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  1. Inkdrops
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason I'm getting two Baar Daus: one that seems to be distant land generated, and another solid one that's slightly offset (several meters lower), except the doors and lanterns match the distant land generated one but not the other... Can't figure out why this is happening...any idea?
    1. Citronen
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am having the same problem. I would love to know if there's a solution to this problem.
  2. lelimule
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    This mod brings a incohency with existing dialogue: "visit anyone" topic talk about 3 exterior doors. But now there are only 2...
  3. lelimule
    • supporter
    • 24 kudos
    For information: an incompatibility with Privileges And Services: the PP_inquisitor P&S NPCs (and other PP_... NPC) are now out of position. They must be moved to a correct location in this new layout.
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Wish there was an interior only version... too many Baar Dau's and too many personal preferences but atleast the interior we can separate :). 
    Awesome mod anyway
  5. MaximDi
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    1. Fluffalicious
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      There's nothing to be afraid of installing OAAB, and you should also consider installing Tamriel_Data.  They are big resource projects that don't actually change the game on their own.  They are asset repositories that add tons of new models, textures, and resources of all kinds for modders to use. What they add is lore-friendly and high-quality.

      These days 80%+ of the mods being released rely on one or both of them.  They are easy to install just follow the directions, if you use something like Mod Organizer for your Morrowind mods it makes installing them even easier.  If you want to fully enjoy modern Morrowind modding you will need OAAB and Tamriel_Data to be quite honest. 

      They add thousands of new assets for modders to use so that everyone has a shared pool of resources to keep things consistent and make individual mods smaller and more manageable.  They are essential, and you should install them, if you need help join the Morrowind Modding Discord and there are many people there who would gladly help you. All you have to do is install the mods and then register the .bsa file in your Morrowind.ini file by adding one line of text for each bsa, it's very straightforward.
  6. metalgrape
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    My NPCs are floating quite high above the chairs instead of sitting in them

    Any ideas?
    1. lelimule
      • supporter
      • 24 kudos
      I see the Grand Priest like that too. OpenMW related?...
    2. metalgrape
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah, using 0.48
  7. hokan42
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    I noticed several issues with this mod on my setup.
    I'm using OpenMW 0.46 and the "Lava - Mold - Mud Caverns Revamp" mod which may possibly affect the shape of the rock corridors slightly.

    The stairs up to the the Grand Inquisitor have some clipping between the in_velothi_s_pitstep_01.nif and in_velothismall_pit_02.nif meshes - the stair steps peak out a little bit through the sides of the stairs. I'm not using any mesh replacers for these meshes, so I doubt that its a mod issue.

    When using a save where I previously already been inside Baar Dau I had some expected bugs:

    * Some doors where in the wrong place.
    * Entering through the lower exterior door, dropped me off below the interior where I saw a bunch of NPCs falling into the void.
    * All NPCs in the main interior except for the one in the torture room ended up missing.
    * All NPCs (3 prisoner and 4 guards) where in the inner cell block interior. There where no prisoners inside the cells, but this may be due to having saved the priestess and the other two NPCs having been released (as implied by their dialog).

    When using a save with a character that had not been to Baar Dau everything seemed fin.

    I did noticed that the left and central prison cell, was locked both from the outside and inside.

    More importantly with both saves[1] I observed some odd NPC wandering, two NPCs would wander up to the door of the torture chamber and then continuously walk into walls.

    1: In the save with missing NPCs I simply re-added the NPCs via "placeatme".

    In some cases I would also notice the NPC in the torture chamber walking into rocks or into the chamber door. In the later case he would wander out if one opened the door.

    Testing the vanilla Baar Dau interior, showed no such wandering behavior.

    1. hater8
      • premium
      • 131 kudos
      we don't support OpenMW, anyway other people tested this mod on clean OpenMW and didn't report any bugs
    2. vaelta44
      • member
      • 53 kudos
      I am also getting missing NPCs - everybody gone except for the torturer.

      New game, vanilla Morrowind.

      Edit: Done a little bit of playing in the CS, and there is something very weird going on with this mod: if I put a copy of each missing NPC in, I get ONE in the game. (Yes, one, not two standing in the same place.) And if I remove either the original or the copy, I get no NPC.

      Explain that one!

      So, I now have a modified version with each NPC double up in the cell, and it works.
    3. zsouza13
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Is this the initial cell you load into from the outside? Like which NPCs were missing?
  8. ppuhg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It looks cool, but in the interior I see missing meshes with latest oaab.


    I found f_v_wall_desym17_app2.nif in the latest BCOM, but I don't know where to get the others.  Were there other requirements?
    1. Sahughani
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Had the same problem. I found the missing meshes and textures in their Vivec City mod.

      You need the following:
    2. ppuhg
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks!  That fixed it.
    3. hater8
      • premium
      • 131 kudos
  9. Do you absolutely need glow in the dahrk?
    1. Vegetto88
      • premium
      • 137 kudos
  10. CosmicCrisis69
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Don't know why but using it with MO2, and despite loading it after Glow in the Dahrk and OAAB Data, it gives me warnings upon loading up Morrowind that there is a dependency issue. Additionally, it is not being included by the distant land wizard. That may be a problem on my end because for some reason my MO2 plugins stopped showing up in the distant land wizard selector (I had to add a path to the mod folder).

    Still shows up in game when I get close tho, so it is working.