Simple fix for OpenMw is just delete the Mwse folder, working fine for me
So after messing around with this mod for a while, is the exterior wall supposed to have some kind of gatehouse before you get into the throat of red mountain? I can see through the wall mesh as I walk along the path into the volcano's chimney. If this mod isn't being updated anymore, I don't mind constructing a gatehouse myself where the wall mesh just kinda stops.
Also, I am wanting to try to work on a way to make this compatible with Darknut's Greater Dwemer ruins and/or Dagoth Ur Fleshed Out, mainly because GDR adds a lot of extra levels to Dagoth Ur and I want to keep the exterior cell changes this mod has. I haven't messed around with Dagoth Ur Fleshed Out yet, but it seems to do a lot of the same things to the interior this mod does from what I can tell. With permission, I'd like to make a variant of this mod or patch for it to work with GDR or other mods that alter the interior of Dagoth Ur by renaming/moving the redone vanilla cells or at minimum just keeps the exterior cell and boss-fight changes. -
The "DU_ashaltar" related bug is still present as of August 2024
Unable to find referenced object "DU_ashaltar" in script ddu_platform_script. -
What is the MWSE stuff actually used for in this?
I'm just wondering because i would love to use this but i use OpenMW. Im wondering if its stuff that could be dropped and just keep the rework of he place itself kinda like the OpenMW version of Caldera Mine Expansion. Im using RMR but would like to drop that for this because this looks much more epic and expansive.
RMR also isnt compatible with Ald-Ruhn X and I would imagine this is. Is it compatible with Ghostgate Fortress aswell? -
This mod looks fantastic! But I suppose it doesn't work too well with mods like Red Mountain Reborn or Devilish Rocky Red Mountain ?
Is this compatible with Akulakhan Best Chamber?
I hope this mod gets another update!
The mod looks AWESOME, but I'm getting this warning:
Unable to find referenced object "DU_ashaltar" in script ddu_platform_script.
Is there any update coming to fix this? Or does anyone knows how can I manually solve the problem? I'm really wanting to try this mod -
I get the following error when starting or loading a game:
Unable to find referenced object "DU_ashaltar" in script ddu_platform_script.-
So That's the mod that's causing it, Damn, I hope this gets fixed soon, I really want to have a cool base for Dagoth Ur
Getting the same error upon new game / game load. Still no fix months later?
can the mod still be played with this DU_ashaltar" in script ddu_platform_script thing missing
Any news about this bug? :(
I just want to let RedFurryDemon and OperatorJack know that I BELIEVE IN YOU.