=10:Random100>=40: |alone!| ==> |alone?!|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Clothing Modifier<=20: |indictation| ==> |indication|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=30:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=50:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=70:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hello:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Disp=90:PC Race=5: |Cyrodil| ==> |Cyrodiil|
Voice:Hit:ID=aundae vampire 4: |Hiss| ==> |Hahahahahahahaha.|
Voice:Hit:ID=berne vampire 4: |SSssst!| ==> |Wuaaaugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=40: |Grunt.| ==> |Oomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=40 and Random100>=20: |Grunt.| ==> |Oohoomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=40 and Random100>=40: |Hiss.| ==> |Growl.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=40 and Random100>=60: |Hiss.| ==> |Ooghughugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=60 and Random100>=40: |Grunt.| ==> |Oaghuh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=60 and Random100>=60: |Grunt.| ==> |Ugghh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=60 and Random100>=80: |Grunt.| ==> |Oooaghhh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=80: |AAAIIEE.| ==> |Grunt.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=80 and Random100>=20: |Arrgh.| ==> |Groan.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=80 and Random100>=40: |Fetcher!| ==> |Unh!| [comment from Todd indicating this]
Voice:Hit:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=80 and Random100>=60: |Groan.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=40: |Hiss.| ==> |Agh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=60: |Hiss.| ==> |Grunt.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Hiss.| ==> |Agh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50: |Groan.| ==> |Grunt.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=20: |Groan.| ==> |Gasp!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Grunt.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=60: |Grunt.| ==> |Ungh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Arrgh.| ==> |Oof!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=40: |Grunt.| ==> |Agh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=60: |Groan.| ==> |Gasp!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=80: |Groan.| ==> |Oof!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25: |Ooof!| ==> |Ayagh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=20: |Aaahgh!| ==> |Oof!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Wheeze!| ==> |Agh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=20: |Hungh!| ==> |Oomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Gulp!| ==> |Aagh!... Ah!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50: |AAAIIEE.| ==> |Augh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Arrgh.| ==> |Oohoomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=40: |Fetcher!| ==> |Aiee!| [comment from Todd indicating this]
Voice:Hit:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=60: |Oomph!| ==> |Ow!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=25: |Grunt.| ==> |[Cough]|
Voice:Hit:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=25 and Random100>=20: |Groan| ==> |Aaugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=25 and Random100>=40: |Growl.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=25 and Random100>=60: |Gasp.| ==> |Ungh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=20: |Eeek| ==> |Eeek!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=60: |Ughn| ==> |Oogh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=60: |Groan.| ==> |Ungh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=80: |Grunt.| ==> |Owaugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=60: |Ughn| ==> |Ughn.|
Voice:Hit:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25: |Grunt.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=20: |Grunt.| ==> |Aaaa!|
Voice:Hit:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=40: |Hiss.| ==> |Ow-oh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=60: |Hiss.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Hiss.| ==> |Ough!|
Voice:Hit:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50: |AAAIIEE.| ==> |Aauooogh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=40: |Fetcher!| ==> |Uaaagh!| [comment from Todd indicating this]
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25: |Grunt.| ==> |Oh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=20: |Grunt.| ==> |Ow!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=40: |Hiss.| ==> |Ow!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=60: |Hiss.| ==> |Agh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Hiss.| ==> |Oomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50: |Groan.| ==> |Aaagh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=20: |Grunt.| ==> |Ow!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Grunt.| ==> |Aaow!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=60: |Grunt.| ==> |Ow!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=80: |Grunt.| ==> |Aagh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Arrgh.| ==> |Aaaaow!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=40: |Fetcher!| ==> |Agh!| [comment from Todd indicating this]
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=60: |Groan.| ==> |Ow!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=80: |Groan.| ==> |Agh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=75: |Wuggh| ==> |Wuggh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:PC Health Percent>=75 and Random100>=50: |Uggh| ==> |Ughh!| [Check should be HealthPercent not PC Health Percent]
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:Random100>=50: |Hughahh.| ==> |Hughahh.| ==> |Agh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:Random100>=60: |Hughah.| ==> |Oomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25: |Grunt.| ==> |Hrmph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=20: |Grunt.| ==> |Hurrmph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=40: |Hiss.| ==> |Hrmph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=60: |Hiss.| ==> |Aiyeeghaauaa!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Hiss.| ==> |Wuaaghh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Hiss.| ==> |Aiyeeghaauaa!| [same checks as above so this will probably never play]
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50: |AAAIIEE.| ==> |Wuaaghh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Fetcher!| ==> |Eragh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Grunt.| ==> |Hrrrgh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=40: |Hiss.| ==> |Sssgrrargh.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=60: |Hiss.| ==> |Rghssghrargh.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=40: |Hugnh!| ==> |Fetcher!| [comment from Todd indicating this]
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25: |Grunt.| ==> |Rraugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=20: |Groan.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=40: |Growl.| ==> |[Gasp!]|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=60: |Gasp.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Scream.| ==> |Aaauugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50: |Growl.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=20: |Cough| ==> |Aaagh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Gasp.| ==> |Aaaaagh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=60: |Scream.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=80: |Yell.| ==> |Augh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50: |Arrgh.| ==> |[Scream!]|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Umpfh| ==> |Ooah!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=60: |Grunt.| ==> |[Cough!]|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=80: |Groan.| ==> |Ecch!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=60: |Scream.| ==> |Aaaagh.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=80: |Yell.| ==> |Hey!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Cough| ==> |[Cough]|
Voice:Hit:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Umpfh| ==> |Umpfh.| [same checks as above so this will probably never play]
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25: |Groan.| ==> |Oof!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=20: |Groan.| ==> |Oomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=40: |Grunt.| ==> |Groan.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50: |AAAIIEE.| ==> |Ughm!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=20: |Arrgh.| ==> |Oomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Ughn!| ==> |Oomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=60: |Groan.| ==> |Oof!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=80: |Groan.| ==> |Oomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50: |AAAIIEE.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Arrgh.| ==> |Oh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=40: |Fetcher!| ==> |Ugh!| [comment from Todd indicating this]
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=60: |Groan.| ==> |Argh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=80: |AAAIIEE.| ==> |Ow!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50: |AAAIIEE.| ==> |Hrragh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Arrgh.| ==> |Hrraghar!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=80: |AAAIIEE.| ==> |Harrgh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Umpfh| ==> |Ughhh.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25: |Grunt.| ==> |Oooofff!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=20: |Groan.| ==> |Oomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=40: |Growl.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=60: |Gasp.| ==> |Aaugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Scream.| ==> |Ungh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50: |Growl.| ==> |Ugh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=20: |Cough| ==> |Ghragh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Gasp.| ==> |Gargh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=60: |Scream.| ==> |Aagh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=80: |Yell.| ==> |Oof!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Redguard:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Umpfh| ==> |Argh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25: |Grunt.| ==> |Eeagh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=20: |Groan.| ==> |Egh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=40: |Growl.| ==> |Grunt.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=60: |Gasp.| ==> |Grunt.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Scream.| ==> |Agh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50: |AIIEEE.| ==> |Ughhh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=20: |Groan.| ==> |Agh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Groan.| ==> |Egh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=60: |Groan.| ==> |Eagh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=80: |Grunt.| ==> |Egh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50: |Arrgh.| ==> |Aaaaaagh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=20: |Eeek| ==> |Eghhaah!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=40: |Oooff.| ==> |Eghhhe!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=60: |Ughn| ==> |Aghh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=80: |Stoopid.| ==> |Groan.|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25: |Grunt.| ==> |Umph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=25 and Random100>=80: |Scream.| ==> |Aaaghaaaaah!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=25 and Random100>=20: |Groan.| ==> |Oof!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50: |Arrgh.| ==> |Gaaarh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Eeek| ==> |Eeek!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=40: |Groan.| ==> |Owwwghhh!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Health Percent<=50 and Random100>=80: |Grunt.| ==> |Ooomph!|
Voice:Hit:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Health Percent>=50 and Random100>=60: |Ughn| ==> |Unghsh!|
Voice:Idle:Race=Argonian:Sex=Female:Random100>=60: |Stick| ==> |Stir|
Voice:Idle:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Random100>=70: |Whistle| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Breton:Sex=Female:Random100>=90: |Clears throat.| ==> |[Clears throat.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Random100>=70: |Whistle| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Breton:Sex=Male:Random100>=90: |Clears throat.| ==> |[Clears throat.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Female:Random100>=50: |Grumbling.| ==> |[Grumbling.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Dark Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=50: |Grumbling.| ==> |[Grumbling.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=High Elf:Sex=Female:Random100>=70: |Whistle.| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=70: |Whistle.| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=High Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=90: |Clearing throat.| ==> |[Clearing throat.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100>=50: |Whistle.| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100>=80: |Clearing throat.| ==> |[Clearing throat.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100>=90: |Humming.| ==> |[Humming.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:Random100>=20: |Clears throat.| ==> |[Clears throat.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:Random100>=30: |Whistles.| ==> |[Whistles.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:Random100>=60: |Clears throat.| ==> |[Clears throat.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Female:Random100>=30: |Purr.| ==> |[Purrs.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Khajiit:Sex=Male:Random100>=30: |Purrs.| ==> |[Purrs.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Random100>=70: |Humms.| ==> |[Hums.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Nord:Sex=Female:Random100>=90: |Whistle| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Random100>=50: |Whistle.| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Nord:Sex=Male: |Humm.| ==> |[Humming.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Random100>=60: |Humm.| ==> |[Humming.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Nord:Sex=Male:Random100>=80: |Whistle.| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Orc:Sex=Female:Random100>=40: |Clears throat.| ==> |[Clears throat.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Orc:Sex=Male:Random100>=80: |Clearing throat.| ==> |[Clearing throat.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Redguard:Sex=Female: |Whistling.| ==> |[Whistling.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Redguard:Sex=Female:Random100>=50: |Humming.| ==> |[Humming.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Random100>=50: |Whistle.| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Female:Random100>=60: |Humm.| ==> |[Humming.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=50: |Whistle.| ==> |[Whistle.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=60: |Humm.| ==> |[Humming.]|
Voice:Idle:Race=Wood Elf:Sex=Male:Random100>=80: |Grumbles.| ==> |[Grumbles.]|
Voice:Thief:Race=Breton:Sex=Female: |fool!| ==> |fool?!|
Voice:Thief:Race=Breton:Sex=Male: |fool!| ==> |fool?!|
Weapon:ID=devil_tanto_tgamg:Name=Anarenen's Devil Tanto: [name] |Anarenen's| ==> |Anareren's|
Weapon:ID=dwemer jinksword:Name=Dwemer Jinksword: [name] |Dwemer| ==> |Dwarven| [all armor is "Dwemer" and all weapons "Dwarven" except two; done for consistency]
Weapon:ID=dwarven axe_soultrap:Name=Dwemer Pneuma-Trap: [name] |Dwemer| ==> |Dwarven| [see above]
Weapon:ID=erur_dan_spear_unique:Name=Erud-Dan's Spear: [name] |Erud-Dan's| ==> |Erur-Dan's|
Weapon:ID=orcish warhammer:Name=Orc Warhammer: [name] |Orc| ==> |Orcish| [matches all other weapons and armor of Orcish make]
Weapon:ID=claymore_Agustas:Name=Sword of Agustas: [name] |Agustas| ==> |Augustus|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever3a:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever8a:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever3b:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever8b:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever9b:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever9a:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever10a:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever10b:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever11a:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Activator:ID=act_sotha_lever11b:Name=Rusted lever: [name] |lever| ==> |Lever|
Armor:ID=dragonbone_cuirass_unique_x:Name=Dragonbone cuirass: [name] |cuirass| ==> |Cuirass|
Container:ID=flora_plant_03:Name=Timsa-Come-By flowers: [name] |Timsa-Come-By flowers| ==> |Timsa-Come-By| [with "flowers" is the same as the name of the ingredient contained by the plant]
Door:ID=door_load_darkness00:Name=Dark hole: [name] |hole| ==> |Hole|
Door:ID=door_sotha_load:Name=Heavy metal door: [name] |metal door| ==> |Metal Door|
Door:ID=door_sotha_pre_load:Name=Heavy metal door: [name] |metal door| ==> |Metal Door|
Door:ID=door_sotha_imp_door:Name=Heavy metal door: [name] |metal door| ==> |Metal Door|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Calvus Horatius:Merc_Calvus>=1 and companion=1 and Health Percent>25: |some rest| ==> |some rest| [doubled space]
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Calvus Horatius:Merc_Calvus>=1 and companion=1 and Health Percent>50: |some rest| ==> |some rest| [doubled space]
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Calvus Horatius:Merc_Calvus>=11 and companion=1 and Health Percent>25: |some rest| ==> |some rest| [doubled space]
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Calvus Horatius:Merc_Calvus>=11 and companion=1 and Health Percent>50: |some rest| ==> |some rest| [doubled space]
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=detritus caria:MS_ClutterCollector>=80: |your| ==> |yours|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Dovor Oren:MS_Warlords=100: |accomodated| ==> |accommodated|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Fons Beren:PC Sex=1 and MatchMakeFons=0: |beautful| ==> |beautiful|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Nerile Andaren:MS_CrimsonPlague=70: |detemined| ==> |determined|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Trels Varis:TR09_Journalist>=1: |her alive| ==> |here alive|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Trels Varis: |her alive| ==> |here alive|
Greeting:Greeting9:Cell=Mournhold:Disp=40:Ramdom100<=40: |I just| ==> |I'm just|
Ingredient:ID=Ingred_timsa-come-by_01:Name=Timsa-Come-By flowers: [name] |flowers| ==> |Flowers|
Journal:MS_Adulterer (30): |report to| ==> |report this to|
Journal:MS_BarbarianBookC (1): |Trhud| ==> |Thrud|
Journal:MS_Blackdart (5): |hlep| ==> |help|
Journal:MS_Bouncer (10, 100): |proprieter| ==> |proprietor|
Journal:MS_CrimsonPlague (40): |over-run| ==> |overrun|
Journal:MS_EstateSale (60): |Dorth| ==> |Droth|
Journal:MS_JobHunt (10): |Craftmen's| ==> |Craftsmen's|
Journal:MS_JobHunt (30): |Craftmen's| ==> |Craftsmen's|
Journal:MS_Performers (150): |Player's| ==> |Players'|
Journal:MS_ScrollSales (50): |Ten-Tongues Weeraht| ==> |'Ten-Tongues' Weerhat|
Journal:MS_Thief (90): |happend| ==> |happened|
Journal:TR_Assassins (10): |infomant| ==> |informant|
Journal:TR_Blade (55): |Craftmen's| ==> |Craftsmen's|
Journal:TR_MazedBand (40): |artifacts| ==> |artifact's|
Journal:TR_MazedBand (40): |it's| ==> |its|
Journal:TR_MazedBand (50): |it's| ==> |its|
Journal:TR_ShowPower (30): |Almelexia| ==> |Almalexia|
Journal:TR_ShowPower (60): |Time| ==> |Times|
Journal:TR_ShowPower (70): |Time| ==> |Times|
Journal:TR_ShowPower (80): |Alamalexia| ==> |Almalexia|
Journal:TR_ShowPower (100): |Mourhold| ==> |Mournhold|
Journal:TR_ShrineDead (30): |Almelexia's| ==> |Almalexia's|
Journal:TR05_People (110): |Helseth,and| ==> |Helseth, and|
Misc Item:ID=ashes_Dwemer:Name=Ash pile: [name] |pile| ==> |Pile|
Misc Item: ID=key_durgok:Name=Durgok's key: [name] |Durgok's key| ==> |Durgoc's Key|
Misc Item: ID=key_trib_dwe00:Name=Dwemer key: [name] |key| ==> |Key|
Misc Item: ID=key_trib_dwe01:Name=Dwemer key: [name] |key| ==> |Key|
Misc Item: ID=key_trib_dwe02:Name=Dwemer key: [name] |key| ==> |Key|
Misc Item:ID=Misc_flask_grease:Name=Jar of grease: [name] |grease| ==> |Grease|
Misc Item:ID=key_velas:Name=A worn key: [name] |worn key| ==> |Worn Key|
Script:ID=explosion_pushout: |somethin| ==> |something| [seems to be an internal test script not seen by the player]
Script:ID=fab_attack_helseth: |Attack the creatures!! We must defend the city!!!!| ==> |Take arms! Drive back these creatures!| [subtitle text for this and below was reversed; source for this is vo\misc\tr_royal_4.mp3 and below is vo\misc\tr_highord_4.mp3]
Script:ID=fab_attack_highord: |Take arms! Drive back these creatures!!!| ==> |Attack the creatures!! We must defend the city!| [see above]
Script:ID=mazedbandEnd_Script: |Mazedband| ==> |Mazed Band|
Script:ID=playScript: |master home| ==> |master at home| [supposed to be as close as possible match to the book "The Horror of Castle Xyr"; some lines have been shortened for dialog boxes though]
Script:ID=Sotha_Alma: |" Fear| ==> |"Fear| [leading space]
Script:ID=Sotha_Alma: |this hole| ==> |his hole| [two instances]
Script:ID=Sotha_Alma: |god"| ==> |god."|
Script:ID=SothaImperfectDoor: |budge. Not| ==> |budge, not|
Script:ID=TribEnd: |those she| ==> |those whom she|
Script:ID=TribEnd: |this was her undoing| ==> |her undoing|
Script:ID=TribEnd: |Vivec, is| ==> |Vivec is|
Script:ID=TribEnd: |mortal.Embrace| ==> |mortal. Embrace|
Topic=adamantium armor:ID=bols indalen:Choice=6 and MS_Armor_Crafter>=1 and Item ingred_adamantium_ore_01>=6 and Item Gold_001>=6000: |Custom Adamantium| ==> |Custom Adamantium| [doubled space]
Topic=adamantium armor:ID=bols indalen:Choice=7 and MS_Armor_Crafter>=1 and Item ingred_adamantium_ore_01>=3 and Item Gold_001>=4200: |Custom Adamantium| ==> |Custom Adamantium| [doubled space]
Topic=adamantium armor:ID=bols indalen:Choice=8 and MS_Armor_Crafter>=1 and Item ingred_adamantium_ore_01>=4 and Item Gold_001>=3000: |Custom Adamantium| ==> |Custom Adamantium| [doubled space]
Topic=assassin would attack:ID=meryn othralas:Choice=5 and MissCounter=0.0000: |improvement| ==> |improvement.|
Topic=assassin would attack:ID=meryn othralas:Choice=5 and MissCounter=8.0000: | lease| ==> |Please|
Topic=Boots of the Apostle:ID=Torasa Aram:bootsapostle=1: |Wonderous| ==> |Wondrous| [two instances]
Topic=Boots of the Apostle:ID=Torasa Aram:bootsapostle=1 and TR_Blade=40: |Wonderous| ==> |Wondrous| [two instances]
Topic=craftsmen:Cell=Mournhold:TR_Blade>=20 and TR_Blade<65 and Not ID ilnori_faustus=1: |Craftmen's| ==> |Craftsmen's|
Topic=Cure Disease potion:ID=Geon Auline:MS_CrimsonPlague=20:Choice 3: |potion| ==> |potion.|
Topic=Cure Disease potion:ID=Geon Auline:MS_CrimsonPlague=20:Choice 4: |potion| ==> |potion.|
Topic=discontent in the Temple:ID=Galsa Andrano:Choice=2:Choice 1: |Helseth| ==> |Helseth.|
Topic=discontent in the Temple:ID=Galsa Andrano:Disp=90:Choice=2:Choice 1: |Helseth| ==> |Helseth.|
Topic=drink away:ID=therdon:Choice=1: |matze| ==> |mazte|
Topic=drink away:ID=therdon:Choice=2: |Craftmen's| ==> |Craftsmen's|
Topic=Droth Dagger:ID=Geon Auline:Choice=5 and Item silver dagger_droth_unique=1:Choice 3: |the the| ==> |the|
Topic=Droth Dagger:ID=Geon Auline:Dead Arnsa Thendas=0: |wiling| ==> |willing|
Topic=Droth Dagger:ID=Geon Auline:Dead Arnsa Thendas=0: |2nd| ==> |Second|
Topic=ebony armor:ID=bols indalen:Choice=6 and MS_Armor_Crafter>=1 and Item ingred_raw_ebony_01>=18 and Item Gold_001>=15400: |Custom Ebony| ==> |Custom Ebony| [doubled space]
Topic=ebony armor:ID=bols indalen:Choice=7 and MS_Armor_Crafter>=1 and Item ingred_raw_ebony_01>=9 and Item Gold_001>=7000: |Custom Ebony| ==> |Custom Ebony| [doubled space]
Topic=ebony armor:ID=bols indalen:Choice=8 and MS_Armor_Crafter>=1 and Item ingred_raw_ebony_01>=12 and Item Gold_001>=10500: |Custom Ebony| ==> |Custom Ebony| [doubled space]
Topic=Fedris Hler:ID=Tienius Delitian: |goddess's| ==> |goddess'|
Topic=game of shells:ID=galms seles:Choice=1: |on me| ==> |on me.|
Topic=game of shells:ID=galms seles:Choice=2:Choice 4: |gold| ==> |gold.|
Topic=game of shells:ID=galms seles:Choice=2:Choice 5: |gold| ==> |gold.|
Topic=game of shells:ID=galms seles:Choice=2:Choice 6: |gold| ==> |gold.|
Topic=game of shells:ID=galms seles:known!=1:Choice 2: |Ok| ==> |Okay|
Topic=game of shells:ID=galms seles:known=1:Choice 2: |Ok| ==> |Okay|
Topic=Gavas Drin:ID=King Hlaalu Helseth: |goddess's| ==> |goddess'|
Topic=glass armor:ID=bols indalen:Choice=6 and MS_Armor_Crafter>=1 and Item ingred_raw_glass_01>=18 and Item Gold_001>=12300: |Custom Glass| ==> |Custom Glass| [doubled space]
Topic=glass armor:ID=bols indalen:Choice=7 and MS_Armor_Crafter>=1 and Item ingred_raw_glass_01>=9 and Item Gold_001>=5600: |Custom Glass| ==> |Custom Glass| [doubled space]
Topic=glass armor:ID=bols indalen:Choice=8 and MS_Armor_Crafter>=1 and Item ingred_raw_glass_01>=12 and Item Gold_001>=8400: |Custom Glass| ==> |Custom Glass| [doubled space]
Topic=goblins:ID=fedris hler: |viscious| ==> |vicious|
Topic=goblins:Class=Guard:Cell=Mournhold:TR-KillGoblins>=10: |recenty| ==> |recently|
Topic=Godsreach:Cell=Mournhold, Craftsmen's Hall: |thee| ==> |the|
Topic=Golena Sadri:ID=Alvan Llarys:MS_Thief=80: |detatched| ==> |detached|
Topic=Goval Ralen:ID=Marena Gilnith:MatchMakeGoval=8: |layed| ==> |laid|
Topic=help Shunari:ID=Shunari Eye-Fly:MS_CrimsonPlague=105:Choice 2: |yet| ==> |yet.|
Topic=High Ordinators:ID=King Hlaalu Helseth: |goddess's| ==> |goddess'|
Topic=High Ordinators:ID=Teinius Delitian: |zealouts| ==> |zealots|
Topic=join the Royal Guards:ID=Tienius Delitian:TR07_Guard>=100: |temperment| ==> |temperament|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Mournhold, Godsreach:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: |is in| ==> |in|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Mournhold:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: and Random100<=15 and MS_ScrollSales<100 and Not ID Ten-Tongues_Weerhat=1 and Not ID Ahnia=1 and Not ID Elbert Mermarc=1: |Weeraht| ==> |Weerhat|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Mournhold:Disp=30:Not Local NoLore=0: and Random100<=35 and Not ID detritus caria=1: |craftsmen| ==> |craftsman|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Mournhold, Godsreach:Disp=30:Random100<=25 and Not Local NoLore=0: |they're| ==> |there're|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Mournhold, Godsreach:Disp=30:Random100<=25 and Not Local NoLore=0: |says| ==> |say|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Mournhold, Plaza Brindisi Dorom:Sex=Female:Disp=30:MournholdAttack=-1: |stilll| ==> |still|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Mournhold, Plaza Brindisi Dorom:Sex=Female:Disp=30:MournholdAttack=-1: |DWemer| ==> |Dwemer|
Topic=official matter:ID=Teinius Delitian:TR05_People>=1: |about about| ==> |about|
Topic=Marena Gilnith:ID=Sunel Hlas:MS_MatchMaker=100:Choice 2: |Stoires| ==> |Stories|
Topic=Meet someone new:ID=Marena Gilnith:Choice=3: |loathesome| ==> |loathsome|
Topic=missing Hand:Cell=Mournhold, Godsreach:TR_MissingHand_02>=1 and Dead Salas Valor=0: |with with| ==> |with|
Topic=Morrowind lore:Cell=Mournhold:Not Local NoLore=0: |site on| ==> |site of|
Topic=my collection:ID=detritus caria:Choice=3 and Item misc_clothbolt_02>=1 and Item misc_imperial_silverware_pitcher>=1: |christen| ==> |designate|
Topic=my collection:ID=detritus caria:Choice=6: |abonlish| ==> |abolish|
Topic=plot:ID=plitinius mero:HelAss=1: |Heleseth| ==> |Helseth|
Topic=Royal Guard:ID=Tienius Delitian: |dealth| ==> |dealt|
Topic=Services:Cell=Mournhold: |Craftmen's| ==> |Craftsmen's|
Topic=Spell Breaker:ID=Tarasa Aram:Spellbreaker>=2 and Item spell_breaker_unique=0: |selling| ==> |providing| [it may have been donated]
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Mournhold, Great Bazaar:Sex=Female:Not ID meryn othralas=1: |itinerent| ==> |itinerant|
Topic=someone in particular:Cell=Mournhold, Godsreach:Sex=Female:Not ID hession=1 and Not ID Torasa Aram=1 and Not ID bols indalen=1: |Craftmen's| ==> |Craftsmen's| [two instances]
Topic=Spear of Bitter Mercy:ID=Torasa Aram:Choice=1 and Item spear_mercy_unique=0: |BItter| ==> |Bitter|
Topic=Spear of Bitter Mercy:ID=Torasa Aram:Choice=3 and Item spear_mercy_unique=0: |BItter| ==> |Bitter|
Topic=Vampiric Ring:ID=Torasa Aram:ringvampiric=3 and Item ring_vampiric_unique>0: |YWhat| ==> |What|
Topic=women:ID=fons beren:PC Sex=1: |anymore| ==> |any more|
Topic=women:ID=Sunel Hlas:MatchMakeSunel=8: |time",| ==> |time,"|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:PC Faction=Mages Guild:PC Rank=Arch-Mage:Random100<=5: |may| ==> |can|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100<=10 and PC Race=1: |Argonian| ==> |Argonian.|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100<=10 and PC Race=2: |Breton| ==> |Breton.|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100<=10 and PC Race=4: |High Elf| ==> |High Elf.|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100<=10 and PC Race=5: |Imperial| ==> |Imperial.|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100<=10 and PC Race=7: |Nord| ==> |Nord.|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100<=10 and PC Race=8: |Orc| ==> |Orc.|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100<=10 and PC Race=9: |Redguard| ==> |Redguard.|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100<=10 and PC Race=10: |Wood Elf| ==> |Wood Elf.|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:Class=Guard:Random100<=25: |Empire| ==> |Empire.|
Voice:Hello:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:PC Race=6 and Random100<=10: |Elswyr| ==> |Elsweyr|
Voice:Hello:ID=barenziah:TR_MHAttack>=10 and TR_Bamz<10: |would that| ==> |that|
Voice:Idle:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Female:Random100>=70: |what was it I was| ==> |what was I|
Voice:Idle:Cell=Mournhold:Race=Imperial:Sex=Male:Random100>=50: |Clears throat.| ==> |[Clears throat.]|
Weapon:ID=adamantium_axe:Name=Admantium Axe: [name] |Admantium| ==> |Adamantium|
Container:ID=Contain_BM_wolfbane_01:Name=Dried Wolfbane: [name] |Wolfbane| ==> |Wolfsbane|
Container:ID=Contain_BM_hollowstump:Name=Hollow Treestump: [name] |Treestump| ==> |Tree Stump|
Creature:ID=draugr:Name=draugr: [name] |draugr| ==> |Draugr|
Door:ID=BM_IC_door_pelt_dark:Name=Bearskin Covered Entrance: [name] |Bearskin Covered| ==> |Bearskin-Covered|
Door:ID=BM_IC_door_pelt:Name=Bearskin Covered Exit: [name] |Bearskin Covered| ==> |Bearskin-Covered|
Door:ID=BM_IC_door_pelt_wolf:Name=Bearskin Covered Exit: [name] |Bearskin Covered| ==> |Bearskin-Covered|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=draugr_aesliip:BM_Draugr>=40 and BM_Draugr<60: |then| ==> |than|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=glenmoril_witch_cave:Talked To PC=0: |requring| ==> |requiring|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=glenmoril_witch_cave_2:BM_WolfGiver=30: |Etienne| ==> |Ettiene|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=glenmoril_witch_cave_3:BM_WolfGiver=30: |Etienne| ==> |Ettiene|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=glenmoril_witch_cave_3:BM_WolfGiver>=50 and BM_WolfGiver<60: |occassion| ==> |occasion|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=glenmoril_witch_cave_3:BM_WolfGiver_a=10: |posions| ==> |poisons|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=falx carius2:BM_WildHunt>=40 and cariustalk=1: |go not| ==> |go no|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=kjolver:BM_WomanScorned=0: |visistor| ==> |visitor|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=mirisa_shrine: |potect| ==> |protect|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=svenja snow-song:BM_Meadhall>=100: |lord.| ==> |lord?|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=svenja_outside:BM_MeadHall=40 and ingred_udyrfrykte_heart=0: |Uderfrykte| ==> |Udyrfrykte|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=svenja_outside:BM_MeadHall=40 and ingred_udyrfrykte_heart=1: |Udyrfryte| ==> |Udyrfrykte|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=thormoor gray-wave:BM_CursedCaptain_a=10: |I'm| ==> |I|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=thormoor_out:BM_CursedCaptain<100:MessageBox: |Glydenhul| ==> |Gyldenhul|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=thormoor_thirsk:BM_CursedCaptain>=50 and BM_CursedCaptain<100:MessageBox: |Glydenhul| ==> |Gyldenhul|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=thormoor_thirsk:BM_CursedCaptain>=50 and BM_CursedCaptain<100 and BM_Tria>=100:MessageBox: |Glydenhul| ==> |Gyldenhul|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Toralf:nordhit=1 and CO_13a<30: |Thnk| ==> |Think|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=ulfgar the unending:Choice=1: |lie| ==> |lay|
Greeting:Greeting1:ID=Uryn Maren:CO_6a=50: |Carnuis| ==> |Carnius|
Journal:BM_FrostGiant1 (20): |Skall| ==> |Skaal|
Journal:BM_FurArmor (7): |descendents| ==> |descendants|
Journal:BM_Missionary (130): |ovecome| ==> |overcome|
Journal:BM_MeadHall (100): |namd| ==> |named|
Journal:BM_MeadHall (110): |Svenja-Snow Song| ==> |Svenja Snow-Song|
Journal:BM_Retribution (10): |necessary| ==> |necessarily|
Journal:BM_Retribution (20): |involved is| ==> |involved in|
Journal:BM_Rumors (10): |fort named| ==> |fort there named|
Journal:BM_SadSeer (35): |to Oddfrid| ==> |to Oddfrid| [doubled space]
Journal:BM_SadSeer (100): |surrouned| ==> |surrounded|
Journal:BM_Smugglers (10): |weapons| ==> |weapon|
Journal:BM_Stones (100): |Stonesinger| ==> |Stone-Singer|
Journal:BM_Trees (20): |agressive| ==> |aggressive|
Journal:BM_Water (10): |the the| ==> |the|
Journal:BM_WildHunt (30): |his hunt| ==> |his Hunt| [matches other capitalizations of this]
Journal:BM_WildHunt (64): |Apparenty| ==> |Apparently|
Journal:BM_WolfGiver (50): |wolsfbane| ==> |wolfsbane|
Journal:BM_WolfGiver (70): |wolsfbane| ==> |wolfsbane|
Journal:BM_WolfGiver (80): |Etienne| ==> |Ettiene|
Journal:BM_WolfGiver (105): |Etienne| ==> |Ettiene|
Journal:CO_8 (10): |Islid| ==> |Isild| [river; matches paper map]
Journal:CO_8 (50): |Stahlrim| ==> |Stalhrim|
Journal:CO_13 (10): |elminate| ==> |eliminate|
Misc Item:ID=key_nuncius:Name=Nuncius' key: [name] |key| ==> |Key|
Misc Item:ID=key_nuncius2:Name=Nuncius' key: [name] |key| ==> |Key|
NPC:fryssa:Name=Fryssa : [name] |Fryssa | ==> |Fryssa| [two trailing spaces]
Script:ID=heartfanghuntScript: |the Hircine's| ==> |Hircine's|
Script:ID=hircine1Script: |part the Hunt--Carius| ==> |part in the Hunt -- Carius|
Script:ID=hircine2Script: |great.| ==> |great?|
Script:ID=hircineringScript: |the Ring of Hircine| ==> |Hircine's Ring|
Script:ID=stoneNikulasScript: |Nikulas's| ==> |Nikulas'|
Spellmaking:ID=bm_frstgnt:Name=Karstaag Resists1: [name] |Resists1| ==> |Resists| [internal non-PC spell; there is only one]
Spellmaking:ID=stone_nikulas:Name=Nikulas's Personality: [name] |Nikulas's| ==> |Nikulas'|
Topic=assignment:ID=Falco Galenus:PC Faction=East Empire Company:CO_7>=80 and ColonySide=1 and Dead graring=0: |Islid| ==> |Isild| [river; matches paper map]
Topic=Baslod:ID=Carnius Magius:ColonySide=2: |it's| ==> |its|
Topic=Baslod:ID=Carnius Magius:CO_12a>=30 and Dead Baslod=1: |matter| ==> |matters|
Topic=barbarian's sad tale:ID=ulfgar the unending:BM_BrodirGrove>=0: |sorceror| ==> |sorcerer|
Topic=berserkers:ID=bm_reinhardt: |beause| ==> |because|
Topic=blessings of Almalexia:ID=mehra helas:Choice 1: |mehra| ==> |Mehra|
Topic=blessings of Almalexia:ID=mehra helas:Choice 2: |mehra| ==> |Mehra|
Topic=Carnius Magius:ID=Falco Galenus:ColonySide=1: |alterior| ==> |ulterior|
Topic=custom fur armor:ID=brynjolfr: |Solsteim| ==> |Solstheim|
Topic=decision:ID=Carnius Magius:CO_4=20:Choice 5: |Trader| ==> |Trader.|
Topic=drastic measures:ID=Carnius Magius: |indominitable| ==> |indomitable|
Topic=Erich the Unworthy:ID=skjold wolf-runner: |can not| ==> |cannot|
Topic=failed in our quest:ID=ulfgar the unending:Choice=1: |know, this %PCName.| ==> |know this, %PCName:|
Topic=failed in our quest:ID=ulfgar the unending:Choice=2: |lie| ==> |lay|
Topic=hire guards:ID=Gratian Caerellius: |his| ==> |this|
Topic=hire guards:ID=Falco Galenus:Choice=1 and aferguard=1 and gratianguard=1 and garnasguard=1:Choice 3: |Uvalen| ==> |Uvalen.|
Topic=hire guards:ID=Falco Galenus:Choice=4: |good.!| ==> |good!|
Topic=hire guards:ID=Falco Galenus:Choice=5: |good.!| ==> |good!|
Topic=hire guards:ID=Falco Galenus:Choice=6: |good.!| ==> |good!|
Topic=Imperial matter:ID=severia gratius:Choice=4: |thinngs| ==> |things|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Fort Frostmoth:Random100>=50: |anyway| ==> |anyway.|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Raven Rock:ColonyState>=30 and Random100>=20: |anyway| ==> |anyway.|
Topic=latest rumors:Cell=Raven Rock:Random100>=80: |anyway| ==> |anyway.|
Topic=Mantle of Woe:ID=tymvaul:BM_Tymvaul>=0 and BM_Tymvaul<30: |lie| ==> |lay|
Topic=Mantle of Woe:ID=tymvaul:BM_Tymvaul>=30 and BM_Tymvaul<50: |lie| ==> |lay|
Topic=Mantle of Woe:ID=tymvaul:BM_Tymvaul>=30 and BM_Tymvaul<50:Choice 2: |sent your| ==> |sent by your|
Topic=Mantle of Woe:ID=tymvaul:Choice=4: |You're| ==> |Your|
Topic=mead hall business:ID=svenja snow-song:Choice 1: |Skyrim| ==> |Skyrim.|
Topic=mead hall business:ID=svenja snow-song:Choice 2: |profits| ==> |profits.|
Topic=mead hall business:ID=svenja snow-song:Choice 3: |pelts| ==> |pelts.|
Topic=Mirisa never returned:ID=erna the quiet:BM_Missionary>=10:BM_Missionary<100: |abouts| ==> |about|
Topic=Nord village:ID=saenus lusius:BM_CariusGone<20: |commune| ==> |communion|
Topic=Nord village:ID=saenus lusius:BM_CariusGone<20: |creatures of this island| ==> |island's creatures| [done to reduce field length to less than 512 to enable change above]
Topic=old man's anguish:ID=lassnr:BM_Tymvaul>=0 and BM_Tymvaul<40 and Dead tymvaul<1: |Rinhull| ==> |Rimhull|
Topic=pick axes:ID=Falco Galenus:CO_3a=10 and Item miner's pick=2 and picks=0: |a piece| ==> |apiece|
Topic=pick axes:ID=Falco Galenus:CO_3a=10 and Item miner's pick=5 and picks=0: |a piece| ==> |apiece|
Topic=promotion:ID=Falco Galenus:PC Faction=East Empire Company:PC Rank=Deputy:CO_13<40: |authoity| ==> |authority|
Topic=Raven Rock:Cell=Solstheim:ColonyState<3: |It's| ==> |Its|
Topic=ready to go:ID=Gidar Verothan:PC Faction=East Empire Company:CO_1=20: | We're| ==> |We're|
Topic=Reavers:Cell=Raven Rock:Global Random100>50: |Its| ==> |It's|
Topic=re-hire:ID=Carnius Magius:PC Faction=East Empire Company:CO_8a>=20 and PC Expelled=1: |I'll see take| ==> |I'll take|
Topic=report:ID=Tirvel Balen:Choice 1: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=report:ID=Tirvel Balen:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=restore the power of the Skaal:ID=tharsten heart-fang:BM_Stones=80: |Stonesinger| ==> |Stone-Singer|
Topic=roots:ID=Unel Lloran:CO_10>=50:Choice 1: |go| ==> |go.|
Topic=roots:ID=Unel Lloran:CO_10>=50:Choice 2: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=roots:ID=Unel Lloran:CO_10=80:Choice 3: |Yes| ==> |Yes.|
Topic=roots:ID=Unel Lloran:CO_10=80:Choice 4: |No| ==> |No.|
Topic=seen anything:ID=Falco Galenus:CO_3=10: |get| ==> |keep|
Topic=Services:Cell=Raven Rock:ColonyService=2: |oupost| ==> |outpost|
Topic=Skaal:Cell=Solstheim, Thirsk: |hundreds of| ==> |over a hundred| [there are references to Thirsk both being a hundred and five hundred years old, but by adding up the chronology in the book "Thirsk, A History" by Bereditte Jastal, the total is a fraction over 101 years]
Topic=snow bear armor:ID=brynjolfr:BM_FurArmor>=10:Choice 9: |Right Now| ==> |right now.|
Topic=snow wolf armor:ID=brynjolfr:BM_FurArmor>=10:Choice 9: |Right Now| ==> |right now.|
Topic=snow wolves:ID=brynjolfr: |descendents| ==> |descendants|
Topic=Stalhrim:ID=Carnius Magius:ColonySide=2: |Harstad| ==> |Harstrad| [river; matches paper map]
Topic=Stalhrim:ID=Carnius Magius:ColonySide=2: |Ilsid| ==> |Isild| [see above]
Topic=Stalhrim armor:ID=aenar:Choice 9: |Nevermind| ==> |Nevermind.|
Topic=Stalhrim armor:ID=Carnius Magius:CO_8a>=50 and Stalhrimgiven>=2:Choice 9: |Nevermind| ==> |Nevermind.|
Topic=Stalhrim weapons:ID=Carnius Magius:CO_8a>=50 and Stalhrimgiven>=2:Choice 5: |Nevermind| ==> |Nevermind.|
Topic=Stalhrim weapons:ID=hidar:Choice 6: |Nevermind| ==> |Nevermind.|
Topic=stock certificate:ID=Carnius Magius:ColonyStock=1:Choice 1: |certificate| ==> |certificate.|
Topic=stock certificate:ID=Carnius Magius:ColonyStock=1:Choice 2: |value| ==> |value.|
Topic=stock certificate:ID=Constans Atrius:CO_13>=60 and ColonySide=1:Choice 4: |certificate| ==> |certificate.|
Topic=stock certificate:ID=Constans Atrius:CO_13>=60 and ColonySide=1:Choice 5: |value| ==> |value.|
Topic=stock certificate:ID=Constans Atrius:CO_13a>=50 and ColonySide=2:Choice 4: |certificate| ==> |certificate.|
Topic=stock certificate:ID=Constans Atrius:CO_13a>=50 and ColonySide=2:Choice 5: |value| ==> |value.|
Topic=the power of the Skaal:ID=tharsten heart-fang:BM_Stones=80: |Stonesinger| ==> |Stone-Singer|
Topic=the Udyrfrykte:ID=svenja snow-song:BM_Missionary>=0 and BM_Trial>=100 and BM_MeadHall<40: |been sealed| ==> |been sealed| [doubled space]
Topic=the Udyrfrykte:ID=svenja snow-song:BM_Missionary>=0 and BM_Trial>=100 and BM_MeadHall<40: |Udyrfrykte is| ==> |Udyrfrykte is| [doubled space]
Topic=Thirsk:Cell=Skaal Village: |hundreds of| ==> |over a hundred| [see above Thirsk age comment]
Topic=Thirsk:Cell=Solstheim, Thirsk: |five| ==> |a| [see above Thirsk age comment]
Topic=Toralf:ID=Carnius Magius:nordhit=1 and SameFaction=1: |yout| ==> |your|
Topic=wolves:Cell=Fort Frostmoth:Random100<=30: |guars| ==> |guar|
Voice:Hello:ID=Carnius Magius:CO_2>=70: |We| ==> |We've|
Voice:Idle:ID=uncle sweetshare:Random100>=0: |worskhop| ==> |workshop|
Voice:Idle:ID=falx carius: |Clears throat.| ==> |[Clears throat.]|