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Brother Juniper with updates by LucevarUploaded by
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About this mod
Update of Brother Juniper's classic quest mod. Join the Twin Lamps and fight against slavery through ~20 new quests. Now with overhauled locations, bug fixes, and extra dialogue and quest choices.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

OAAB Edition by Lucevar
Many years ago, Brother Juniper released a masterpiece of a mod, called "Brother Juniper's Twin Lamps". It allowed you to join the elusive group of abolitionists you meet in the vanilla game, hear their stories and the stories of those they help, and to lead them to victory against slavery on Vvardenfell. The storyline was compelling and nuanced, bittersweet, multi-branching, and full of real choices that can change the outcome for some of the NPCs you get to know.
I loved it.
This is my tribute to that mod, an update that makes use of recently released modder's resources to bring the mod's locations to life, fixes bugs, and adds some extra dialogue and quest choices. But at it's core, it's still the mod Brother Juniper made.
Brother Juniper, if you're reading this - thank you. I hope you like the changes I've made.
- Many new locations to visit, including a Camonna Tong smuggling camp, an inn offering shelter to strangers, a shipwreck, and a besieged shack in the Bitter Coast.
- [New in 2.0] These locations have been updated with OAAB assets, including an overhaul of the shipwreck by Corsair, the author of OAAB Shipwrecks. Locations which previously mixed tilesets or made extensive use of kitbashing have been made more coherent.
- NPCs to love and loathe - slavers, abolitionists, slaves, and a lot of people whose lives are impacted by the slavery question. From noble-born politicians to humble farmers and miners, you'll meet them all.
- 900 new lines of dialogue added by Brother Juniper
- Twin Lamps faction is now joinable.
- ~ 20 new quests with branching paths and different potential outcomes
- 7-8 vanilla quests have additional commentary, options, or integration with the mod in some fashion.
- [New in 2.0] Bugs and typos fixed, dialogue and quest options tweaked, and supporting dialogue added where appropriate. Quests should flow more smoothly now.
- You'll need to learn the Twin Lamps password. You can do that by freeing slaves, or by stumbling upon one of the central characters (see the walkthrough included for more details).
- Once you know the password, speak to the new leader of the Twin Lamps to join (again, see walkthrough for details).
- OAAB Data
- Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon
- Compatible with both MWSE and OpenMW
- Compatible with Dura gra-Bol and the Grab-All Gang
- Should be mostly compatible with (most) mods that add options for freeing slaves (eg Slave Escort, Live Free, Free the Slaves) - although there is a slight incompatibility with regard to the Arvel's backstory with Cyran0's Slave Escort mod. Please let me know if you can confirm any of these!
- Compatible with BCOM
- Compatible with Patch for Purists, as long as you load this mod after PfP
- NOT compatible with Nevena's Twin Lamps and Slave Traders
- Slightly incompatible with Caldera Mine Expanded - load BJTL AFTER Caldera Mine Expanded
- Yet Another Guard Diversity - load BJTL AFTER YAGD
- Minor incompatibility with Rise of House Telvanni - Duke Vedam Dren can die during the ROHT questline, but he's needed for the TL questline. I'll eventually make a patch, but for now a workaround is to complete this mod before progressing to that point in ROHT.
- Brother Juniper, for 99% of the content of this mod
- Militiades for the voice acting
- OAAB team for generously providing most of the modder's resources used
- Tamriel Data team for providing the rest of the modder's resources used
- Cyprinus for pointing me to where I could obtain the Hlaalu fireplace meshes without having to extract BSAs
- Alice for beta-testing
- Pikachuno for fixing collision on a tavern mesh for me, and for script help
- Greatness7 for script help
- Corsair for converting the Wrecked Slave Ship to the OAAB Shipwreck set
- RandomPal for landscape fixes/BCOM compatibility tweaks
- Alice, Corsair, abot, and Beyond2010, EspeciallyCommon, Sandgentleman, alexpublius, RandomPal for testing and reporting bugs
Brother Juniper's Twin Lamps Mod 1.1 (Tribunal)
The Elderscrolls III: Morrowind Plug-In
Brother Juniper
[email protected]
Synopsis: This plug-in turns the Twin Lamps abolitionist faction into
a faction similar to the others in the game, with 15-20 quests.
Many of the quests have multiple solutions, and there is a branching
storyline where you get to guide the overall strategy of the Twin Lamps.
There are also large battles, mysteries to unravel, and the possibility
of actually ending slavery on Vvardenfell. Have fun!
Changes Since 1.0
-Made compatible with Tribunal journal system.
-VOICE ACTING! Courtesy of Militades.
-Added transportation option to Camonna Tong camp.
-Enabled slaves in Camonna Tong camp to be freed.
-Added NPC companion for Dren Plantation quest.
-Added dialogue reactions for Mournhold.
-Added a slave Merchant to Mournhold.
-Several bug-fixes (PLEASE e-mail me if you find any others!)
To install the plugin, unzip the files into the Morrowind/Data Files
From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the box
next to the Juniper's Twin Lamps.esp file.
If you have acquired the "Twin Lamps" topic, you can start this thread
by talking to Jarodan at Stendarr's Retreat Inn. Another path is
by stumbling across the shack along the coast south of Hla Olad.
You'll need to free about 15 slaves before you can actually join the
Twin Lamps and get quests from Tiras Bitterblade.
KNOWN ISSUES: Due to the removal of three guard references, you may
receive the message "Cannot find 'TL_Mineguard1'" when loaded with
certain plugins that modify those guards. While there don't appear
to be any effects from this message, you can remove it in 90%+ of
the cases by opening up this plug-in in the construction set and
re-saving it (so the date is *later* than the conflicting plug-in.)
I owe a tremendous debt to Militades, who did amazing work. I think
the voices just lift the whole plugin to another level.
A primary goal of mine has been to seamlessly weave the Twin Lamps
faction into Morrowind, so that it's entirely consistant with the
original game and the world of Tamriel.
I've also tried to make if fun to play, with an interesting story,
interesting characters, and some depth.
Finally, there are many historical references to the abolitionist
movement in the United States. For example, the text in "A Slave's
Life" is taken from "Uncle Tom's Cabin," a book that had a great
impact on the way people thought about slavery. Many of the
quests, including the strategy debate, reflect real-life steps
that social movements such as abolitionism have taken.
This is difficult to write for a mod this large, and I've tried
hard to make this mod as clean as possible, used TESAME, etc. But
I think this is important, so...
The most invasive changes were to the following quests: In the Redoran
quest to disrupt the Caldera mine, keys sitting out in the open were
removed, and several generic Hlaalu guards were removed. New keys were
given to NPCs. Likewise, in the Telvanni slave rebellion quest, the
key in the mine was removed. New keys were added to several guards.
No game settings were changed. No static objects, books,
weapons, armor, etc. were changed. Where objects were added, they
begin with tl_, except some books and keys (usually bk_tl_...)
There are hundreds of lines of dialogue added. Nothing was removed,
nor was anything added not directly related to the Twin Lamps faction.
Several generic "latest rumors" responses were added.
In the TRIBUNAL journal settings, I added "close out" flags to a couple
faction quests (Redoran - Caldera Disrupt, Telvanni - Slave Rebellion) you
may activate without being part of that faction. [So if you do the quests
before joining a Great House, it may not show up on your quest list the
second time through.]
The Twin Lamps Faction settings were changed.
BitterCoast Region cell -11, 4 was changed to "Fatleg's Camp," and
a bandit camp was added there. Lots of NPCs, several scripts.
A shack and NPCs were added on the southern edge of the Bitter Coast
swamps, near Hla Olad.
An inn was added just northeast of Vivec, with assorted clutter and NPCs in the
vicinity, extending out to the bridge. Global variables were added to make
the rental bed work, but are not implemented.
A ship, NPCs, and associated clutter were added on the coast East of Vivec
and south of Omani Manor. Several scripts.
An NPC and skiff was added to Hla Olad.
A table and two NPCs were added to Suran. The pathgrid was changed to
adjust for the table.
A new NPC was added at Balur salvu's farm, south of Pelagiad.
New NPCs were added at Sterdecan's farm, west of Suran.
A new NPC was added in Balmora, with script.
A new NPC and a couple creatures, with scripts, were added in Ald'ruhn.
A new ship, clutter, and NPCs were added to Tel Aruhn. Several NPCs were
added on an island just east of Tel Aruhn. Most have scripts.
A couple new guards were added in Sadrith Mora, with scripts.
Minor clutter (a note) added to Irgola's shop, and the slave markets in
Molag Mar and Suran, with scripts.
Clutter was added to the Abebaal mine, and the lighting/fog settings were
changed. Eleedal lei's script was changed. Inventory and scripts for the
other slaves were changed. A key in the mine was removed, and new keys
were added to several guards.
A script was added and abilites were changed to an NPC inside the St. Olm's
miners and tanners hall.
A building was added and removed in the Telvanni Underworks, in the wilderness
east of Gnisis along the mountains, north of Suran along the river, and
south of Fatleg's Camp (cell -11,2). Nothing in-game, but will show up in the
Three NPCs were added to the Mournhold Market.
New NPCs were added to the Caldera mines. The guards were changed/removed (no
longer generic guards, now unique Caldera mine guards), and the pathgrid was
changed so NPCs wouldn't get stuck on a certain beam. A door on one of
the slaveshacks was locked. Keys sitting out in the open were removed, and
new keys were added to NPCs. Stats on several miners were changed.
I may have left out one or two minor things, but that's essentially it.