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About this mod

This mod adds a short quest for you to do. There are three endings and one involves you becoming the owner of your very own Hlaalu player home near Suran.

Permissions and credits
This mod adds a quest for you to help a Dunmer having some legal troubles with the ownership of her house. To start the quest, head just southwest of Suran over the river until you reach some farmland. There you'll find a Dunmer named Fervusa Drinith standing beside a farmhouse, speak with her to start the quest.

This mod was intended for the Morrowind Winter Modjam 2022 but as this is my first time making a quest mod, it took me a bit longer than expected :)

Required Mods:

Installation Instructions:
To install this mod, simply place the file ReallyGreatHouse.esp into your Morrowind installation's Data Files folder. Alternatively, you can use a mod manager like Wrye Mash - Polemos fork or Mod Organizer 2.

Recommended Mods:
  • Morrowind Optimization Patch - Without this mod you will have problems getting up and down the stairs on the exterior of the player home in my mod. If you are playing Morrowind nowadays you should be using this anyways.

Should be compatible with everything but if you have any problems with mods you are using you can mention it in the Bugs section.