Do you think you can make a version where you'll transform just during full moon (14th to 16th of every month)?
Perhaps allow the Ring of Hircine to prevent transformations too? I saw another mod do that, but it doesn't look like its compatible.
Edit : I'll just patch it myself. -
One small step for a game, one giant leap for gameplay.
This is a great mod. It also has an anti-cheese element if using ashfall in that you cannot just decide "I will just rest here for 10-hours so that I become a werewolf and then enter that cave with all the difficult monsters", because maybe you won't turn into one that night, and you cannot just sleep for 20-hours because the ashfall mod requires you to eat and stuff. Nor can you just check into the nearest inn and sleep there until the transformation because barging out of an inn as a werewolf is terrible RP lol
this is perfect, i love playing werewolves on solstheim but being one on vvardenfell is a huge pain in the ass. this is a huge improvement to that, thanks