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Melchior Dahrk and RubberMan

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About this mod

Help reforge the long lost sword of the legendary Kagouti King. This figure of myth wielded an extraordinary blade moulded in the likeness of his namesake. And you will be the next bearer of the sword after you help an attention hungry weaponsmith achieve his dream of reforging it.

Permissions and credits
  • Polish

Help reforge the long lost sword of the legendary Kagouti King (modeled by the equally legendary RubberMan!). This figure of myth wielded an extraordinary blade moulded in the likeness of his namesake. And you will be the next bearer of the sword after you help an attention hungry weaponsmith achieve his dream of reforging it.

The mod includes a sheath for the weapon if you use Weapon Sheathing and a small book hinting at the sword's illustrious history.

MGE XE 0.10.1 or later:
MWSE 2.1 nightly (install 2nd):
Tamriel Rebuilt:
Tamriel Data:

Playing the plugin:
To start the quest, listen to the Latest Rumors in Mournhold.
If you have TR_Preview and TR_Travels_(Preview_and_Mainland) activated, then you can walk from Mournhold to Dun Akafell to complete the quest. Otherwise, you can use the new guide NPC I added to Plaza Brindisi Dorom.

Greatness7, Merlord, and Petethegoat for coding help
Lord Berandas for the base of the sheath