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MMC - see Credits

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About this mod

Community expansion to Glass Domes of Vivec - visual fixes, new region mechanics, and more.

Permissions and credits

For a more comprehensive overhaul of Vivec, see Mixed cantons of Vivec.
If you want my weather module to work with closed Molag Mar, just use No-Frills Closed Molag Mar in addition to my weather module.

1. Feature overview:

- new meshes allowing MCP rain collision fix to work properly in the domes
- new, darker and thicker textures - closer to vanilla, yet more elegant
- domes illuminate at night if you're using Glow in the Dahrk
- optional immersive weather mechanics module - an edited .esp and mwse-lua script enables open domes to use weathers from Ascadian Isles Region, such as rain, thunderstorm, ashstorm, or blight
- mwse-lua script includes option for a green sun tint inside (glorious with sunshafts shader)
- an optional .esp which additionally modifies Arena Pit (untouched by the original mod) to also use Ascadian Isles weather and wonderful openings from Atmospheric Plazas
- .esp replacer for Welcome to the Arena, patch for Stav's Boxes - Mages Guild Aesthetics Overhaul + Balmora - Seat of Power of House Hlaalu + Glass Domes.

2. Install instructions
  • Install the original mod (LINK) - remember about its own requirements (i.e. Project Atlas)
  • Install this mod (BAIN-ready archive) and overwrite assets from the original file
  • If you only want to change visuals, install [00 Core Visual Assets] and, optionally, one of the visual alternatives.
  • New mechanics module requires both MGE XE and MWSE-lua to be installed. Best way is to grab the newest MGE XE and run MWSE-Update.exe
  • Atmospheric Arena addon does not require the original mod (which you should endorse anyway!), and you should only be using one .esp at a time. Do not load both Glass Domes of Vivec.esp and Glass Domes of Vivec_atmospheric arena.esp
  • There are two types of GitD patches - flickering (recommended) and still - only install one
  • If you're using Welcome to the Arena, replace the mod's original .esp with the one from Moonrain archive - this is to be used with Atmospheric Arena version
  • If you're using a patch for Balmora - Seat of Power of House Hlaalu and Stav's Boxes - Mages Guild Aesthetics Overhaul, use .esp included in this mod instead
  • Note - optional transparent textures are closer to the original mod's idea, but can cause problems with distant meshes suddenly popping-up

3. Credits

  • Sade1212 for the original mod
  • qwertyquit for that one glass texture from HD Clutter I borrowed and edited
  • Leyawynn for fixed meshes with rain collision
  • RandomPal for the Atmospheric Arena addon and the patches/replacers
  • MelchiorDark and MMC community for helping make GitD patch, and GitD itself (both the concept, instructions, and assets)

4. Videos