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Von Djangos

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  1. ShulShagana
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This along with Djangos Dialogue was one of the earliest mods I remember *always* installing, without fail, back when I started playing and modding Morrowind circa 2009
    How time flies...
    Also? I love the dialogue. I like that you took some liberties using unusual (made up?? or just non-American?) slang, but it doesn't feel out of place at all. Gives the Thieves Guild a nice flavor.

    If I may change the topic a bit, do you have any plans to reupload and polish "Nastier Camonna Tong"? While an orphaned upload (your old account, I believe) exists, I think it deserves to be in your current, active account :-)
    (Also, would that upload be the latest 1.2n version? Or nay?)
    And if I may continue the trip down the memory lane... Sleepers, Awake! was also great, and a nice example of how the more things change the more they stay the same ;-)
    1. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      I think for the most part I was using slang from Planescape Torment, which I would have been big into at the time.

      How time flies indeed! I realised I'd been modding elderscrolls for 17 years now...

      I'm fond of Nastier Camonna Tong, but I think it was a younger me trying to create edgy content a little. I would probably release a mod that was just 'Cantanterous Camonna Tong'. Less of telling Lizards to lick their own ass or something equally bizzare.

      Immersive Morrowind does have some of the them mouthing off in voiced exchanges though!

      I had an idea to use some amazing unused locations by Hedgehog in a new series of dream sequences for an updated version of Sleepers Awake. Maybe one day...
    2. ShulShagana
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I love all your dialogue and voice mods. You're doing great things for this game.
      (And sorry you occasionally get weird AI moralizing in the comments.)

      On the topic of "nastier responses" using a mod like Real Disposition (esp. the Hard plugin) shows just how lacking the game is in that aspect. I love the more overtly hostile world (and true, it surfaces a lot of content people won't see because by default everyone is neutral-to-favorable to the player), but also everyone tends to say the same ~2 lines either in voice overs or in text ("I ask myself... Do I like you enough to tell you about this?"). So mods like yours are very important to me, hah.
  2. ReachHeavenByViolence
    • premium
    • 35 kudos
    Does this add any dialogue to Tappius Esdrecus?
    1. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Don't think so. Affresh does though.
  3. Painlieeer
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Any conflicts with your Dialogue mod or any LGNPC mod?
    1. inpv
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      There is indeed a conflict with the Dialogue mod and you can't join the Thieves Guild if you use both.
    2. ReachHeavenByViolence
      • premium
      • 35 kudos
      Any idea how to make them compatible?
  4. chozzman
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Neat mod. Personally I like the little bits of added slang. This is a pretend guild in a fantasy world in a video game, the notion they have to have grammar and speech patterns exactly like America in the 21st century is absurd. There's not a single word used that we didn't make up and have other people go "Hey that's neat I'll say that now." They are a series of sophisticated grunting noises we use to express ideas formed in our heads and send out of our mouths by vibrating the air inside vocal cords and pushing it out and through our mouths. The way they talk in game is already not lore friendly as they didn't speak 21st century English as the dominant language anywhere in Morrowind, hell it shouldn't even be the language in Cyrodiil or anywhere else if you want to really get into all of this shit. If you want to make them call something "jink" go ahead and do it. If Bethesda made them say "slink your jink" in the base game, it'd probably be a running joke by now. Complaining about using a lot of words or words you don't like is f*#@ing dumb, especially when reading is easy and the game has text based dialogue. It's a bunch of 0s and 1s combined to make a game where you can walk around as a lizardman named Re-Tard who looks like they have to take a massive s#*! with a bad case of scoliosis. It's not real life it's a pretend video game. It's also still got better dialogue than Skyrim, so I'll take it.
  5. brimstonenightmare
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    TES characters calling you "chum", really bro? You also wrote jink instead of junk, and even junk wouldn't fit.
    I've never heard anyone who was born after the 1940s say "pike off" in Britain, ever, and there's a reason for that. Why would an Orc in Vvardenfell be saying it?
    Only Habasi and Estoril read nicely, and Estoril is still too verbose. 
    1. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Pike off, chum. You clearly dont know your slink from your jink.
  6. gmod
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    You gotta typo on pic 2, "jink" instead of "junk".
    1. Mummelpuffin
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Probably a reference to jinkblades.
    2. Stiffkittin
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      It's not a typo. The author uses expressions like "...sling your jink", and "...know your slink from your jink",  in other dialogues referencing bartering and the pc's thieving skill. The only typos I noticed across multiple playthroughs were the harmless its/'s, your/'re variety and the minor misspelling 'emporer'. You have to be pretty sensitive or pedantic to let that bother you in a game with this much to read. It's a quality mod with excellent writing and numerous examples of clever 'Morrowindy' wordplay.
  7. MysteriousMrBear
    • supporter
    • 39 kudos
    New to morrowind so might be misunderstanding here, but does this mod not just occlude players who don't use speechcraft from playing the thieves guild content? My one memory of trying persuasion in this game with a low personality was of desperately trying the different options watching the disposition bar go down until I was punched in the face. 

    I guess you could buy a scroll or bribe, but they both actually sound less lore friendly than the original option... 
    1. OffworldDevil
      • premium
      • 119 kudos
      Well, Speechcraft and Mercantile are stealth skills, and the Thieves Guild obviously favors stealth skills. If your character's too much of an incompetent buffoon to properly persuade or bribe people, why would they recruit you?
    2. Strix2206
      • member
      • 42 kudos
      I totally agree with SpaceDevo.
  8. zelurker
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Actually the thieves guild is in "gray territory" in morrowind, a little like the assassins of the morag tong but to a lesser level, they are seen as a useful solution to fix some issues, like a noble absolutely wants something, he calls them instead of starting a war for it.
    Now it's still theft, so they are supposed not to be caught, but they have a serious code of honor, very far from what there was in skyrim, the thives guild in morrowind would never have accepted to do what they do in riften at the start of the game... !

    I guess it works because despite the problems of morrowind, there are quite a lot of rich people, so they can try to steal from them to try to balance things, it was of course harder in riften for skyrim !
  9. robertsaron
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is the thieves guild mod I downloaded: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48473?tab=files&file_id=1000129139
    There is one that I am trying to find, that allows you to enter the thieves guild from any city, and from the thieves guild, you can go to any city, as you do the quests. Does this mod do that? It did not say in the description.
  10. Lucas9
    • premium
    • 93 kudos
    Great mod! However, there are two issues:
    - There are roughly 20 lines of dirty dialogue, caused by the Construction Set.
    - Even when Habasi tells you she doesn't know what you mean by "rules", you still get a journal entry listing the rules of the Thieves Guild.

    It would be great if you could upload a fixed version. I fixed these issues myself so if you want me to I can send you the cleaned plugin!
    1. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Thanks Lucas9!

      A few of the vanilla dialogue edits are intentional - I needed to up the disposition requirements on them to make them display correctly. I've caught some others though, as well as the rules bug you identify above.